Cutting 1719

Chapter 448

Chapter 448

When the road is widened, not only can you think for yourself, but even the enemy will think for you.

Zhang Tingyu belongs to this kind of mentality at the moment. In his opinion, it is completely impossible for the Qing Dynasty to save the country through normal means. In this case, it is better to choose another way. A price to pay.

As long as Russia still wants to comfortably occupy the northern territory, it will never sit back and watch the Qing Dynasty perish. Otherwise, once it is replaced by the enterprising Great Chu, it will be difficult to say whether they will be able to keep their current territory.

Therefore, Russia has already stood in a trench with the Qing Dynasty in this battle, and what is lacking is only one piece of meat that can hang the Russians.

The ministers looked strange, but they didn't speak out against it. Everyone is not a vegetarian. Naturally, they understand that in the current situation, this is what the Qing Dynasty can do, but they are slightly disgusted by Zhang Tingyu's straightforward words. After all, everyone is a gentleman who wants face.

After hearing Zhang Tingyu's words, Yongzheng did not express his position directly, but chose to remain silent, which in itself showed his acquiescence attitude, but these words could not be said by him as an emperor, nor should he say them.

Ever since the situation became clear step by step, Yongzheng has made up his mind. Whether it is the method of killing the chicken and taking the eggs, or selling the law to find the best solution, there is only one purpose, and that is to keep the Eight Banners, not the Qing Dynasty.

The key to keeping the Eight Banners and the Qing Dynasty is that Yongzheng has completely given up the unrealistic fantasy of suppressing Chu's rebellion. He has a very rational realization that the Qing Dynasty actually died in the 61st year of Kangxi.

The present three-year struggle is nothing more than Ning Chu cleaning up the chaos in the south. When Ning Chu is completely empty-handed, only one blow will be enough to destroy Daqing, and Daqing has been in these three years. It was difficult to move forward, and it took the strength of the whole country to train a nondescript Eight Banners new army.

Such a New Army of the Eight Banners cannot preserve the Qing Dynasty. They can only try to preserve the Eight Banners. Whether they return to Manchuria or flee to the wilderness, there are still multiple options for survival.

Zhang Tingyu is the minister who can best understand Yongzheng's thoughts, because every word of his speaks to Yongzheng's heart, and Tu Lichen is a counterexample of ignorance of current affairs. He not only does not understand Yongzheng's inner thoughts, but also does not understand today's Everyone hates this nonsense person.

"Heng Chen, you still need to worry a lot about the mission to Russia, but Tu Lichen, you have to give some advice, if it doesn't work, let him go home and rest more."

Yongzheng said slowly that he set the tone for this matter, that is, betraying the country for survival, selling the territory of the northern border to attract Russian troops to the south, resisting the upcoming Ningchu Northern Expedition army, in order to preserve the Eight Banners.

"The servant leads the order, but the servant is weak in morality, and the leader is responsible for Duoluo County Wang Celeng and Master Bo Sige. As for the servant, just beat the side drum."

Zhang Tingyu smiled slightly, but this smile looked so hateful in the eyes of the other ministers. It seemed that after he became the leader of Hanchen, he became less and less like the famous minister Zhang Hengchen.

Yongzheng doesn't care, he doesn't care about anything anymore, except for the Eight Banners, naturally it doesn't matter who he uses, as long as he can help him tide over the difficulties, and Zhang Tingyu is such an excellent tool, as long as the Eight Banners survive the disaster, then only It only takes an oral order to kill the treacherous official in front of him.

However, Yongzheng still had one thing in mind, "Hengchen, what did you do with the method of killing chickens and taking eggs the day before yesterday?"

Everyone was quite surprised at this time. With the previous examples, they really want to hear what kind of suggestions Zhang Tingyu can make.

"Decentralize power to governors in various places, allow them to set up tax cards and collect taxes on their own, allow them to train large-scale regiments in various regions, and allow them to promote and appoint governors at all levels."

Zhang Tingyu lowered his head deeply, "Not only do we have to betray the country to the outside world, but we also have to betray the country to the country at home. The gentry are not reliable. The emperor can still rely on our Qing officials."

