Cutting 1719

Chapter 296 The Land of Longxing

Chapter 296 The Land of Longxing
Xiaogan County, Hubei Province is now known as the land of Longxing of the Fuhan Army, so it has also been valued by the Fuhan Army. Even the county magistrate of Xiaogan County is more important than the magistrates of other ordinary state capitals , because this is now the real emperor's hometown - although Ning Zhongyuan has not officially proclaimed himself emperor, but everyone thinks that day will not be too late.

In normal seasons, Xiaogan County will be very lively. The streets and alleys are full of people, and some of them are patrolled by soldiers in red clothes. After all, it is the land of Longxing, so the defenses here are relatively strict, because they are afraid that the Qing court will send People come to make trouble, and if there is any trouble at that time, it will not look good in face.

The noisy noon passed for a while, and the vendors on the street had basically sold out their own vegetables, but they didn't disperse immediately.They stood against the sun and looked at the street in the distance, but they seemed to be waiting for something.

Just a moment later, a one-armed man wearing the red military uniform of the Fuhan Army came slowly from the side of the road in a carriage, and the long-awaited vendors saw him coming, and hurriedly came from their houses with enthusiasm. From the stall, I picked up some leftover meat and vegetables and put them on the carriage.

“Today’s dishes are fresh”

"My pork is good, the prince has tasted it before and said it is good!"

The man didn't care about the group of vendors who were selling themselves and boasting, and drove forward in a carriage, but he took away all the leftovers from the vendors, so he forced a smile: "This money should be put on the account first." , settled at the end of the month."

The vendors seemed to be used to it, and they all agreed, but when they were talking, the smiles on their faces became stronger.

In fact, these vendors all know that the food they give out now, when they settle accounts in the future, the money they get back will be a bit higher than the usual price, because their proprietors are from nursing homes, and their salaries have always been very generous. Never go to greedy Mo that order money.

The man did not return directly to Ning Mansion with the carriage, but went to the east of the city, where there was a newly built house, and the people living in the house were all disabled soldiers of the Fu-Han Army just like the man.

Strictly speaking, there are not many disabled soldiers in the Fuhan Army at present, only about 800. Of course, this is not because of the superb medical skills of the military doctors. In fact, the real reason lies in one point. Many people either died directly on the battlefield On the other hand, either they are injured and return to the team. The number of disabled people is not very large.

Speaking of it, this is also a moral policy of the Fuhan Army at the moment. Ning Yu knew in his heart that if those soldiers died on the battlefield, they would not say anything and just bury them alive, but if they were disabled, it would be a It is a very troublesome problem. If they are simply sent back to their hometown, it may be difficult to keep the money and fields in their hands, and the future life may be difficult.

In addition, many disabled soldiers had nowhere to go, and it was not feasible to simply put them back, so Ning Yu thought of a way, which was to arrange these disabled soldiers and their families together in Hanyang Mansion. Find a place in the counties of Hanyang Prefecture to establish a sanatorium for the disabled soldiers of the Fuhan Army, and then collect their land together for disposal. Although it is not a good support, it can also ensure that they have no worries about food and clothing.

The one-armed man is a member of the Xiaogan County Disabled Soldiers Sanatorium. His name is Li Liansheng. It is said that he was a veteran of Conglong. He fought in Huguang and Jiujiang all the way. Later, he lost an arm during the battle of Jiujiang. He entered a nursing home, and even became the head of logistics. Everyone in the nursing home pointed at him to buy vegetables every day.

"It's said that Jiangnan is about to be defeated, and our country can be regarded as defeated!"

"Those little bastards, you have to fight hard. If it weren't for the ghost I'm looking like now, it wouldn't be their turn!"

Before Li Liansheng could enter, the inside was already very lively, and many people were talking and laughing loudly inside.

"Tie Dan, come quickly, the governor has sent someone to see us." When several disabled soldiers saw Li Tiedan, they shouted loudly. Some of them lost their arms and some lost their legs. It's just that there is not much sadness on his face.After all, being alive is already amazing.

Only then did the two middle-aged men in the red uniforms of the Fuhan Army follow the gazes of the crowd, and then gave a solemn military salute.

