Cutting 1719

Chapter 449 Ceded Territory

Chapter 449 Ceded Territory
The discussions between the emperors and ministers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty in front of the palace had completely determined their countermeasures. However, the people who really wanted to do things actually fell on Hanchen in the end. This is why Yongzheng always supported Zhang Tingyu, because This person can use it, and it is better to use it, and it is easier to use than Man Meng Xungui.

At this time, for Yongzheng, the most precious thing about Zhang Tingyu was not his talent, but his identity—the leader of the Hanchen, which was not worth much in the past few decades of the Qing Dynasty, because such a Hanchen The ministers are almost one after another, like Fan Wencheng, Yao Qisheng, Li Guangdi, Cao Zhenyong, etc., they can't be used up, and they can be replaced at any time.

But now the world has changed, with Ning Chu as a competitor, the minds of the Hanchens will naturally come alive, and everyone does not want to kneel in front of the Eight Banners every day, so loyal and obedient Hanchens like Zhang Tingyu naturally also He became a baby lump, and more importantly, he also became the best bridge between Yongzheng and Han gentry.

For the monarchs of the Qing court, of course they understood that the key to the Qing Dynasty's desire to control the world was not the hundreds of thousands of Eight Banners, but the Han people in the world, or the Han gentry, so now they want to preserve the Eight Banners to the maximum extent. It is necessary to make good use of the power of the northern Han gentry.

The next day, Zhang Tingyu came to meet Emperor Yongzheng with a booklet, with the purpose of negotiating with Yongzheng for the gentry group in the north.After all, whether it is betraying the country to Russia or transferring interests internally, he, the emperor, is nominally required to be the master.

"Report to the emperor, this is the memorandum written by the old minister about the regiment training of the governors' offices in various provinces, please read it by the emperor."

Su Peisheng took over a thick yellow silk memorial, handed it over, and placed it on Yongzheng's royal case.

But Yongzheng was fascinated by the memorial. He didn't take the memorial immediately, but asked deliberately: "Even if this paper can be passed, how can the gentry in the north obey me at this time?" ?”

Zhang Tingyu frowned slightly. Speaking of which, Yongzheng still had some doubts about his influence over the Han gentry, and he was still thinking about testing it out, so let the emperor see Zhang Tingyu's true abilities.

"Your Majesty, it doesn't matter whether the northern gentry obey or disobey. The southern gentry also disobeyed in front of the land area gradient taxation bill, and the emperor also knows that these people are afraid of power and not virtuous. As long as my Qing Dynasty is still alive Day by day, they will not dare to make trouble."

Zhang Tingyu said these words very respectfully on his face, but took out a booklet from his sleeve and handed it up, "Originally, the slave wanted to wait for the matter to be completely settled before reporting to the emperor. After they learned about the atrocities committed by Chu Ni in the south, they decided to give money to Daqing together to buy military funds to train the army to resist Ning Chu's army. There is also four or five million taels."

Four or five million taels of white money, this is Zhang Tingyu's valuation of his influence, and it is also his determination to show Yongzheng.

Sure enough, after reading the booklet, a smile appeared on Yongzheng's face. He looked at the booklet on the table, and slowly flipped through it. The content inside was not beyond his expectations. It can be said that Basically a refined version of what Zhang Tingyu said earlier.

To put it simply, this is a bribe given to Yongzheng by the northern gentry. They are willing to pay Yongzheng a sum of military expenses each, and the price for the Qing court is to hand over all the northern territories except Zhili and Manchuria to themselves. Governance, whether it was tax collection or administrative management, the Qing court only had the right to intervene, not to make decisions.

Of course, the military expenditure silver given by the northern gentry is not a small number - 1000 million taels of silver per year, until the end of the Qing Dynasty or the entire north is captured by Ning Chu, because by that time, both parties to the agreement will no longer exist , the agreement naturally has no meaning.

1000 million taels, plus the previously promised 500 million taels, would be 500 million taels at most. Yongzheng was a little hesitant, and he still felt a little less, but the northern provinces are already a poor hole that cannot be poorer. , It is estimated that no more oil can be squeezed out.

