Cutting 1719

Chapter 442 Start to close the net

Chapter 442 Start to close the net

The fight on Suzaku Street continued. Although the two sides were in a melee at the beginning, they became proficient in fighting after all. The two sides started to come and go, which was a bit like being on the battlefield. There is no way to replace bricks with knives, but the murderous intent is getting heavier and heavier.

As one of the former scholars, Shen Luochuan felt a little dazed. He was always playing with words and ink, and never had the opportunity to wield knives and guns. Now, although everyone is hot-headed and working together, when it comes to Shen Luochuan himself, it is He had been beaten all the time, his white gown was covered with black footprints, and his eye sockets were also punched several times.

"Brother Shen, take care!"

Except for Xu Zhai who was still by Shen Luochuan's side, the scholars surnamed Xu were already preparing to slip away when they saw that things were not going well. Yucaiji, in front of the new scholars mainly composed of merchants' sons and farmers' sons, was almost beaten to the point where he couldn't find his way.

Shen Luochuan was a little helpless, so he had no choice but to swing the bastard fist, and fought with the new scholars, and after only a moment, he was ridden on the body by a new scholar, and was beaten several times in succession.

"Stop hitting, stop hitting, my humble Shen Luochuan, dare to ask your brother's name?"

Shen Luochuan, who was being beaten, still did not forget his true qualities as a scholar, and asked about the identity of the assailant in a serious manner.

"It's the Qin ceremony, are you convinced now?"

Qin Li's family was very poor since he was a child, and he has not little experience in doing farm work, so he is not the kind of person who has no power to restrain a chicken, so he rode on Shen Luochuan's body and retaliated with his old fist, while answering , and punched him a few more times.

Shen Luochuan wanted to cry but had no tears. Looking at the tall scholar on his body, he immediately felt that this was simply a nightmare.

"Please forgive me, brother, I am convinced, I am convinced."

"Do you still dare to beat the Dengwen drum?"

"Don't dare, don't dare"

"Bah, bastard."

Qin Li spat hard, stood up, kicked Shen Luochuan again, and rushed into the battlefield again, looking for his next opponent.

But Shen Luochuan was still lying on the ground, the more he thought about it, the more wronged he became, and he couldn't help crying. You know, he had never been wronged like this before, and it sounded a bit more miserable than Dou E.

Just when there was a crowd in front of the Meridian Gate, there was another scene behind the Meridian Gate. Thousands of men wearing old-fashioned red military uniforms of the Fu Han Army, carrying bayonet-mounted muskets on their shoulders, were lining up. A neat team, and behind them, a huge Fuhan army flag fluttered up, as bright as a raging fire.

The only thing that is strange is that although these people are well-groomed and full of fighting spirit, their bodies are basically deformed to a certain extent. Some people are simply one-eyed, with a black cloth strip covering their faces.

Cheng Shitou, who was originally driving a boat on the pier, was already standing in the middle of the queue. Although his legs and feet were inconvenient, he looked more like a normal person at this time. There were little red marks on the bayonet, which were the marks left by the dried blood.

These people in front of them are not Ningchu’s imperial guards, not even the active troops, but the disabled soldiers, but they still have military registrations on their bodies, and they can guarantee them with their own military achievements. Livelihood, so it can be regarded as a part of the Fuhan army.

Most of them have their own errands near Nanjing, and they can do some work within their ability. Although Cheng Shitou is handicapped, he is also a well-known man on the red boat, and it is no problem to save people. Therefore, these After retiring, it is not completely idle.

However, just today, these disabled veterans put on their old military uniforms, went to the Nanjing Veterans Armament Depot to register, received their own guns, and then went to the old team officers, company commanders and others. Under his leadership, he started to line up again and became a part of the Fuhan Army.

Cheng Shitou stood in a military posture almost enjoying himself. His dark face no longer had the decadence and loss of the past, but was full of brilliance. The military uniform on his body was clean and tidy, and he looked extremely mighty.

After a while, the formation of this army was finally completed, and everyone stood in their positions, looking forward with fiery eyes, as if their enemies would appear there at any time.

