Cutting 1719

Chapter 290 Buying People's Hearts

Chapter 290 Buying People's Hearts
Conquering the Jiangning Liguo is an irresistible temptation for anyone. A golden hat is there, just waiting for Ning Zhongyuan to reach out and put it on.

But Ning Zhongyuan looked at the kneeling officials, finally chose to be patient, and sighed: "If the time has not come today, the location is still lacking, and the hearts of the people are not stable, it is definitely not a good opportunity, but this statement is to stop talking."

Everyone in the audience became anxious when they heard this. You don't want to be an emperor, but we still want to be kings and marquises!How could it be so?Immediately, they stepped forward to persuade them one after another.Only Cui Wancai, who had been kneeling beside him, had a smile on his face.

In fact, in Cui Wancai's heart, he doesn't think that now is a good opportunity to become emperor. After all, being a king is a completely different concept from being an emperor.At the beginning, the Fuhan army was king, and Zhu Yigui and Liu Ruhan were both kings. Regardless of the difference in strength, everyone is the same in face, so there is room for forming alliances and jointly dealing with the Qing Dynasty.

But if the Fuhan army proclaims the emperor, this face-saving effort will be broken, and it needs to be filled with stuff, especially for the Bailian Sect and Zhu Yigui's rebel army, there are only two options: surrender and hostility. It's impossible to go around in a false way. After all, they all know that the Qing Dynasty has been destroyed, and they are the next enemy of the Fuhan Army.

Of course, they don’t think so in their hearts now, but after all, everyone is unanimously fighting against the Qing Dynasty. They are half comrades in arms, and their identities are also the same, so they will not deliberately take the Fuhan army as the first enemy to strike, so "slow down" "Proclaiming the emperor" is still a very important step for the current Fuhan army.

It's just that the enthusiasm within the Fuhan Army has been ignited, and Cui Wancai couldn't figure out what his old friend was thinking, so he just kept quiet and followed everyone to persuade him, and now he saw Ning Zhongyuan walking out of the temptation , but it made him feel very pleased.

Ning Zhongyuan sighed softly, but stopped everyone with a solemn expression.

"The people sitting inside are all the confidantes of my Fuhan army, so I don't want to play those fake things anymore. I don't want to be the emperor now, not because I don't want to, but because I want to be an emperor better in the future. , you can also be the founding heroes of our Fuhan Army safely and securely!"

What he said touched the hearts of a group of rough men. The big guys tied their heads on their belts and followed the Ning family to fight for their lives. Not only to drive away the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, but more people still wanted to take this Big boats can gain glory and wealth and become a master of others.

No matter who wants to stop them, they will find a way to get rid of this person, even if he is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, even if he is His Royal Highness King Chu of the Fuhan Army.Scholars may or may not understand this truth, but for a veteran like Ning Zhongyuan, he has a clear mind.

Scholars can be beaten, scolded, and killed, but these veterans who hold military power have to be coaxed, frightened, and forced, or they will cause a catastrophe in the world.

Cheng Yuanzhi chuckled, and said loudly: "What the king of Chu said is very reasonable. He can be the emperor at any time. Naturally, there must be a regulation. Everyone's support is good, but we can't do it." Good intentions to do bad things!"

Everyone was satisfied with what he said, which was exactly what Ning Yu said about Cheng Yuanzhi. This old man is really ruthless when he is ruthless, but he is really slippery when he is slippery.But thanks to the old man in the middle, everyone retreated.

Only after everyone left, Ning Zhongyuan sighed to Cui Wancai: "Everyone finally waited until today, but I can't give them this glory now."

Cui Wancai bowed with a long body, "What the lord has done today has really laid the foundation for the future of our Han army. It is really a decisive and courageous decision."

"It's just that I also know in my heart that this is a must. I have to let the army continue to advance until Jiangnan is completely captured, so I can rest assured that I can be the emperor."

