Cutting 1719

Chapter 456

Chapter 456
At the beginning of July of the third year of innovation, the atmosphere between the North and the South suddenly became tense. It seemed that an invisible duel had begun, but the comparison between the two sides was not a real fight, but a comparison of the general situation of both sides.

There is no doubt that the current general trend is on Ning Chu's side, but this is a big step forward on the bifurcated road of history after all. While Ning Yu is full of confidence, he also deeply feels the unknown ahead.

The three major armies have almost assembled, and the division commanders have all returned to their own troops. They tried their best to suppress the fighting spirit in the current army, and patiently looked in the direction of Nanjing, waiting for the signal from here.

There was also a change in the direction of the Qing army. The Qing court appointed the new Shandong governor Li Wei to rush to Jinan. At the same time, the [-] green battalion soldiers in Shandong also began to gather. The morale of the soldiers of the Han army seemed even lower.

On the other hand, Tian Wenjing, governor of Henan Province, was also mobilizing the few green battalion soldiers in his hands, together with some gentry regiments, retreated to Weihui Mansion, and looked very vigilantly at the Fuhan army in the direction of Kaifeng. They did not resist The opponent's strength and courage, but their existence can remind the Qing army in Zhili, Shandong and Shanxi.

There is also a reason why Zhang Tingyu did not recommend stationing at the Yellow River, because compared with the long Yellow River, the current Qing army does not have too strong troops to defend everywhere, and as long as a breakthrough is made, the entire defense line will also fall into collapse. middle.

At the same time, affected by the situation between the North and the South, the Dayi Army stationed in Shaanxi also began to move around. Chen Daoxian mobilized troops to capture Fengxiang and Longzhou one after another, which can be regarded as testing the Qing army in the direction of Nian Gengyao.

As for Nian Gengyao, who was stationed in Gansu, and Yue Zhongqi, who fled to Qinghai-Tibet, they all watched the war in the Central Plains with a very vigilant attitude. They do not have the strength to participate in the poker table now, and everything can only wait for the Central Plains The end of the war.

Among them, both Nian Gengyao and Yue Zhongqi had experienced disastrous defeats, so they didn't have many troops, especially after Yue Zhongqi's defeat in Sichuan Province, he currently had only a few thousand people under his command, barely surviving in the corner of Qinghai-Tibet. , and although Nian Gengyao still had 5 people, these 5 people could not be compared with those before the war, so his influence was very limited.

All in all, when the Civil War broke out, all the other forces had no means to participate in it. They could only quietly wait for the end of the war, and the only one who could truly determine the general situation of the world was still only the Southern Revolutionary Emperor, and the North. Emperor Yongzheng.

On the tenth day of the seventh month of the third year of innovation, the Imperial Guard Division of the Fuhan Army officially set off. Four infantry regiments, one artillery regiment, and five cavalry regiments, plus the troops directly under the division, formed a huge army of 3000 people. The team set off towards the outside of the city.

The people inside and outside the city crowded the roadside, as many as more than [-] people crowded the long Suzaku Avenue to the brim, and everyone watched the soldiers of the Fuhan Army in neat uniforms walking forward. Entering, their eyes showed determination, and the bayonets on the muskets on their shoulders shone coldly.

"Don't you see, the army at the end of the Han Dynasty, the weak crown is tied to the captive, please have a long tassel"

The military band on the side also played military music. Hundreds of boys sang the military song of the Fuhan Army loudly. Their crisp voices hovered in front of Suzaku Avenue, driving more people to join in the singing. Perhaps the overwhelming majority of the common people Some people don't quite understand the name of this song, but everyone knows that when this song plays, it means that the soldiers of the Fuhan Army will embark on a journey.

In today's Great Chu, soldiers are no longer as low as they were in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Under Ning Chu's guidance, an easy-to-understand stage play was staged in various places, and everyone knew that soldiers The war is not for money, but for the reunification of the north and the south, so that the sons and daughters of China can stand together again, and they will no longer have to suffer any grievances. They are fighting a great war!

The common people cheered for the Fuhan army, and many people even rushed up spontaneously. They carried chicken, duck, fish and melons, fruits and vegetables that they were reluctant to eat, hoping to dedicate some of their hearts.

