Cutting 1719

Chapter 408 Do you want to rebel?

Chapter 408 Do you want to rebel?
The battle to regain the Southwest is actually two different concepts from the previous pacification of Jiangnan and the fight against Guangdong and Guangxi, because in any case, Jiangnan and Guangdong and Guangxi are familiar lands. As long as they are defeated and properly governed, they can quickly be transformed into sources of wealth and soldiers for the Han army. land.

But the Southwest is different. The folk customs here are tough, and there are many chieftains, big and small. The chieftain system that has lasted for hundreds of years has made the centrifugal force between the Southwest and the central court even greater. Although Shu is rich, the chieftains in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces are not so It is easy to settle, so it is necessary to fight wars and govern the people.

Now that the chieftains of the two provinces have been wiped out in one battle, the chieftains of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces no longer have the strength to resist in front of the Fuhan army, so the opportunity to realize the county system has come.

"Cui Qing, now is a good time. The cabinet needs to come up with a proper governance plan. It must not continue to repeat the old Hongwu incident. How to grasp the strength of this requires you and the cabinet to have a clear understanding."

Ning Yu said slowly: "As a land of Xinna, all areas involved in wars are exempted from tax for three years. This is our principle. But in the three southwestern provinces, this tax-free money cannot be exempted directly, and it needs to be supplemented by Han Chinese language education is assessed based on the acceptance level of Chinese language education, and those who pass can be exempted from tax, and those who have excellent grades can also be rewarded."

"Your Majesty, this method is very good. If you want to cut off the foundation of the chieftain's rule, it is not enough to just kill the chieftain soldiers. You also need to start from the root. Only by focusing on Sinicization can the local area be more actively integrated into the imperial court. And this strategy not only It can face the three southwestern provinces, as well as Shizhouwei."

Cui Wancai smiled. It's not that the Sinicization of the provinces has not been done before, but the results have not been obvious, but this time it is tied to real money. No matter what, a group of people will take the initiative to come closer.

"That's right, during this battle, Yue Zhongqi actually wanted to use Shizhouwei as a springboard to attack me in Yichang. We must not indulge in this place any longer, and ordered Yichang's newly formed [-]th Division to directly occupy Shizhouwei and change Shizhouwei is Shinan Prefecture, which fully implements the policy of tax exemption and Sinicization education."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After Ning Yu ordered, he looked at Ning Zuyi again and said: "We must emphasize with King Changshan that the most important thing in this battle is the people, so when the army is marching, we must strictly observe military discipline, especially for the people of other ethnic groups. As far as they are concerned, they are also our people, so we must not humiliate the people and harm the people, and hope that the troops will strictly control them."

Ning Zuyi immediately responded yes, and then briefly reported the follow-up military plan of the Privy Council, and then retreated. After all, since the Privy Council was restructured, things were too heavy, so that those in charge were often exhausted.

After the ministers retired, Ning Yu couldn't hide the excitement and excitement in his heart. He understood what the success of the Southwest War meant. It meant that the Southwest War would end sooner than expected, and it also meant Until the day of the Northern Expedition next year, there will be more preparation time.

Thinking of the Northern Expedition, Ning Yu trembled a little, he was finally getting closer to this day
At the end of July, when the people in Nanjing were discussing the exquisiteness of the new currency, the eight major banks simultaneously launched the sale of national defense bonds. The six to eight points did not attract too many ordinary people to participate, but they were quickly accepted by the major families. And the major chambers of commerce will make a round, so this year's national debt is also known as "the national debt of the rich and powerful" in history.

Of course, for the current common people, they did not express any objection to this. After all, six to eight points, compared with the [-] points for private debt, is too far apart. Understand the deep intention of the national debt, so when the national debt is sold out, more people just turn their heads and forget.

The "Qingliu Bao" published in Nanjing, Wuchang, Hanyang, Hangzhou, Nanchang, Fujian, and Guangzhou, etc., published a large number of relevant clips about the First World War in the Southwest, but there were not many strategic things in it, so it did not involve confidentiality The most important chapter is still based on heroic deeds.

