Cutting 1719

Chapter 416 Mission to Japan

Chapter 416 Mission to Japan
In November, there was a heavy snowfall in the city of Nanjing, but it covered the entire city in a white world. As the saying goes, the auspicious snow heralds a good year, and many people were quite satisfied with this snowfall.

But for Ning Yu, it is not a simple snow, because once it snows heavily, it will undoubtedly be a huge disaster for some poor people and homeless people living on the streets.

In the past, these people belonged to the fringes of society, and their deaths would not attract anyone's attention. Even some officials who loved the people like their own sons never regarded these people as their own people, but thought that these people were dead. Just die, drag it out of the city and sell it.

Because they have no value, even a healthy adult can still go to work, but these people have no other choice but to wait for death.

Although Great Chu has been established for two years, Nanjing, as the most benevolent place, has also changed its appearance and become more prosperous, but Ning Yu's ideas, as well as the power of the imperial court, cannot penetrate all classes, nor can it reach all people.

"It can't be like this, at least in Nanjing, it can't be like this."

Ning Yu looked at the ministers in front of him with a heavy expression on his face, "The prefect of Nanjing wants to come up with a plan and submit it to the cabinet and I as soon as possible. For the people who were damaged in the heavy snow this time, and those who are homeless The returning homeless must be treated well, at least they must have a way to survive to survive the heavy snow. After next year, those who can work will be arranged to work, and those who cannot work will be arranged for the welfare of the royal consortium In the institution."

Under the leadership of Ning Zhongjing, the cabinet officials all bowed and saluted, "Your Majesty's benevolence is the blessing of our great Chu people and the blessing of the world."

Regardless of whether the emperor's behavior is a show or not, it has at least become a way of life for many people.

Ning Zhongjing had a serious look on his face, "In the past two years, Nanjing has achieved a lot of development and progress, and the society has become more and more peaceful, but there are still many people who are not under the shadow of the court. It is still the capital of Great Chu, not to mention other provincial capitals, and the work of the imperial court needs to be more solid."

Seeing that Ning Zhongjing's statement was indeed quite sincere, Ning Yu's expression also improved a bit, and he said in a low voice: "After all, Dachu has just been established, our foundation is weak, and many things have not been done. If it is in place, as long as you keep the common people in your heart, it will naturally get better and better in the future."

"Your Majesty's words make the ministers ashamed."

After Ning Yu finished talking about this matter, he said: "I probably know what the visit of the Emperor of Japan and the shogunate envoys means. Although I have some thoughts in my heart, I still want to hear what you think. .”

After the ministers below heard this, although there was no expression on their faces, they had raised their hearts, because it was obvious that this was another test by Ning Yu for the ministers.

For Ning Chu, after the end of the Northern Expedition in the future, it will actually be to clean up the mess in the country, such as taking Tibet, such as further expelling the Dayi Army to Xinjiang, so as to completely take Shaanxi, Gansu and other places. It is no longer the main thing, just follow the steps.

In Ning Yu's view, the real challenge in the future is actually the collision process between the Eastern tributary system and the Western colonial system. In the relevant report of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Portugal and some other countries, Has extended its tentacles to the scope of East Asia.

In this process, military force is a necessary guarantee, but force alone is not enough. A group of ministers with international vision are also needed, and these people can't just fall from the sky. Tune these current courtiers and let them make progress.

Of course, if someone is unwilling to make progress, then Ning Yu will not force the other party, but this person can no longer sit down, it is better to go to the cool side.

In this kind of matter, Song Enming, Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, naturally stood up. Although he was delighted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs became more and more important, he felt more and more the pressure brought by this position.

"My Majesty, I believe that this time the Japanese shogunate envoys came to Dachu, we have to look at it from two aspects. One is that they intend to test our country and hope to return to the traditional tribute trade system. The second thing is that they also hope that through communication with the Celestial Dynasty, they can cut off the pressure brought by the powerful feudal clans in Japan."

Oh, it seems that this person is a good official
Ning Yu couldn't help sighing in his heart. Through the current materials, he was able to analyze the current thinking of the shogunate to the fullest, but he really worked hard, at least he paid attention to what Ning Yu said.The key is that this person only analyzed the situation, but didn't mention any countermeasures at all. It seemed that he was quite conservative.

