Cutting 1719

Chapter 417 Paying homage to Emperor Yongli

Chapter 417 Paying homage to Emperor Yongli

In Yunnan, the red flag of the Fuhan Army was erected on the head of Kunming City. Soldiers of the Fuhan Army marched forward and walked into Kunming City from outside the city. They looked very energetic, but this scene fell in the eyes of the people. Here, naturally, I have mixed feelings.

"The army drove the barbarians to the north, saved the lives and the people, and restored the majesty of the Han officials. It seems that the Han people have become heroes again!"

An old man looked at the straight line of the Fuhan army with a bit of emotion on his face. He hadn't seen such an elite army for a long time.

A scholar standing next to him laughed when he heard the old man's emotion, "That's right, His Majesty's martial arts strategy is unique in the world. What can a so-called Ertai do? This battle in the Southwest , the [-] troops wiped out Ertai's [-] troops!"

According to folk rumors, the army led by Ertai was not 7, but 10, which inexplicably added a bit of glory to the Fuhan army. After all, it can wipe out a hundred thousand troops in one battle. But there are only things in the storybook.

"That's right, now Dian Province has returned to the Han family, which is exactly the destiny!"

The scholar smiled, "I'm going to take the imperial examination in Dachu next year. I heard that I can win thousands of scholars, and then I can find a job as an official."

In this era, even in the south of the Yangtze River, it is not easy to pass the imperial examination. This scholar has great confidence, but he is sure that he can pass the imperial examination.

It's just that the conversation between these two people was not over yet, but it was overshadowed by bursts of cheers on the street. The entry ceremony of the Fuhan army instantly detonated the emotions of the people present, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

Among the marching ranks of the Fuhan Army, the deputy privy envoy Cheng Ming was wearing a neat military uniform and riding on a tall horse. He didn't have much complacency on his face, on the contrary, he showed a bit of dignity.

Chang Shan Wang Ning Zhongyi, the commander of the Southwest Army, went to Chengdu, Sichuan, and the job of appeasing the newly descended Yunnan Province naturally fell on Cheng Ming, who was the deputy commander.

"Deputy Marshal Cheng, I have already prepared a feast for you, so I invite the general to go."

It turned out that Xue Shiyi, the chief envoy of Yunnan Province in the Qing court, stood in front of Cheng Ming at this time, with a somewhat humble expression on his face.

After the original Ertai was captured, Xue Shiyi resolutely chose to turn against the water and joined the Fuhan Army, which made Ning Chu take over the entire Yunnan Province almost without bloodshed.

In order to reward Xue Shiyi's achievements, Changshan Wang Ning Zhongyi directly asked the emperor to let Xue Shiyi continue to be his Yunnan chief envoy, so as to reward people's hearts and better stabilize Yunnan.

Xue Shiyi kept his official position, and naturally he was devoted to Ning Chu. He received the news that Deputy Marshal Cheng was coming to inspect, so he cleaned up the huge Yamen of the Governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, and specially invited him from other places. A few skilled cooks are here just to clean up Cheng Ming.

Cheng Ming didn't like these vulgar etiquettes, but looking at the respectful Xue Shiyi in front of him, he could only force a smile, "Then I will thank Mr. Xue."

Surrounded by the left and right guards, the two went directly to the Governor's Mansion of Yunnan and Guizhou. Just a few months ago, another master was welcomed here, but now the scene has changed again.

After a banquet, Cheng Ming sat at the front seat in the lobby, and below were Xue Shiyi and other Yunnan officials. Of course, there were also officials in some positions, such as the Inspectorate, Yunnan General Soldier, etc., who were not fully seated yet. The Nanjing side sent here to prevent Xue Shiyi's family from dominating.

When Cheng Ming put down the teacup in his hand, everyone's heart trembled, knowing that a serious matter was coming, which would affect the future of many people, so they couldn't help but feel less nervous.

"This general came to Kunming for this trip. Firstly, he commended several people for their righteous deeds of abandoning the dark and turning to the bright. Secondly, he came here at the king's order. There are some things that need to be reported to you."

Cheng Ming's face was a little serious. In fact, he has been like this since he received Ning Yu's secret leaflet. It's really because the burden of many things to come will be heavy and it will be troublesome to do.

As a representative of Yunnan officials, Xue Shiyi was naturally the first to respond: "These are what we should do. It is a matter of course to abandon the dark and turn to the bright."

"Well, but those who should be commended should also be commended. This is His Majesty's intention. The relevant decree will come later."