"Heng Chen, do you think the five million taels is enough?"

Yongzheng asked tentatively, he didn't say whether the money was more or less, but whether it was enough or not.

Zhang Tingyu naturally understood the meaning behind the words, and he did not answer directly, but respectfully said: "If it is to save the Eight Banners, it should be enough. If it is to save the Qing Dynasty, it will be difficult to add ten times more."

Yongzheng was silent, he knew that this was Zhang Tingyu reminding him again, stop having illusions about saving the Qing Dynasty, and think about how to save the Eight Banners.

"In that case, let's draw up an order according to what Heng Chen said."

Under the faint candlelight, the Earl of Sawaula was sitting at the table, using a quill in his hand, writing vigorously on the letter paper, and on the letter paper was the seal of the Earl Sawaula's family. The eagle is flying against the wind in the sky, with a somewhat haughty look in its eyes.

"Your Majesty the Great Empress, your servant Savaula has arrived in the capital of the Tatars and brought good news that is enough to inspire people's hearts. The country that was arrogant and conceited at the beginning is now falling into a crisis that is almost destroyed. In its own crisis, a force called 'Chu' is about to rise from the south, and if there are no accidents, they will defeat the Tatars and become the masters of this country."

"However, the great Russian Empire has become this accident. If with the help of the Russian Empire, the Tatars should be able to maintain their rule, and they are willing to pay enough, not just the Ergun River, even And the whole Far East."

"In the strategy of the Russian Empire, it has always been a dream in our hearts to find an outlet to the east. However, this dream is about to become a reality. If the Russian Empire can completely take the Far East as its own, then we will be in the The southern part of the Amur Peninsula, which was dreamed of back then, got a natural ice-free port called Vladivostok."

"As long as there is Vladivostok, the empire will completely gain an overwhelming strategic advantage in East Asia. We will completely surround the territory of the Tatars like a pair of hands. When the right day comes, perhaps the entire Tatars will Tartar will become the territory of the great Russian Empire, just like the Siberian Khanate in those days."

"Your Majesty the Great Empress, the only factor that prevents us from fully possessing all of this is a country called 'Chu'. I firmly believe that if Her Majesty the Empress sends reinforcements to the Far East, 6000, no, or even 7000 or so It's [-], and we're enough to beat it completely."

As the sky gradually dawned, Earl Sawawula raised his head. He spent one night and wrote a report of more than [-] words. In this report on the Far East Raiders , Earl Savoula strongly asked Moscow to give him more support so that he could accomplish this great goal.

After the letter was completely written, Earl Savaula put the letter into an envelope, then dripped wax oil on the seal, and stamped a seal on it with the family seal ring in his hand. This letter will be Accompanied by thousands of miles of distant journey to Moscow, and then waiting for the opening of the empress.

Earl Sawaula is extremely convinced that the current Qing Dynasty has fully accepted the good intentions from the Russian Empire. They have completely lost their confidence in fighting against "Chu" in the war. This is also why Earl Sawaula Reasons to be confident about this trip.

Of course, there is another very important reason why Earl Savaula wrote this letter, that is, the negotiation between the mission and the Qing court has also reached a critical point.

Among them, the negotiators of the Qing court have also undergone great changes. They are no longer the stubborn and sensitive Turichen, but a minister named Zhang Tingyu. He is extremely talented and charming, and the key is this. When people make concessions, it is enough to satisfy Earl Savaula, which is why he is full of confidence.

After the Earl of Savoula was busy with all this, he handed over the letter to the liaison staff of the mission, and then washed his face under the service of the maid, so that he became refreshed again—he still needed Then go to meet with Zhang Tingyu, so as to thoroughly finalize the concession range of the Qing court.

It has to be said that at the negotiating table, people's appetites are always expanded step by step. Under the guidance of Zhang Tingyu's traitorous theory, the so-called cession of land no longer constitutes the slightest emotional change. From the Ergun River to the The distant Far East, from Yuanhui to Haishengwei, has almost become a topic of discussion between the two sides.