However, at this moment, just behind the walls of the imperial city, Ning Yu and his officials had been standing there for a long time. It can be said that the old and new scholars fought for a long time, and they also stood for a long time. No one wanted to go out to stop them. No one said a word for those scholars.

Until the two sides were almost tired from fighting, Ning Yu's expression was full of disdain for the scholars, while the others were all embarrassed, it was really because of those old scholars who wanted to beat the drum They, the performance is too speechless.

"A bunch of insignificant things, really disappointing."

This is Ning Yu's only evaluation of the old scholars, and it is also the evaluation everyone recognizes in their hearts, because these people are so useless, let alone knocking on the Dengwen drum, they didn't even force the new scholars away, and even returned a back vigorously.

If this is a real battlefield, the old scholars who have an absolute advantage in numbers have actually been completely defeated, and even lost very badly, almost losing the battle on their knees.

Li Fu couldn't help but heaved a long sigh, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, although the scholars are inappropriate, please be considerate of one or two, after all, talents are rare."

Chief Assistant Ning Zhongjing also frowned, stopped looking at the brawling scholars, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this matter cannot continue now, or I'm afraid I will lose the dignity of the court."

This is said so that everyone can't believe it. If it is said that it is disrespectful, I am afraid that it will be disrespectful at the first moment of punching, but if it is not stopped, it is true that it will kill someone.

Ning Yu nodded lightly. Anyway, there are still thousands of grassroots officials who are about to pass the training of the Organization Department.

The crowd walked down the city wall with Ning Yu, and came to the Meridian Gate. Looking at the soldiers of the Fuhan Army who were lining up, the faces of the ministers were more or less worried. After the game, the second half is about to start again?
But if it's just scholars fighting against scholars, they can fight evenly, but if they end up as soldiers, how can those scholars survive?
On the contrary, Ning Yu didn't think so much. He looked at the soldiers lined up in front of him, and when he looked at the blood-red Fuhan Army flag, a sincere smile appeared on his face.

In this country, I am afraid that only these people can be called the real backbone.

"I asked you to gather here today, not because the country is in danger, but because of my request. I want to see you again."

Ning Yu looked around at everyone, even though he couldn't name most of them, Ning Yu always remembered their appearance in his heart.

"Your Majesty summons, and the ministers will go through fire and water, and they will die."

A general at the head stood up, wearing a general star on his shoulder, but his hands had completely disappeared, and one eye was also gone, but in the only remaining eye, it seemed Lighted like a fire, shocking and profound.

"You have worked hard!"

Ning Yu's face was very serious, and he solemnly gave a military salute to the soldiers. This was a salute he gave to these soldiers as a member of Ning Chu, not just the emperor.

"Long live Your Majesty!"

All the soldiers roared loudly, and the voice instantly penetrated the walls of the imperial city. Even the scholars who were fighting outside the Meridian Gate were shocked, and they stopped fighting in a daze. , looking in the direction of the Meridian Gate.

Ning Yu smiled slightly and waved his arms, "Go, I don't want to see their blood, tarnish my Suzaku Avenue, drive those scholars away from this place, and arrest or kill anyone who disobeys." , it’s all up to you.”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The general's face was a bit dignified, and he gave a military salute again before turning his head to look at the soldiers he knew or didn't know.

"Your Majesty has orders, we shall obey them!"

"Walk through fire and water, do whatever you want!"

The soldiers roared loudly, picked up their muskets, and began to march towards the outside of the Meridian Gate. The sound of kicking footsteps suddenly covered the sound of fighting outside.

When the Meridian Gate was fully opened, rows of soldiers of the Fuhan Army maintained a neat formation, and the muskets on their shoulders were leveled up. The bright bayonets reflected light in the sun, which looked extremely dazzling.

Looking at the sharp bayonet, the scholars didn't have the courage to resist at all, and they didn't know who yelled, and the crowd completely broke up and began to flee in all directions. Whether it was a new scholar or an old scholar, at this time It seems that he is no longer an enemy, but has become a poor person who feels sorry for each other.

Except for those scholars who had already been beaten and lying on the ground unable to move, everyone else started to run in other directions on Suzaku Street—dead fellows never die, if they were caught, the outcome would be miserable.