In Nanjing City, in front of an execution ground in the southern suburbs, several rows of soldiers of the Fu-Han Army were standing. Each of them carried muskets on their shoulders, and the bayonets on the guns were removed and hung on the On his waist, a fiery red flag of the Fuhan Army was fluttering in the wind, like the red blood of the setting sun, which made people shudder.

An officer stood in front of the open space. He was a very young colonel with several medals on his chest. He looked extremely dignified and seemed to be waiting for something. However, no one dared to disturb him. Everyone stood there holding their breath. By the side, waiting together.

I don't know how long it took before I heard the sound of horseshoes, followed by the gurgling sound of a carriage driving on the road. A team of Fuhan army policemen wearing bailiff badges on their shoulders was escorting a long convoy , approaching slowly.

When the convoy arrived at the execution ground, a policeman wearing a senior police officer got out of the carriage. His face was square and resolute, and his behavior was full of military colors.

The officer stepped forward and gave a military salute to the senior police supervisor with a smile on his face, "Uncle, I didn't expect you to come in person this time!"

The senior police supervisor is not an ordinary person. He used to be the earliest deputy division commander of the Fuhan Army, surnamed Deng Mingfang, and the officer in front of him was his nephew Deng Tieshi, who was also his former subordinate.

Deng Fang is a legend in the army. It can be said that in the army, from the privy envoy to the commanders of the divisions, everyone has to call out seniors in front of him. The reason is classic. He followed the Supreme Emperor Ning Zhong One of the right-hand men who originated from the army against the Qing Dynasty, especially after Gao Yuan died in battle, Deng Convenience became the only surviving representative of the old Hanyang camp.

Of course, the Hanyang Camp was the earliest army of the Ning family to fight against the Qing Dynasty. Although it is full of legends, it is also like other armies. Its establishment was canceled in previous military reforms, so most people don't know that there is such a force now. As for the army, little is known about Deng Fang, its former general.

After all, Deng Fang came from the old school, and he has never been able to master more advanced combat methods. Therefore, his position in the army has not been promoted like Cheng Ming and others. In the end, he was only a commander of a new division , bid farewell to the active duty force, and became a high-ranking chief of the newly formed police department.

However, although Deng Fang did not gain a high status in the army, his nephew Deng Tieshi was prospering in martial arts. The division commander is now also transferred to the Imperial Guard Army and has become a commander of the Imperial Guard Brigade.

Deng Fang looked at his nephew, but he didn't show too much good looks, but said seriously: "Whether in the army or in the officialdom, there is no so-called uncle. Please call me Superintendent Deng."

Deng Tieshi was a little embarrassed at the moment, he quickly returned to his original state of solemnity, raised his hand in a military salute, "Supervisor Deng, please hand over the list of prisoners who will be executed this time."

Only then did Deng Fang nodded, took a thick document from the policeman behind him, handed it to Deng Tieshi, and said softly: "These people are all the gentry, patriarchs and patriarchs who colluded in the previous big imperial examination case. There are a total of 87 important officials, these people have important ties, so they were tried by Dali Temple and executed by shooting, please execute immediately.”

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the mission."

For the imperial guards, they are not responsible for these things on a daily basis, but sometimes it is really a coincidence, so it is not a big deal. After Deng Tieshi read the list, he sent someone to review it and escorted him from the carriage. The prisoners who came down finally confirmed that they were correct, and signed their names on the list.

It wasn't until this time that everyone felt that the atmosphere in the execution ground had become more and more serious. The heads of the gentry and the important officials all had ashes on their faces, and few people even called out. Perhaps the current This scene completely dispelled their thoughts of survival.

For the patriarchs of the gentry clan, killing people does not make them feel afraid, because how many of these patriarchs who have been tried and executed have never had a human life in their hands?In their hearts, ordinary people are no different from cattle and sheep, and if they are killed, they will be killed, and they will never have the slightest bit of guilt in their hearts.

However, murderers are always being killed, and when these people reach the end of their lives, there is a wave of waving after all. If they knew what compassion is from the beginning, they would not have ended up in this end.


