Cutting 1719

Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Yongzheng's face was ashen, looking at the memorials that had piled up like a hill in front of him, he deeply felt the pressure from within the Qing court. This pressure originated from the fall of Jiangning and quickly fermented after the defeat in the Battle of Kinmen Island. , and finally turned into a knife stabbing Yongzheng.

"Please put an end to the war in the northwest, discuss peace with Luo Bu Zang Danjin, and use Yun Yu as the commander to send troops to attack the south of the Yangtze River!"

The three requirements in the booklet are knives. They are not lies submitted by those pedantic Hanchens, but the papers submitted by the Eight Banners. More precisely, the banner owners and the Baye Party are attacking Yongzheng!

After experiencing all kinds of turmoil after Yongzheng ascended the throne, these people forcibly endured it, but now they finally found an opportunity. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Jiangnan being captured, they stirred up restlessness within the Eight Banners, and used this to attack Yongzheng's prestige , so as to find a way out for themselves.

Prince Lian Yunxu, Prince Yi Yunxiang, Zhang Tingyu, Long Kedo, other princes and ministers, and ministers of various ministries knelt on the ground, bowed their heads and remained silent, as if they each had their own thoughts.

"Everyone, don't you have anything to say?" Yongzheng looked around at the kneeling officials.

Prince Yi Yunxiang had a bit of resentment on his face, and said in a loud voice: "Report to the emperor, the servants think these memorials are really not worth refuting. The situation in our Qing Dynasty is dangerous now, and we should judge the situation. The thief has ulterior motives, and there is even a plan behind it to counteract it. If I, Daqing, negotiate peace with him, the thief will probably open his mouth like a lion, and bite off a piece of meat from my Daqing."

"What's more, the troops of General Nian and General Yue have already arrived at Batang, Litang, Huangshengguan, etc., and Funing'an also led troops to station in Turpan and Gasbo, which essentially cut off the rebels' entry. On the road to Tibet, Luobu Zangdanjin is already surrounded by our army, seeing that they have accomplished their feats in one battle, how can we talk about peace?"

Speaking of this, Yunxiang glared at Yunhu. This time, it was mainly the members of the Baye Party who promoted the peace talks. Others might not understand what they were up to, but his old thirteen knew it clearly.

Yunyu was expressionless, but said softly: "My Majesty, what Prince Yi said is reasonable, but he also overlooked the key point of our Qing Dynasty. The Northwest War has continued from the time of the emperor's examination to the present, all the way back and forth. The investment in the next few decades cannot be neglected. But at that time, my Qing Dynasty was rich all over the world, and with the power of the whole world, I could naturally support my Qing Dynasty to continue the war in the northwest, but now the south of the Yangtze River has been lost, and Chu Ni is watching. The war has to stop even if it doesn’t stop.”

A flash of anger flashed in Yongzheng's eyes, he could naturally understand what Yunhu said, even Huang Ama failed to clean up the Northwest, now how can you clean up the enemies of the Northwest?The meaning in the words is naturally that he is not optimistic about Yongzheng's decision.

Zhang Tingyu remained silent, and the Minister of the Ministry of War, Tuolai, had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Prince Lian, the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is hard to change. Manbao and Yang Zongren only have tens of thousands of green battalion soldiers left in Fujian and Zhejiang, plus tens of thousands. Team training, under the attack of Chu Ni and Zhu Ni, Jiangnan is really hard to survive."

Yunhu just let out a long sigh, and said meaningfully: "If the monarch and his ministers are of the same mind, use their lives, and conquer the south of the Yangtze River with the fourteenth brother as the commander, they will naturally be able to keep it."

These words are almost a blatant accusation that Yongzheng did not really want to keep Jiangnan, but chose a slack attitude, which led to the situation in Jiangnan being out of control.

"Your Majesty, for the sake of my Qing Dynasty, this servant has the courage to stop the war in the Northwest and use Yun Yu as his commander to launch an army to attack the south of the Yangtze River!"

Yunhu knelt down, her face as firm as iron, no matter how many schemes and tricks, no matter how many intrigues, this moment of face-to-face is inevitable after all.Perhaps, this scene is what he wants to see.

Soon, some ministers of the Eight Lord Party and several banner owners of the Eight Banners also came out and knelt down. They didn't look at each other, but their actions seemed very tacit, as if they had practiced it many times.

"Please, Your Majesty, put an end to the war in the northwest, and take Yun Yu as the commander to send troops to the south of the Yangtze River!"

