Cutting 1719

Chapter 454

Chapter 454
Of course, the real question right now is not how many weapons to give, but whether the Dayi Army is willing to accept Ning Chu's arrangement.

After all, they managed to take root in Xi'an, which is also an important place in Guanlong, but once they go west, let alone potential, it would be good to survive.

Ning Qianqiu, as the envoy stationed in the Dayi Army, of course he can see that all the efforts made by the Dayi Army are aimed at continuing to survive in Xi'an, so even Chen Daoxian would not agree to this proposal.

"Return to Your Majesty, the land of Xi'an is now regarded as the favorite of the Dayi Army. Even if Da Chu gives them support weapons, I am afraid they will not easily agree."

"No? Then call until they agree!"

A general with swollen eyes sneered again and again. He was Dong Yulin, another senior member of the Privy Council that Ning Chu had just promoted. He was originally a senior general promoted by the Supreme Emperor and had been stationed in Huaishan.Later, Ning Yu saw that this man was fierce in battle, and he was more or less talented, so he promoted him and became a privy secretary.

Ning Zhongyi didn't have any opinion on this, and said softly: "The Second Army is going to cross the river from Kaifeng to enter Henan. If they don't agree, then they simply won't enter Henan, and part of them will go to Longxi. When the time comes, we can fight back in Shanxi. play the same role.”

Ning Qianqiu couldn't help but nodded when he heard the yelling and killing from the Privy Council, "If so, Chen Daoxian will think it over carefully, after all, this egg can't touch a rock."

"Even if they really want to touch it, they won't be given any more chances."

Ning Yu's face was indifferent, he would no longer care about anyone's thoughts on the great cause of the Northern Expedition, and whoever dared to block the road would be eliminated.

At the end of June in the third year of innovation, after everything was ready, Ning Yu personally boarded the altar at the Nanjing Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony and declared his oath to the Northern Expedition. This scene was like throwing a stone on a calm lake, stirring up splashes all over the sky .

An army of 20, known as a 50-strong army, will cross the Yellow River in great might and mighty, and attack the Qing court in the north!
All the newspapers are frantically spreading the news. They almost tried every means to write all the news about the Northern Expedition in the newspapers, so as to solve the confusion in everyone's mind for this year.

Almost everyone knows that Ning Chu will definitely go to the Northern Expedition, but no one knows when the day of the Northern Expedition will come. Now when the mystery is really revealed, almost everyone feels a little dreamlike, even Feeling a tinge of unreality.

Those loyal ministers and righteous men who still cherish the great Ming, they knelt in front of Nanjing Ming Xiao Mausoleum and cried bitterly, it seems that all this came so late, that almost all the people who experienced the Jiashen national disaster are no longer in this world , leaving only residual illusions of that gloomy age.

From the 17th year of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty to the three years of reform in Dachu, there have been 81 years of ups and downs in the middle. It can be said that even the young boy with long hair has now become a gray-haired old man, and more people are carrying Memories of the past, faded into past ages.

I just want to let these people really open their knots. I am afraid that only by defeating the capital and paying homage to the locust tree where Emperor Ming Sizong hanged himself, can they truly wash away the deep resentment accumulated over the past 81 years.

After Ning Yu heard the secret report about these people, he didn't say much. What they missed was not the real Da Ming, but the Da Ming that only existed in their memory. This would not affect their support for Ning Chu. .

However, there is one thing that Ning Yu still cares about, that is, after Keding the Central Plains seizes the capital, the tombs of the Ming emperors need to be protected to prevent some extreme Manchurian Eight Banners from destroying the tombs of the Ming emperors. After all No matter what, Ning Chu is the destiny of Da Ming.

Fortunately, the National History Compilation Committee established by the cabinet has been formally established, and the compilation of "History of Ming Dynasty" is also in progress, so we can use the opportunity of the Northern Expedition to put some things into it, so as to highlight Ning Chu's destiny Zhao Zhao.

The capital, the Old Summer Palace.

The scene of the Nanjing Northern Expedition swearing-in, after all, could not stop some interested people from spreading, especially those newspapers and periodicals that recorded the events of the Northern Expedition, which have become the most popular reading materials in the north. Appeared in front of Yongzheng.

"50 troops from the Northern Expedition, what a courage, what a skill."

The Qinzheng Palace located in the south of the garden is a newly built palace after Yongzheng's ascension to the throne. Besides the Qinzheng Palace, there are many value houses for the cabinet, six ministries, and military aircraft offices. Therefore, Yongzheng often came here to work in summer. At this time, Emperor Yongzheng, He was holding a newspaper and leaning on the imperial couch.

The chief eunuch, Su Peisheng, was attentively guarding the side. Although he heard Yongzheng's exclamation, he didn't dare to make a sound, and just stood there obediently, watching his nose, nose, nose, and heart.

