Cutting 1719

Chapter 292 Jiangyin Anti-Qing

Chapter 292 Jiangyin Anti-Qing
In the water towns of the south of the Yangtze River, it is actually a very stupid thing to use cavalry to attack. However, the cavalry regiment of the Fuhan Army currently has not many soldiers, and the more than [-] cavalry mainly serve as a deterrent, and they are all the way ahead to recruit the Qing court. The Green Battalion to help the Fuhan Army take down the entire Jiangnan in a shorter period of time.

"Da da da"

With the sound of a crisp horseshoe, Ning Ze, the new commander of the cavalry regiment, pulled out the refined saber made by Hanyang Gun Factory from the saddle, and shouted, "Draw out the saber, and follow me!"

More than 600 Fuhan Army cavalry in red clothes rushed to the front, and tens of miles behind them, the soldiers and horses of the First Division were still trailing behind, and the Fuhan Army cavalry in front forced them to surrender all the way The Qing army, and the soldiers of the First Division in the rear took over the counties of Zhenjiang Prefecture along the way.

If you encounter a large army of the Qing army, the cavalry will just circle around and wait for the army to arrive before launching a fierce attack, but if it is only a small group of troops, then the cavalry will choose to go down with one drum and directly crush the Qing army. Formation, these two tricks are simply tried and tested, and almost completely defeated Zhenjiang in a very short period of time.

In this era, it seems very unwise for the general to lead a charge. In fact, it is mainly to boost morale, especially as the leader of the army, if he does not have the courage to take the initiative to kill people, it will be a big problem.

In the early years, the soldiers of the Eight Banners all came out of the deep mountains and old forests. They dared to die even if they were not afraid of death, so they were able to win many battles against the Ming army. However, in the current Qing court, there is no such bravery. Except for the Eight Banners outside the Guanwai, the Eight Banners of Mongolia, and the Wild Jurchen, the other Eight Banners have basically been completely abandoned.Even the Eight Banners soldiers of the Beijing Banner have been corroded by wealth and honor.

The Qing army in the south of the Yangtze River was originally from affluent backgrounds, and their combat power and morale were inferior to those of the northern soldiers, even the Huguang soldiers. Therefore, under the attack of the Fuhan army, it was almost difficult to survive. After the casualties, the Green Battalion was often disbanded directly, but the temporary organization of the militia regiment training could also cause some obstacles to the Fuhan Army.

Thousands of Green Battalion soldiers held shotguns in their hands, and looked at the oncoming Fuhan cavalry with fear on their faces, their hands trembling slightly, and then leveled their shotguns again.

A chief executive firmly held the waist knife in his hand, with a trace of cold sweat streaming down his forehead, he pursed his lips, looked at the cavalry rushing in front of him, and slashed down the waist knife fiercely.


"Bang bang bang..."

The shotgunners of the Qing army pulled the trigger, but the inferior muskets only fired more than half of them, and a small part of them failed to fire.However, the cavalry of the Fuhan Army who rushed to the opposite side only fell a dozen cavalry.

Unlike the Fuhan army, the Qing army's shotgunners had no grenades, barbed wire fences, or even a few decent cannons. There were only a few cannons that could be fired. A pass came from the cavalry of the Fuhan Army.

The saber in Ning Ze's hand was firmly fixed by the cloth strips, and he rushed over with his horse's momentum, and slashed down fiercely, only to see a green battalion soldier of the Qing army was chopped down just like that.At this time, the cavalry of the Fuhan Army was like a red-hot iron skewer, slamming into the broken tofu of the Qing army.

General Qian of the Qing army was severely slashed in the chest. Although he had already thought about surrendering, he was no longer allowed to make other choices on the battlefield. Not knowing how to resist, blood flowed from his chest, and soon the whole land was dyed red.
The soldier of the Fuhan Army who killed Mr. Qian didn't know how much he had created. He just followed the other soldiers and continued to charge forward. In Ning Ze's words, this tactic is called piercing, piercing Enemy, gouges through everything.

Under the repeated charge of the Fuhan cavalry, rows of Qing soldiers fell down, and others gave up resistance. They started running towards the rear, and more people began to raise their hands
. . . . .

In Jiangyin County, Changzhou Prefecture, the people in the city have spontaneously cut their braids, waiting for the arrival of the Han army. However, there were only more than 200 Qing troops in the city, and most of them have been killed now. He defected and followed the common people to occupy Jiangyin City, waiting for the arrival of the Han army.