As for Shen Luochuan, he lay on the ground weeping and didn't think about it at all. As for his good brother Xu Zhai, he didn't know where he went.
At this time, Shen Weijun and others who were standing in the distance were shocked. The appearance of the army was far more terrifying than they imagined, which also made it difficult for them to have the courage to fight. As for other thoughts , has long since vanished.

"Run. Brother Shen, it will be a disaster if we get caught!" Wang Yongqi's voice trembled a little. He seemed to have realized that something was wrong, and moved his feet backwards.

Zhou Weiqing, who had always been fearless, now had cold sweat on his face. He didn't expect the soldiers of the Fuhan Army to have such a murderous aura. Even at such a distance, he was a little terrified. Looking at Shen Weijun who was still calm, he lowered his head. Said: "I'm afraid that today's matter will be ruined. Brother Shen, let's evacuate first, and leave the green hills. Don't be afraid that there will be no firewood!"

Shen Weijun smiled coldly, and sighed in a low voice: "Shen's green hills are still there, but the firewood for the two of you may have run out of firewood!"

"What do you mean?"

"Brother Shen, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Weiqing and Wang Yongqi felt something was wrong, they looked at Shen Weijun at this moment, but felt so strange.

Before Shen Weijun could say anything more, he saw a few men in green clothes or black cloth clothes approaching them, and they all held guns in their hands, obviously they were all shadows.

Zhou Weiqing is not an ignorant person, he looked at Shen Weijun and said bitterly: "I didn't expect, you are such a villain"

It's just that Zhou Weiqing didn't finish his sentence, he and Wang Yongqi were directly pressed to the ground by the shadow's spies, and the leader of the spies took a look at Shen Weijun, just nodded, and didn't say much, Then they brought Zhou Weiqing and Wang Yongqi into the carriage parked nearby, and then drove away from the scene.

This time the arrest seemed to be a signal. I saw that many people at the scene were directly forced by the spies, and then tied into the carriage and taken away. The whole process was like flowing water, and there was almost no resistance. One kid ran too fast, and was shot and killed by the spies, and the rest were all caught.

At the time when the big manhunt started on Zhuque Street, Ning Luoyuan, along with Wei Qing, the general of the Nanjing City Guard, also started to hunt down the big gentry, including [-] Fuhan Army soldiers from the City Guard Regiment, They were divided into forty groups, and under the leadership of their respective group leaders, they began to search for clues.

According to past experience, when searching for local big clans, soldiers from other places are usually called in to prevent local soldiers from tipping off the news, but the Nanjing City Guards Group does not need it, because the Nanjing City Guards Group does not have a fixed establishment, and usually Each division and regiment will take turns to score points, and the time is limited to half a year, so no strong social relationship will be formed.

This kind of scoring system is very cumbersome and often requires lottery to decide, but Ning Yu still chooses to enforce it, in order to ensure that the city guard system will not be infiltrated by local forces and maintain the purity of its organization. The method of rotation can also ensure the combat effectiveness of the troops. After all, an army that has not been on the battlefield for a long time will lose its combat effectiveness very quickly.

Of course, it is precisely because of this system that the city guard group will not be bribed at all during this big raid. After all, it is not easy for the gentry to infiltrate in such a short period of time, and even There is no point in infiltrating, after all, in half a year, it will be another army that will appear in front of everyone.

"The seventh group, group leader Deng Xiaobo, is targeting the Zhou family in the south of the city!"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"The eighth group, the group leader is Gao Qin, and the target is the He family in the east of the city!"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

A group leader, under the assignment of Ning Luoyuan and Shi Weiqing, led dozens of soldiers from their respective groups towards the residences of the various gentry families in Nanjing City, and the orders they received were as follows: Yes, bring back all these great clans, and if there are any recalcitrants, they will all be killed!

At the same time, in the entire provinces of Ningchu, all gentry families involved in this petition for the imperial examination will also be arrested by the secret agency personnel of the shadow, together with the troops of various divisions and regiments stationed in the field for training.

(End of this chapter)

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