Cutting 1719

Chapter 293 The biggest hidden danger

Chapter 293 The biggest hidden danger

Yang Zongren looked at the distraught Cao Fu, and felt a little sympathy in his heart, so he comforted him: "Master Cao, Chu Niqi will not last long, and when the emperor's army is trained, and then sweep Huguang in one fell swoop, Cao's family will not have any whats the matter."

Of course, these words are mostly consoling, not to mention sweeping Huguang, even if he can row the river with the Fuhan army within ten years, Yongzheng would be very happy in his heart, but the real problem is that this is the root of the current Yongzheng. Impossible.

After all, Cao Fu was young, and when he heard Yang Zongren say this, he felt a bit of sustenance in his heart, and he said with hope: "If this is the case, that's fine, but right now Chu Ni is coming to Suzhou soon, but I The regiment currently recruited by the army is no more than 3 people, and it is not an opponent at all."

Yang Zongren revealed his true thoughts at this time. He whispered: "Although we have recruited 3 people, Sun Wencheng has 4 people in Hangzhou. The horses and the two join forces, stick to Hangzhou, and wait for the full force." The governor came to help, and it should be able to withstand Chu Ni's attack."

Sun Wencheng is a protégé of the Cao family, no less than the so-called Yang Zongren in terms of identity. If he went to Hangzhou directly, the other party might not buy his face, but the Cao family is kind to Sun Wencheng, and now the Cao family It's difficult, if Sun Wencheng doesn't buy it, his reputation will be ruined.

Cao Fu thought about it carefully, and felt reasonable in his heart. Dang even wrote a letter and asked his family to take it to Hangzhou weaving Sun Wencheng and Sun.

Since Suzhou and Hangzhou are not far away, Sun Wencheng received the letter very quickly. After reading it, he was overjoyed in his heart. I don't have other credits, but if Yang Zongren, the imperial envoy of the regiment, and Cao Fu, the Jiangning weaving, are given out, it will be a considerable credit.

After thinking about it for a while, Sun Wencheng hurriedly wrote the letter and asked Cao's family to take the letter back. Naturally, he agreed and invited Yang Zongren and Cao Fu to Hangzhou quickly. Co-organized group training, with sincere words and correct attitude.

However, in fact, after the Cao family left, Sun Wencheng sent his confidants to look for the shadow in Hangzhou, and informed the other party of the arrangement. After a while, a pigeon was released and disappeared into the blue sky. among.

Before Cao Fu received the letter, he was still a little uneasy. Although the Cao family was kind to Sun Wencheng, which year did it happen?If you really want to ask for something, it depends on the mood of the other party. Now that you have received the letter, you feel much more at ease, and you should even go to find Yang Zongren.

Yang Zongren was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then he ordered soldiers and horses with Cao Fu, and with [-] regiments, he directly abandoned Suzhou City and headed towards Hangzhou, which was almost equivalent to taking the Jiangsu city behind him and the people all over the city. , and gave it to the Fuhan army.

Originally, those regiments were trained by the local gentry in Jiangsu to see Cao Fu's face. This one was formed with people and money, but Yang Zongren did not expect that Yang Zongren would take him to Hangzhou. Many people in the army are about to get angry It exploded, and they surrounded the handsome tent aggressively, and the voices were boiling.

"I am a Jiangsu regiment. I retreated all the way before. Now that I have retreated to Suzhou, I have to continue to retreat to Hangzhou. How can there be such a reason in the world? Why do I protect the people of Zhejiang?"

In the current regiment training in Jiangsu, Deng Tu is a very special figure. He is not an official, but a representative of the Jiangsu gentry. The capital in troubled times, but I didn't expect Yang Zongren to arrive soon, coupled with Cao Fu's background in Jiangnan, he took away all the troops in Deng Tu's hands, and only gave him a fourth-rank Jiangsu commander Dusi.

If it was just like this, Deng Tu would have endured it. After all, as long as he is still in Jiangsu, it doesn't make much difference to him what kind of official he is. Deng Tu couldn't stand it anymore. Why did everyone support him in fighting against the Fuhan army? Isn't it because the Fuhan army cleaned up all the gentry who were attached to the Qing court wherever they went?

