Cutting 1719

Chapter 287 Establishment of the Military Aircraft Department

Chapter 287 Establishment of the Military Aircraft Department

The whole of July was full of joy and sorrow for the Qing Dynasty. The army led by Nian Gengyao had already achieved initial victories in the Northwest. The main force commanded by Xining, Songpan, Ganzhou and other places attacked Nanchuan, Beichuan, Xichuan, Zhenhaibao and Guide in separate routes, and won a big victory.

In this battle, the Qing army has always fought steadily, but Luo Bu Zang Danjin made a big mistake at the beginning of the war. The number of troops in his hand was not strong, so he chose to divide his troops to defend under such circumstances , so that the Qing army was able to win more and less in every battle, and achieved the purpose of defeating each.

Especially during the Battle of Zhenhai Fort, the Heshuo Special Army was besieging Zhenhai Fort, but Yue Zhongqi, who supported him in a timely manner, took advantage of this opportunity to launch a surprise attack. But there were not many troops under his command, so he asked Luo Bu Zang Danjin for help.

Then Luobu Zangdanjin sent 3000 reinforcements, and the two sides fought repeatedly in Zhenhai Fort, resulting in a strangling situation. After five days of continuous bloody battles, the reinforcements of the Qing army arrived again, and the Heshuo Special Army suffered heavy casualties. , was forced to retreat, and suffered a major defeat.

"I finally won this time."

Holding the memorial presented by Nian Gengyao and Yue Zhongqi in his hands, Yongzheng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.When the victory was reported earlier, Yongzheng didn't dare to have too much expectation in his heart, but now that Gengyao has written the whole process clearly, Yongzheng's heart is relieved.

In a sense, this big victory can better consolidate Yongzheng's position, at least the first battle of ascension to the throne can be regarded as a victory. Of course, Yongzheng selectively ignored the fact that the Fuhan army captured the city in the south of the Yangtze River.

Maybe it won't be long before Nian Gengyao will be able to recover Tibet, and the Tibet lost in Kangxi's hands will return to the territory of the Qing Dynasty, which means that his Yongzheng is the real destiny, and the rest The eighth and fourteenth masters are all bullshit.

If it were normal, the emperor would have to inspect Sai in person to show off his martial arts, like the first Emperor Kangxi, who governed the outside of the Great Wall in a submissive manner, but after all, it is different from the past, the undercurrent in the court , he was very clear in his heart, but Yongzheng felt a little resentful at the thought of not being able to leave the fortress.

"I'm safe, thank you Lan Qing. There are always those who meet each other privately, but they may not be as good as the ears of the two of us. Needless to say, I am very fortunate; my joy is incomparable. .”

After returning to the study, Yongzheng began to write a reply to Nian Gengyao. After careful consideration, he wrote: "In short, the two of us will pretend to be the emperors and ministers of the past, so that the world will admire and salivate. .I am really happy and happy, and I am grateful for the blessings of the gods of heaven and earth."

Since Yongzheng came to power, although he has been vigorously cultivating his confidantes, after all, the number of people is limited, and the qualifications are too shallow. People like Ertai, Tian Wenjing, and Li Wei are still grinding in the local area, and they will not be able to directly mention it for a while. Going up to the key position also made Yongzheng feel a little lonely.

Fortunately, there is such a General Nian Gengyao Nian, who already had some qualifications before taking the position, but now he takes the position of General Fuyuan, which makes him feel at ease, especially this person is not only capable, but also loyal, Back when the old fourteen was still dawdling in Shaanxi, it was Nian Gengyao who led the army to ensure that the other party would not dare to make mistakes at will.

Because of this, Yongzheng had to make great use of Nian Gengyao to consolidate military power with Longkoduo, so that he could feel at ease.

But good things in this world often come together with bad things. Not long after Nian Gengyao's book came up, the report from Jiangning direction also came, which contained the latest situation in Jiangning.

"Chu Ni captured Jiangning City and captured Fan Shiyi alive."

A basin of cold water was poured on Yongzheng's head. He knew that it would be very difficult to keep Jiangnan, but he never expected that the situation would reach this point. Fifty thousand pigs are not so fast!

Yongzheng suddenly felt that his head was getting bigger, he picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip, but he didn't expect the tea to be a little hot, so he threw the teacup out and smashed it to pieces.

