Cutting 1719

Chapter 435 Li Fu resigns from office

Chapter 435 Li Fu resigns from office
When Yongzheng said these words, he frightened everyone present. How could an emperor say that about himself?This is simply exposing his shortcomings, completely ignoring his own face.

It's just that the person who said this was Emperor Yongzheng, a rare and honest man, and everyone felt a little relieved. Maybe this is Yongzheng, and perhaps the land cession was an unacceptable pain for him.

"The death penalty for a slave. It's just the wolfish ambition of the Russians, which was fully manifested as early as the time of the holy grandfather."

Tu Lichen once visited the Mongolian Plateau, Siberia, and the Ural Mountains when he was a member of the Ministry of War. He recorded the situation of the mountains and rivers, the distribution of animals and plants, the hydrology of the rivers, the village residents, and the customs of the utensils. Later, he wrote down He wrote a book called "Exotic Records".

And in this book, there is a map of Russia, and it records what Tu Lichen has seen and heard in Russia. It can be called a must-read book for Russia. Therefore, Tu Lichen was also promoted to be a doctor of the staff. Become the Qing court's leading expert on Russia.

It is precisely because of Tu Lichen's understanding of Russia that he is extremely anxious. Although Ningchu in the south is a tiger that wants to eat people, the Russians in the north are not the masters of eating vegetarian food and reciting Buddha. If Daqing chooses to appease him, I'm afraid that if I look back, I will be completely swallowed up.

Yongzheng's brows were already frowned. It's not that he didn't understand what Tu Lichen said, but so what if he understood. The current Qing Dynasty doesn't have much confidence to reject the Russians forcefully.

"I see, you go down first."

The slightly indifferent tone naturally exposed Yongzheng's inner dissatisfaction, and this also made the hearts of the three ministers tremble, almost wanting to kneel down and apologize.
After leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Sanzhi Minister Bo Sige looked at Tu Lichen, frowned and said, "Tulchen, the Russian mission has not arrived yet, what are you afraid of?"

Tu Lichen looked at Bo Sige, who had white beard and hair in front of him, not daring to be disrespectful, and immediately said with a wry smile: "Master Bo Sige, you are the deputy governor of the Mongolian Xianglan Banner, have you never fought with the Russians?" dating?"

When Bo Sige heard this, he immediately sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "Tulichen, I understand what you mean, but you must also remember that the emperor is our master, the country of the Qing Dynasty , that is also the emperor's country!"

After saying this, Bo Sige bowed his hands to King Celen of Duoluo County, and then left.

As for King Celen of Duoluo County, he also said in a low voice: "Tulichen, don't you understand the meaning of Mr. Bo Sige? You can clearly distinguish the severity of the current situation!"

Tu Lichen shook his head with a wry smile, what is severity?He really understood that whether it was Yongzheng or other ministers, in their eyes, the arrival of the Russians would only ask for the bitter cold land in the north, and if they gave it, they would give it away, and it was not a really important matter.

But Ningchu is different. They not only want to occupy the whole world, but also completely occupy Manchuria, and drive out all the Eight Banners!
In this comparison, the answer has already been revealed long ago, but this matter cannot be said by Yongzheng himself, otherwise the "Nerchinsk Treaty" signed by Kangxi back then would have almost become a joke. It can be signed by the courtiers below and become a scapegoat for traitors.

As soon as he thought of this, Tu Lichen thought about dismissing him from office, but this is also impossible, after all, he is the only minister in the Eight Banners who knows Russia best. Once he leaves, who will preside over the negotiations with the Russians? ?

Whether it is Duoruo County Wang Celeng or Sanzhi Minister Bo Sige, they are nothing more than representing Mongolia's face, and it is he, the Russian expert, who really leads the negotiations.

"That's all, that's all, anyway, it will be a long time before the Russians reach the capital."

Just when Yongzheng had a headache about the Russian forces in the north, Ning Yu also had a headache right now, but his headache was not caused by external aggression, but by hidden worries from Ningchu's interior. New scientific research.

The Ningchu court's three-year reform exam was held at the end of March, but unlike the past, this time the exams were held in various provinces, and the results of the exams were announced in mid-April, so it seemed calm on the surface After the announcement of the list of successful candidates in the imperial examination, it completely aroused controversy among scholars.