Such a move forced a group of people like Deng Tu to not have many choices, because they knew that what they had done in the past was absolutely impossible to get benefits from the Fuhan Army, and in the end they could only Holding the Qing army's thigh.Therefore, when facing Yang Zongren, who represented the Qing court, this part of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River blew a lot.

However, such a sacrifice did not bring about promises. Yang Zongren once again made a choice. They wanted to sell the local gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, and then defected to Manbao, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, to keep the regiment and train the army. As for other life and death, But it can no longer be managed.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will show no mercy."

A trace of viciousness flashed across Yang Zongren's face. As an old fox, he had naturally made complete preparations and plans before planning to go to Hangzhou. The reactions of these people were originally in his plan, so he was not surprised. Immediately, someone was called and whispered in the ear of the visitor.

The leaders of the regiment training outside the camp still looked angry at this time. They brought some regiments under their command to make noise in front of the Qing army tents. Even though they were still wearing ordinary people's clothes, they held simple Swords and guns, but after all, this is a soldier, more or less murderous.

Seeing that Yang Zongren walked out of the camp in person, he said with a smile: "I thought something had alarmed Mr. Deng, but this matter does not require Mr. Deng to do so. The reason why I want to garrison Zhejiang is really a little bit I can't help myself"

Deng Tu snorted softly, but he didn't want to offend the imperial envoy, and said in a low voice, "My lord is indeed somewhat puzzled by what I'm doing now, so please explain clearly to me, lord."

Yang Zongren snorted coldly, "I follow the emperor's decree to come to the south of the Yangtze River to co-organize the group training. Is there any reason for you to coerce me? Come here, tie up Deng Tu, push him out and behead him!"

These words were said urgently and quickly, and several soldiers of the Qing army with shotguns came over, tied Deng Tu's hands behind his back, and pushed him out to kill him regardless of the angry regiment trainers.

After a while, Deng Tu's head was brought up, inspected in front of everyone, and then presented it to Yang Zongren. Yang Zongren just looked at it with a frown, then waved his hand to let the people come Go straight down.

"The emperor has already issued an edict. You need to cooperate well with this official. Naturally, you will be indispensable for rewards in the future. It can be regarded as the way for you to reach the sky in one step. But if you have other plans, then Deng Tu will be your fate!"

The leaders of the big and small regiments on the side were already stunned by this scene. They glanced at each other and finally reflected, but Deng Tu was decapitated, and no one could lead them for a moment. The Qing soldiers all around began to gather, holding shotguns in their hands, and they couldn't help but softened.

"Deng Tu deserves to die, and we are all willing to obey Lord Yang's order!"

Everyone gritted their teeth, but no one dared to take any action. The character of Jiangnan people, under the suppression of the Qing court for so many years, finally lost some blood and courage.

The impending chaos was suppressed by Yang Zongren so resolutely, which made Cao Fu, who saw this scene with his own eyes, feel a little terrified in his heart.

Just as Yang Zongren was marching towards Hangzhou, Zhejiang with the regiment training from Jiangnan, the Fuhan army was advancing triumphantly all the way. After conquering Jiangyin, there was a series of victories.

On August 24, the Fuhan army captured Wuxi, which means that the distance from Suzhou Prefecture is already close at hand.On the same day, the Fuhan Army in the north also successfully captured Yangzhou Prefecture, and began to march on Huai'an Prefecture and Haizhou Prefecture. This will be the northern line of the Fuhan Army in the future, and all places south of this place will be captured by the Fuhan Army. into the future governance system.

While the Fu Han army was fighting southward little by little, Ning Yu was not at all idle in political affairs. Although his father Ning Zhongyuan postponed his enthronement, he had to pay close attention to some related arrangements. At most, he had to wait until Jiangnan was completely taken After that, the enthronement will be put on the charter.

In many respects, the current Fu-Han Army has learned from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, including systems such as Zhengshang, Salt and Iron, Discussion, and Discussion of Tea. It can be regarded as minor adjustments, but the general direction has not changed much, and it is not much better than the current Qing court.

Ning Yu knew in his heart that for the establishment of a new dynasty, the most important thing was the system, especially the tax system. While reducing the burden on the people, it also means that one piece of the original tax is missing.

