Cutting 1719

Chapter 470 The Battle of Life and Death

Chapter 470 The Battle of Life and Death
Since Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, he has put almost all his energy on the rectification of armaments and the training of the new army, but this is not something he can do if he pays attention to it, especially the current artillery technology of the Qing army, which has always been It has not been greatly improved, whether it is quality or speed, it is the same old style.

Under this model, the Qing army's artillery casting technology has long lagged behind that of the Fuhan army, and the casting volume has not kept up for a long time. Therefore, apart from the main force of the new army of the Qing army, the artillery strength of the green battalion is still the same.

Luo Qiliang knew these things well in his heart. It can be said that if the fight continues like this, no matter whether the Qing army wins or loses, its casualties will be several times that of the Fuhan army, because in front of the Fuhan army's naval artillery, human lives are almost number.

As the artillery gradually roared, the formation of the Qing army was almost swept away by the bullets. A large number of stumps and broken arms were mixed with bloody bodies, exuding a strong smell of blood. When mixed with gunpowder smoke, it was even more impressive. The air was disgusting, and more Qing soldiers were lying on the ground.
Even so, many Qing troops rushed to the Fuhan army who had landed ashore. The soldiers of the Fuhan army barely formed a few horizontal formations, and then under the leadership of the company commander and the officers of each team, they fired a volley. The bullets from the platoon hit the charging Qing soldiers, as if spraying blood flowers.

As the first battalion commander of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment of the [-]th Division, He Shijie, his arm was hit by a projectile, which oozes a lot of blood, but he did not choose to retreat, but let the medical soldiers bandage him urgently. Then he drew out the command knife at his waist and insisted on standing in the front to give orders.

"Prepare the grenades!"

The soldiers of the first battalion were all equipped with four grenades because they were facing the attack of the Qing army. After all, there was no chance to use them. After hearing He Shijie's order, everyone untied the grenades from their waists, Holding a grenade in one hand and a torch in the other.


After the sound of the word "throwing" came to the end, grenades were thrown into the Qing army crowd one after another, and then there were continuous explosions, knocking down more Qing soldiers to the ground, and Qing soldiers The counterattack of the army's son and mother artillery also knocked many Fuhan soldiers to the ground, and the grenades in their hands also exploded in the crowd.

The cruelest scene between the two sides was to see who could carry it better. The rounds of grenade attacks also caused a large number of casualties, and the soldiers of the Qing army, led by their respective generals, confronted the Fuhan army. Contact, the puffing sound of the bayonet and the spear piercing the human body, suddenly rang out, like the sound from hell.

He Shijie's chest was stabbed by a spear, and his chest was stained red. He held a command knife in one hand and a pistol in the other.

"It's a pity. I can't go home in the end"

After He Shijie fell, the two sides also fell into hand-to-hand combat on the narrow beach. Bayonets, spears, waist knives, and butts all became weapons for the two sides to fight. Even later, whether it was fists or teeth, Both have become weapons, just to kill each other.

Everyone huddled together, and reinforcements from both sides continued to join in. They used the most cruel means to kill each other's lives, regardless of how serious their own injuries were. Even in the end, both sides died together. Fighting, hugging each other's body and dying on the beach together.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qian Ying kept a serious expression. It was impossible for him to order the soldiers on the beach to retreat, because it was impossible to retreat, and there was no other way but to repel the attack of the Qing army.

According to the calculations of the General Staff Office, based on the current casualty exchange ratio between the two sides, by tomorrow morning at the latest, it is impossible for the Qing army to have any new forces to join, and the victory of the Fuhan army will be unstoppable. Of course, in order to get this As a result, Army Group Center cost about a thousand lives.

The life and death of 1000 people may involve a thousand families and the joys and sorrows of thousands of people behind them, but in this war, it is only a negligible number. Perhaps future history books will record a sentence: Landing in Tanggu, casualties More than a thousand troops defeated the Qing army.

But these things are destined to have nothing to do with these people. What they can really do and the only thing they can do now is to try to stab the bayonet into the chest of the soldiers of the Qing army, and then try to survive.

