Cutting 1719

Chapter 291 Layout

Chapter 291 Layout
In Jiangning in August, the weather was getting cooler, and many people had already started to open their doors to live a normal life, and the atmosphere of killing in the city had also eased up, but the calm on the surface could not conceal the bloody storm behind it.

"Raise your gun and shoot!"

An officer of the Fuhan Army swung the saber in his hand fiercely with a look of sternness on his face.

There was only a burst of gunshots, and a row of people in front fell down. Some of the people who were not dead moved their bodies on the ground, wailing one after another.

"Forward, make up the knife!"

The officer continued to issue orders, coldly and without mercy.

The soldiers of the Fuhan Army quickly pulled out the bayonets at their waists, fixed them on the muzzles of their guns, then took a step forward, and inserted the bayonets hard.

The execution like this lasted for a whole day, and the blood was soaring, and the whole world seemed to have become much colder.

After the execution was over, several officers walked over in neat steps, saluted a 30-year-old officer, and said loudly, "Report to the general, all lists have been executed."

The officer of the Fuhan Army took off his gloves, took a brush in his hand, and sketched a few lines on a thick booklet. There was no expression on his face, as if executing these people was like executing a person. The batch of chicken and duck is average.After the outline was finished, he lightly dropped a word.

"The pit needs to be dug deeper."

In the Governor's Mansion, Ning Yu was wearing a single suit and was reviewing the recent military affairs, because he was about to continue to move eastward, from Jiangsu to Zhejiang to Fujian, and then to Guangdong and Guangxi, all of which had become his targets of attack, so he needed to carry out more thorough investigations. Preparation is the only way to complete this strategic plan.

Shi Xue walked in quickly, holding a stack of thick books, his face was as calm as water, only when he saw Ning Yu, he lowered his head a little.

"Report to the governor, those people have already been executed."

Ning Yu nodded slightly, put down the brush in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh.This time, I'm afraid it really killed the world to change color.

In fact, the Fuhan army apparently finished the battle of Jiangning. In fact, after entering Jiangning, the real war started. The battlefield was in this Jiangning city. A man of the Fuhan Army.

The so-called remnants of the Qing army were basically the nails sent by Yongzheng to the south of the Yangtze River, together with the spies buried in the Zhizao Mansion, the two began to collude after the Fuhan army entered the city, wreaking havoc in Jiangning City, even It has developed to the point of attacking the Fuhan Army. After some patrol soldiers of the Fuhan Army were murdered, they also launched attacks on the senior officials of the Fuhan Army.

This move completely angered Ning Yu. He changed his previous gentle method and arranged for the Military Intelligence Department and Shadow to cooperate with the Fuhan Army in the city to carry out arrests. However, hundreds of people were arrested. After rigorous interrogation After that, Ning Yu knew Yongzheng's intentions.

These nails are basically abandoned sons of Yongzheng. Their only function is to delay the actions of the Han army, and try to allow Man Bao, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and Yang Zongren to have more time to organize and train regiments and the Qing army. The land continued to hold back the pace of the Fuhan army.In order to achieve this goal, it doesn't matter if they all die.

In a sense, Yongzheng's goal was indeed achieved. In order to further clean up the secret agents of the Qing army in Jiangning, Ning Yu had postponed the time to attack Yangzhou.

Of course, this kind of thing is indispensable. After receiving the full support of the Governor's Mansion, the Military Intelligence Department's investigation efficiency is also unprecedented. In this cat-and-mouse game, it has gradually grasped the initiative.

"Go on, after this time, there must be no more turmoil in Jiangning City."

Ning Yu knew in his heart that in the eyes of many people in the Fuhan Army, the so-called Jiang Ning should be called Ying Tianfu.If Ning Zhongyuan became the emperor in the future, Ying Tianfu would be the natural capital of the country.

Inside the Fuhan Army, many people compared the uprising against the Qing Dynasty with the disputes at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. Ning Zhongyuan was naturally Zhu Yuanzhang, Liu Ruhan was the Red Turban Army, and Zhu Yigui was at most Zhang Shicheng. The current Fuhan army has no other opponents worth looking at.

Of course, the current Daqing is the same as the Dayuan in those days. It has not yet reached a hundred years, so many people in the people are secretly praising that Hu Yun is only a hundred years old.Naturally, the Fuhan army secretly contributed to this, so the effect was amazing.

Ning Yu was also secretly rejoicing that this time travel was in the last years of Kangxi. If it came to the Qianlong Dynasty or even later, the hearts of the people in this world would be completely settled, and the anger in the hearts of the big guys would be completely gone. A bunch of slaves, then it will never be so smooth to raise troops again.

On the eighth day of August, on an auspicious day that couldn’t be more auspicious, the fleet from Wuchang finally docked at the pier in Jiangning, and a large number of troops walked directly off the ship. They were dressed in neat red military uniforms. With a long new-style flintlock gun made in Hanyang on his back and a triangular army thorn hanging on his waist, he looks extremely energetic.

They are the Seventh Division of the Fuhan Army, originally a garrison division stationed in Wuchang, and after some recruitment and training, they were reorganized into the seventh main division of the Fuhan Army. They are all complete, and they were sent to Jiangning at this time, the purpose of which is naturally to restore Jiangnan.

When the Seventh Division disembarked, the ships behind them also began to prepare for mooring, and a large amount of supplies began to be moved down. Food, muskets, cannons, miso, felt socks, vinegar cloth and other items began to pile up on the side of the pier When I got up, there were still many soldiers of the Fuhan Army who were being transported to the carts, ready to be transported back to the camp.