But Ning Yu didn't care, and said softly: "What about the other ministers, what else do you think?"

But this time before the cabinet chiefs could speak, Ning Zhonghai, Minister of Industry and Commerce, jumped out and said in a low voice: "My Majesty, in my view, this is also a good opportunity for us to develop trade with Japan. Trade with Japan can be further expanded, and our overseas trade can be raised to a higher level."

Although it is said that the poor in Japan don't even have a few pairs of pants, they have gold in their hands. This is something Ning Yu is very envious of right now. If Japan's gold can be obtained through trade, it will naturally be a very good thing.

Thinking of this, Ning Yu had a smile on his face, "That's right, Ning Shangshu is very thoughtful, but we have to take a longer-term view. How can we just do daily trade? If we can control Japan's economy. Hehe , then more than half of our strategy toward Japan has been completed.”

Take control of the Japanese economy?Everyone was shocked by Ning Yu's words, they didn't expect Ning Yu's ambition to be so big, but when they thought of the benefits of controlling the Japanese economy, everyone secretly swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.

A hint of surprise flashed across the face of Cui Wancai, the second assistant to the cabinet, and said softly: "Your Majesty, if this policy is implemented, will it be related to our currency?"

"Hehe, that's right. My idea is to win Japan's right to mint coins and make the Dachu Central Bank the central bank of Japan. For this reason, I plan to arrange an envoy to visit the shogunate."

A sneer flashed across Ning Yu's face. To deal with the greedy Japanese, he had to learn how to fish. If he didn't put some bait down, how could he catch this big fish?

"Your Majesty, how should the matter of Satsuma be handled?"

The one who is speaking now is Chief Assistant Ning Zhongjing. He has always been worried about the Japanese Satsuma clan's violation of the majesty of the Celestial Dynasty, so he specifically mentioned this sentence.

"The matter of the Satsuma clan must be separated from the shogunate. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will order it to go down immediately, let the Satsuma clan hand over all the criminals who invaded Ryukyu, and release the Ryukyu king to return to the country. At the same time, the Ryukyu country and our university should be compensated." Chu will lose accordingly."

Ning Yu snorted softly, and made a request that was obviously impossible to achieve, but this was also what Ning Yu wanted. After Satsuma objected, there would be enough reasons to send troops to Kyushu Island and drive a nail in Japan.

"However, what if the emperor and the shogunate insist on protecting the Satsuma domain?"

"Ignore the emperor's intentions. If the shogunate insists on protecting Satsuma, then call them and see if they choose to cooperate with Dachu or my enemy."

Ning Yu had a smile on his face, "I believe Tokugawa Yoshimune will make a rational choice."

Tsunayoshi Matsudaira, the envoy of the Japanese shogunate, never saw Ning Yu again, but in contact with Song Enming, Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he got another piece of good news, that is, when they go back, Minister of Industry and Commerce Ning Zhonghai will take the Return to Japan as Prince.

The east corner is lost, and the mulberry elm is harvested.This is good news that makes Matsudaira Tsunayoshi feel excited, and it is also good news that he can deal with General Tokugawa Yoshimune.

Naturally, Matsudaira Tsunayoshi had no intention of disapproving, but only euphemistically suggested that he could send someone back to Japan to report to the general, so that when Ning Zhonghai visited, he could prepare relevant etiquette and hospitality matters in advance.

At the same time, another not-so-good news was also passed on to Matsudaira Tsunayoshi, that is, the emperor's request to Satsuma.

Among the first three requests Matsudaira Tsunayoshi made to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there is still some intention for the maintenance of the Satsuma clan, although this is not for the sake of the Satsuma clan, but for the general's own consideration-but at present, Ning Chu is throwing While laying down an important bait, he also gave his own purpose, which is the Satsuma domain.

Looking at the upright Song Enming, Tsunakichi Matsudaira was taken aback, then smiled again, and said humbly: "The Satsuma clan will never become an obstacle to the friendship between the two countries, and the foreign minister will understand the strength of the general. .”

Song Enming nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "I would like the envoy to tell the general what His Majesty meant. Naturally, my celestial dynasty will not do such things as breaking trust and breaking promises. I also ask the general to seriously consider me." Sincerity towards His Majesty."

