Cutting 1719

Chapter 434

Chapter 434
The history of the Russian Empire in the Far East is not very long. As early as the end of the 16th century, the tentacles of the Russian Empire had not extended to the Far East, and even Siberia was not a Russian territory. At this time, Russia was just a newly unified country. Northeastern European countries are extremely far away from Siberia.

At that time, Russia still set its sights on Europe, but the problem was that the European heroes were fighting for hegemony at that time, and a weak Russia could not get too much benefit from Europe until the crazy Ivan—that is, after Ivan IV came to power , began the pace of expansion to the east.

Ivan IV was a talented, wise and capable person. After succeeding to the throne, he led a series of reforms, and then began to expand to the East. First, he destroyed the Kazan Khanate in five years, and then spent four more. In [-], the Astrakhan Khanate was destroyed, and the Great Nogai Khanate and Bashkiria were occupied and annexed, paving the way for Russia to enter Siberia.

Further back, the Stroganov family began to step onto the stage. With the support of Ivan IV, they sent people to contact the Cossack leader Yermak, who had been severely punished by the Tsar, and encouraged him to join the group and conquer Siberian Khanate.

After long-term preparations, Yermak led a team of 800 people to advance along the waterway, passing the Chusovaya River, crossing the Ural Mountains, crossing the Serebryanka River, Tagil River, Tula River, Tobo The Er River finally invaded the Irtysh River and successfully captured Kashrek, the capital of the Siberian Khanate.

Until the end of the 16th century, the Russian army completely defeated Kuchum Khan and successfully conquered the entire Siberian Khanate, which also brought about a frenzy of large-scale expansion of the entire Russia to the Far East. The power of the Russian Empire has reached the Lena River, the Chukotka Peninsula and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Through this large-scale expansion, Russia successively occupied the middle and lower reaches of the Ob River, successively destroyed the Perem Emirate and Yepancha Emirate, established the cities of Perem and Turinsk here, and began to move towards Ob The advancement of the upper reaches of the river established the city of Tomsk at the mouth of the Tom River, and there was a fierce struggle with the local Mongolians.

After the Qing army entered the customs, the Russian army marched south from the south bank of Lake Baikal to the Mongolian region of China, and then moved eastward to the Shilka River in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang, then invaded Heilongjiang, and finally broke out in the Kangxi period. The war, that is, the battle of Yaksa.

Talking about the Battle of Yaksa in the past, Shayelov was more or less unconvinced, and he said in a very deep voice: "At that time, Yaksa city had no imperial army at all, only the Cossack prisoners, and There were only a few hundred men, but in this place the Tatars were able to muster thousands—that was the root cause of our failure."

"If it weren't for this failure, how could the empire have signed the "Treaty of Nerchinsk"? Such a shameful treaty should never have been signed!"

Count Savaula didn't feel strange. In fact, after the signing of the "Treaty of Nerchinsk", the Russian envoy Golovin was even attacked after returning home. In the eyes of the Russians at that time, the Russian Empire did not exist at all. Such a treaty should be signed!

Because in the eyes of the Russians, due to Golovin's fear, they had to negotiate almost completely according to the conditions proposed by the Chinese side, and this treaty caused the Russians to lose not only a large piece of territory, but also the right to navigate the Amur River. is unacceptable to them.

Count Savaula shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "Russia back then was simply unable to support a large-scale war in the Far East—you know, Russia was not a real power at that time."

"That's right, Russia at that time was not a fearsome power. It had poor finances, corruption, and backward equipment. It was not an easy task to win the war in the Far East."

Governor Shayelov said with a wry smile, this is why the Russians were honest for a while after the signing of the "Treaty of Nerchinsk", because they knew that there was a very powerful country in the far east, not those ignorant and backward countries. Great Khanate can compare.

"But it's different now!"

"That's right, it's different now, and that's why the Empire sent me to the Far East again. We need to correct a mistake made 35 years ago, and the price of the mistake needs to be borne by the Tatars!"

