Cutting 1719

Chapter 471

Chapter 471
As we all know, Kangxi is a very face-saving emperor. In order to be a holy king, he did not hesitate to indulge the corruption inside the court. .

On the surface, Yongzheng is a pragmatic emperor, but he also has his own good face, especially when it comes to the personal conquest, Yongzheng has always hoped to get rid of the shadow of Kangxi, at least tell everyone that he started fighting Not bad.

Therefore, Yongzheng's considerations were reflected in the two routes of withdrawing troops back to the capital and going directly to Tianjin.

Of course Xu Yuanmeng understood Yongzheng's inner thoughts, but he didn't have the courage of Zhang Tingyu. He glanced back at Prince Zhuang Yunlu and saw that the other party didn't intend to speak, so he could only politely say: "If your majesty wants to go to Tianjin, I'm afraid you have to be careful. The Fuhan army in the direction of Hejianfu, and the Fuhan army in Wangdu and Dingzhou will catch up."

Yongzheng felt a little resentful when he heard this, so he could only smack his lower lip and said in a low voice: "I just go back to the capital first, and I have to go to Tianjin again, I'm afraid there will be too little time."

This reason is quite plausible, but Xu Yuanmeng feels that it is not tasteful in his heart. It would be fine if the confidants of the Eight Banners are guarding Tianjin, but right now it is only Song Ke who enters these green camps. Won't take them outside the pass, why do they care about their life and death?

Prince Zhuang Yunlu finally stood up, but he did not dissuade Yongzheng, but chose to support Yongzheng's idea, and said loudly: "What the emperor said is very true. If you only return to the capital right now, I am afraid that Tianjin will be completely lost. By then Chu Ni divides Baoding and Tianjin to send troops, and our army is bound to be unstoppable."

Yongzheng nodded immediately, and thought of another brilliant idea, and said softly: "Although my army has 15 people, we have to defend Baoding. Ten thousand Mongolian cavalry and 1 new troops rushed all the way to Tianjin, and the remaining [-] new troops were rushed back to the capital under the leadership of Prince Zhuang."

Everyone was stunned when they heard Yongzheng's arrangement, and let Narsu lead [-] new troops, together with Li Weijun's thousands of green battalions, it was obviously impossible to keep Baoding, and it was obvious that he was treated as an abandoned child. On the contrary, Prince Zhuang Yunlu led [-] new troops back to the capital, which is not a big deal.

Narsu's face was stunned, and there was a lot of bitterness in his heart. Of course, he understood that it was because of the aftermath of the previous firearms incident. It was not enough for Longkodo to die. He didn't dare to make any expression, so he had to kneel down on the ground to receive the decree of gratitude with others.

"Hey, this slave will definitely do his best to die."

After the arrangement was completed, Yongzheng asked other ministers to prepare for departure first, but he kept Wang Xibao of Shuncheng County, Xu Yuanmeng, Jiang Tingxi and others. Obviously, there were other important things to talk about.

Xu Yuanmeng vaguely guessed something in his heart, but he didn't dare to speculate, but his face was covered with a layer of gloom, and when he looked at other people, most of them had the same expression.

Yongzheng glanced at a few people, and then slowly said: "The late emperor personally marched, and did not leave a will. Fortunately, the late emperor was fine, so I can succeed to the throne."

When everyone heard this, their hearts trembled. Strictly speaking, Yongzheng's words were somewhat disrespectful to Kangxi. The turmoil, so his intention of saying these words should fall on the future will.

Sure enough, Yongzheng did not go around in circles, but went straight to the point and said: "I once left a will behind the Zhengda Guangming Palace. If I cannot survive this battle, the Minister of Military Aircraft Xu Yuanmeng and Jiang Tingxi will preside over the opening, so as to establish the succession of the country. "

When Jiang Tingxi heard this, he immediately understood that his role was originally assumed by Zhang Tingyu, but now he was replaced by himself. He didn't dare to refute at the moment, so he had to kneel down with Xu Yuanmeng to thank him.

Yongzheng said softly again: "This battle is a battle for the survival of the Qing Dynasty. I will never be captured without a fight. Even if I die on the battlefield, it is better than being captured and humiliated in front of Ning Yu's children in the future. Only the Qing Dynasty cannot die in my hands. If this battle fails, all the ministers, along with Prince Zhuang Yunlu and others, will take the remaining [-] new troops to Shengjing to assist the new army to inherit the Datong."

Prince Zhuang Yunlu's heart trembled, and he immediately understood the heavy burden on his shoulders. He knelt down and kowtowed obediently, "My Majesty, even if my slave is smashed to pieces, I will protect my heir to the Qing Dynasty."

Yongzheng nodded, without showing any expression on his face, he just sighed: "When Shisan died, I wished I could avenge him with my own hands. Although I haven't forgotten the great revenge, I also understand in my heart that Shisan died. You can't take revenge, Shiliu, you have grown up now, and fourth brother has no one else to trust, you have to think more about your nephews in the future."

