Cutting 1719

Chapter 409 Superintendent, I would like to stay!

Chapter 409 Superintendent, I would like to stay!
"Please, Commander-in-Chief, stop going south!"

Xu Mingzhen, the commander-in-chief of Jianchang Town, looked at Yue Zhongqi, who was sitting in the command tent, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Now that the Chuni army has launched a siege, going south will only lead to a dead end, and there is still a way to survive back to Sichuan. And the soldiers are homesick. The commander-in-chief made a clear decision."

In the final analysis, there is no absolute conflict of interest between the big guy and Yue Zhongqi, and this connection in the army is just to make Yue Zhongqi change his mind and stop going south to Sinan Mansion, so they are also quite polite and dare not show any disrespect.

The other chief soldiers, deputy generals, generals and others in the tent also had the same expressions, except for a few people who were Yue Zhongqi's confidantes, looking at these colleagues with angry faces.

Yue Zhongqi looked at those green battalion generals with serious faces, but sighed lightly.

"Speaking of homesickness, who among you is as homesick as a Sichuan native like me?"

With one sentence, the camouflage masks on everyone's faces were torn off, because among the crowd at present, the other chief soldiers, generals and lieutenants, due to the "general promotion" system and the "avoidance system", are not real. The native Sichuan people, but the generals of other provinces.

As for Yue Zhongqi himself, on the contrary, he is actually a Chuanwazi who is at the Sichuan Senior Official University, because his father, Yue Shenglong, was awarded the admiral of Sichuan for his military exploits in the Zhaomo Great Victory as early as the 35th year of Kangxi, and the whole family has been living in Sichuan. All have been naturalized in Sichuan.

Therefore, when a group of non-Sichuan people say that they are homesick in front of the real Sichuanese Yue Zhongqi, isn't it a big joke?

No one chose to refute it, because the matter had been untenable from the very beginning, and even Xu Mingzhen, the commander-in-chief of Jianchang Town, looked ashamed at this time.

The reason why I say this is because everyone doesn't want to fight the Fuhan army anymore. They are not only afraid of death, but also afraid that their own death will be unclear.

If it weren't for the prestigious Yue Zhongqi himself who led the army, I am afraid that other people would have really chosen to join the Fuhan army. Everyone is a soldier and pays for them. How could it be possible to serve the Qing Dynasty wholeheartedly?They are not Eight Banners.

Yue Zhongqi decided to have a good talk with the generals. He said softly, "Do you think I don't want to return to Sichuan? There is no point in going south to Guizhou now, because Ertai has been captured, and there is no hope for the two provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou. Now, there’s nothing you can do going south at this time.”

"Since Lord Duxian understands it in his heart, why?" Xu Mingzhen was a little skeptical. He is not a freshman who just came out of the rivers and lakes. He will naturally learn to distinguish some things.

"Why continue to go south, that's because you haven't seen our real hidden crisis."

"I also ask the governor to enlighten me."

Yue Zhongqi sighed softly, walked to the front of the map, and said in a concentrated voice: "Our opponent in this battle is Chu Chief Ning Zhongyi. We can also use this to compete with them, but it is a pity that Ertai's army was destroyed too quickly, and we have no such opportunity."

"But, everyone, don't forget that the divisions of the Fuhan Army in Guizhou have not really shown up until now. Do you think they must be in the Sinan Prefecture area?"

At the end of the sentence, Yue Zhongqi's expression became a little dignified. He glanced around at the group of generals who were chasing and panicking all day long, and couldn't help sighing. He was scared out of his wits before he could do anything. The quality of the generals is now far inferior to that of the Fu Han army on the opposite side.
Xu Mingzhen was a little shocked when he heard this, "Du Xian, isn't the road back to Sichuan the real dangerous road?"

"Hmph, didn't you realize that you have hardly encountered Chu Ni's army during this journey? If it is said that their main force is all huddled in Sinan Mansion, do you believe it?"

Yue Zhongqi sneered, "We definitely want to go back to Sichuan, but we can't just go back like this, otherwise, surrounded by heavy troops, the army will definitely not be spared."

At this point, everyone was reluctantly persuaded. If it was just to avoid a possible ambush by the Fuhan army, it would not be impossible to choose to go south, but how can we be sure?
Before anyone asked, Yue Zhongqi took the initiative to reveal her thoughts. He pointed to Sinan Mansion on the map, and then to Chongqing Mansion, and said in a low voice: "If we want to clarify this point, we can directly Lead the army straight to Sinan Mansion, if the Fu Han army is insufficient here, there will definitely be a large army from Chongqing Mansion to help!"