"Your Majesty, please think again, the fertile land in the south of the Qing Dynasty must not be abandoned lightly."

"Your Majesty, this servant is willing to lead the army to conquer the south of the Yangtze River and regain the homeland of the south of the Yangtze River!"

For a while, the hall became silent, and the ministers naturally understood that the current dispute will be the first major political dispute in the new dynasty. The Baye Party, which is deeply rooted in the ruling and opposition parties, will naturally not wait to be uprooted by Yongzheng From then on, they began to choose to fight back.

Looking at the ministers and banner owners who jumped out, a sneer finally appeared on Yongzheng's face. The anger in his heart had disappeared without a trace. It's okay to jump out. Only by jumping out can I better fight You catch them all!
What I want to clean up is the world, not a corner of the south of the Yangtze River. Since you all jumped out, I will no longer be polite!

"When Huang Kao was in power, he often taught me that the form of the world is better than the chessboard. You must never care about the gains and losses of a piece or a place. If you care about a place in the south of the Yangtze River, the Qing Dynasty will lose the whole world!"

"My Qing Dynasty is now facing such a situation. The key is internal rather than external. If Man Pi, the governor of Huguang, was not greedy first, how could he have caused the rebellion of Chu? You should also reflect on the reasons for this. If this internal evil is not eliminated, even if Jiangnan is flattened and Huguang is flattened, the old things will happen again in the future!"

When Yongzheng brought up the old things, he naturally had other meanings. Although Manpi had died in battle, he was a member of the Eight Lords Party. Let's just let it go, and now that Manpi is mentioned again, it is natural to explain the things inside clearly, and the target is naturally the members of the Baye Party in the audience.

"If you are clamoring today, if it is for the Qing Dynasty, I will not blame you, but if you are thinking about something else, even if I forgive you, the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty will not let you go!"

Yongzheng glanced at all the ministers, and finally fixed on Prince Lian Yunhu, and this scene was naturally seen by the ministers.

Prince Lian is probably about to die.

"I think that if Prince Lian Yunyu is willing to do things with sincerity, he will do all the affairs well. In terms of his talent and integrity, all the ministers are second to none. He can be based on reason. I cherish it very much. It is a pity that his tricks are dangerous and deceitful. There is no minister who can compare with it, and I can't condone it."

"Huang Kao also said in the past: "The righteousness of the Spring and Autumn Period, if there are no generals, the generals must be punished. Dabao can be arbitrarily spying on someone? Yinhu is soft and treacherous, and he has great ambitions. I know it well. .' Now Yunyu still refuses to repent, I really can't bear it any longer, and I will temporarily hand it over to the clan's office."

After all, it is the younger brother of the king, and Yongzheng didn't want to lose face. In the end, it was a decision made by the Jiaozong mansion, but Yunhu, who was kneeling on the ground, was already paralyzed. He let out a heavy breath, and looked around behind him. The princes and ministers of the Eight Banners, and saw that the banner owners of the banners who originally supported him were all indifferent at this moment, and he finally understood.

"The slave leads an order to thank you."

Tears were streaming down Yunhu's face, and after receiving the order, her whole spirit completely collapsed.

The next day, Yongzheng once again issued an edict to send Wu Erzhan, Seertu, Sunu, Orondai and others to Shengjing to live in Shengjing with "ignorance, recklessness, and restlessness", and took away their subordinates. The decree said: "In the past, Yi's father was convicted by the emperor and demoted his prince's title. Yi and others complained and slandered." Le Shiheng was dismissed and sent to Xining.

A few days later, Yongzheng once again issued an order to the kings and ministers, saying: before his death, the Holy Ancestor, because of allowing the concubine to do all kinds of arrogance, caused the emperor to be angry in his later years. Still "consolidate the party's support and hope for luck", after I ascended the throne, I will give you the title of prince and take over the affairs of the prime minister. Yi Yunzhen and Yunzhen once contributed to Yi, with selfish motives.All affairs are intentionally destroyed, and the performance is not done in person, but respectfully and hastily paid to others.

After such a combination of punches, it can be regarded as completely uprooting the Baye Party, and even Hongshi, the third son of the emperor who is close to Yunsi, also suffered from this incident.The entire Baye Party has completely disappeared, and all the ministers have already confirmed the fact that the new emperor is really not kidding, everyone should hurry up and cooperate.

