Cutting 1719

Chapter 297

Chapter 297
The conversation between Ning Yu and Wu Jingzi lasted for an entire hour. This kind of situation is very rare for Ning Yu at present, which shows how much Ning Yu attaches importance to his words.

Although Wu Jingzi is just a scholar, it is difficult for him to talk or think beyond the limitations of this era, but it is very rare for him to dare to put forward these ideas.

"The theory of righteousness can be repaired, and it may be taken out after my father ascends the throne in the future."

There is light in Ning Yu's eyes, and it has gradually become the consensus among the Fuhan Army to adjust the current righteousness of the Fuhan Army to suit the current situation.It can be said that if Wu Jingzi doesn't mention it, other people will bring it up in the future.

It's just that many people's thoughts have been caught in the situation, and they didn't make such a reminder at the first time.On the contrary, Wu Jingzi was able to clear away the fog in front of the Fuhan army and explore the essence, which shows that his ability to perceive the current situation is still very good.

As early as the beginning of the rebellion of the Han army, the great righteousness proposed was to "expel the Tartars, fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty". Including the local gentry and scholastic groups who cherish the old Ming, as well as forces like Zhu Yigui and the White Lotus Sect, as long as everyone can fight the Qing court together, they will be comrades in arms fighting side by side.

But here comes the problem. Now that the Fuhan army has taken Jiangnan, it is only a matter of time before it becomes the throne. At this time, it seems a bit out of date to use the original righteousness. After all, the big guy is working hard with the Ning family, isn't it? In order to re-establish the Ming that has been buried in the ground, the establishment of a new dynasty is the common idea of ​​all, so anti-Qing and restoring the Ming cannot continue to be a righteous cause.

"Expel the barbarians, restore China, establish guidelines and disciplines, and relieve the people of Sri Lanka."

Such a sentence suddenly flashed in Ning Yu's mind, and after thinking about it, he became a little crazy.

On the ninth day of September, the city of Suzhou was surrounded by the Fu-Han Legion. Hundreds of guns were fired. Under the faint white smoke, the lower flag was erected at the head of Suzhou City.

This is not possible without surrender. Yang Zongren led tens of thousands of regiments to practice and ran away. The rest of the people naturally lost the intention of resisting. There is no need to continue the fight. The gentry and common people in the city dedicated the city come out.

"Bastards! They are all bastards!"

Yang Zongren, the inspector general of Jiangsu, was sitting in the governor's yamen of Hangzhou city and yelling at him, which made the officials in Zhejiang who were sitting beside him feel a little embarrassed. Man Bao, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang who stayed in Fuzhou and would not save him.

The news of the fall of Suzhou City soon reached Hangzhou. The distance between the Seventh Division of the Fuhan Army and Hangzhou was only a short three hundred miles, and it would take up to ten days to reach the city of Hangzhou. By then, the [-] troops in Hangzhou would , it is difficult to compete with the Fuhan army.

How did Jiangning City get lost?A division of the Fuhan Army launched an attack and directly hit the top of the city. When it launched another attack, Jiangning City was gone. The whole process was almost jaw-dropping.

At that time, Jiangning City could be regarded as a strong city, with [-] green battalions and [-] banners stationed, no matter how poor the combat effectiveness was, it was still a regular army that was recorded in the court's small books, but even so, it could not Resisting an attack by the Fuhan army is really a pile of tofu.

The current Hangzhou city is not as good as the Jiangning city at that time. It seems that there are 8 people gathered, but 7 of them are untrained regiments, and there are only [-] green battalion soldiers. It may be difficult for the newly formed division to defend Hangzhou City.

Li Fu, governor of Zhejiang, who was sitting on the side, sighed: "Brother Tianjue, this Suzhou fell before a single shot was fired. We have no way to explain to the emperor."

Sun Wencheng on the other side heard this, although there was no expression on his face, he couldn't help shaking his head in his heart. At this moment, he was still thinking about throwing the pot away, and the Qing Dynasty should indeed be finished.

Yang Zongren smiled coldly, picked up the teacup on the table, blew on the tea soup, and said slowly: "As Mr. Li said, the official has been thinking about it for a long time, and he has already written the scripture. If you think it's okay after reading it , and jointly signed a fold with the lower official." As he spoke, he took out a memorial wrapped in yellow silk from his sleeve.