Of course, Ningchu's military discipline is very strict, and the soldiers naturally dare not reach out to take it. They can only stare straight ahead, straighten their chests high, and have a dignified and serious expression on their faces.

In fact, their hearts were greatly encouraged. In the past, such a scene was almost unthinkable. It was like the Qing army fighting a war. It has almost become a habit to plunder the people, so the people are afraid of soldiers like tigers. I can't wait to let the Qing army and the banditry die together.

But now the facts have proved that as long as a good image of the army is established and military discipline is strictly observed, the common people will also remember it in their hearts. Therefore, this scene also made more soldiers of the Fuhan Army firm in their determination to strictly observe discipline. determination.

Just as the soldiers of the Fuhan Army were advancing, a burst of majestic horns sounded, and I saw rows of soldiers in more ornate red uniforms walking towards the front, but they immediately understood it. It is the emperor's personal guards, and the one sitting on the rear frame should be the emperor himself.

Tens of thousands of people looked at the long frame behind the guards, and looked up and down. Although they were destined to see it not very clearly from this distance, the big dragon flag of the Great Chu regiment had already explained everything.

"Your Majesty Wansheng!"

"Your Majesty Wansheng!"

As the Tuanlong flag gradually approached, the people also gave out warm cheers. They sincerely thanked the emperor, because in the past few years, the lives of all the people have gradually improved at a speed visible to the naked eye. Everyone knew in their hearts that without Ning Yu, everyone's life would return to the way it was before.

Ning Yu stood on a tall carriage, wearing a bright red marshal uniform, with a golden dragon pattern embroidered on his collar, and a medal on his chest, which was the most common first-class loyalty medal. It aims to inspire all soldiers who are fighting on the front line, and the emperor will always stand with them.

The carriage is under heavy protection, but even so, there are still some guards around. They observe all the surrounding environment with extreme vigilance, and there are several tall guards standing in the most vulnerable positions , Ready to use your body to defend the emperor from the back at any time.

Looking at the people cheering around, Ning Yu held a long sword in his hand, and his expression was extremely determined. He knew that the best way to give back to these people is to end the war as soon as possible, which is the best for everyone. explanation.

Che Bibi, Ma Xiaoxiao, pedestrian bows and arrows each at his waist.

The grandfather and wife walked to see each other, but the dust did not see Xianyang Bridge.

The imperial guards gradually went away and embarked on a long journey, but the lives of the people continued. They looked at the heavy smoke and dust in the distance, but began to pray to the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

Regardless of whether parents send off their sons or their wives send off their husbands, for all the common people, their biggest expectation is not that their relatives make great achievements on the battlefield, but that they can truly return safely.

In Jinan Prefecture, Shandong Province, Li Wei, the newly appointed governor of Shandong Province, is truly young and promising. He is only 38 years old. In just three years, he ushered in several consecutive jumps in official positions. The Yanyi Road in Yunnan, the first grade, was promoted to the Governor of Shandong, the second grade.

But anyone who has an understanding of the current situation will not be happy for Li Wei. The reason is that the Qing Dynasty has fallen, and Shandong has become the front line that is crumbling. The errand to fight the fire may catch fire at any time.

Before the war broke out, because Shandong, Shanxi, and Henan were very special, the governor of Zhili could command military operations in Zhili, Henan, and Shandong. Therefore, these three provinces did not have governors like other provinces, and the largest The most important thing is the official position is the governor.

However, when the Fuhan army threatened the front line of the Yellow River, Yongzheng deeply felt the disadvantages of this system, so he appointed Tian Wenjing as the governor of Henan, and the original Shandong was in charge of Ertai alone, but Ertai was later taken over by He was transferred to Yunnan and Guizhou to fight the fire, so the governor of Shandong became vacant again, and Li Wei, who was the governor of Zhili at the time, took over.

From the governor of Zhili to the governor of Shandong, Li Wei did not have any complaints. After all, in his heart, his loyalty to Yongzheng has always been the highest. A member of the frontier.

Since Yongzheng needed Li Wei to support the overall situation in Shandong, Li Wei would naturally do his best to do this well.