In fact, in the Southwest War, although the battle was extremely smooth, a large number of first-class meritorious martyrs still emerged. Apart from being awarded the Medal of Loyalty and Bravery, they were also reported by major newspapers, and their deeds were truthfully reported After that, he earned a handful of tears from the Chinese people.

As far as the common people are concerned, they are not as resistant to war as in the past. The most important thing is that the common people have obtained benefits that they did not have before under the current Ningchu rule. Therefore, subconsciously, they also hope to completely unify the whole of China. , bringing happiness to all.

This kind of simple values ​​drove many people to join the Fuhan Army, and the Northern Expedition also began to carry out preliminary propaganda. Maybe it was just a word, maybe it was just a report, but the Northern Expedition has already begun to be deeply imprinted in the hearts of many people. , they, like Ning Yu, longed for the early arrival of the Northern Expedition one day.

At the same time, the war in the southwest is also advancing steadily. The second division led by Uji Jing arrived in Chongqing Mansion on time, and broke through the Chongqing Mansion in World War I. Sichuan Admiral Zhang Guangsi led all the guards to die in battle, and Zhang Guangsi died in battle At the time, his eyes were still looking in the direction of Yue Zhongqi's retreat.

The fall of the Chongqing government, coupled with the gradual encirclement of the Southwest Group Army of the Fuhan Army, also caused the [-] Qing army led by Yue Zhongqi to start like a hunted cicada, flopping in the weaving net, and then went north to counterattack In Zhongzhou, we will go south to attack Xiushan and Yongsui in a while.

But to Ning Zhongyi, this is just a dying person's toss. On the one hand, he calmly judges Yue Zhongqi's real purpose, not to be confused by his actions; The activity space of the Qing army vowed to capture Yue Zhongqi, the cicada, into his hands.

On the fourth day of August, the weather in Sichuan, Guizhou and other places was abnormal, with sudden heavy rain and even hail. Such abnormal weather made the people think that the Dragon King was angry, and many people went to the Dragon Temple to worship and pray The Dragon King appeases his anger.

However, this sudden rainstorm and hailstorm was tantamount to a complete disaster for the Qing army marching along the Wujiang River.

After Yue Zhongqi decided to withdraw from Shizhou Guard, their journey was very uneven. It was already very difficult for them to pass through Shizhou, but now they crossed Shizhou again and returned, which made everyone's physical strength gradually exhausted. , There are so many lodging people along the way, it is so miserable.

Wearing a muddy uniform and holding a long wooden stick in his hand, He Yuqing was marching with a long queue, and in front of and behind him were a group of numb and desperate soldiers.

As a commander-in-chief of the Qing army, He Yuqing was not an illiterate soldier. In fact, he had participated in martial arts. He was assigned to Zizhou, Sichuan, where he was originally from, and became a general manager of the Green Camp.

Although he is just a small battalion general, he is still a sixth-rank military general in the imperial court. He Yuqing's regular salary is four taels of silver every month, and his life is not bad, but for He Yuqing, he has no further room. .

Because in the Qing army, the system of "promoting all generals" and "avoidance system" has been implemented. The so-called promotion of generals means that, except for the lower-level officers below Qian Zong, all the military officers above Qian Zong will be transferred to other places after being promoted. , and soldiers are not allowed to move with officers.Secondly, lieutenant generals and officers above the general level cannot serve in the province. Guerrillas and capital officers must serve in areas five hundred miles away from their native place, and guards are not allowed to serve in the government.Therefore, once he wants to be promoted, he cannot continue to stay in his hometown.

He Yuqing didn't care about these things. He enjoyed the sense of stability brought by life in his hometown more, and he wanted to stay with his family. Therefore, as a martial artist, he has always been the chief executive of this green camp.

However, after the Fuhan Army started the Southwest War, He Yuqing's past stable days were gone forever. Although he did not fight, he has been marching with Yue Zhongqi as an ordinary general.

"Mr. He Qian, I heard that you used to be a martial artist?"

An older soldier from the Green Battalion had a contemptuous smile on his face. Since Qian Zong and Ba Zong were only low-ranking officers, when they were actually fighting, they had to curry favor with the veterans in the ranks. The status of both sides was not as good as imagined Well, many veterans have no respect for Qian Zong and Ba Zong.