A gleam of confidence flashed in the eyes of Earl Savaula. Of course, he had reason to be confident enough, because they once had a great king, that is, Peter IV.

Under the leadership of this great emperor, Russia took a completely new look in 30 years, and became a world power, even stronger than other countries in Western Europe, and was honored as "Peter the Great".

In the early 18th century, Russia just broke out in the Great Northern War, and started a hegemony battle with the Kingdom of Sweden around the mouth of the Baltic Sea. Therefore, in order to win the war, Peter IV launched internal reforms at all costs, with the purpose of winning this war. victory.

During this reform period, Peter IV sent people to actively study the advanced culture and technology of Western Europe, and severely suppressed the Orthodox Church. He even abolished the queen and executed the crown prince who opposed the reform at that time. Reforms are carried out at the cost of breaking the boat.

The final result of the reform is that Peter IV established various handicraft factories for Russia, developed foreign trade, strengthened cultural education, improved the efficiency of the New Deal, and finally created a large-scale new army and navy. , and finally won the victory of the Great Northern War and won control of the Baltic Sea.

Count Savaula was a little proud, "This time, Marshal Menshikov even sent me a guard of 500 people. If the Tatars are not willing to pay the price at the negotiating table , then this army will go and take back the glory that once belonged to the Russian Empire for us.”

Governor Shayelov took a deep breath, his eyes gleaming, "With these 500 people and the accumulation of the empire in Eastern Siberia for so many years, it is not difficult to defeat the Tatars—not to mention the current situation. The Tatars are also in mortal danger, and I believe they do not have the guts to go to war."

"Oh? Is it from Junggar?"

Governor Shayelov laughed loudly, "The Junggars no longer have the courage they used to have, they only dared to kick a few times quietly in the back - the real threat to the Tatars now is a rebel force from the south of their country, it seems Called 'Chu'? In short, the rebel force is developing very fast, and has completely occupied half of the country of the Tatars, and is even about to completely defeat the Tatars."

"What? Such a drastic change has taken place in the Far East? Damn it, why haven't the Russian bureaucrats figured it out yet?"

Regarding this sudden news, Earl Savaula was obviously a little caught off guard, with a bit of resentment on his face.

Governor Shayelov said with a wry smile: "Actually, Moscow can't be blamed for this incident. It's because Chu's rise was too fast. It took them only four years or so to completely occupy a large area of ​​the southern territory. But I think the news , It should be good news for the Earl, at least such an enemy has appeared in the south of the Tatars, I believe the Earl will receive a very rich harvest."

Count Savaula was not too happy, but his expression was a little serious, "If Chu completely becomes the ruler of China, it will definitely not be a good thing for the Russian Empire, because since it can replace the Tatars, it means that it is more powerful than the Russian Empire. The Tatars are stronger and will have greater ambitions."

In the thinking of the Russians, strength is the foundation of ambition, and it is impossible to have strength without corresponding ambition.

Governor Shayelov's face was a little dignified. He understood the meaning of Earl Savaula. If the Tatars were strong enough, they would naturally draw in hostile forces to check and balance, so as to gain more benefits. However, when the Tatars When the Tartars are about to perish, it has no meaning. After all, the dynasty that lost its territory can't provide anything
The best way is to continue to maintain the rule of the Tatars. Only in this way, the interests that the Russian Empire can plan are the greatest. After all, only a living fat sheep can shear wool from it.

Governor Shayelov whispered: "More than two months ago, I sent someone to send a message to the Tatars. Maybe they should not take long before inviting the Earl to the capital of the Tatars. At that time, the Earl may You can choose to assist them."

"Aid? No."

The expression on Earl Savaula's face was indifferent, as if he was talking about a very small matter, "It's not just about helping a country to survive, and the Tatars shouldn't just show thanks for the rescue." present."

"Could it be?"

Surprise flashed across Governor Shayelov's face, and he already had some guesses in his heart.

"Maybe the Tatars can be made a vassal state of the great Russian Empire, and cede all their territories in the north, otherwise how can they be worthy of the friendship of the great Russian Empire?"