"Li Liansheng, the governor sent us here to ask you if you still have the mind to come out and do something?"

Li Liansheng's face became hot, he waved his empty right arm, and laughed at himself: "It is thanks to the kindness of the governor that we can live now, but how can we do things without an arm?"

Everyone fell into silence. They were all in their 30s and [-]s. If they lived like this for the rest of their lives, they would be well-fed, but their hearts were empty.After all, the big guys are not reconciled to passing this life like this.

The two middle-aged men looked at each other and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, except for those who cannot walk, other people can participate in the selection process. As long as they pass the review, they can be sent to various provinces in the south of the Yangtze River as county lieutenants. That's a huge act of benevolence."

Speaking of which, Ning Yu was attacking the city in the south of the Yangtze River, but a big problem also appeared, that is, the gap in the number of officials of the Fuhan Army began to become larger and larger. Although the group of officials selected by the imperial examination before had been divided When they went to the localities, they were all county magistrates and other official positions. As for the low-ranking officials such as county magistrates, county lieutenants, and cang ambassadors, there were not enough people to do them.

Under such circumstances, Ning Yu naturally brought his idea to the army, and planned to deploy a group of veterans to serve as the backbone force. This is also the previous practice, but the ideal is very full, but the reality is very backbone. The army is actually not enough. up!
Of course, the manpower mentioned here is naturally not the kind of raw melon eggs. It generally refers to veterans who have fought several battles. They are the backbone of the army, especially after many times of military expansion. If the baby is taken away too much, it will have a huge impact on the combat effectiveness.

In desperation, Ning Yu had no choice but to take the idea of ​​​​disabled veterans. This group of people are all veterans of the Fuhan Army. It's just for face - using them as county lieutenants to take charge of a county's law and order and robbery matters can be considered to be able to use the remaining heat.

"You are all veterans from the battlefield. Even if you can't shoot, you can pass on your experience to others. More importantly, with you in various counties in the south of the Yangtze River, the governor can sleep more comfortably. .”

When everyone heard it, their feelings were multiplied, especially Li Liansheng, who sighed and said: "When the Jiujiang was first fought, the governor stayed up all night, and I stayed outside. After the battle was over, I don't know what happened to the governor. "

After listening to everyone, they realized that Li Liansheng, who was not making a sound, was actually quite a young man. From this look, he could tell that he came out of the guard camp. If he hadn't lost his arm, he would probably be able to get there now. It is not impossible for the regiment battalion to be a company commander in the future.
The middle-aged man had a smile on his face, "Since it's so much better, brothers who want to sign up, you can register first, and then you have to attend a short-term government training course for one month, and those who pass can be admitted. Sent to Jiangnan."

Everyone was silent, only to see Li Liansheng raised his only hand and said word by word.

"I sign up!"

"I also signed up!"

"Hey, count me in for such a good job!"

Wu Jingzi changed into a clean and tidy fuhan army uniform. The overall style is very clean and neat, and the bright red color is also very festive. It looks similar to the fuhan army uniform from a distance, but compared to the military uniform, A little more generous and graceful.

It is said that after the Fuhan army became king, the officials' costumes were put on the table. Ning Yu quickly put forward his opinion, that is, firstly, there should be no so-called birds and beasts to save labor, and try not to have patterns. Second, the fabric used is the same as that of the military uniform, and cannot be purchased separately. The third shape must be simple and elegant, so that it is easy to move.These three opinions later became the principles for formulating Fuhan military uniforms.

It has been two days since Wu Jingzi arrived in Jiangning, but before he was summoned by the governor, he received an official post in the government office and the experience of the governor's mansion, and the things in charge are also very simple. Later, he worked as a servant in Ning Yu's servant's room for a period of time, and then decided where to assign to work based on the achievements of the governor's government and the experience of the servant's room.

The whole process looks very complicated, but it is a golden avenue within the Fuhan Army.Because he didn't practice politics in the various yamen of the Dudu Mansion, and he didn't serve as an attendant under Ning Yu, it was impossible for him to be placed in a local position of real power, and it was impossible for an official who had no experience in a local position of real power to hold an important position in the center of the Fuhan Army. .