Zhang Tingyu just sat at the side of the table indifferently, watching the ministers on both sides quarreling with each other. There was no fluctuation on his face, and there was no so-called shame. He just wore a smile, as if those territories had never belonged to the Qing Dynasty.

"Count Savaula, in fact, you and I are sitting here not just for these petty gains. If the Qing Dynasty can be preserved, then the Russian Empire will naturally get everything he deserves, but if the Qing Dynasty is cleared If the rebellion perishes, then all the treaties we discuss will be nothing more than a pile of waste paper."

The Earl of Savoula couldn't help laughing. He likes to chat with such people, at least he is much better than that Turichen. He picked up the porcelain cup in his hand, took a sip of tea, and then said softly: " Mr. Zhang, I think the dialogue between smart people should be very simple. I understand the truth you said very well. But you must be clear about one thing. There is a saying in your country called "If you don't see a rabbit, you won't scatter an eagle". Trying to persuade Moscow to send troops is not only my problem, but also your problem."

Zhang Tingyu nodded lightly, "My Qing Dynasty is naturally sincere, and the original "Nerchinsk Treaty" naturally needs to continue to be implemented, but we can sign some auxiliary treaties on the basis of this treaty, such as the "Khakhtu Treaty". "Treaty", this is also the sincerity of my Qing Dynasty."

"The Kyakta Treaty? Then I'd like to listen to it carefully. It seems to be a very interesting thing."

Earl Savaula had a smile on his face, and his eyes were fixed on Zhang Tingyu in front of him, waiting for the other party's answer.

However, Zhang Tingyu sent someone to send a huge map, and then pointed out softly: "You and I, the biggest dispute before was about the definition of the middle border between China and Russia. It should be correct."

"Yes. Please tell Mr. Zhang clearly."

Zhang Tingyu smiled slightly, pointed to this line and said: "The division of the Sino-Russian border, with the emperor's promise, my Qing Dynasty can give up starting from the Ergun River in the east, passing through the Chuku River near Kyakhtu in the middle, and passing through the Chuku River near Qiaktu in the west. All the territory north of the Shabinay Ridge in the northwest corner of the Tannu Ulianghai area."

Earl Savaula looked at the map, quickly called the members of the mission around him, and began to communicate in a low voice in Russian. After all, he didn't know much about these places, so he needed Russians who had lived here for a long time to judge .

According to the introduction of the members of the mission at the side, the Earl of Sawaula finally understood what was going on. Strictly speaking, the Qing court naturally gave up a lot of territory. For example, some borders expanded for a few days, while others expanded. After a few weeks of traveling the area, the total area is getting a lot of growth.

However, these were not recognized by the Earl of Sawaula. He was really dissatisfied, so he said: "According to the assessment of our personnel, your country lacks relevant sincerity. In fact, these places belong to the Russian Empire. You can’t use our territory to negotiate terms with us.”

This is a good move, even though the ministers of the Qing court knew the shameless face of the Russians, they were still very angry at this time. I am afraid that only they can do such things that turn black and white, and negotiate in a short time. The atmosphere became more dignified.

Zhang Tingyu was also somewhat dissatisfied. He said coldly: "Please also let your envoy know that all the land south of Beihai and southwest has been ceded to your country. The area of ​​this land is not small."

Count Savola still shook his head, and said softly: "This place was originally the territory of the Russian Empire. If your country wants to get help from the Russians, you must show sincerity."

Zhang Tingyu narrowed his eyes and asked calmly: "But I don't know what kind of sincerity can convince Her Majesty the Empress in the eyes of your envoy?"

Earl Sawaula was not polite, "The empire needs to have an outlet in the Far East, so the land north of Heilongjiang and south of the Outer Xing'an Mountains, including the area east of the Ussuri River, needs to be ceded to the great Russia. Empire, which should include Sakhalin."

As soon as this remark came out, it aroused strong dissatisfaction among the ministers of the Qing court. Almost everyone looked at the Russians in the opposite year with a murderous look, because this request was too much, and it could even be said to be too much. Shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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