When the veteran asked, the other veterans of the green battalion also laughed and laughed. Their days were numbered, and it was a joy to have a little fun.

A look of embarrassment appeared on He Yuqing's face, of course he could understand the malice hidden in this sentence, so he snorted coldly, "If you are contemptuous, go ahead and pave the road, and see if you still laugh come out!"

Hearing He Yuqing's words, the faces of the green battalion soldiers changed instantly, and they began to swear at He Yuqing, and some even pushed and shoved them, because He Yuqing's words were too vicious.

In the current weather, the roads are muddy and slippery, making it difficult to walk, so many green battalion soldiers were ordered to pave the roads, and use whatever pavements they could.

Therefore, during this period of time, as many as a hundred green battalion soldiers were taken to pave the road every day. If these people died of exhaustion, their corpses became the road for the Qing army to march.

Seeing the commotion in the team, a tall man came over. Everyone's expressions changed when they saw him, and they didn't dare to say much at the moment, they could only look at the man in front of them in fear.

This person is Dong Lin, a general under Jianchang. He is good at dancing spears and clubs on weekdays, so he is often fierce in the army. .

"Hmph, if you don't dare to shout about all the incompetent things here, they will all pave the way for me!"

Dong Lin sneered, but then he pulled He Yuqing over, and said loudly on purpose: "Mr. He Qian, in order to deal with these people in the future, we have to be ruthless and let them know what military law is!"

There was a trace of gratitude on He Yuqing's face, and he said softly: "My lord's words are very true, thank you for your help."

However, Dong Lin pulled He Yuqing aside and said slowly, "Mr. He Qian, there is one thing that needs you to do right now."

He Yuqing couldn't help beating a drum in his heart. He was afraid that it would be a simple matter for him, a general in charge, to give instructions in person, so he said in a low voice: "Your Excellency, you can order anything. No matter if you can do it or you can't do it, you should do it yourself." Do your best."

Although He Yuqing left room for what he said, Dong Lin didn't care, but whispered meaningfully: "He Qianhu, do you know that our brothers in the south are all dead under the city of Guiyang right now?"


As a low-ranking officer, He Yuqing certainly didn't know these things, but seeing Dong Lin's swearing expression, he was a little flustered at the moment. Doesn't it mean that they are in danger now?

"He Qianhu, it's very urgent now. I won't tell you more. I just want to tell you that if you still want to go back to see your wife and children, we can't continue to Guizhou. If we go any further, we will die sooner or later!"

"However, Xiaguan is just a small thousand households, how can he decide the marching route?"

He Yuqing only felt that he was powerless. Since the start of the war, he had been dragged into this tide and could only follow the tide.

Dong Lin sneered, "He Qianhu, at that time, the commander-in-chief will ask the governor for orders, and you need to lead your brothers to support!"

"This..." He Yuqing's eyes suddenly became bigger, this is a naked rebellion
Dong Lin snorted coldly, and half threatened: "If you don't want to, that's fine, but I have to remind you, if you don't want to, I'm afraid you will die not far away, and it will be hard to see you again in this life." Wife and children, you have to think clearly!"

"That's all, the next official should obey the wishes of the adults."

After all, the hope for life and the care for his family made He Yuqing choose to compromise.

Because of the defeat in the previous round, and now that it has fallen into an essentially isolated army, many people in the Qing army are full of resentment, and even the commanders of the towns have begun to question Yue Zhongqi's strategic line, so this series of connections did not just happen together. Two cases, and many more He Yuqings are being linked together.

Although these thousands and generals connected in series are not very eye-catching and their grades are not high, they are low-level officers who can control the army. They choose their immediate superiors, not the distant and untouchable General Yue .

When the army marched to the Parrot Pass, there was finally a storm in the Qing army. Many people expressed their unwillingness to continue going south, because if they went further, they would be Sinan Mansion, and there were already Fuhan troops stationed there. .If you continue to go on, you must face the Fuhan army head-on.

At this time, Yue Zhongqi's tent was also full of lieutenants and generals, large and small, their faces were silent, but their meaning was clearly expressed, and it was impossible to go south.

"You guys, do you want to rebel?"

Yue Zhongqi's face was very indifferent, as if she didn't realize the danger at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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