Li Fu didn't know how deep Yang Zongren's pool was, so naturally he had a high opinion of Yang Zongren. Hearing this, he quickly took the paper and read it carefully.

After a while, Li Fu nodded lightly, and sighed: "Brother Tianjue, I understand that Suzhou City did not fall without a fight. It is also a helpless move to withdraw these tens of thousands of regiments from Suzhou. But, what does Master Sun think?"

As mentioned above, in the Jiangnan officialdom, Sanzhi’s status is very special. It is not only responsible for the purchase of weaving, but also responsible for monitoring the overall situation in Jiangnan, and has the right to play secret documents (at this time, Yongzheng has not promoted the system of secret documents. to the whole world), so even Li Fu had to be careful with Sun Wencheng in front of him.

Of course, the big guys have to pass the test, which naturally includes Sun Wencheng himself, so Li Fu is not worried that Sun Wencheng will not agree to come down. If he really tells Yongzheng all the truth, no one will come to clean up this mess. Yongzheng I'm afraid I won't even think about pursuing it. You must know that the north is currently blocked by the Fuhan army. Who knows how long Zhejiang can report?

Sun Wencheng hurriedly said in a low voice: "Xiaguan understands that the current matter must naturally focus on the overall situation. If you blindly criticize and demand perfection, then you are not intentionally making things difficult for others, right? Couldn't have done better."

What he said made everyone nod their heads. In this officialdom, people in bridal sedan chairs carry people. If there were such ignorant people, they would not be able to reach their current positions. Naturally, they would not be able to participate in such decision-making. In the middle.

Yang Zongren saw that there was no objection, so he withdrew the note, and continued: "My lords, we can explain to the emperor right now, but the threat of the Han army is not so easy to deal with. I don't know if Mr. Li has a sense of proportion. ?”

Li Fu arched his hands and sighed: "At present, the soldiers in Hangzhou City have been brought to Fuzhou by Man Junmen, saying that they are dealing with Zhu Ni. But right now Zhu Ni has not seen it, but Chu Ni has already suppressed it." I'm coming." In his words, there may be no resentment towards Man Bao, governor of Fujian and Zhejiang.

"I heard that the newly appointed Admiral Yao of the Fujian Navy, who has only been in office for less than half a year, is old after all. It hasn't been long, and his body is already on the ground. Maybe the court can send another Admiral of the Navy. come over."

Sun Wencheng smiled, and took the opportunity to throw out these remarks deliberately, wanting to test the two people in front of him. Relatively speaking, he is actually the one who is not favored by Yongzheng. Maybe the two people in front of him came from Yongzheng. , there is nothing new to say.

Yang Zongren's eyes narrowed, and he was a little surprised: "This news has already spread to Zhejiang?"

Although his words were full of doubts, they undoubtedly affirmed the accuracy of the news, but they surprised Li Fu and Sun Wencheng who were present. So, maybe it's Yongzheng's real confidant.

The entire communication process between the three of them looked complicated on the surface, but in fact the core was very simple, that is to see who could gain Yongzheng's trust more, and whoever knew the situation would be richer.Judging from the current situation, Yang Zongren has become the real eyes and ears of Yongzheng Jiangnan.

Seeing the expressions of Sun Wencheng and Li Fu, Yang Zongren seemed to have discovered something. He knew that he must have not kept the two from what he said just now, and he felt a little annoyed at the moment, but just now he was passive, so he just No longer willing to take the initiative to speak.

The three of them became quiet again for an instant, and each of them was thinking about their own thoughts, which made the whole atmosphere even more weird.

Li Fu sighed softly: "Just now, I'm afraid we still have to invite all the soldiers to come to Zhejiang, otherwise it is impossible to hold on. As long as we can hold on for two or three months, we can be regarded as having the confidence to deal with the emperor." "When he said this, he focused all his attention on Yang Zongren.

Yang Zongren didn't speak, just nodded, but it made Li Fu's heart feel cold. He understood in his heart that Yongzheng might have completely given up on Jiangnan, or he was unable to rescue Jiangnan at all.

This Qing Dynasty is really dead
"The Qing Dynasty will not perish!"

Man Bao, governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, felt bitter in his mouth. Standing on Kinmen Island, looking at the calm and wide sea, he let out a roar from his heart.

