Cutting 1719

Chapter 443 No one can escape

Chapter 443 No one can escape

Nanchang Mansion in Jiangxi Province is a place of prosperous culture and culture. When Ning Chu captured Nanchang, there was no large-scale war, so the damage to Nanchang City was very small, but at the same time, the gentry in the city had never seen Ning Chu The Tianwei of the Fuhan army was less respectful.

Because of this, almost all the major gentry families in Jiangxi also participated in this Shilin petition. The Cheng family, Dong family, Chen family and other major families almost all sent their children to Nanjing to petition. They fully thought that the emperor would completely stop the New Deal because of Shilin's petition.

But in fact, starting from the eighth day of May, the entire city of Nanchang has been sealed off, and no one is allowed to enter and not to leave, and batches of troops stationed abroad for combat training have also entered the city Well, these soldiers of the Fu Han army in red uniforms are different from the local city guards, and they have an evil spirit all over their bodies.

The original governor of Jiangxi, Zhu Dayuan, chose to retire completely after Ningchu established the country. In essence, Qing Fengzhi, the chief envoy of Jiangxi, who was in command of Jiangxi province, had been placed under house arrest under the shadow of a secret decree because of his close relationship with Jiangxi gentry. Get up, ready to send directly to Nanjing to wait for the release.

At present, the person temporarily replacing Qingfeng's chief minister is Xue Haifeng, an inspector sent from Nanjing. This person was originally a talent promoted by Ning Yu from the Fuhan Army. Now he has become a local official in charge of a province.

Xue Haifeng and Gao Hongyun, the person in charge of the shadow in Jiangxi, had planned long ago. After all, Jiangxi is not the same as other provinces. The power of the gentry here is strong, and the two of them knew something in their hearts. Therefore, they were very secretive before acting, and waited until the secret decree arrived. Afterwards, Qing Fengzhi was directly placed under house arrest.

After Qing Fengzhi was put under house arrest, Xue Haifeng hurriedly sent someone to obtain a secret decree, and informed Li Shihu's troops stationed in Jiangxi that he secretly dispatched a regiment to the vicinity of Nanchang, and then entered Nanchang on the eighth day of May.

Xue Haifeng was thoughtful, knowing that the soldiers of the city defense regiment might have local gentry confidantes. In order to prevent these gentry from taking risks, he sent someone to temporarily transfer the city defense regiment away from Nanchang to conduct related training in the wild. It didn't arouse the suspicion of the gentry, they just thought it was a normal training.

However, on the ninth day of May, after Li Shihu's regiment actually entered Nanchang City, the gentry clans who got the news quickly became ants on a pot of hot oil, like the Cheng family, the Dong family, and the Chen family. All the major families sent people to find the chief envoy Qing Fengzhi to inquire about the reason, but they didn't expect that these people would be detained just after they arrived at the chief envoy's yamen.

Seeing that the gentry became suspicious, Xue Haifeng realized that there should be no further delay, so he immediately notified Gao Hongyun and went to Li Shihu's headquarters of the Fuhan Army who had entered the city with the secret arrest list, preparing for a public arrest.

Since the end of the two major battles, Li Shihu did not continue to lead troops south, but returned to Jiangxi to take charge of the newly established No.19 Division, and served as the commander of the No.19 Division. He was stationed in the vicinity of Nanchang, so this time it was to assist Xue Haifeng. The main military force sent a regiment of 2000 people over.

He Jian, the head of the regiment, was standing in front of the formation of the formation, and Gao Hongyun was standing beside him. Looking at the mighty and majestic army in front of him, he couldn't help sighing: "I used to be from the Fuhan Army. He came out of the old division, and later joined the shadow, and he has heard of Master Li's name for a long time, and he heard that the soldiers led by Master Li are all top-notch, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation."

He Jian's temperament is relatively reserved, he smiled modestly, and said softly: "Leading troops to fight, you have to watch the actual combat to know."

"There will be an actual battle right now. Those gentry clans are not that simple. They should have bird guns in their hands. We have to be careful to prevent the dog from jumping over the wall. After all, it is not a life-and-death battle, and we all have to be good."

Gao Hongyun talked eloquently, as if he was very familiar with these things.

He Jian was a little curious, and said softly: "I remember that I have dealt with your shadows before. In my memory, shouldn't you all be the kind of extremely taciturn characters?"