Thoughtful, Ning Zhongyuan stretched out his hand to the map, covering the large piece of land representing Jiangnan.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In August in the south of the Yangtze River, the weather is gradually getting cooler. Many Wuchang people will take advantage of this time to go to Wuchang City to do part-time jobs after finishing their work in the fields. Yes, many places will provide farmers with a meal, but don't underestimate this meal. If they eat less, it means that the family can eat more.

Now the whole world is in turmoil, but in Wuchang City, the center of the storm, it seems calm and even very prosperous.Because after the Fuhan Army began to support industry and commerce, the Huguang Chamber of Commerce and the Anhui Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce brought a large amount of money to Wuchang City, and factory buildings rose from the ground.

The original Hanyang Gun Factory to Hanyang Iron Factory took up a lot of local manpower in Huguang. However, as the Fuhan Army increased its support for industry and commerce, there were also cement factories, hydraulic rice mills, and some sugar factories. They are all slowly rising. They may have just laid a ground stake, but they still have full expectations for the future.

At the same time, in order to better facilitate the exchange of business travelers from various places, the relief and road construction project led by Zhengshitang is also going on. This is naturally Ning Yu's idea. The reason is also very simple. The very important basic projects in the country have to be done sooner or later. In this case, it is better to take advantage of the turmoil in the world and use the method of helping refugees to recruit people to build roads and spend a small amount of money to do big things.

This idea was quickly approved by Ning Zhongjing, and he even planned to use this stage to carry out some construction activities in various places, such as road construction and canal digging, such as mining and iron making.He did a careful calculation. At this stage, the refugees in Xunyang alone have 20 subordinates. Although these people haven't caused any trouble yet, it will be uncertain if the time drags on.

On the contrary, if these refugees are used to carry out infrastructure construction, not only can the civil strife be eliminated, but the labor cost will be more than half lower than usual. Much smaller.

In fact, Ning Yu had an idea in the past, that is, if the financial revenue allows in the future, corvee labor can be appropriately reduced or even cancelled, and labor can be recruited by recruitment.Although this will cost more money, it is worth it, because the corvee damage to the livelihood of the people is too serious. In the lightest cases, the property loss is heavy, and in the worst cases, the families will be destroyed and new refugees will be formed.

Therefore, this plan has been implemented by the Zhengshitang. Wuchang City and several other cities have begun to recruit laborers. They can guarantee two dry meals a day, plus the labor fee of ten cents. Compared with carrying bags on the pier Although it was much less, the number of recruits was huge, so many people lined up at the recruitment point.

"This time it is estimated that about 40 people will be recruited, and the number of people in our several mines can be satisfied. The roads from Wuchang to Hanyang and to several other prefectures can also be repaired. The entire construction period is expected It will continue until the beginning of winter this year, and 40 people consume 60 shi a day for food, which is about 85 shi in three months, and the total silver consumption plus labor costs is about [-] taels."

Holding a ledger in his hand, Ning Zhongjing began to introduce in detail, "Compared with the previous few years, because the wages have been greatly reduced, the silver taels we need have been reduced by more than half, but if it is compared with the Qing Dynasty In comparison, our silver is only about a quarter of that of the Qing Dynasty."

Ning Zhongyuan nodded, and said: "The merits of this project are in the present, but it will benefit the future. It is absolutely forbidden to be greedy for the wages of the refugees, and it is not allowed to deduct the meals of the refugees. If anyone dares to reach out at this time, they must Don't let it go."

Cui Wancai on the side had a smile on his face. He always agrees with this kind of practice, because such a large-scale construction project will be benefited by ordinary people, so it is natural to support it vigorously, but if it is only for personal pleasure, That is a waste of time and money.

It's just that there is another reason for doing these things now, and that is to buy people's hearts. When Ning Zhongyuan becomes emperor in the future, he can avoid being criticized as much as possible, and more people can support the Ning family and support the Ning family. Fu Han army.

 Today the company worked overtime until after ten o'clock in the evening, so it failed to complete the [-], and it will be made up in two shifts tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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