Earl Savaula looked cold and greedy. He was very keenly aware of a major opportunity. Through this opportunity, he might not only survive the future crisis in Moscow, but even allow him to truly enter the core decision-making of the empire. layer
As for the country 'Chu', Earl Sawawula didn't think about it for a minute at all. The reason is very simple. In the face of the powerful Russian Empire, whether it is the Tatars or other countries, they will only be completely defeated in the end. Beat, and no second result.

In fact, in order to deal with the Raksha people who came this time (for the convenience of the follow-up writing, the Raksha will be replaced by Russia), the Qing court dispatched King Duoluo and Shuo Cering, Sanzhi Minister Bo Sige, and Minister of the Ministry of War Tu Li Chen and others came here to specially entertain the Russian missions from afar. Of course, all of these had to wait until the Russians arrived in Beijing.

Of course, since the distance from Beijing to Kyakhta is very long, it will take a long time for the Qing court to send envoys to the mission, and for the mission to arrive in Beijing from Kyakhta. I am afraid that the Russian mission will not arrive until June. Arrived in the capital, and this also gave the Qing court a certain amount of time to respond.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Prince Doro Heshuoborjijit Celen, Minister of Sanzhi Bo Sige, Minister of the Ministry of War Tu Lichen, etc., as the ministers who received the Russian mission this time, are accepting Emperor Yongzheng's invitation. teach.

"The Chu rebel army in the south is already gathering, and I am afraid that the day when they invade the north will be approaching. On this occasion, my Qing Dynasty must not only preserve the territory, but also avoid two-front warfare as much as possible. How to grasp it? All ministers, be careful."

Yongzheng had a look of helplessness on his face. The current situation was more complicated than before, and it really gave him a headache. If he handled it carelessly, it would be another disaster.

As the main minister in charge of this negotiation, King Celeng of Duoluo County deeply felt the complexity of this negotiation. He was originally from the Khalkha tribe of Mongolia, and it is not that he has never dealt with Russians. From the bottom of his heart, he treats Russians A bit repulsive.

Describing the Russians as vulgar and powerful is the best introduction.

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that the Russians in this negotiation will definitely use Chu's rebellion to force me to make concessions from the Qing Dynasty. If we get to that point, this servant does not know how to face the Russians."

"If you don't touch the big festival, you will just give up. After all, you need to do your best to mediate to prevent the Russians from causing trouble on the northern border."

Yongzheng's words had almost set the tone, but Sanzhi Minister Bo Sige and Military Minister Tu Lichen frowned very subtly when they heard this. The conditions of the original "Nerchinsk Treaty" could not be won.

You must know that the signing of the "Nerchinsk Treaty" was not that simple. The two sides were full of gunpowder from the very beginning. In the year after that, the Russian envoys even sent more troops to the Nerchinsk checkpoint to demonstrate naked force. intimidate.

Under the intimidation of force, the Qing government finally chose to give in, but in the process, Suo'etu, who was in charge of the negotiations, also showed his muscles. He ordered the Qing army on standby along the river to cross the river and block the Nebu Chu, and sent troops to surround Yaksa again, and destroyed the crops outside the Cossack city.

At the same time, the Buryat Mongols and Winkots living near Nerchinsk launched an uprising against the Russian army because they could no longer bear Russia's brutal rule. Launched an offensive, and sent people to request a joint attack on Nerchinsk with the Qing mission.

It was the military actions of the Qing army and the uprising of local tribes that led to the establishment of the "Nerchinsk Treaty". Therefore, when Tu Lichen, the Minister of the Ministry of War, heard the hesitation in Yongzheng's tone, his heart sank.

"Your Majesty, if you blindly seek peace, I'm afraid it will make the Russians feel that I am easy to bully the Qing Dynasty, and I am afraid that I will make more progress."

When Yongzheng heard this, he was a little silent, and shook his head with a wry smile, "If it weren't for helplessness, who would want to be an emperor who can only cede land?"

(End of this chapter)

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