Cutting 1719

Chapter 415 Yongzheng Temple

Chapter 415 Yongzheng Temple
A few days later, the fourth elder brother Hongli, along with Xu Yuanmeng, a senior scholar, and officials from other ministries in the capital, under the escort of thousands of Beijing Eight Banners soldiers, set off from the capital to Shengjing in the name of offering sacrifices to the ancestral mausoleum. Slack, but many people can't help but think about it.

The result of the Southwest War did not cause much disturbance in the capital. After all, for the people in the capital, there were enough defeats in the previous battles. Those who lost Jiangnan, Fujian, and even Guangdong and Guangxi had already made the people We are all used to it, even in the Eight Banners, there is only panic, and there are no other emotions.

The reason is very simple, if you say he can't do it, you can do it!
In the past, all the Eight Banners who thought they could do it had already died on the battlefield. As for the rest, they were all those who knew they couldn’t do it, so that after Yongzheng was imprisoned by Narsu, the king of Pingjun, even one The generals who can lead the New Army of the Eight Banners could not be found, so Narsu had to be reinstated, and let him perform his crimes and meritorious deeds
In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Narsu knelt on the ground with tears streaming down his face. After all, he had experienced such an experience in the sky prison, and his whole body was a little depressed.

"Your Majesty, a slave is a capital crime, a slave is a capital crime!"

"Hmph, you also know that you are a capital crime? If it wasn't for others to report, how long will you be greedy for ink?"

As soon as Yongzheng thought of this, he couldn't stop wanting to kill people. He could only focus on the memorial and not look at Narsu who was kneeling on the ground. Then he threw the pen on the table, making a rolling sound.

"The slave dare not."

Narsu was taken aback, so he could only press his forehead to the ground tightly, with a guilty look on his face.

Yongzheng sighed deeply, "It's all because I let you go lightly by removing your lord. You people are also responsible for the way my Qing Dynasty has become like this!"

Narsu kowtowed like pounding garlic, his forehead became bruised and purple, but he was also quite strange in his heart, who else did this 'you' refer to?

"I will not forgive you."

Yongzheng said coldly: "But you will not be exempted from the job of the Eight Banners New Army. You have to train the Eight Banners New Army for me. If you succeed at that time, your title will naturally be restored. If not, I tell you, this belated knife will also cut on your neck!"

"The slave will never dare again!"

Narsu was really scared this time. He was a courtier from the Kangxi year. At that time, the Emperor Kangxi was very conniving to the clan ministers, and he just turned a blind eye to corruption. They are all used to making money and spending money.

But the current Yongzheng is really different. Since he was in power, he has aimed his knives at the clan and ministers. He dares to chop off the paws of anyone who dares to make money. Especially at this juncture, Narsu knows Yongzheng really wanted to kill him, if it wasn't for the Eight Banners New Army, he would have been ordered to die long ago.

"Go down."

"Hey, this slave is leaving."

After Narsu came out of the palace, he felt dizzy for a while, and he staggered, almost fell to the ground, and his back broke out in cold sweat at some point, and the awe of Yongzheng in his heart was even more unconscious A little more.

But at this moment, Emperor Yongzheng in the palace let out a cough, and his whole face turned pale. He took out the pills from his bosom and took two pills just like that. This man is a dog's life."

It's just that the hall is empty, but there is no one else except Yongzheng, but I don't know who Yongzheng is speaking to.

A stern look appeared on Yongzheng's face, and he said in a low voice, "How are those few doing recently?"

"One is studying in the mansion every day and has not seen anyone else. The other is guarding in Jingshan and has not seen anyone else. But there is only one who has been seeing people around recently. This is the name of everyone he has seen. The list, and everything they said."

At some point, a seemingly ordinary guard stood in front of Yongzheng, who presented a memorial in his hand.

In fact, this guard is the sticky stick guard, the deacon at the sticky stick in the palace. He has laid a huge net in Zhili, the capital, to ensure that Yongzheng can know everything he should know.

"Hmph, let the two live first for the time being and the remaining one, you arrange it and make it clean."