The servants at the side realized something was wrong all of a sudden, they quickly knelt on the ground, trembling.

"Come on, pull it out, stick to death!"

Yongzheng was panting heavily, he was really tired, even a little bit of good news would soon be overshadowed by another worse news, his patience with these ministers had reached its peak.

"Prince Chuanyi, Longkodo, Zhang Tingyu, Alana and Zhang Boxing are here to see me!"

Zhang Tingyu has now changed from the Minister of Rites to the Minister of the Ministry of Households, while Zhang Boxing has become the new Minister of Rites, and Alana is the new Minister of the Ministry of War.

"Slaves Yunxiang, Longkodo, Zhang Tingyu, Alana, and Zhang Boxing kowtow to the emperor!"

Yongzheng looked at the few confidant ministers who were kneeling on the ground, but he snorted coldly, threw the secret bag down, and made an ear-piercing sound.

With a slightly terrified expression on Yun Xiang's face, he picked up the notebook, but after reading it he was a little dumbfounded, and then handed the notebook to other people.After everyone read it one by one, they realized why Yongzheng was so angry, because it was really outrageous.

"Fan Shiyi is really incompetent. He lost Jiang Ning so quickly. It must be impossible for Yang Zongren to organize and practice in Jiangnan."

Prince Yi Yunxiang had a bit of anxiety on his face. He looked at the expressionless Yongzheng, and said in a strange way: "You can't do anything in the south of the Yangtze River. You can let him go to Zhejiang to recruit soldiers. In short, it's good to delay it."

Yongzheng frowned, he was a little annoyed, Kangxi did not leave him a good card to play, and even left many hidden dangers, and he still needs to wait for him to play this game of chess. Eliminate one by one, but in this way, the actions of the Fuhan army are somewhat powerless.

Regarding the current situation, Yongzheng didn't want to criticize everyone too much, but if it continues to develop like this at the moment, it may not even be able to drag the time.

However, Zhang Tingyu took out a memorial from his bosom, and presented it, "Report to the emperor, not to mention what happened in the south of the Yangtze River, but the news has already spread all over the capital."

Yongzheng was shocked when he heard that, he quickly reached out to take the memorial, and saw that the fact that Jiang Ning was conquered was already described in the memorial, and even the details were more accurate than his secret book, which made Yongzheng's whole body All fell into a rage.

Some people are deliberately spreading news, just to hurt the prestige of the emperor!

The rest of the ministers quickly thought of the reason, and even the mastermind behind the scenes had already thought of it, that is Prince Lian Yunyu who is studying in the mansion, because only Yunhu can use the relationship to intercept the secret document from the Secretary of the General Administration down.

In the current administrative system of the Qing Dynasty, the Tongzhengsi is a very important existence. All documents need to go through the Tongzhengsi before reaching the emperor. Therefore, the Tongzhengsi is also the place where the Baye Party focuses on research. There are no Baye Party members lurking in the General Administration Department.

In fact, this situation did not happen once. The news of Kangxi's defeat on the Anqing battlefield was actually spread all over the court, and the place where the secret was leaked was also the General Secretary.Kangxi was also very angry at the time, and planned to clean it up, but Kangxi was already seriously ill at that time, but he was unable to do this anymore, and since Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, things were complicated, but this matter was also delayed.

What the ministers could think of, Yongzheng naturally would not fail to think of it, but his anger has gradually disappeared, and there is only extreme peace in his heart.He has lost all patience with Prince Lian Yunhu.

Since you want to die, don't blame me for disregarding brotherhood!

Of course, for Yongzheng, the most important thing at present is not to deal with Prince Lian Yunyu, but how to make up for this loophole. He whispered: "This matter must be investigated strictly, and the people behind the scenes must not be let go. This matter is really too absurd, I am so angry that I can't express it, and I don't know what clever strategy Heng Chen has?"

Zhang Tingyu obviously came prepared, he could naturally predict Yongzheng's reaction, and he said calmly: "This matter happened in the General Administration Department, the reason is that there are too many people in the General Administration Department, and it is inevitable that there will be leaks in this important military event. The situation. If this is the case, let’s put aside the Secretary of General Administration and build another yamen.”

"Oh? This strategy is feasible"

Yongzheng soon thought of the beauty of this strategy. In fact, it was not just to create another brand, but because the Secretary of the General Administration had deep-rooted abuses, and it was impossible to completely eliminate them. Newcomers can also guarantee the loyalty of the new organization.