As the battalion commander of the third battalion, Cheng Qi finally took his brothers off the boat and stepped on the land. Although his head was still a little dizzy, he knew that the brothers ahead needed his support even more.

"Brothers, prepare the grenade! Let's blow it all the way!"

Hundreds of soldiers of the Fuhan Army dressed in red tried their best to stand firm, and then untied the grenades around their waists, holding fire pockets in their mouths, and looked resolutely at the crowd fighting ahead.

The soldiers of the Qing army concentrated on fighting against the Han army. They didn't notice this new force. When they reached the front line of fighting, Cheng Qi let out a roar, although the sound was almost covered by the sound of fighting on the battlefield. Still let the other soldiers understand.

One after another, the grenades were thrown to the rear of the Qing army by the soldiers of the Fuhan army. Of course, some were thrown at the junction of the two sides fighting. The fragments that burst out swept across the standing soldiers like a rain of bullets. Army soldiers and some Fuhan Army soldiers were blown to the ground.

"Come on!"

After several rounds of grenades, a passage was finally blasted between the Fuhan army and the Qing army. The soldiers of the Fuhan army leveled their bayonets, stepped on the ground made of corpses, and slowly pushed forward. Under such an attack, the Qing army finally couldn't hold on any longer and retreated towards the rear.

The battlefield has always relied on a burst of energy, and only by holding back this energy can you continue to fight, but once you relax, then failure becomes a matter of time.

Right now, when the Qing army's temper slackened, they completely fled and could no longer organize any effective offensive, and after the Fuhan army won the battle of landing, it meant that they had completely stood firm. Heel, as long as all the other divisions have landed, Tianjin will be at your fingertips.

"This battle is already halfway through. After Tianjin is won, I am afraid that Yongzheng will not be able to sit still."

Qian Ying had a smile on his face. For the current Fuhan army, if they want to take down the capital, they must take down Baoding or Tianjin. Right now, Yongzheng led the army to Baoding, but Tianjin is an arrow from the sky. What to use to block it?
Not to mention, in addition to these two directions, the imperial guards will almost land in Jinzhou. By then, Yongzheng will completely become a bird in a cage.

Seeing that the Fuhan Army had completely gained a foothold, Luo Qiliang also understood that the chance of blocking the breach had completely disappeared. Now facing the tens of thousands of troops of the Fuhan Army, it would be useless even if Song Ke, the admiral of Zhili, came in. You have to report to the emperor, and the emperor's own army can come to stop it.

Therefore, after Luo Qiliang organized the defeated troops to retreat to Tianjin on the one hand, on the other hand, he wrote a request for help overnight, and directly sent a letter to Yongzheng through the secret box channel. The Fuhan army in the direction.

At the end of October, the weather gradually became colder, but the state of the Fuhan Army in Zhili had no effect. The successive victories made everyone very happy. Even Ning Yu himself thought that winning the capital before the Chinese New Year was already an achievement. It's not a problem, let alone a set FLAG.

How did the flying dragon lose?Just ask how did you lose with the flying dragon riding on the face?
Ning Yu has no talent for poisonous milk, but in the current situation, the battle is going too smoothly. The first group army and the second group army are advancing to Baoding, while the central group army lands in Tianjin, and the imperial guards will soon land in Jinzhou. The reason for the Qing army to return to the pass will be completely blocked.

To put it simply, at this point, the Qing army was like bugs trapped in a cicada net. The more they struggled, the tighter they were bound until they fell completely.

Ning Yu was wrapped in a big cloak. He looked at the positions of the divisions on the map, thought for a while, and said softly: "When a dog is in a hurry, there are times when he jumps over the wall. Yongzheng has a heavy army in his hand. I'm afraid he will choose to kill the net and break the net."

Ning Zhongyi has been by Ning Yu's side all the time, so he had some thoughts in his heart, and pondered: "The most important place for the Qing army now is not Baoding, but Tianjin and Tongzhou. That's where his retreat lies."

"Oh, that is to say, when Yongzheng heard the news of the fall of Tanggu, his first consideration was probably to return to Tianjin. Perhaps this is our opportunity."