There was a stern look on Yongzheng's face, since he dared to block the way, don't blame him for being rude.

After the fourth elder brother Hongli left the capital, it was natural for other people to live as usual, but for the third elder brother Hongshi, there was a kind of joy of guarding the clouds and seeing the moonlight.

Hongli went to Shengjing, no matter what it meant, but Hongshi knew in his heart that his only chance to get close to the throne had come.

In his opinion, Hongli's going to Shengjing is almost the same as the Fourteenth Master going to the Northwest Army. Even if you are the number one general in the world, so what?Didn't he lose his throne in front of the old fourth who is close to the water!
Don't look at Hongli now as if he has become the prince candidate in the emperor's heart, but as long as something happens today, who else is closest to the throne?It's not just his third elder brother Hongshi!
Thinking of this, Hongshi's heart trembled, he really couldn't wait for the old man to die, he was also very embarrassed.
"Okay, okay, young master is happy today!"

In the Yanhong Tower in the capital city, the third elder brother Hongli, with a bit of drunkenness on his face, was hooking up with his cronies, most of them were concubine children of those rich families in the capital city, or some people with ulterior motives, He was also very drunk.

"Third elder brother is turning around now, this slave should congratulate third elder brother!"

"Third elder brother has his own auspiciousness, no matter how much this other person wants to harm third elder brother, it is all delusional!"

"Slave congratulates the third elder brother!"

There was a lot of noise, but the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic. Everyone seemed to see the day when the third elder brother ascended the throne. Wouldn't they all be prosperous by then?

With a bit of drunkenness on his face, Hongshi looked at a young man in the corner of the banquet, "Ajile, why don't you drink? Brother Ben wants to have a few more drinks with you!"

The young man looked apologetic, bowed his head and said in a soft voice: "Third brother, when I came here, the eldest brother specially instructed the slave not to lose his temper in front of the master, so it is better for the slave to drink less."

Hongshi's face suddenly became gloomy. He didn't like this kind of pretentious person the most, but he would not lose his temper, because Ajile was not simple, and he was the younger brother of Ajitu, the admiral of the Nine Gates.

For Hongshi, he held this banquet today with the intention of wooing Ajitu, but as an idle prince, it is not so easy for him to deal with the admirals of the Nine Schools, and it will attract the attention of some caring people. Therefore, Hongshi thought about starting with Ajitu's younger brother, Ajile.

"It's okay, wait until next time, Elder Brother Ben specially invites you to drink with me, so you don't have to worry about losing your composure hahahaha"

Hongshi's face was a little distorted, and he held the wine glass again to drink with other friends, but he ignored Ajile in the corner.

But Ajile lowered his head slightly at this time, and his hands trembled a little. He didn't come to the banquet this time because he wanted to, but he came here under the instruction of his elder brother Ajitu, and his purpose was nothing else. It's just to confirm whether the third elder brother is present in person. If he is present, just make a concealed gesture during the banquet, and then there is no need to do anything.

Ajile felt scared from the bottom of his heart. He knew that this was a conspiracy involving many people, even the royal family. What can be so carefree in the capital?

It's just that after Ajile finished making gestures for a long time, he didn't see any movement, so he felt a little relaxed at the moment, thinking that this was an ordinary banquet.

But at the end of the song, everyone was drunk, and Hongshi's servant was going to help him up, but he didn't expect that Hongshi's body was heavy, and he looked like a dead soul In a panic, several people fell limply to the ground.

It turned out that at some point, the third elder brother Hongshi had died of drunkenness on the spot, but no one found out!
Ajile was so frightened that he was paralyzed all over. Although he didn't do any other superfluous movements, even though he was also at the table, he didn't find out when Hongshi died, let alone how Hongshi died. Everything that happened was too weird and too natural.

Due to the suspicion of the mysterious death of the prince, Yan Honglou was soon taken over by the admiral of the Nine Gates. People from the clan mansion and sticky poles came to investigate the situation. This matter is not a trivial matter. No matter how much Hongshi was neglected, he was still the heir of the current emperor!