Gao Hongyun laughed loudly, "You are the second person to ask me this question, guess who the first person is?"

He Jian thought for a while, "Could it be Lord Xue?"

"That's right, the reason is actually very simple. There are very few people in the shadow who are really silent all the time. For those of us who need to obtain information, good communication is a very precious quality, because in this way we can get more from the conversation. As for myself, every word I utter has been thought through at least three times.”

Gao Hongyun had a bit of complacency on his face, as if being willing to communicate was his true background.

Half an hour later, a scribe in Tsing Yi rode a horse and arrived at the temporary camp outside the city, then came to meet Gao Hongyun and He Jian.

"Sir Gao, Lord Xue sent his subordinates to inform that the chiefs of the gentry and clans in the city are basically controlled in the Buzheng Yamen. Please hurry up and conduct a comprehensive search."

"Well, go back and tell Mr. Xue that we are ready and promise to complete the task."

Gao Hongyun took out a note from his bosom, and said with a smile, "Then please lie down hard for Captain He."

He Jian took the note, glanced at it briefly, and said softly: "Your Majesty Gao is polite. It's just that the general thought that this time was ordered by His Majesty, but he must not let anyone go. The general will send someone to seal the four gates , and please let the adults know."

"This is what it should be. On military issues, Head He can decide on his own."

After getting this sentence, He Jian turned his head to look at the soldiers, looked around at the crowd, and said loudly: "In the name of His Majesty, in the process of arresting the rebels involved in the case, we must not be selfish, understand ?"

"Yes, long live Your Majesty!"

"set off!"

Soon, with the help of Gao Hongyun and Ying Ying, groups of soldiers of the Fuhan Army, armed with bayonets and muskets, began to head towards the residences of the rich clans in the city. Floating over the city of Nanchang, more and more people began to understand that a major change had taken place in Nanchang.

During this process, the gentry were just gentry after all, and they didn't have much force in their hands, so most of the gentry were still very honest. What I mean is, after all, the relationship in the city is intricate, and if something goes wrong, it will be a troublesome matter.

Of course, there are also a small number of gentry clans, who thought that the Fuhan army had started a comprehensive cleansing, and began to carry out armed resistance in panic. They would also secretly hide some bird guns on weekdays to equip their own family members and clansmen. At least dozens of people, as many as hundreds of people, began to resist relying on their own houses.


Following a series of gunshots, several servants fell down from the courtyard wall. They had several blood holes on their bodies, and the blood was slowly flowing out. Cheng Wanying, who was watching the battle in the courtyard, was frightened. Big jump.

As the head of the Cheng family in Jiangxi, Cheng Wanying felt extremely regretful at this time. He regretted that he should not have sent people to Nanjing to petition, let alone contact other gentry, so that he was targeted now, but it caused the family to suffer a big disaster. Disaster.

The Cheng family in Jiangxi can be regarded as a well-known local wealthy family. Although they have nothing to do with Ningchu's popular Cheng family, they can be regarded as a local tyrant in Jiangxi. The family has tens of thousands of acres of land and their family background is very powerful. focus on hitting targets.

"Give me a good fight! Kill a soldier of the Fuhan Army, and I will give you ten taels of silver, sir!"

A trace of ferocity flashed across Cheng Wanying's face. When the chief envoy asked him to go to discuss it, he felt that something was wrong. Out of caution, he didn't go to the party. It turned out that less than half an hour later, Fu Han The soldiers of the army surrounded the huge Cheng's courtyard.

However, when Cheng Wanying roared, he saw a few black and smoldering things thrown into the yard outside, and he immediately lost his soul - Cheng Wanying knew grenades and knew how powerful those things were. , hurriedly started running towards the backyard, but with a burst of bangs, Cheng Wanying was immediately knocked unconscious.

Afterwards, the Cheng Mansion was knocked away by the Fuhan army, and a captain officer of the Fuhan army wearing a red uniform walked in quickly. He looked around at the servants who were kneeling on the ground trembling, and then looked at the unconscious Cheng Wanying, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"How dare you make trouble with this cowardly look? I'll arrest you and lock down the entire Cheng family, and no one will be allowed to go out!"