But everyone knows that this person is probably one of the best when it comes to his understanding of Yongzheng. Even if Emperor Yongzheng has a thorn in his heart that hasn't been shown, the old eunuch might be able to spot it immediately.

Especially after the summer, when Yongzheng moved his ministers to the Old Summer Palace, Su Peisheng was worried that the chirping of cicadas in summer would disturb his master's rest, so he sent the guards to catch the cicadas, but he complied with the original plan. Sticky stick', so some people deliberately ridiculed him, claiming that he was a 'sticky stick eunuch'.

But no matter what others think of him, Su Peisheng still goes his own way, serving Yongzheng day by day.Because of this, he also received special attention from Yongzheng and became the chief eunuch of the Old Summer Palace.

Yongzheng naturally knew that these words could come out of his mouth, but they would definitely not enter Su Peisheng's ears. Otherwise, they would be sent back to Shengjing to guard the mausoleum, or they would be killed immediately, so he said this It is also impossible to get a response from Su Peisheng.

"Call it up."


The so-called summoning means that the emperor summoned the ministers of military aircraft, princes, scholars of the Manchu and Han Dynasties, or the officials of the six ministries and the officials of the frontiers. Now there is only the military aircraft office in the Yuanmingyuan, and the officials of the various ministries are still in the Forbidden City, so it is obvious. It is to summon the Minister of Military Discipline to come to discuss the state affairs.

After Xu Yuanmeng, Zhang Tingyu, Yunlu, Jiang Tingxi and other military ministers arrived, Yongzheng was not polite, and directly threw the "Qingliubao" in front of everyone, saying sadly: "I believe you have already seen this copy. Newspapers!"

The crowd immediately knelt into a ball, regardless of whether they had seen it before, they firmly refused to admit it at this time, but they all whispered: "Reporting to the emperor, such rebellious writing is just a word, and the slave is really I dare not look."

Yongzheng didn't really want to do anything to the ministers, but he had already had evil fire in his heart, and now he was more or less angry when he was forced by Ningchu's newspaper.

"I asked you to come here, not to let you talk such useless nonsense! Chu Ni's Northern Expedition is coming so fiercely. Even if there are no 50 people in the newspaper, there are at least 30 to [-]. What will the Qing Dynasty do to resist?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help looking at each other, only Xu Yuanmeng said bravely: "Shandong and Henan have already made preparations, [-] green battalions have been concentrated in Shandong, and [-] green battalions have been concentrated in Henan. Team training in various provinces may be able to slow down Chu Ni's pace."

Yongzheng was silent, of course he knew what Xu Yuanmeng meant, Shandong and Henan would definitely not be able to hold on, this battle would have to be fought in Zhili after all, when the new army of [-] Eight Banners plus [-] Beijing Battalion and Eight Banners , will become the last card of the Qing Dynasty.

"Shandong. Is it really impossible to defend?" After all, he was a little unwilling.

"Return to Your Majesty, beware of the recurrence of the Guangdong and Guangxi incidents. If the Han army leads an army across the sea to the north, it will be unimaginable." Xu Yuanmeng also has a headache. The opponent's methods are too many, which can be said to be impossible to guard against. It can even be said that in Ningchu's In front of the navy, even Zhili had to bite the bullet and defend.

You know, the distance from Tianjin to the capital does not even require a day's march.

Yongzheng was slightly silent. He looked at the ministers in front of him, but he felt that none of these people was reliable. At this time, no matter what they were doing, it seemed a bit late.

"Zhang Tingyu, go and tell the Russians that I will agree to their conditions, but there is one thing, let their emperor send reinforcements quickly. If they come late, I am afraid that these sites will be occupied by Ning Chu. I will see them find them later. who's going."

"The slave leads the order."

Zhang Tingyu stood up slowly, and after pondering for a while, he said in a low voice: "If you go back to the emperor, although the Russians can rely on them right now, they cannot be rescued by distant waters, and the Qing Dynasty has to think about other ways out."

"How?" Yongzheng looked at Zhang Tingyu's increasingly vicissitudes of face, and he couldn't help but feel agitated. Right now, he is the most caring Han, and if he dies in the future, he must let Zhang Tingyu enjoy the Taimiao. A good story about monarchs and ministers.

As for that Nian Gengyao. Well, I really thought that the court didn't know what he was doing in Gansu, but it's a pity that there is no way to forcibly transfer him back now, so he can only enjoy it for a while longer.

Just when Yongzheng was thinking wildly, Zhang Tingyu knelt on the ground, and said in a low voice: "If you go back to the emperor, what I will say next, I am afraid that beheading ten times is not an exaggeration, please forgive the capital crime of the slave. "

"Come and listen."

Yongzheng's complexion had already turned dark. He didn't like the appearance of someone pretending to be smart, but the feelings he had just had for Zhang Tingyu disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Tingyu sensed this very sensitively, and felt a little helpless, but he really couldn't be blamed for some things, if he didn't say this first, I'm afraid many things in the future would make him very passive.

(End of this chapter)

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