Ajile and that group of cronies were strictly ordered to stay where they were, and they couldn't even move their chairs. As for all the people who came in and out of Yanhong Tower, they were also controlled.

But shopkeeper Xu, the shopkeeper of Yan Honglou, collapsed on the ground. No matter how this matter ended, he and the other juniors would probably die, and even their family members would be affected.

After a long time, Admiral Ajitu of the Nine Gates took people to Yanhong Tower. He was in his 40s, and he looked very serious and stern. true colors.

"Everyone present here today can't get rid of the responsibility. If you can't find the reason, all of you will die."

What he said almost scared the others so much that they peed their pants, even Ajile could not help but shudder, he believed that if necessary, his elder brother Ajitu would throw him out, and he would never save him. He died.

After all, in front of the family, he died as a little Aji strangled to death, no one would care at all.

The death of the prince in Yanhong Tower did not involve many people, and the final official result was that Hongshi died drunk and had nothing to do with others.

This made other people breathe a sigh of relief, but also became secretive about this matter, and did not dare to mention causing trouble for themselves. Now that the court has said that they died of drunkenness, they must have died of drunkenness.

Hong Shi, who just died drunk, didn't understand who killed him until his death, or he knew it in his heart, but he never had a chance to say it.

However, Hongshi's death also made all the insiders raise their hearts, that is, the current emperor has become more and more incomprehensible and daunting.

Not to mention how other people are, even his own son will be ruthless when he should be ruthless. Ruthlessness has become synonymous with Yongzheng.

In October, Yongzheng personally awarded Chen Dehua and other 390 nine Jinshi scholars with poor backgrounds in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. This time, the number of people was the largest ever, in order to accommodate the few surviving scholarly hearts.

Especially at the critical moment of the current battle with Ning Chu, what Yongzheng bestowed was at least the title of Jinshi, so the meaning of it is not so difficult to understand, but Yongzheng's winking eyes are actually Throwing it to a blind man didn't do anything.

The reason is very simple. The Qing court, which only owns a few provinces in the north, can no longer vacate so many seats to fill in the holes for these Jinshi. Although everyone got Jinshi Jin Huanghuang's signboard, it didn't have any practical effect .

On the other hand, it is on the side of the Fuhan army. Although everyone can only take the exam for a scholar, all those who pass the exam participate in the awarding of officials, and they are all really short of awards. The person with the official salary has become a master.

Besides, according to Ningchu's intention, next year the imperial examinations will be distributed to the provinces, and the provinces will organize the examinations and recruit them. when.

For Shilin, everyone is for being an official, so the temptation released by Ning Chu is naturally not comparable to the hundreds of nominal Jinshi titles released by Yongzheng. After all, it might be gone in two years , What's the use of being a Jinshi in the Qing Dynasty?
There are no fools in the world, and Yongzheng's deeds did not play their due role. While watching Yongzheng's methods with cold eyes, the big guys prepared their shovels and waited for the day when Daqing hiccupped. So I can add a few handfuls of soil to the mound.

Seeing that the idea of ​​bestowing Jinshi did not play its due role, Yongzheng had no choice but to play Zhu Ming's idea. He made Zhu Zhilian, a descendant of Ming Dynasty, a first-class marquis, and he was enshrined in the Ming Dynasty. The shrine is dedicated to those loyal ministers and righteous men in the late Ming Dynasty, such as Sun Chengzong and Lu Xiangsheng, and backhandedly put those big traitors who had defected to the Qing court into a separate book.

I have to say that Yongzheng's coquettish operation has blinded many people's eyes, because strictly speaking, these things should be done after the unification of Ning and Chu, but now Yongzheng has done it himself in advance The taste in it is only understood by the person involved.

And this move also made several big traitor families feel like mourning, such as Fan Wencheng's Fan family, Zu Dashou's ancestral family, Li Yongfang's Li family, and Hong Chengchou's Hong family, all became silent. He had no choice but to stick out the other half of his face for Yongzheng to slap back.

However, in the hearts of these traitor descendants, there is also a faint feeling of complaining to their ancestors. If they knew today, why bother?

(End of this chapter)

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