With the restrictions of these two points, it also caused many people to squeeze their heads to go to the attendant's room, and then strive to release them outside. Only after completing these two points can they have the opportunity to talk about the next step, otherwise everything will be in vain.

"The governor summoned, and the governor's mansion met with Wu Jingzi."

Gao Jing, the director of the attendant's room, looked at the Tanhua who was a member of the department with a smile on his face. He knew that the current governor didn't even want the number one scholar, but he just asked such a Tanhua to work in the Dudu's mansion. It might be a bit strange to think about this person. What kind of ability can do it, but it's just that it can't be seen from the face at the moment.

Wu Jingzi followed Gao Jing all the way forward with a humble face, both of them were of such a taciturn temperament, but there was no politeness along the way, not even ordinary greetings.

Gao Jing didn't turn his head until he was in front of the festival hall of the Governor's Mansion. His face was like a spring breeze, and he said softly: "The Governor likes to listen to other people's ideas, and doesn't like to listen to other people's nonsense, so if you have any ideas, you can say them. If you don't have ideas, listen more and talk less."

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

After this little episode passed, Gao Jing led Wu Jingzi into the festival hall. He saw a handsome young man who was writing at his desk with his head bowed. This person was none other than Ning Yu, the commander-in-chief of the Fuhan Army.

Gao Jing asked Wu Jingzi to stand at the door, walked over slowly by himself, whispered a few words in front of Ning Yu, and then waved his hand to signal for him to come in.

Wu Jingzi felt a little inexplicably nervous, and his whole body was a little stiff, so he walked in slowly, and said in a low voice: "Wu Jingzi has been in the Dudu mansion, and I have seen the great governor." After finishing speaking, he looked up strangely. , I saw Ning Yu was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"When we left the restaurant, Ben Du thought that with your Wu Minxuan's talent, you should be able to meet Ben Du again soon." Ning Yu sighed a little. This historical celebrity is indeed not simple. It's really rare to be able to show off in this situation.

In fact, in this imperial examination, it was not Wu Jingzi who surprised Ning Yu the most, but Liu Tongxun. Logically speaking, Liu Tongxun's ancestral home was in Zhucheng, Shandong. Liu Tongxun should have helped Ling back to the cities of Shandong. No matter how flapping the butterfly's wings were, he shouldn't have thrown Liu Tongxun under the banner of the Fuhan Army at this time, but this scene just happened.

With a somewhat humble smile, Wu Jingzi said in a low voice: "I didn't even expect that I would have met the Governor at the beginning. His behavior in the past was really a bit crazy. Please forgive me for the scholar's words."

Ning Yu chuckled, "Speaking of which, it's the utterance of the truth after drinking that made Ben Du better understand who you, Wu Minxuan, are. Scholar's words are not acceptable, but not listening to scholar's words is even less advisable."

Speaking of this, Ning Yu said meaningfully: "Wu Minxuan, what do you think the Fuhan Army lacks the most?"

This is an exam question Ning Yu gave Wu Jingzi. Only after passing this exam question will Ning Yu further consider putting Wu Jingzi in his pocket to train.

Apparently, Wu Jingzi also understood it in his heart. He seemed to have thought about this issue for a long time, and said slowly: "I think that what our Fuhan army lacks most at the moment is neither talents nor land, but righteousness."

"Dayi? Does Minxuan mean that our Fuhan Army lacks righteousness?" Ning Yu's eyes became a little sharper, which almost negates everything about the Fuhan Army.

Wu Jingzi was a little flustered, forced himself to calm down, and said in a low voice: "I thought that the pacification of the south of the Yangtze River was just around the corner, and it would only take a year or two for the Han army to rule the south. The future is bright, but at this time, Qing Ting is clearly no longer our primary adversary."

"Go ahead." Ning Yu said calmly, he seemed to have underestimated this great talent.

"Taking the south does not mean that our army will go to the north soon, because the governor's ambition is greater than this." Wu Jingzi calmed down more and more, he obviously caught some idea of ​​Ning Yu.

"At that time, sorting out the interior is the key to the governor, and Zhu Yigui and the White Lotus Sect outside will also become the objects of the governor's consideration. Then the righteousness advocated by our army now is somewhat inappropriate."

(End of this chapter)

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