Cutting 1719

Chapter 455

Chapter 455

Since Emperor Yongzheng came to the throne, people in the world only know that he is a very diligent emperor, but only a few people understand how mean and ungrateful this lord is, and it can even be said that all the performances he made are in essence It's all about making people willing to die for him.

From the beginning of his succession, Longkodo was quite afraid of him because he held the power of the admiral of the Nine Gates, and because of Yongzheng's inner suspicion, he basically lost trust in him very quickly, and it took almost only one year. It completely made Longkodo feel like he was under house arrest.

Later, if the situation hadn't changed rapidly and Nian Gengyao held the military power in his hands, otherwise even he would not have had any good end. As for Ertai or Tian Wenjing, they are all discarded sons that can be discarded at will. .

Therefore, Zhang Tingyu knew in his heart that even though Yongzheng valued him so much now, there were some things that could never be wrong. Once the thread in the other party's heart was touched, Yongzheng's suspicion of him would only get deeper and deeper.

"Reporting to the emperor, the slave thinks that negotiating peace with the Russians now may add a lot of help to the Qing Dynasty in the future, but the other party cannot be used by the Qing Dynasty at present, and can only be used as a foreshadowing for the future. Now the slave thinks that in the face of There are three strategies to deal with the army of the Northern Expedition against Chu."

"Hengchen might as well talk about everything."

Yongzheng's tone seemed very flat, but the rest of the ministers pricked up their ears. It's not that they have no ideas at all, but now they also want to confirm one or two things, and then guess his thoughts through the attitude shown by the emperor.

Zhang Tingyu raised his first finger slowly, "Looking at the current situation, the worst strategy is to stick to Shandong, Henan, and Zhili. If you just stick to it step by step, you will only be swallowed by Ning Chu with more blows and less." Eat, when the time comes, I will hardly be able to fight back."

Hearing that Zhang Tingyu only set his own strategy as the next one, Xu Yuanmeng was a little unconvinced, and he replied in a deep voice: "From Mr. Zhang's point of view, it is impossible for me to give up Shandong and Henan in Daqing and let Chu rebel in peace." Is it possible to cross the Yellow River?"

Zhang Tingyu shook his head and sighed softly: "If I, the Qing Dynasty, chose to stick to Shandong and Henan, it would appear to be able to form a steady resistance on the surface, but Master Xu, have you ever thought about it? If there is no suppression from the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty, where would the soldiers of the Green Camp come from?" The fighting spirit, I'm afraid it will be completely broken before reaching the battlefield."

"Besides, since the governors have been delegated to the governors, they can also unite the gentry from all over the place to resist Ningchu. As for the 10,000+ army, they can be directly dispatched to Beijing just in case."

Hearing this, Yongzheng was terrified. He found that this question seemed to be raised in the court, and no one had really raised it—maybe it was because of concern about the issue of Manchu and Han integration, or because he was worried about causing a split in the court. People almost acquiesced that the green camp is with them.

But is the question really one-hearted?This is naturally a big lie, only those ministers who sit in the court hall all day can wishful thinking that the green camp will fight for the survival of the Qing Dynasty.

However, in reality, the integrity of the green battalion is not as high as imagined. Whether it chooses to coerce and lure, or chooses to buy and divide, there is always a way to deal with the green battalion. I am afraid that the green camp system has also become a sieve.

Xu Yuanmeng didn't speak anymore. When the other party exposed this point, he knew that no matter what he said, it was meaningless. The emperor would not believe him, the ministers would not believe him, and even he himself could not convince himself.

"Zhang Tingyu, tell me your strategy."

Yongzheng did not continue to delve into this issue. After all, there is no way to solve this issue. The reason why the green camp will not return is simple. The treatment is not enough, but if it is really given according to the treatment of the Eight Banners, the money and grain of the Qing Dynasty will not be able to support them at all. how many people.

Zhang Tingyu's face was calm, and he raised his second finger, "Mobilize the Shandong Green Camp and Henan Green Camp to go north, abandon the defense of Shandong and Henan, lengthen the front of Chu Ni, and mobilize heavy troops in Zhili to fight Ning Chu to the death."

According to Zhang Tingyu's plan, at that time Zhili will gather 18 Green Battalion soldiers, plus [-] Eight Banners New Army and [-] Manchurian cavalry, and use more than [-] troops to meet the Fuhan Army whose front line has been stretched , seems to have a fight.

Yongzheng nodded his head, he was also thinking about this in his heart, but he still wanted to hear about the so-called best policy, so he looked at Zhang Tingyu and signaled him to speak out the last policy, which was the so-called best policy.

Zhang Tingyu took a deep breath, which was the most taboo thing in his heart, so he knelt down and said in a low voice: "If you go back to the emperor, this slave thinks that no matter how we fight, there is no way for me to win the Qing Dynasty in the pass." Opportunity, since there is no hope, it is better to retreat to the next best thing, you can choose to withdraw from outside the customs to accumulate strength, if the world changes a day, my Qing Dynasty may not be able to enter the customs again to plot the world."