The real shooting will not look so bloody. As the prisoners gradually fell to the ground, the soldiers who fired the shots did not react much. They just walked forward to check their bodies. If someone pretended to be dead or escaped by chance, then The soldiers will also pull out the daggers at their waists to give them a good time.

The setting sun was like blood. Deng Fang got into the carriage and led the police towards the city of Nanjing. He had seen many scenes like this. After all, the establishment of Dachu was not as smooth as it seems now. Those with ulterior motives, or those with ulterior motives, if they leak their feet, they will always end up in this situation.

For Deng Fang, a half-way policeman with a military background, Ning Chu is what he really needs to protect right now, because in this country, he has also invested his own efforts and expectations. When the country becomes better and better Deng Fang's heart will become more and more satisfied at this time. This is the great era he has experienced.

Since Deng Tieshi belongs to the imperial guard system, after cleaning up the scene, he will take people back to the barracks directly, and will not go the same way. As for the carriage, only one subordinate accompanied him back to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. It is also necessary to go to Dali Temple to submit a receipt, which represents the end of the case.

The subordinate's surname is Zhao Minglong, a man in his early thirties. He also came out of the army before. Because he was smart enough, he gradually gained a high position in the newly established police department and gradually became Deng Fang's right-hand man.

"Master Deng, I have heard that the Northern Expedition is just around the corner. Now that the troops on the front line have begun to assemble, your nephew may gain a lot of military merit in this battle!"

Among the people who came to the police department, a small number were speculators, and more people came because they had no future in the army, and Zhao Long was one of them.

"National unity, this is a good thing!"

Deng Fang's tone was indifferent. He is not a high-minded person. It is enough to be able to do the things in front of him well. One point can be determined from his qualifications, that is, as long as he does not betray Ning Chu, there will be a corresponding result in the future .

Zhao Long, however, looked a little reconciled, "If I hadn't offended some people in the army, I wouldn't have joined the police system. Anyone who wants to make meritorious service must go to the army!"

"Young Eagles?"

"How do you know so clearly? Cough, don't mention what happened back then, it's all a mess!" Zhao Long seemed regretful in his tone, but now he had to admit it.

Deng Fang smiled slightly, "Although I don't know much about the current factions in the army, I also understand that they are nothing more than two groups. One is the Faction of Honored Ministers, and the other is the 'Eagle' brought out by His Majesty himself. Although the Privy Council still has the absolute advantage of the Honored Ministers faction, the General Staff is now full of young eagles!"

"Yeah, you look like Dong Ce, Xu Chengliang, Chang Youcai, and Yu Zhijing, who has just been promoted to the deputy chief of the general staff, are all fucking young eagles. If I were a few years younger, A few years ago, he might be able to join the Young Eagles, but now he is also that kind of person!"

Hearing this, Deng Fang snorted coldly, "You only know high-ranking officials and nobles, but do you know that there were 200 young eagles in the earliest days, and how many are left now? There is no such thing as those born in the past few years. Kill him, do you really think people are vegetarians?"

"Hey, Mr. Deng, don't take offense. I just say this, and I know my own ability. It's not bad to get the current salary. It's just whether Mr. Deng has any idea of ​​putting on the military uniform again. I'm afraid it will be the biggest opportunity in the next few decades. That’s the Northern Expedition this time.”

Put on military uniform again?
Deng Fang smiled wryly and shook his head. If it was possible, why wouldn't he be willing?

But everyone knows that now that there is the Young Eagle Battalion, the Central Military Academy, and various military academies, what does Deng Fang have?He only has a bunch of old bones and a veteran qualification that is not worth it. Besides, if he really wants to go back to the army, how can he arrange it? He can't be allowed to go back to be a battalion commander, right?
Thinking of this, Deng Fang sighed, his expression was somewhat lonely, "Old man, in the future the world should be fought by young people!"

The sun is slowly sinking into the sky, and the darkness is covering the world again. However, for a city like Nanjing, its nightlife has not really started, or like Deng Fang, they can't understand it. The world doesn't understand people anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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