The reason is very simple. In the past, scientific examinations were the privilege of scholars, and people of other classes were not allowed to participate. However, in the Ningchu scientific examination this time, the restrictions on identity were relaxed, and traffickers and pawns were allowed to participate. Come and participate—so after the exam results were announced, quite a few small business hawkers were admitted to Dachu's scholar!
Of course, the reason why these people will be admitted is actually very simple, that is, as the first imperial examination with innovative content, the so-called Four Books and Five Classics are not tested at all, even if there are, only a small part, but many subjects. I don't understand. At this time, as long as someone has learned a little bit in front, it is easy to stand out.

Therefore, some small merchants who are not scholars have already started to learn those subjects before, and it happens that those subjects are practical and not very complicated, so some people get started very quickly. Scholars who learn to be stupid can't take advantage of any advantages, so they are eliminated.

It's just that this time it completely ignited the public opinion of Shilin. In the eyes of the big guys, no matter what you Emperor Ning wants to take, you can discuss it. After all, it's all about scholars, and the meat is always rotten , but now Ning Chu is telling everyone softly, sorry, scholars are not nobler than others, and everyone is on the same starting line, but it completely blows Shilin's fragile self-esteem.

If it's just the scholastics who are making trouble, it's really nothing. After all, scholars rebelled and failed in ten years, but the problem is that these scholastics also have supporters behind them. They are the landlords and gentry, who are also frustrated in the reform Those who have seized this opportunity now have begun to encourage the scholars to start chaos.

For a while, not only the newspapers were full of public opinion, but even many people in the court had some criticisms. The righteousness was nothing more than governing the country is the business of scholars. How could those lowly merchants participate?What's more, many of them are not even merchants, just businessmen who earn some living money.

However, public opinion is not all in the hands of the gentry, at least those merchants have something to say, and a public opinion war has begun in the newspapers controlled by both sides. You say I am a vulgar peddler, and I say you are Useless silverfish that don't do production, the two sides come and go, but the fight is very lively.

While the newspapers were arguing about it, there was also an ingenious debate in the Fengtian Hall of the Nanjing Imperial Palace.The two sides also fought very lively.

"Your Majesty, when the Northern Expedition is approaching, it is really inappropriate to cause such turmoil in the country. Please, Your Majesty, remember the people of the world and the hearts of the people."

The person who spoke was Li Fu, the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. He had always been on the side of scholars, and he had never had a good impression of those greedy merchants.

But after Li Fu finished speaking, Ning Zhonghai, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, also spoke. His temper was more straightforward, and he immediately said loudly: "My great Chu supports merchants, and it has achieved results now. Next year, it will only be what the military needs. All the expenses can be obtained from the industry and commerce, is this money those scholars can afford?"

"Hmph, it's true that businesses make profits, but in the process of making profits, how many ordinary people have lost their homes and property? It's really gentle!"

"Could it be possible that gentleness can be turned into money or can it be turned into a projectile to hit Manqing? Nothing can be changed! If even business and industry can't be tolerated, how can I rule the world?"

You come and go between the two parties, but the officials in the palace are in an uproar, but everyone knows in their hearts that how this matter will develop depends on the emperor's thoughts.

As for Ning Yu, he really feels a bit of a headache now. He knows in his heart that the implementation of the New Deal for more than two years has caused changes in many places. This is a good sign, but he also encountered crazy resistance from traditional gentry Now, they are resisting the new imperial examinations, and they are still resisting the New Deal behind the scenes.

Before, Ning Yu thought that he could get through the past relatively smoothly, but now he also knows that it is completely impossible, because no matter how many gentry who oppose the New Deal are killed, more people will come out, after all, the implementation of the New Deal It is to cut their flesh, which is to let their blood out.

Due to the strength of the Fuhan army in the past, all their resistance was stifled in the bud, but this does not mean that this resistance will disappear, unless the traditional gentry group itself begins to divide and some of them join the world of capital Otherwise, the confrontation will be a long-term and continuous process.

Now that the gentry have begun to join forces with scholars, the attack on the new imperial examination system has become a substantive opposition to the New Deal and has evolved into another battlefield. This is what Ning Yu is very vigilant about. I'm afraid it will be difficult to completely defeat the gentry group.