Everyone was startled. They thought Zhang Tingyu was crazy. Before the battle was fought, they wanted to give up all the territory inside the pass and ran back outside the pass. If someone didn’t know, they might think that Zhang Tingyu was Ning Chu What about the traitor who came in?

Xu Yuanmeng was furious, pointed at Zhang Tingyu who was kneeling on the ground, and said sharply: "Zhang Tingyu, do you know what you are talking about? Believe it or not, just based on your words, this old man will kill you!"

Prince Zhuang Yunlu also looked furious, "Is there any reason for me to surrender without fighting? Zhang Tingyu, you don't have the guts to fight against Chu Ni, but this king does. So what if you risk your life? Can you abandon your ancestors' inheritance?"

Zhang Tingyu knelt on the ground, but his expression became even more indifferent. He whispered: "If it weren't for this, everything in my Qing Dynasty would be on this battle, and if I lose, I will never recover."

To be honest, Zhang Tingyu didn't think that this battle could be won at all. Even if all the current troops of the Qing Dynasty were gathered, he still wasn't optimistic that the Qing court could defeat Ningchu.

Seeing that the crowd continued to criticize endlessly, Yongzheng snorted coldly, and stopped the crowd's shouting and cursing. Seeing that Yongzheng was angry, everyone knelt down in front of Yongzheng.

Yongzheng didn't look at them, and sighed, "Since Chu Ni raised his troops, I often think about why the situation is so corrupt. It's really because everyone has selfish intentions, and everyone can't sacrifice their lives, so that Chu Ni sits on the throne and can't do it again." system"

"If we continue to retreat before fighting, I'm afraid that the morale of the army will be destroyed. At that time, even if the fertile land is related, how can it be owned by my Qing Dynasty?"

"In this battle, I heard that Chu Ni's son led the army, and I don't want to back down. You don't need to discuss any more, I am determined to personally conquer Chu Ni, and return the world to a bright future!"

All the ministers fell to their knees and shouted long live three times, but Zhang Tingyu sighed in his heart. Now that the emperor has made up his mind, they, as ministers, have no choice but to obey orders.

After Yongzheng decided to conquest himself, the smell of gunpowder in the North-South War became more and more intense, and there was a panic in the Eight Banners in the capital, because there was a precedent for Kangxi's personal conquest. Some feel guilty.

Even Manchurian University scholar Ma Qi, who had been studying behind closed doors, had to give a memorial to the emperor, claiming that the emperor is the most important thing in the country and must not be moved lightly. A fierce general can also defend against the enemy in the south of the Yellow River, so that he cannot be easily offended.

If in the past, Yongzheng saw such an excerpt, he might have given the old minister a face, and it would be over if he chose not to publish it, but the situation is different now. Yongzheng was originally suspicious when he felt Ma Qi's words Some other meanings, and then thought of the old fourteen who was trapped in Jingshan.

It doesn't matter if you think this way, but it just hooked out all the taboos in Yongzheng's heart. He quickly thought of the bad things that happened when he succeeded to the throne, and immediately refuted it severely, and sent the little eunuch to In Ma Qi's house, the old man was scolded for an hour. If the old man's mental quality was not good, he might be scolded to death by Yongzheng.

However, there is a problem. Yongzheng scolded and retired an old minister, but it also aroused opposition from other important clan officials. The meaning of everyone is very simple. The current situation is already very difficult. If the emperor appears on the battlefield again What will happen to the Qing Dynasty?
If the old thirteen is still there, maybe he can persuade Emperor Yongzheng, but the old thirteen is dead, and Prince Zhuang Yunlu has no influence, and he is young and vigorous, and he also supports the emperor's personal conquest, so here At that time, the speaking clans did not really have a particularly weighty figure.

Under such circumstances, Yongzheng refuted all of them, and even showed no mercy to some veteran officials. He also suspected that the old fourteenth in Jingshan, thinking that the other party was up to something, so he specially sent He went to the envoy to reprimand him, but the reprimand didn't matter. Yunti, who was already terrified, was so directly frightened to death.

For a while, rumors spread even more in Beijing. Although many people dared not say it clearly, they thought in their hearts that there must be Yongzheng's handwriting in it, and Yunyu's death could not be separated from Yongzheng.

In fact, Yongzheng really didn't do anything this time. No matter how resentful he was, he would still consider one point, that is, Yunyu is his brother with the same father and mother, and the relationship is more special than other princes. If it was Yongzheng Let's start, I'm afraid that his reputation will be rotten in the future.

Therefore, there was something wrong with Yunti's death at this time, and Yongzheng had no time to worry about it right now, because Ningchu's Northern Expeditionary Army had gradually assembled on the south bank of the Yellow River, and might launch an attack across the river at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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