If it were placed in other places, this matter would probably be shocking, but in Jiangyin, it was a matter of course.The people spontaneously raised their swords and wore filial piety clothes, walked out of their homes, gathered in the city, and paid homage to the city of Jiangyin 76 years ago.

A heavy melancholy shrouded the city, and their faces were stained with tears, but the hatred for the Qing court in their hearts, after more than 70 years of accumulation, turned into a murderous knife.

The school ground in the east of the city has now become a place of execution. Hundreds of Qing soldiers and several officials of the Qing court were escorted here at this time, and the surrounding area was crowded with Jiangyin people who were full of hatred. common people.

Deng Tan, the magistrate of Jiangyin County, had his official clothes removed, and his was placed on a wooden frame. A man with a bare upper body was holding a set of exquisite knives and was waiting beside him.

For the Qing Dynasty, Deng Tan can be regarded as a great loyal minister. Even at the moment of life and death, he did not beg for mercy from the people in Jiangyin City, but just watched the scene coldly.

He already has the will to die in his heart, so naturally he doesn't care how he dies. As long as he can fulfill his loyalty to the Qing Dynasty, Deng Tan is already satisfied.

An old man with disheveled hair, with the support of several men, slowly walked up to the execution platform with a cane, but every time he took a step, he would gasp for a long time, but after he went up, no one dared to Make a little noise.

A hint of sarcasm appeared on the face of Deng Tan who was silent at first, "Feng Yu, I thought you could bear it for how long, but I didn't expect to jump out now. Maybe Chu Ni will give you some official position? Yes Shang Shu, or the servant?"

The old man named Feng Yu looked at his age, and the white-haired man shook his head lightly, and said in a low voice: "This old man is eighty-seven this year, no matter how old he is, it doesn't matter if he is a minister, isn't it? Can this old man sit still?"

Deng Tan sneered, but he stopped looking at Feng Yu and closed his eyes to express his inner disdain.

Seeing that Deng Tandu was still so arrogant when he was about to die, the people in Jiangyin County immediately let out a roar. They wished they could smash all their belongings and smash this madman to death on the spot, but they were afraid that they would just smash them to death. dead him.

Feng Yu lightly kicked his crutches to the ground, and the people in the audience, who were still noisy, began to quiet down. They looked at Feng Yu with reverence on their faces.

"This old man is eighty-seven this year. He has survived until now, but he really has a sigh of relief in his heart. If he is brought to the ground like this, the old man will not be able to explain to his ancestors!"

Feng Yu glanced around at the crowd, sighed softly and said: "75 years ago, that is, the first year of my Ming Dynasty Longwu, the people of Jiangyin encountered a terrible disaster. The Qing army went south to attack Jiangyin. Yan Gong, Chen Gong and The three of my ancestors led the people in the city to fight against the Qing Dynasty, and at that time, I was only a 12-year-old boy."

Hearing Feng Yu talking about the past, Deng Tan's expression changed. He seemed to feel something was wrong, and wished he could kill the old man on the spot, but he was tied to a wooden frame, and several people guarded him. It was difficult to move, and he was angry and anxious at the moment, but his face turned red.

"Jiangyin's Sangong led 24 city residents, and faced the strong attack of 81 Qing troops, but they held on for a full [-] days!"

Feng Yu's voice became a little angry. He didn't want to recall that painful past, but he forced himself to remember every detail of it clearly.

Feng Yu, who was only 12 years old at that time, experienced the most difficult 81 days in his life. Under the isolation of the city, the people of Jiangyin were doomed to have no rescue. 24 Qing soldiers surrounded such a small county, plus more than 200 The red-clothed cannon launched a siege that lasted day and night.

And the people of Jiangyin City were not to be outdone. During these 81 days, under the leadership of the Anti-Qing Sangong, from bombardment to strong crossbows, from false surrender to camp stealing, it can be said that they exhausted all methods. At that time, Yan Yingyuan sat alone in the enemy building in the east city, asked for a pen, and wrote on the door:
"On the 10th day, allegiance will be given to represent the people of the seventeen dynasties of the Taizu; [-] people will die together and stay in the Ming Dynasty for three hundred miles."

Feng Yu couldn't help bursting into tears when he thought of these scenes of the past. Jiangyin taught Feng Houdun to be the elder of his clan. Later, he chose to wear official uniforms and hang himself in Minglun Hall. His wife and sister chose to die by throwing themselves into a well.Zhongshu Qi Xun, Zhu Yong, closed the door and set himself on fire.