Cheng Ming nodded, and stopped talking about these things, but started to talk about the business, "The land of Xinna in the southwest should naturally implement a new policy. From now on, the work of reforming the land and returning it to the local people in Yunnan will be carried out in an orderly manner. Your Majesty has appointed me as the Deputy Envoy of the Southwest Conciliation, to carry out the reformation of the land of Yunnan and Guizhou."

"It's a matter of course to reform the land and return it to the people. The subordinate officials should do their best to cooperate with each other. The deputy envoy can send me as much as possible."

Xue Shiyi's attitude was still very good, no matter whether it was successful or not, he didn't mean to shirk.

Cheng Ming had a smile on his face, "In order to cooperate with the land reform, the Third Division, the Fifth Division and the No.12 Division under the Southwest Group Army will be stationed in the two provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou, in case some people do something wrong." Do something desperate."

In fact, in order to cooperate with the reform of the soil, Changshan Wang Ning Zhongyi did not return to the court with a large army, but continued to station in the three southwestern provinces. With such force as a suppression, it is no problem to reform the soil and return to the exile. .

"What Deputy Envoy Cheng said is very true. Judging from the experience of the officials who have been officials in Yunnan Province for more than ten years, the biggest problem in Yunnan Province is that the chieftains are rampant. Although some insightful people wanted to reform the land Guiliu, but there is no imperial army to suppress it, and it is really difficult to sustain it with only the Yamen of Yunnan Province."

Xue Shiyi expressed emotion a few times, but he opened up the chatter box, "Fortunately, Deputy Envoy Cheng defeated the Qing army in Guiyang earlier, which also included tens of thousands of chieftain soldiers, so that the chieftains of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces were seriously injured. The army of the imperial court, if they want to change their country and return to the country, they can only grab it with their hands."

Speaking of this, Cheng Ming also nodded, "This general has issued a military order with His Majesty. It will only take two years at most to realize the system of prefectures and counties in the southwest, and impose new policies to support the people. .”

After everyone listened to it, their expressions immediately became serious. In two years, it will not only be difficult to completely realize the land reform, but also to fully implement the new policy. After all, it is the chieftain who offends the land reform. The tyrants have achieved checks and balances, but imposing new policies will offend all the landlords and gentry, so it will not be so easy.

"Everyone, this general has issued a military order. If this general does not complete it after two years, it will naturally be dealt with by military law. But before that, this general can also deal with a group of people."

Cheng Ming sneered, he didn't mean to compromise at all, in fact he didn't need to compromise, because before this trip, Cheng Ming had also been approved by Ning Yu for delegating power. Can kill.

In the past dynasties, few people would use such a high-handed method to govern the place, because if you don't pay attention, it will be a catastrophe of rebellion, but Ning Yu is not afraid, and Cheng Ming is naturally not afraid. war, but reforming the land and returning the natives and the New Deal must be implemented absolutely.

"The deputy envoy's meaning, the officials and others have already known, and will definitely assist with all their strength."

After this matter passed, Cheng Ming said softly again: "This is a long-term matter, but there is still one thing to do. On behalf of the emperor, this general will pay homage to Emperor Yongli and King Li Dingguo of Jin."

Emperor Yongli?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, only Xue Shiyi probably had some understanding in his mind after going through the previous incidents. I am afraid that the things that Myanmar did on the border of Yunnan earlier had been known by the emperor, and with the incident of the former Emperor Fan Yongli, one I am afraid that the battle to conquer Burma will be indispensable.
The so-called Emperor Yongli refers to Zhu Youlang, who was supported by Li Dingguo, Sun Kewang and others, and fought against the Qing in Yunnan and Guizhou. Later, Li and Sun fought internally, and Sun Kewang was defeated and surrendered to the Qing army, so that Yongli fled all the way south to Burma, and dedicated a large amount of jewelry to the king of Burma, and the accompanying officers and soldiers put down their weapons before they were able to enter the country.

Later, King Myanmar’s younger brother usurped the throne in a coup d’état and killed Yongli’s guards, while Yongli became a prisoner and suffered all kinds of humiliation. After Wu Sangui marched into Myanmar, the King of Myanmar dedicated Yongli to Wu Sangui in fear, and Emperor Yongli was killed. It is a very sad emperor.

Although Emperor Yongli died in the hands of Wu Sangui, there is no doubt that King Myanmar played a very bad role in it, so many people among the people were outraged by it.

Therefore, Cheng Ming's offering sacrifices to the emperor and Li Dingguo this time was to buy people's hearts, and secondly, to pave the way for public opinion for next year's war in Burma. This is also one of the reasons why he personally sits in Yunnan.