Of course, in order to win the hearts of the people, Ning Yu thinks that the less part is actually very cost-effective. Like Kangxi's "Prosperous Age Ziding, Never Add Fu" that he played at the beginning, it can be said to be a coup to attract people's hearts, but Ning Yu can't. If he played like this, he would be looking for death.

In a sense, Kangxi's never adding taxes actually laid a good foundation for Yongzheng's later policy of dividing the population into the mu. It fixed the population and silver, so objectively speaking, the burden on the people was It has been reduced a lot, especially the burden on farmers is obvious, which is why the Qing army still has the ability to replenish its troops after suffering so many blows.

However, regarding this point, it does not mean that Ning Yu will accept it without hesitation. In fact, copying it completely does not conform to the actual situation of the Fuhan Army at present, and will not have a good impact on the current financial measures of the Fuhan Army.

In fact, Ning Yu's idea is very simple, that is to reduce the population tax and reduce the poll tax for everyone in the coming year to one-third or even one-fourth, but the root of this policy is to check all hidden fields and population.

This point was also agreed by Li Fu, because the so-called poll tax was actually the easiest to be collected randomly at the local level, especially in some impoverished places in the Qing Dynasty, where the population was originally scarce, and the amount of silver collected was not high. In order to make up the difference, local officials will often collect more taxes, which will more easily lead to the loss of the local population.

Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Anhui under the command of the Fuhan Army are all populous provinces, and there are definitely not a few of them who have not been counted. If the head tax is imposed blindly, it will lead to a further decline in the registered population ratio. Therefore Reducing the poll tax is already inevitable. In fact, if the actual financial situation did not allow it, Ning Yu would have planned to completely cancel the poll tax.

Therefore, lowering the poll tax can not only help the Fuhan army better grasp the population situation under its command, but also gain more popular support for the Fuhan army, and prepare for Ning Zhongyuan's enthronement in the future.Besides, this policy will not affect other people's interests, so it is most in line with Ning Zhongyuan's current thinking, and it should be able to be implemented.

"The move of the governor is really wonderful. I think the king of Chu will agree to it. After this policy is implemented in the world, I will be able to win the hearts of the Han army. At that time, I can turn around and force the Qing court with a big force." .”

Li Fu smiled, and now everyone is short of money, not only the Fuhan army is short of money, but the Qing army is even more short of money, but the Fuhan army currently has only 10 horses, and there is no other big expenditure. The soldiers were lost, but there were at least 40 people. Although these 40 people were unusable, they still had 40 mouths to eat.

If the Qing government did not lower the head tax, I am afraid that many people would find a way to run to the territory of the Fuhan army. If it was lowered, what did Yongzheng use to feed so many people?
Ning Yu smiled slightly, but stopped talking about this topic, and asked a question for no reason.

"Sir, do you know what is the biggest hidden danger of my Fuhan army?"

Li Fu didn't even think about it, he seemed to have already thought of this question, and said softly: "The biggest hidden danger for my Han army today is nothing more than two, one is the clan, and the other is the family."

Ning Yu laughed, this Li Fu really dared to say it.

You need to know how the Fuhan Army got its start?It is the clan and servants.As an uprising force from the local area, the Fuhan army relied on the clan whose blood was thicker than water, as well as the loyal domestic slaves. The others just followed the trend and did not have much loyalty.

For example, the largest factions in the army at present, one is the clan party mainly composed of the Ning, Cheng, and Zheng families, and the other is the Jiading faction mainly composed of the Young Eagle Camp.In the process of the rise of the Fuhan army, it can be said that they went up the mountain of swords and went down into the sea of ​​fire. They were born and died to lay down this piece of land. If they know that Li Fu regards them as the biggest hidden danger, it is estimated that Li Fu will not have a good life in the future. up.

These two groups are currently the biggest supporters of the Fuhan Army, so naturally Ning Yu will not do anything to them now, it is tantamount to digging his own grave, but he will not let the two factions continue to grow, so he Now I am tentatively asking Li Fu, in order to be able to firmly grasp the guns of these two factions in the future.

"In your opinion, how can I minimize hidden dangers?"

Ning Yu's face is very flat. He is getting closer and closer to the mentality of becoming an emperor, and he is thinking more and more like an emperor. This makes Li Fu very pleased, but he is also a little worried in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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