Uji King took over the conversation. He and Ning Zhongyi made a lot of hypothetical plans for this battle plan. Among them, the possibility of a decisive battle in Tianjin and even Tongzhou is the biggest in their opinion. The reason is that There is still room for the Qing army to retreat in front, but after Tongzhou is the capital, the Qing army has nowhere to retreat.

Ning Yu looked at the location of Tongzhou on the map, and a familiar place name appeared in front of him - Baliqiao, which made Ning Yu have a very strong premonition that maybe the battle that happened more than 100 years later will now be Staged in advance?

However, due to the special nature of the current battle, there must be a big difference from the Battle of Baliqiao that occurred in later generations. Among other things, the participating troops of the two sides are completely different. After all, both sides have 10,000+ troops. It is not comparable to the original Battle of Baliqiao.

It's just that the thoughts in Ning Yu's heart will naturally not be known to outsiders. He nodded slightly, "We must keep the main force of the Qing army in this battle. Our goal will not change, but there is no need to force the Qing army too much. An early decisive battle would cost us too much, so we still need to plan more."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Privy Council has actually prepared many tactics for this war, and it will naturally take this into consideration, so Ning Zhongyi and others also answered very simply.

After everyone went down to issue orders according to the plan, Ning Yu stared at the map in a daze. After years of hard work and painstaking efforts, and years of overcoming obstacles, it finally came to the final moment of decision.After this battle, the ownership of the world will have a conclusion.

However, Ning Yu was not very excited in his heart, or it could be said that all this came so naturally, because years of hard work was not an accident, but an inevitable result.

On the surface, the war was the result of a contest between the combat effectiveness and command levels of the two armies, but in essence it was a contest of national power. In this regard, Ning Chu had an even greater advantage over the Qing court than in military affairs.

From the tax revenue of the imperial court to the output of grain, iron and military supplies, Ningchu maintained a crushing state against the Qing court, so the war had actually ended long ago, and it ended in the comparison of hard power .

Ning Yu stroked the short mustache on his lips, and couldn't help but smile. Maybe Yongzheng will never have the same fame and achievements as in his previous life, but I don't know if he can see him in this battle?
In the barracks outside Baoding City, all the generals of the Qing army gathered together, and the atmosphere became very dignified. Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at Emperor Yongzheng sitting at the head.

The reason is simple, Tanggu is lost!As a result, Tianjin is also in a dangerous situation. Once Tianjin is also lost, the Fuhan Army can completely attack the capital directly through Wuqing and Tongzhou. At this point, their 15 people will completely cut off their retreat.

At this point, everything Zhang Tingyu said has gradually become a reality. It is really a dead end for the Qing army to stay in the pass!
Yongzheng's face was extremely serious, he held the memorials presented by Song Kejin and Luo Qiliang in his hands, and he fell into a kind of madness and loss. Yongzheng had read these memorials several times, but he still couldn't believe it. Tens of thousands of Fuhan troops appeared in Tianjin.

"You all tell me, where is the way out for my Qing Dynasty now?"

Yongzheng's voice was very stiff and harsh, each word seemed to be squeezed out, making people feel like there was a cold wind blowing from behind.

Xu Yuanmeng heaved a long sigh, and said in a low voice: "If you go back to the emperor, in the opinion of the slaves, the chance of a decisive battle is unknown now, and the priority should be to preserve the capital. After all, the place where the emperor's mausoleum is located must not be ignored."

More than just the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?It can be said that the family belongings of the Qing Dynasty for so many years, as well as his harem and children of Yongzheng, and some of them are in the capital, and only a small part was transported to Shengjing. If the capital is lost, Yongzheng will not even regret it. up.

Yongzheng also had such a plan in his heart, but he still hesitated. Right now, there are two roads from Baoding, one is to go directly to Tianjin, and the other is to return to the capital. From the surface, it is best to go directly to Tianjin choose.

"What if our army goes to Xin'an and Xiong County and goes directly to Tianjin? It seems a little inappropriate to return to the capital."

To put it bluntly, Yongzheng still considered the issue of face. After all, the current battle was for a decisive battle with the Fuhan army in Baoding, but now he returned to the capital in desperation. No matter how he looked at it, he was a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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