"After Jiangyin was captured, the Qing army massacred the city. The Inner and Outer City Rivers, Trian River, Sun Langzhong Pond, Yudai River, Tongtayan River, and Baojiaochang River were filled with corpses, stacked several times. There are more than 200 people who cast four wells.”

"I was 12 years old at the time, and I was lucky enough to escape this life. Now that the king's master is coming, I, the people of Jiangyin, should also rise up, destroy the Tartars, and restore my homeland!"

After Feng Yu told all of this bit by bit, the people in the audience were already boiling, they flocked to the audience, their faces turned red, and they waved their arms and shouted loudly: "Execute the thief! Execute the thief! "

Deng Tan had a sneer on his face at this time, "You guys who are rebellious and rebellious, don't think that my imperial army is empty. In the future, when the imperial army marches south, it will be the time for you to fall!"

Seeing that Deng Tan still dared to be so arrogant, Feng Yu's face turned cold, and he waved his hand lightly. The executioner then stepped forward, removed Deng Tan's clothes, and put a layer of fishing net on his body, and then From the knife in his arms, he found a small silver knife and began to torture it.

All the people in the audience clapped their hands and applauded, seeing the blood and flesh flying on the stage, but they felt extremely happy.

On August [-]th, the people of Jiangyin revolted against the Qing Dynasty, and then sent someone to hand over the letter of obedience to Ning Yu. Ning Yu was overjoyed, and then named Feng Daoheng, Feng Yu's grandson, the county magistrate of Jiangyin, responsible for appeasing the people in the county , to ensure a smooth transition. .

Soon, the people from the Military Intelligence Department told Ning Yu everything that happened in Jiangyin, and Ning Yu was a little silent. He understood what Jiangyin had endured, and even more understood what the common people thought.

"Send to pedestrians not to cover their noses, the fragrance of the living is not as good as that of the dead!"

"Just punishing the traitors is not enough. We must not forget these heroes, let alone the sacrifices and efforts they have made!"

Ning Yu tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart. He clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "We want to erect a martyr's shrine here, not only to commemorate the anti-Qing Sangong, but also to commemorate the 10,000+ people who died or injured in Jiangyin City!"

Li Fu had figured out his lord's temperament very early on, so he naturally wouldn't feel strange, he lightly clasped his fists and said: "This subordinate will arrange for people to go to Jiangyin County to build such a martyr's shrine, please rest assured the governor. "

Ning Yu nodded lightly, and then said: "In addition, the people of Jiangyin City will be exempted from taxes for three years to show their kindness. If there are such orphans and widows in the city, they should also be given some money and take care of them. "

Hearing this, Li Fu frowned slightly. It is easy to talk about the Martyrs’ Shrine in front of it, and it can be done without spending much money, but the latter condition requires real money, so he is tactful right now. He said: "It's fine if taxes are exempted, but if the widow gives money, we have to prepare more money."

The problem of spending money will always be a big headache, and Ning Yu is no exception. In order to maintain so many main divisions of the Fuhan Army, the money needed is an astronomical figure. There are also more and more places, which makes Ning Yu a little distressed.

"Hey, this money should be spent right now! It's worth it!"

Ning Yu was a little embarrassed, his lavishness had already caused Li Fu some headaches for a long time, but he couldn't change it, so he felt a little helpless at the moment.

"The so-called Qianjinshiguo, if we give Jiangyin real benefits today, they will become our most staunch supporters in the future, and let the people in more places understand our Fuhan Army, so that they can truly support us. Han army!"

To put it bluntly, there is loyalty and righteousness in this world, but there are also interests in it.Relying on loyalty alone may make people sacrifice their lives once, and it may be okay to sacrifice their lives twice, but what if there are more times?At that time, it will be difficult to make them bleed for the world.

After this incident, the atmosphere in the whole Jiangnan was revitalized. Many people knew the sincerity of the Fuhan Army and began to choose to hook up with the Fuhan Army. Although there was nothing substantial, it was enough to make Yang Zongren, who was still in Suzhou, felt the panic in Fazi's heart.

Cao Fu, a son in his twenties, now looks like he is about 40 years old, and his whole body has become very depressed. He has received the exact news that the entire Cao family has been captured by the Fuhan army. Even his ancestors Cao Zhenyan and Cao Xi were defeated by the Fuhan army.

An indescribable emotion surged into Cao Fu's heart. He knew in his heart that the two armies would fight with all possible means, but he was naturally very resentful for the Fuhan army's killing them all. What to do, he has no idea.

This world is really difficult. How did it develop to this point?

(End of this chapter)

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