The calm in front of him was only temporary, and only Man Bao knew that a big battle would soon take place on Kinmen Island, and this big battle would also determine the direction of the entire situation in the southeast.It's just that Yao Tang, the admiral of the Fujian Navy who was supposed to be standing here, has fallen ill and collapsed, leaving behind a series of things that made Manbao feel a little out of control.

Some time ago, when the Qing court succeeded to the throne, Zhu Yigui of Taiwan was also integrating his forces, eliminating many old, weak, sick and disabled, and reorganizing all the rebels into an army of only [-] soldiers. Daming army.

The equipment of this [-]-strong army is much stronger than that of the previous rebel army. In addition, most of them have undergone certain training and actual combat on the battlefield, so their combat effectiveness is quite good. He gained a certain advantage, and often beat the Qing army into a mess on the battlefield.

Later, in order to deal with Zhu Yigui's forces going ashore, Manbao transferred the Qing army from Zhejiang, bringing the number of Qing troops under him to 6, of which [-] and eight banners were transferred from Hangzhou, and their combat effectiveness was relatively high. Said it was okay.Of course, the absolute main force is naturally the Fujian Navy under the original Shi Shibiao.

But God bless Da Qing, this Shi Shibiao was drenched to death by a rain, and the new naval admiral Yao Tang who came here was also quite old, after struggling in the barracks for a long time, he finally made himself sick. They were all dying, and Manbao had to ask Yongzheng for help again.

And the result of asking for help this time is also obvious. Yongzheng is unwilling to send people to support the bottomless pit in Fujian. What he hopes more is to let Manbao take the rest of the people and stick to Fujian to do his duty. If he can hold Zhu Ni back, of course Even better, it's fine if you can't delay, let Zhu Ni go ashore to find trouble for the Han army.

"Junmen, this time Zhu Yigui came out with a large army, and it seems that he intends to repeat Zheng Ming's story."

The deputy general of the Chinese army, Zuo Qing, had a look of worry on his face. The problem is that the number of warships in the Qing army has become less and less after the previous battle, while Zhu Yigui's warships have increased instead.Under the ebb and flow, it became impossible to completely wipe out Zhu Yigui on the sea.

Holding up the binoculars, Man Bao looked at the wide sea in front of him, and more and more ships began to appear, but a trace of sadness emerged in his heart. This scene is so similar to the Qing Dynasty conquering Mingzheng, but now the world is turned upside down. , it is unacceptable
After the Qing Dynasty conquered Taiwan, Kangxi even planned to cancel the Fujian Navy directly. Later, he did not choose to withdraw due to various reasons. However, the support for the Fujian Navy was much smaller. The most direct impact was that the ships had been used for many years. It has not been replaced, and everyone has been relying on tinkering to barely support the Fujian Navy.

Now, in front of Zhu Yigui's warships, the Qing court's warships do not have a clear advantage, especially the morale of the soldiers of the Fujian Navy has become even more sluggish, and how can they be expected to give the Qing Dynasty the money when they have not been given enough money? Serving life or even serving death?

With the sound of cannons, the cannons of the Qing army on Kinmen Island began to roar. These cannons were also left over from the time when Mingzheng was defeated. Although they are very old, the quality of workmanship is not bad. It can be used, but the technology of these artillery is backward after all, so the projectiles fired fell into the sea far away from Zhu Yigui's warship.

After a while, the artillery on Zhu Yigui's warship also rang out. Of course, his performance was not much better than that of the Qing army. The two sides shot each other symbolically, and the warship began to approach Jinmen Island. Everyone knew in their hearts. , this problem will ultimately have to be resolved on land.

Man Bao's hand holding the binoculars trembled slightly, "Order the artillery to fire as soon as possible, and the rest are ready to meet the enemy!"


Between the roar of the guns, the Qing army and Zhu Yigui's army began to confront each other. The firepower of the ships on both sides was similar, and there was almost no big difference in the quality of the troops. Therefore, the killing was inextricably linked at once, and a large number of corpses lay on the sea. Floating on the sky, depicting the cruel picture of this world.

On September [-]th, just five days after the fall of Suzhou City, the Qing army and Zhu Yigui had a great battle on Kinmen Island. The army retreated to Fuzhou.

It was just this battle that made the decision. The Qing army's complete defeat in the southeast battle caused Emperor Yongzheng, who was far away in the capital, to suffer a strong counterattack from the Qing court.

(End of this chapter)

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