Therefore, Li Wei, who rushed to Licheng in the middle of the night, immediately summoned all the officials from the Shandong Fantai Yamen and the Cisi Yamen to come to a meeting, including Shandong governor and admiral Chen Shiguan (yes, the protagonist of the book and sword) Chen Jialuo's father), Tong Jitu, the chief envoy of Shandong, and Dong Yongai, the procurator of Shandong.

In the middle of the night, the governor's yamen was brightly lit. Li Wei sat on the main seat, while other officials, big and small, lined up on the left and right. The candles shone on everyone's faces, making them look gloomy and lifeless.

"Lord Duxian rushed to Licheng late at night, and all the officials and others have arrived, but it's just difficult to entertain for a while, I hope you will forgive me."

Shandong governor Chen Shiwan is only 45 years old, very shrewd and capable. Since he was promoted to Shandong governor last year, he has done a lot of practical things in this year, and he is quite popular in Shandong official circles.

Li Wei came from a donation background, not from a regular imperial examination, so he did not have the pedantic air of an ordinary official. When he heard Chen Shiguan's polite words, Li Wei waved his hand directly, "The imperial court sent me, Li Wei, to come to Shandong. , not for this one or two meals of hospitality, I, Li Wei, are here to do practical things just like you, Mr. Chen."

Although these words were quite vulgar, Chen Shiguan's eyes lit up. He was originally such a temperament, and immediately said respectfully: "Your Excellency, coming to Shandong is a blessing for the people of Shandong, but the burden on Shandong is heavy now. Ni is ready to move, I am afraid that the military disaster will come in an instant."

Li Wei nodded, but he did not take Chen Shiguan's words, but asked carefully: "I heard that when Mr. Chen came to Shandong, there was a locust plague in Shandong, and the food transportation was also affected. , and Mr. Chen used to go to various places to inspect disasters in a carriage alone, is there such a thing?"

When he said this, Chen Shiguan's heart trembled. This incident was not a particularly important one, but Li Wei, a superior officer, still noticed it. It can be seen that this person has made preparations and is by no means like an ordinary person. Thought it was so vulgar and rude.

In fact, the favored ministers of the Yongzheng Dynasty received a lot of attention. Compared with Tian Wenjing, Ertai and others, Li Wei was the most underestimated. It was Li Wei himself who didn't know a few big characters, so he needed a master to draft any official documents, so he was discriminated against by many people in the court.

When Chen Shiguan was the governor of Shandong, Li Wei was the governor of Zhili, so he had heard about it, but now the other party has become his boss, so he had to carefully respond: "It is true, but it is not It's not a big deal, but I don't know why the adults are asking?"

"This is no small matter!"

Li Wei repeatedly praised: "Among the officials of the imperial court, there are very few who have the spirit of hard work like Mr. Chen. Besides, after the locust disaster, they even considered low-interest loans for the common people. They have indeed done a great job for the common people. Less practical."

Chen Shiguan didn't understand the reason of Li Wei's visit, so he had to deal with it cautiously: "This matter was also discovered by the subordinate officials when they were patrolling below. Whenever there is a famine, even if the people live through the famine, they will no longer have the capital to buy seeds. To farm land, you have to borrow money, and then under the high interest rate, there is a suspicion of rolling the interest, which makes countless people go bankrupt.”

After all, Li Wei is not the kind of official who grinds his ass in the Imperial Academy. He naturally lacks a lot of patience. He quickly revealed his true thoughts, "Master Chen, Shandong is a barrier for the capital. The emperor asked me to come to Shandong. , never came here to watch Chu Ni easily capture Shandong, no matter whether it is to stop or delay, after all, it will create a decisive battle for the emperor."

Chen Shiguan understood after hearing this. The other party probably valued his connections in Shandong, and wanted to find out from his side and see what the Shandong gentry think, and the real focus was naturally Qufu. the Kongs.

It's just that Chen Shiguan has just been here for a year, so how can he get involved with the wealthy Kong family? The contacts with the Kong family are really not that many. If you really want to get in touch, you might as well start from the Ministry of Rites Shangshu Wang Xi, and now the fourth daughter of Mr. Wang is the original wife of Kong Chuanduo, the contemporary Yan Shenggong."

Hearing Chen Shiguan's evasive words, Li Wei felt a little uncomfortable. If he could get in touch with the Wang family, how could he bother him, the governor of Shandong?

(End of this chapter)

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