"Once the Fuhan army returns to aid, it means that there is a loophole in their encirclement. At that time, we will start from the direction of Zunyi Mansion, pass through Gulin, enter the Syrian Prefecture and Jiading Mansions, and then go north to Chengdu Mansion."

"But my lord, what if it turns out that Sinan Prefecture has the main force of the Fuhan Army?"

When Xu Mingzhen heard this, he actually believed it a lot, but he just couldn't hold back his face.

Yue Zhongqi chuckled, "If that's the case, we can go back north immediately. In terms of distance, we are much closer than them. Even if we can't fight a war, can't we escape?"

"In that case, I would like to obey the commander-in-chief's order."

On the ninth day of August, Yue Zhongqi finally led his army to the outside of Anhua City, Sinan Prefecture after eliminating the internal turmoil.At this time, the defenders stationed in Anhua City were the second regiment of the third division of the Fuhan Army.

As early as a few days ago, the third division had already arrived at Tongren Mansion, and the fifth division had arrived at Xuyong Hall, while the first division led by Cheng Ming himself was occupied in Guiyang City for dispatch.Therefore, while the Fuhan army was pressing on many fronts, they only placed one regiment at the forefront of Anhua, with the purpose of cutting off the retreat of the Qing army with all their strength.

Therefore, when the Qing army arrived at Anhua City, after learning about the defenders in Anhua City, the generals could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and expressed their admiration for Yue Zhongqi's judgment, because Anhua City was indeed not the main force of the Fuhan Army. It can be easily judged that the main force of the Fuhan army has been placed on the front line from Xuyong to Chongqing.

It's just admiration, but it makes everyone feel a little desperate, because the current performance of the Fuhan army also shows the fact that their retreat has been completely cut off, which is the worst result.

Even Yue Zhongqi felt a little dizzy after his judgment was correct. He understood what the current situation represented. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Qing army is in a precarious state, because if no adjustments are made, then the Qing army's Destruction is truly imminent.

"According to the original plan, attack the city first!"

Yue Zhongqi was also very helpless, no matter how powerful his strategy was, the Qing army would still have to attack on paper in the end. If not, the situation would not have become so passive.

When the Qing army rushed to Anhua, Gao Yunxiao, the commander of the second regiment of the third division stationed in Anhua City, also cheered up. The main force of the Qing army that everyone was looking for was just like this. When An Hua came, this really made him feel sad and happy, it was hard to describe.

The joy is naturally the discovery of the traces of the main force of the Qing army. A battle must be indispensable. The sad thing is that his second regiment only has about 2000 people. Compared with the tens of thousands of Qing troops, it is really a bit shabby. Therefore, Gao Yun Xiao Xiao didn't dare to delay, and arranged several teams of spies to report to Guiyang Mansion as quickly as possible.

For Gao Yunxiao, the biggest purpose of this battle is naturally to gather and annihilate the main force of the Qing army, so his position will be very critical, and he must not retreat in the slightest. If they retreat, the Qing army may choose to slip away again. As for When is the next opportunity to gather and annihilate this Qing army, and I don't know when it will be.

Therefore, Gao Yunxiao didn't dare to delay. He arranged several teams of spies to report to Guiyang Mansion as quickly as possible. Strengthen defensive capabilities.

Anhua City is not considered a fortified city, but a small county town with a low earth wall outside, so Yue Zhongqi has certain confidence in attacking Anhua.

After all, as long as the Qing army besieges Anhua City, the nearby Fuhan army will definitely choose to come to rescue, so that the plan of diverting the tiger away from the mountain can be realized, thus tearing a hole in the current encirclement, and he can choose to evacuate in another direction. At that time, at most, it will leave a batch of cannon fodder.

Especially those [-] chieftain soldiers who belonged to them are now in an embarrassing position. After all, they joined in as an auxiliary combat role. In addition, the chieftain soldiers under Ertai made a collective rebellion, which led to the destruction of the army. In the army that Yue Zhongqi was in, many people were vigilant about it.

Toasts are unreliable, which has almost become the consensus of everyone. For them, not only should they be used, but also a little bit more precautions, otherwise they will be backlashed.