Matsudaira Tsunayoshi couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face. If he was a general, everything would be easy to talk about. Exchanging a Satsuma domain for the right to trade with Ningchu is a deal that can be done in itself.But right now, the matters here are too important and can only be decided by the General.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the foreign ministers will definitely do their best to facilitate this matter."

After this secret talk, the Japanese shogunate mission naturally got what they wanted, and although the emperor's mission was received by Ning Yu, they didn't talk about anything substantive. Ning Yu made a few promises, such as guaranteeing the emperor's status and related treatment, but he didn't say a word about further details.

As far as the Emperor's Mission is concerned, they are naturally a little unwilling, but they also understand that the current situation can only go so far, and after Matsudaira Tsunakichi knew what was going on here, he felt a little vigilant in his heart— —He was worried that if the general could not agree to the promise, it was very likely that the emperor would agree, and things would be troublesome at that time, so he had to work hard to make it happen.

The open and secret struggles of several parties were only completed quietly under the table, and in late October, the Japanese emperor and the shogunate envoys all chose to return home, and with them was the Great Chu envoy headed by Minister of Industry and Commerce Ning Zhonghai. It also includes relevant important officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Central Bank, and there are dozens of people in the party.

For the mission that was about to go far away, Ning Yu chose to send him off for the first time. Although many ministers expressed their opposition, after all, they are only missions to the small country of Cuoer, so why should they be polite?But Ning Yu still chose to send them off, not for Japan, but for the envoys who were about to leave.

In front of the somewhat empty Nanjing Wharf, Ning Yu looked at the energetic members of the mission, but there was a trace of emotional smile on his face.

"You are all my Great Chu's subjects, even if you go to another country, you are my Great Chu's subjects. If anyone wants to harm you, you must first ask my Great Chu's fleet and army!"

"Your Majesty's kindness, I will never give up, and I can't repay you."

Looking at the moved expressions of everyone, Ning Yu said softly again: "Actually, I'm not going to hide it from you. If I hadn't become the emperor, this envoy might not be your turn. That's all, this trip is far away from the homeland, and I hope you all have a smooth journey. .”

"Thank you, Your Majesty, the ministers will never disappoint their expectations."

The military band by the pier soon played military music, and hundreds of boys sang military songs loudly.

Don't you see, the army of the end of the Han Dynasty, the weak crown is a prisoner, and the long Ying is invited,
See you, Ban Dingyuan, Jueyu Qingqi urges Zhanyun!
The man should be in serious danger. How can he let the Confucian crown miss this life?
A hundred people chanting together soon became a picture of thousands of people chanting together on the pier. Many people even sang it with tears in their eyes. This military song really reminded them too much. There are many things in it, all It is something they will remember forever.

From this day onwards, whenever the Ningchu Mission went to other countries, they would chant the military song on the pier, forming a rule that was not a rule.

Because this is what Ning Yu requested, in his opinion, the mission of diplomatic missions is no less than that of soldiers, because they are fighting on another battlefield, but that is also a battlefield, and they are also soldiers.

After dispatching the Japanese envoys, Ning Yu was not very interested in Annan's envoys. It was not that Annan's interests were too small, but that it was too late. If he entered the Indochina Peninsula strongly at this time, it would actually arouse those big and small forces. The vigilance of people, so Tutu slowing down is the right way.

However, for the envoys of the Li Dynasty and the Ruan family, in the past month or so, they have visited the entire surrounding area of ​​Nanjing. It was forgotten.

Soon, the director of the South Asia Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs met with the envoys of Le Dynasty and Nguyen respectively, and the information they got was basically the same.

This was not beyond Ning Yu's expectations, and he didn't even want to see the envoys from the two sides at the moment. He just asked the director of the South Asia Department to reach a trade agreement with the two sides, that is, Ning Chu would open up the border for discussion. Anyone can come to trade, and there must be no force disputes during the trade process, otherwise Ning Chu will directly cancel the trade qualification of the disputed party.

Regarding this point, the envoys of the two sides did not object. In fact, it is a good thing for them to be able to reach a secret strategic agreement. .

(End of this chapter)

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