It's not just the Cheng family, and it's not just the Nanchang Mansion. In fact, in this petition for the imperial examination, not only the number of gentry families involved is very large, but also the range is very wide. Therefore, the garrisons of the southern provinces have already begun to move. , Tens of thousands of soldiers of the Fuhan Army are almost fighting a counter-insurgency war that has not yet begun.

During this process, most of the gentry families did not dare to resist, and only a small number of people chose to rebel, but the strength gap between the two sides was too great, so there was no suspense in this battle. The grenade and bayonet almost solved all force problems that can be solved.

Of course, there are also some gentry families who choose to use money to bribe the officers and soldiers of the Fuhan Army, but every time they go on a mission, there will be shadowy people assisting them, so they cannot do what they want.

What's more, due to the comprehensive and generous system guarantee, the current Fuhan Army has begun to break away from the shadow of the old-style army, and the mistakes that would be committed by the old-style army will hardly appear in the Fuhan Army on a large scale, just like The current Fuhan Army soldiers are treated so well that they are almost enviable.

After the founding of the country, the treatment of the current Fuhan Army soldiers has also improved a lot. The original military merit field system is still maintained. In addition, each person will also be given two silver dollars per month. Monthly fixed meat supply to ensure daily high-intensity training.

For the low-level soldiers of the Fu-Han Army, their choice to enlist in the army itself is a choice of a life-changing path. The emperor gave them food, clothes, and the opportunity to become officials and knights, and these only need two points One point is courage on the battlefield, and the other point is loyalty to the emperor.

Under such circumstances, no one would give up a bright future for the sake of a little profit in front of them, let alone the temptation of those rebels. In the eyes of the soldiers, anyone who opposed the emperor in the world, That's all damn life.

When there was great chaos in Nanchang Mansion, the Jiangxi Buzheng Yamen became the only quiet place not to be disturbed.

Xue Haifeng, the current acting chief envoy, is facing away from Qing Fengzhi, the former chief envoy under house arrest. There are teacups and other things in front of them, and the teapot is brewed with the best Wuyuan Tun green. The fragrance is elegant and pleasant, and the color is lustrous. Green and transparent.

Hearing the bursts of gunfire from outside, Qing Fengzhi couldn't help sighing, and looked at Xue Haifeng with a bit of resentment in his eyes, "Could it be that Mr. Xue wants every family to wear sackcloth and mourning? Such an act is outrageous." Compared with the generation from Zhou, how will Lord Xue face the people of the world in the future?"

The so-called Zhou Lai's generation refers to Zhou Xing and Lai Junchen during the Wu Zetian period of the Tang Dynasty. They were both cruel officials who left their names in history. Thousands of families were killed by him in vain.

Xue Haifeng sneered, "Could it be that Mr. Qing is pretending to be confused with this official here? Don't you know who will be unlucky this time? As for whether this official is Zhou Lai's generation, we have to see if they are loyal ministers and righteous men." gone."

Qing Fengzhi's face became more and more difficult to look at. Of course he knew what Xue Haifeng meant, "Master Xue, His Majesty was deceived by others, so he launched a chaotic government. Since you are a subject, why don't you persuade Your Majesty, but slaughter good people wantonly?" , how can it be so reasonable?"

"Master Qing, what is a good citizen?"

The smile on Xue Haifeng's face disappeared completely, "Is this a good citizen who disobeyed the imperial government's decree and His Majesty's decree? As a local tyrant, he took the lead in opposing the imperial court. Good people?"

"Qing Fengzhi, what are you thinking? I am very clear about what you think. Since ancient times, the world has been corrupted by you!"

Qing Fengzhi was completely overwhelmed by Xue Haifeng's series of reprimands. He lowered his head slightly, but the white hair on his head seemed more glaring. Maybe they should have been like this since the time when they took refuge in Ning Chu. ready.

Xue Haifeng no longer paid attention to Qing Fengzhi, who was like a dead dog. The other party's fate was already doomed, and it was not worth his consideration. Regarding the arrest in Nanchang City, he was more at ease, after all, there were shadows and resident Without the help of the training army, the gentry could not escape anywhere.

What really worries Xue Haifeng the most is always the situation of the imperial court, because no matter how other provinces develop, it ultimately depends on the imperial court's will, and these changes will also profoundly change the current status quo.

(End of this chapter)

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