Taking advantage of this current opportunity, Emperor Yongzheng once again issued an edict on the Baye Party, and personally wrote an article "Theory of Imperial Control of Cliques", which can be regarded as the last nail in the Baye Party.

"A husband does not act selfishly, but he is the way? The so-called way of cultivation is also the ears of the villain... The trend of cronyism is so irresistible that it is really a serious practice. If you want to practice today and talk about it, I will definitely Punish him to correct his crime of deceiving the world."

Ning Yu was holding this "Theory of Imperial Cliques", but his face was a bit surprised. This Yong Laosi is really ruthless in doing things, and it's a bit strange.
In fact, before Yongzheng's "Theory of Cliques", Ouyang Xiu once wrote "Theory of Cliques", but the theory of cronyism mentioned at that time was not a derogatory term, and he also pointed out that a gentleman has friends and a villain has no friends To put it bluntly, the emperor needs cronies, because there is crony competition, the throne can be done comfortably, if there is no crony, it will be detrimental to the country and society.

Strictly speaking, this kind of thinking is actually very common. After all, the emperor is not afraid of no one doing things, but most afraid that the people below will work together. With cronies, the emperor can better control power.But now when it comes to Yongzheng, this is not the case. In his opinion, if there are cliques in this world, there will be struggles, and if there are struggles, it will affect work, so cliques are very bad.

Li Fu has a deep understanding of Kangxi, but a relatively shallow understanding of the fourth child. He shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Everyone knows that Prince Yong is down-to-earth, so this situation is very normal."

Ning Yu said with some distress: "It's normal to have cronies in this world. Even my Fuhan army is divided into cronies. After all, the people below will inevitably form groups if they want to do things. If the emperor decides everything, I'm afraid the world will also be in trouble." It's going to be a mess."

Speaking of this time, Ning Yu admired these model worker emperors quite a lot. From Hongwu to Yongzheng, the two of them were the kind of non-stop playboys, wishing to take everything into their own hands, so what else would they want? Cliques, it's good for everyone to listen to themselves.

Of course, not everyone can learn these two. Zhu Yuanzhang started his own business to conquer the world. When he was young, his body was relatively strong and he could bear such a heavy workload, but Yongzheng was not necessarily so. Ning Yu knew that he was Later generations died early, but whether they died of exhaustion or taking medicine, they don't remember clearly.

Li Fu smiled slightly, but took out a booklet from his pocket, handed it to Ning Yu, and said in a low voice: "The "Regulations on Jiangnan Business Administration" has been drafted, and the governor should have a look."

In Ning Yu's mind, he is going to test Jiang Ning, who is currently down, to test his new industrial and commercial management regulations, so as to prove his theory. It was widely promoted in the army.

This time, the "Regulations on the Administration of Industry and Commerce in the South of the Yangtze River" is aimed at industry and commerce, but it also contains a lot of private goods. It can be said that it is essentially a reform of the status quo.

In this reform of Ning Yu, the first point is to deny the traditional theory of "scholar, farmer, businessman and commerce" and establish a new household registration system. This household registration system breaks the traditional hereditary occupation and also cancels the To put it bluntly, no matter what the big guys do, they have completely achieved equality in status.

This step is actually very difficult. Even within the Fuhan army, many people think that those mud-legged people are not the same as them. Naturally, it is not mainstream, but it is very difficult to correct it.

Ning Yu didn't expect this new concept to be popularized in a day, so in the "Jiangnan Business Administration Regulations", he only briefly mentioned that the key point is to untie the business and industry, so that they can let go.

In addition, Ningyu also formally established the salt and iron monopoly system. All salt and iron resources in the territory of the Fuhan Army were taken over as official camps, and private participation in the operation and trading was prohibited, especially in order to control the The resources will not flow out, especially will not flow into the hands of the Qing court, and a special management method for strategic material transactions has been formulated. Simply put, all private gentry want to trade strategic materials, in addition to reporting to the Fuhan Army, The only option is to smuggle.

Of course, in the "Jiangnan Industrial and Commercial Administration Regulations", there are also tax adjustments, that is, on the basis of the original commercial tax, mining tax and salt tax, it is readjusted to industrial and commercial tax, which is heavier than the previous commercial tax. However, from another perspective, it has actually changed the burden on merchants in this era.

Because in the "Jiangnan Business Administration Regulations", all checkpoints in the territory of the Fuhan Army have been completely cancelled, and there will be no more tax re-collections every time they go to a place in the past, which can be called the greatest blessing for businesses.

(End of this chapter)

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