Therefore, at this time, Yue Zhongqi had already thought about the role of cannon fodder, and he planned to use the chieftain soldiers as the army in the rear to hold off the pursuit of the Fuhan army. At that time, he would lead an army of [-] and kill another one with a carbine.

Under these considerations, Yue Zhongqi didn't send anyone to intercept the messenger sent by the Fuhan army, and didn't even try to stop it, the purpose was to mobilize the nearby Fuhan army.

Although the Qing army was not so interested in attacking Anhua, but when they really fought, it was still the same old way. First, the infantry artillery moved to the bottom of the city, and then the artillery opened fire. The artillery of the Fuhan army was blown dizzy, and they were all mixed up.

Although the soldiers of the Qing army also had bird guns and artillery, their power was too limited, and the soldiers were not well trained when using them, so they did not have a great impact on the Fuhan army on the city wall. casualties.

Although the pace of the Qing army's siege was not fast, after fighting for more than two hours, except for leaving hundreds of corpses under Anhua City, they did not achieve any greater results, and they did not even have a chance to get close to the city wall.

On the contrary, the defenders of the Fuhan Army in Anhua City still look a little dissatisfied. After all, the Qing army's attack is almost for them, and their own casualties are very small, so everyone is playing against the Qing army. Can launch an attack.

Just looking at the Qing army running around in a panic, Gao Yunxiao seemed to have noticed something. He could feel the pressure of the Qing army's attack. one purpose.

However, looking at the endless Qing army camps below the city, Gao Yunxiao has no way to check further. It is okay for him to rely on the city for self-defense, but if he goes out of the city to attack, he will seek his own death.

For Gao Yunxiao's feelings, Yue Zhongqi naturally didn't understand at all. He was holding up the binoculars and staring at Anhua City in front of him. He found a very serious problem, that is, even if he fought with all his heart regardless of the casualties, it would be difficult to take down the Anhua City in front of him in a short time.

There is no doubt that this is a very shocking result, because the current Qing army has nearly 6 people, while the Fuhan army has 2000 people. The [-]-fold gap has brought a result that cannot be attacked, and An Huacheng is not even a fortified city, but more of a low and narrow earthen city. Yue Zhongqi is very clear about what it means.

This result also means that the current strength gap between the Fuhan army and the Qing army is even larger than the gap in Anqing that year. Simply put, the average strength of the Fuhan army has risen, while the Qing army's The average strength has declined, and its combat power is not as good as that of the Qing army a few years ago.

"Could it be that the sky is going to kill me?"

There was a hint of sadness on Yue Zhongqi's face. This battle seemed to be even sadder than when he was in Anqing City. It also wiped out the arrogance and unwillingness in his heart, and the emotion of failure completely enveloped Yue Zhongqi's heart.

However, when Yue Zhongqi looked back at the soldiers of the Qing army around him, he had to sigh again. No matter what, these people were brought out by him. The children of his in-laws.

Thinking of this, Yue Zhongqi rallied again, and summoned the generals of the towns, the deputy generals and generals of the battalions, and when everyone had arrived, she sighed softly: "For the current battle, do you still have to deal with it?" Any ideas?"

Xu Mingzhen had a bit of shame on his face. After the battle during the day, he also discovered the problem, and shook his head immediately, "I don't know what to do with the humble ranks. Everything is under the command of the commander-in-chief!"

"Since this is the case, the generals must not question all the military orders that the governor will follow up, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"

Yue Zhongqi had a serious look on her face, and then said softly: "We must continue to fight, otherwise Chu Ni will not be fooled. The governor needs one person to lead his soldiers, and a chieftain, to continue the siege Anhua City, to attract the main force of the Fuhan Army to come to aid."

When they heard this, everyone's expressions changed. There were no fools present. Of course, they understood that the person left behind had no other choice but to die, and he had to die willingly. Thinking of this, Everyone was a little afraid, and looked at Yue Zhongqi with a bit of dodge in their eyes.

Seeing everyone's evasive eyes, Yue Zhongqi also understood everyone's thoughts, so she could only sigh in a low voice: "Unfortunately, Zhang Guangsi is not here, otherwise why would the governor ask you?"

So far, due to the lack of news channels and the intentional blockade by the Fuhan army of the Chongqing government, Yue Zhongqi still doesn't know that Zhang Guangsi has died in battle, nor does he know that the Chongqing government has completely fallen.

"Commander-in-Chief, I would like to stay!"

(End of this chapter)

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