Speaking of it, this is also a manifestation of the deep-rooted evils of the Qing Dynasty. No matter how hard it is to eliminate the old evils, it is difficult to completely clean them up.

Zhang Tingyu continued: "My Majesty, this yamen can only deal with military and state secrets and important matters, and it should not be mixed with other affairs, so as to ensure that the secrets will not be leaked. As for ordinary government affairs, it is better to go to the Secretary of General Administration and various ministries with the title. "

When everyone heard this, their hearts were pounding. They are all old foxes in the political arena. The calculations in their hearts are frightening to death. They immediately understood that once this new organization is established, I'm afraid the power will scare people to death.Maybe even more than the cabinet.

Speaking of today's Qing Dynasty also has a cabinet office, but after all, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty is extremely powerful, and the so-called cabinet office can't play a restrictive role at all, so that the current ministries don't buy the cabinet's face very much. The scholars were more of an advisor to the emperor.

Yongzheng also thought of this joint, and he nodded lightly. Doing so can not only prevent leaks, but also better concentrate power in his own hands. It is a very good idea to say the least.

"I think this plan is feasible. Since this new Yamen is the place to handle the important affairs of the military aircraft, why not call it the Military Aircraft Department!"

When it came to the morning court the next day, Zhang Tingyu presented the memorial in a decent manner. After everyone read it in the hall, it caused a commotion among the people. Many people soon realized that the establishment of the Military Aircraft Department, I am afraid it will not be simpler than the cabinet.

Yongzheng's face now had a kind of warm expression, and he said softly: "Last year, the first emperor's examination was deeply worried that important military affairs were often leaked, and now my Jiangnan battle situation is also leaked, I really feel a little bit dissatisfied. untie."

Who is this remark aimed at? The ministers present are all clear in their hearts, but it is too difficult for them to speak on this matter, but someone squinted at Prince Lian Yunyu with his eyes. The meaning is self-evident.

Prince Lian Yunxu just looked indifferent and didn't speak, like a wooden sculpture of clay, watching Yongzheng perform on it coldly.

Seeing that no one objected, Yongzheng's face twitched slightly, and he snorted coldly: "In this case, all military affairs will only go to the Military Aircraft Department today, and Prince Yi Yunxiang, Zhang Tingyu, Marsai, and Laidu." Speaking of this, he He glanced at Yunhu again, and then continued: ".Prince Lian Yunhu is also in charge of the military aircraft department."

After retiring from the court, Yongzheng grabbed Prince Yi Yunxiang again, and the two went to Dongnuan Pavilion to talk together, the purpose of which was naturally to recover the money owed just now.

"Thirteenth brother, the situation in our Qing Dynasty is very dangerous now, we must keep an eye on the money we got from paying off the debts, this is the lifeblood of our Qing Dynasty in the future!"

Yongzheng stood in front of Yunxiang with a somewhat moved expression on his face, but the traces of performance began to fade away.

Yun Xiang quickly knelt down on the ground, and said emotionally: "The emperor's painstaking efforts, how could this servant not know? This silver is as much taels as it is collected, and it is as many taels as it is handed over to the emperor. If anyone dares to stretch out his hand, the slave will chop off his paws! "

Hearing what Yunxiang had said, Yongzheng nodded in satisfaction. He pulled Yunxiang up, and said softly: "I know what Thirteenth Brother has done. Yesterday, the firearms battalion made a note, claiming that There is a new cannon coming out, it is said that it is imitated from the Western cannon, it is very powerful, why don't Thirteenth Brother go and have a look with me."

After hearing this, Yunxiang naturally agreed, and he accompanied Yongzheng to the Firearms Camp in the west of the city under the protection of the Ouchi guards. In addition to the residence of the soldiers of the Firearms Camp, there was also a large area of ​​houses, all of which were used by the Firearms Camp. The site where the firearms came to be produced was heavily guarded.

Since the reign of Emperor Kangxi, the Firearms Battalion has become an important force of the Eight Banners in the Beijing Camp, so it was produced here together with shotguns and artillery for the convenience of management and training.

When Yongzheng's royal driver arrived, a group of people were kneeling beside the road, among them were several Westerners, looking curiously at Yongzheng and his party.

(End of this chapter)

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