However, Ning Yu will still express his attitude. He glanced at the officials in the hall, and then slowly said: "What I want to remind everyone is that the newspapers you buy now have been reformed for three years!"

"It's not that I didn't give Shilin a chance at the beginning. I have been telling everyone since the second year of reform that it is impossible to go back on the change of the imperial examination system, and I can only keep moving forward!"

"If scholars who don't want to take the exam, I will also give them a choice. Various new universities in Ningchu are also under preparation. In the future, there will be many paths for them to choose, such as practicing medicine, such as the military, or doing business. Give them a way to survive, but if they go all the way to the dead end of the imperial examination, then I will not be lenient!"

A stormy reprimand was recalled in Fengtian Hall, but it turned the faces of those officials who opposed the new imperial examination system pale, especially Li Fu, the censor of Zuodu, with a hint of pain on his face.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty should be mindful of the world! If you use thunderous tactics at this time, wouldn't it be pushing people's hearts to the side of the fake Qing Dynasty? Things will be smooth when things are slow, why are you persecuting this?"

Li Fu knelt down, his eyes were pleading, just like the situation under the city of Nanchang, he also begged Ning Yu to stop the siege.

At that time, Ning Yu agreed to Li Fu's request, and Li Fu did not disappoint Ning Yu's trust. In the end, he still said that Nanchang surrendered, allowing Ning Chu to occupy Nanchang without bloodshed.

But this time Ning Yu was silent. He looked at Li Fu who was begging, and sighed softly: "Li Qing, I once said a word, I can stop and wait for you, but the times can't wait for you!"

"If you don't look up at the sky and the world around you, but just stay in the illusion created by the Four Books and Five Classics, the future heaven will completely collapse. When that sky falls, we will The descendants of the future, they will be abandoned by the times!"

"What our country needs is not nerds with poor heads and poor backgrounds. Look for yourself. Steam engines, muskets, cannons, railways, coal, and even the industry and commerce that I focus on developing are our future!"

As Ning Yu's voice stopped, the hall fell into a deathly silence. Li Fu let out a deep breath. He slowly moved his kneeling legs, and then he untied the Zhongjing crown on his head. Seriously put it on the ground.

"Your Majesty, I am old after all."

"I really don't understand your Majesty's great talent and strategy. I would like to resign as a thank you."

Li Fu's face was a bit confused, and he kowtowed his head after all. He had always had his own persistence in his heart. If it wasn't for this, Li Fu would not have been demoted from the imperial study to Yongding River by Kangxi back then. A river worker would not join the Fuhan Army.

Cui Wancai, the second assistant standing in front, stood up, with a look of anxiety on his face, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Mr. Li is only confused for a while, even if there is something wrong, how can he easily resign from Xiantai? Please think deeply, Your Majesty."

Strictly speaking, these words should be said by the first assistant Ning Zhongjing, but on this matter, if the first assistant really spoke, the date might arouse suspicion in the emperor's heart, so Cui Wancai was also forced to help him. You can't just watch Li Fu resign like this, otherwise Shilin will be completely alienated from the court.

Ning Yu pursed his lips tightly, intending to let Li Fu go back to his hometown, but he also knew in his heart that if Li Fu left, the power to check and balance business and industry would be greatly absent in the future, and people like Lu Yizhong and Yan Hongkui would not be able to support this faction This is not in line with Ning Yu's original idea.

It's just that Li Fu's attitude was too decisive, but it made Ning Yu a little bit hard to get off the tiger. Finally, after a long while, he smiled bitterly and said, "Mr., the great cause has not yet been unified, is it true that Mr. is going to abandon me?"

When Li Fu heard Ning Yu's words, his heart trembled. Of course, he still remembered talking with Ning Yu about the general situation of the world every day when he was in Nanchang and when he entered the Dudu Mansion in the east. In Fu's heart, why didn't he regard Ning Yu as his half student?
"Your Majesty, old ministers naturally dare not disappoint His Majesty's high expectations."

 In fact, sometimes persistence is not right or wrong in an absolute sense, but the path chosen is different.

(End of this chapter)

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