"The Seventh Division is officially subordinate to the Governor's Mansion of the Eastern Expedition. The division commander Ning Tieshan, the deputy division commander Gao Yubao, and a total of 57 people in the division have all been in place."

Ning Tieshan stood in front of Ning Yu, but gave a solemn military salute, with a simple and honest smile on his face.

From the battalion commander to the head of the independent artillery regiment, and now the commander of the seventh division, although Ning Tieshan has gained some honor from the Ning family, he still uses his own ability to become the new commander of the main division.

Ning Yu smiled on his face, and patted Ning Tieshan's broad shoulders lightly, and couldn't help but sigh, this little fat man has become so tough now.

"I'm going to take all of Jiangnan soon. I have to sharpen the sword of the Seventh Division."

Ning Tieshan smiled, and suddenly patted his head lightly, but took out a letter from his body, and said with a smile: "Great Governor, this is a letter from King Chu."

Ning Yu thought for a while, then tore open the letter, and began to read it. At the beginning, his brows were still furrowed, but when he saw the back, his brows were completely relaxed.

"It's really not easy for my father to see through it. Since this is the case, the southward attack is going to be accelerated."

Ning Zhongyuan's determination not to be the emperor now made Ning Yu feel that his old father really had good intentions.That being the case, there is no need for him to wait in Jiangning anymore, and now it is the last word to move eastward decisively.

In the next few days, the entire Jiangning city felt something was wrong. The Fuhan Army was purchasing a large amount of supplies, and a large number of ships began to go straight down the Yangtze River. Many soldiers of the Fuhan Army left Jiangning directly in boats.

Many people even found that during this period of time, the number of pigeons from Jiangning to other places has also increased. For example, pigeons to Wuchang, Zhenjiang, and Yangzhou have become more dense. Everyone seems to have heard of the pigeons. Arrived in a different flavor.

The signal from Jiangning City naturally did not deceive Yang Zongren, who was recruiting soldiers in Suzhou. He and Cao Fu had already received the news that Jiangning City had been destroyed. After complaining about Fan Shiyi's incompetence, they could only You can choose to go to Suzhou to recruit soldiers first, and once you see that the momentum is not good, you are ready to withdraw to Zhejiang to seek full insurance assistance.

It's just that after the back road was cut off, the two of them were more or less devastated, especially Cao Fu is now young and has not experienced too many expressions, and his hands and feet are a little numb at the moment-you know, he is an old man in the Cao family. Xiao, but they are still in Jiangning. If they are caught by the Fuhan army, it will be miserable.

It's just that there is no better way at the moment, and the two can only recruit soldiers in Suzhou while sending people to investigate the marching route of the Fuhan army. Once the Fuhan army is about to arrive in Suzhou, they choose to escape first.

However, while the two were still waiting and watching, the Fuhan Army's movements were as fast as lightning, and the troops advanced in multiple ways, and began to occupy the various prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River one by one. The smoothness of the whole process was almost breathtaking.

On August 3000th, the first division of the Fuhan Army conquered Zhenjiang Mansion, killed more than 8000 Qing soldiers, captured more than [-] Qing soldiers, and even captured [-] soldiers from the regiment. From Dantu to Danyang, they have become the leaders of the Fuhan Army. The meat is on the plate.

On August [-]th, under the leadership of Uji King, the third division of the Fuhan Army attacked Yangzhou Prefecture all the way and surrounded the Fuzhi Ganquan. The magistrate Wang Xian chose to surrender. He took all the green battalion soldiers to cut off their braids. , holding the population land fish scale book of Yangzhou Prefecture with both hands, and kneeling in front of Uji King with disheveled hair.

On August 23, the Fourth Division of the Fuhan Army attacked Tongzhou Mansion. After a half-day battle, they defeated the Qing army in Tongzhou, and then captured Taixing. The magistrate Jiang Chengxiu chose to burn his mansion spontaneously, and buried his family in the sea of ​​flames .

"Be fast, be sure to be fast."

Ning Yu's face was a bit high-spirited, and now the situation has become very clear. The Qing army is waiting to organize a regiment training, and the Fuhan army only needs to fight in the shortest time. Does the so-called regiment training matter? ?

In order to achieve the siege of the city faster, Ning Yu specially took out his housekeeping treasure this time - that is the new cavalry regiment in the Imperial Guard Brigade, which only looks like five or six hundred cavalry. Most of the selected ones are caravans in northern Anhui, and most of them are very good at riding, so they are also a force in battle.

The formation of this batch of cavalry was actually thanks to the people of the Huaibei Salt Gang. When Zheng Kui returned to the Salt Gang with the intention of Ning Yu, Jiang Ning had already been beaten down. By this time, Zheng Yuanzhen had already There is no room for bargaining.

The situation is already very clear. After controlling the Jiangnan Fuhan army, the next step is to control Huaibei. At that time, Jiangnan will be within reach. In this process, the salt gang in Huaibei will naturally start to face a choice. If they choose to resist , then it means that the salt gang's accumulation of hundreds of years will be wiped out in an instant.

But if you choose to surrender, why not surrender now?Zheng Yuanzhen is a person who is very knowledgeable about current affairs. He knows in his heart that he can't negotiate any conditions with Ning Yu. After all, the difference between the two parties is too great.

Therefore, after Zheng Yuanzhen chose to join the Fuhan Army, the formation of the Fuhan Army cavalry became a matter of course. Many cavalry from Huaibei filled the current vacancy of the Fuhan Army. , He also specially selected horses, like those bad horses that could not go to the battlefield before, and now they are all allocated to the logistics and artillery teams.

(End of this chapter)

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