"Yes, I will obey the deputy envoy's order."

Xue Shiyi's face was just right with a trace of excitement. After all, as long as the Burmese Conquest can be successful, he will more or less be able to get some credit as the chief envoy of the rear.

In the city of Nanjing, heavy snow was falling, and the vastness of the world was completely white.

A group of people rode horses, and there were several carriages in the middle, heading towards the city along the official road. Although the speed along the way was not very fast, everyone's bodies and heads were covered with snow, and they looked Like a snowman.

There may be pedestrians along the way who saw this convoy, but felt a little bit stunned, because the flag in front of the convoy was a military flag. Although the words on it looked a little blurry, they were still recognizable. That was the banner of the Privy Council.

Facing the convoy of the Privy Council, pedestrians along the road naturally gave way one after another. If anyone dared to block the road under urgent military affairs, he would be whipped at least, or sent to a military court for trial at worst.

Military courts are different from Dali Temple, where the criminal liability regulations are a bit stricter than those of ordinary people. If it falls into their hands, it is not uncommon for them to be beheaded with a knife.

However, different from what passers-by think, this is not an urgent military matter, but the fact that the former Southwest Group Army Second Division Commander Uji Kei officially took the post of Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Privy Council, but in terms of grade, the current Uji Kei is also good enough I deserve this treatment.

In the middle of the carriage, Uji Jing leaned against the wall of the carriage, holding the stove with both hands, and beside him was another person, Mr. Xu Chengliang, who was returning to Beijing to report on his duties. The two of them joined together because they were on the way. , Return to Nanjing.

Looking at Uji King's face was still a little pale, but Xu Chengliang sighed, "The first battle in Jiujiang really hurt your vitality, and it hasn't improved after all these years."

Uji Jing had a slight smile on his face, "These injuries are not in the way, and besides, I'm lucky enough. Those unlucky brothers are all buried in the loess right now."

"Hehe, you are very consoling, but this is also good. You will take over the position of Lao Dong and become the deputy chief of the general staff of Lao Shizi. By then, you will save a lot of hardships for the military."

Hearing this, Uji King sighed softly, "Since you are here, you can rest assured. In fact, there will be a lot of battles to be fought in the future, and I am not afraid that there will be no chance to make meritorious deeds."

Hearing Uji Jing's words, Xu Chengliang twitched his eyebrows, but he didn't open his mouth after all. He knew that if Uji Jing didn't want to go into details, it meant that there was no room for talking about it.

The two fell into silence for a while, and at this moment, the carriage stopped suddenly, and the guards in front also stopped.

Just when Uji Jing and Xu Chengliang hadn't figured out the situation, a crisp voice came from outside the carriage.

"General, please get out of the car for inspection."

When Uji Jing heard this, he was a little puzzled, so he pulled down the curtain of the car, and saw a young captain officer standing in front of him. The heavy military uniform that this person was wearing was already covered with snow.

"Captain, what check?"

When the captain looked at the general star on the shoulders of Yu Zhijing and Xu Chengliang, he was a little surprised, and then said seriously: "Because the New Year is approaching, the Ministry of Communications and the Privy Council have issued a joint inspection to prevent the Qing court from entering. Nanjing is carrying out sabotage, please get off the car and check."

After hearing this, Yu Zhijing and Xu Chengliang felt relieved, but got out of the car and stood outside the car.

After the captain searched the carriage for a while, he stood in front of the two again, took out a military certificate from his pocket, and presented it to Uji King.

"General, the inspection is over. This is my military officer's ID card. Everyone who enters and exits Nanjing will need to show the corresponding ID card in the future."

Uji King curiously took the military officer's card, opened it, and found that the name, position, and corresponding physical characteristics of the officer himself were recorded on it, and a red seal of the Privy Council was buckled on top of these teeny scripts.

Undoubtedly, this is something newly created by the Privy Council, otherwise Uji King and Xu Chengliang would not have been unaware, and after Uji King returned his military officer's card, the second lieutenant made a gesture, and the checkpoints in the front row were opened Yes, let the convoy pass directly.

"It seems that the two of us have to apply for a permit. Otherwise, we won't even be allowed to enter Nanjing City."

Xu Chengliang was joking, he has been fighting in the frontier for so many years, and he is a little unfamiliar with some scenes in Nanjing City, but fortunately, after he returns to Beijing to report his duties this time, he should rejoin the Imperial Guard Army, and then he will be in Nanjing Stay for a long time.

Uji King chuckled, looking at the brightly lit Nanjing City, the longing in his heart grew stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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