Prince Zhuang Yunlu's face was already full of tears, and he said sadly: "The emperor will definitely win this battle, and the slave will guard the capital to report the victory to the emperor."

Following the order from the Ningchu General Staff Department, the divisions also began to hurry up and launched an attack on the prefectures and counties of Zhili. However, there were not many Qing troops stationed in these prefectures and counties, so many places were almost on the lookout. Come down, as soon as the current gentry see the fiery red flag of the Fuhan army, they will open the city gates to welcome the Fuhan army into the city.

"Unexpectedly, the old man would have a day to see Master Wang again."

In Qing County, an old man with a shiny scalp and a group of men and women kneeled in front of the one-eyed general Hao Zhao. Walk in the county.

"The King's Northern Expedition, the old man used to eat pots and pulp to welcome the King's Master. When the Tartar invaded and arrived in Qing County, everyone in Qing County was inexplicably sad and angry. They wished that everyone died to repel the bandits. It's a pity that all the surrounding areas perished. We waited. In order to preserve the blood of the Han family, they had to be wronged and turned into thieves for more than seventy years."

The old man chattered endlessly. According to his description, all the people in Qing County were loyal and good people. It was a pity that they had no choice but to surrender. The big Han family is loyal to the people.

Hao Zhao saw this kind of scene a lot, and now he was a little impatient, and said coldly: "I waited to come to Qing County, not to listen to your nonsense, but the big battle is coming, Qing County needs to be more careful. Let the Qing army spies sneak into the city, and when the battle is over, you will be fine."

When the old man heard this, he was overjoyed. As ordinary people, what they hoped most was to escape the war disaster. It would be great if the war disaster could be quelled as soon as possible. As for who wins and who loses, they don't care at all.

After the Qing County, Hao Zhao did not stay, but immediately wrote a letter to the First Army to let the army quickly pass through Qing County, and then they would be able to advance to Jinghai and threaten Tianjin from the side.

When the Fuhan army arrived in Qing County, the Qing army in Jinghai, Tianjin also knew the news. Inform Song Kejin who is still in Tianjin about the situation in Qing County. .

"Is there any reason for this? Why are Chu Ni's soldiers everywhere in the world?"

Song Kejin was originally the admiral of Ganzhou, and later became a general under Nian Gengyao's command. He made great contributions in the conquest of Luobu Zangdanjin, so he was promoted to the admiral of Zhili, but now he is caught in a dilemma .

"First it was Tanggu, then Qingxian County. There are more and more soldiers in Chuni, but our reinforcements have never arrived. The court can ignore Tianjin, but behind Tianjin is the capital. Does the court not care?"

Luo Qiliang had joined forces with Song Kejin, and he also had a bit of dissatisfaction on his face, but he was more cautious when he spoke, and sighed in a low voice: "Chu Ni in the direction of Baoding has been fighting fiercely. Pulling out Wangdu, the emperor's army is now in Baoding, so naturally there is no way to pay too much attention to Tianjin."

"Hmph! Those idiots in Wangdu, especially that Xing Wentai! What's the use of dying? Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses made him lose everything. Lord Duxian thought he was such a capable person!"

Song Kejin's face was full of disdain. He had a good reason to disdain these green camp generals. The reason was that he was the only one who had really won battles in Qinghai, while the rest of them lost one battle after another. .

Luo Qiliang sighed, and asked tentatively: "Junmen, should we ask the emperor for help? In this situation, even the governor can't do anything about it."

Song Kejin gritted his teeth and nodded, "We only have more than 2 troops, but Tanggu has nearly 4 troops, plus Qingxian County. If we really fight, I'm afraid we won't be able to defend it for a few days. It depends on the emperor."

"Since arrangements have been made, there is no need to worry about the army." Luo Qiliang comforted Song Kejin, but he couldn't even convince himself with these words.

"Hmph, this is Aixinjueluo's world, not me, Song's world. If they don't want this world, then don't!"

Song Kejin was really annoyed, but even saying such disrespectful words, in the past, the whole family would lose their heads, but at this moment, no one would care about anything at all.

No matter how much dissatisfaction Song Kejin and Luo Qiliang felt in their hearts, the offensive rhythm of the Fuhan Army could not be disrupted at all. The Central Group Army that landed in Tanggu, after a little modification, rushed towards Tianjin City decisively.

Except for some people who stayed in Tanggu to protect the rear, the remaining three and a half divisions surrounded Tianjin together. 5000 people faced the more than 2 Qing troops in the city. The combat strength of the two sides was seriously wrong from the beginning. Wait, it can be said that the Qing army is already at a disadvantage before fighting.

In view of this situation, Qian Ying was not in a hurry to attack the city. Instead, he made good use of his status and sent an envoy to Tianjin. Use this identity to persuade Song Kejin to surrender.

When Zhang Xuanbin arrived at the city of Tianjin, people in Tianjin had already become panic-stricken. After learning that Tanggu was occupied, many people wanted to escape from Tianjin City—so Song Kejin also blocked the city gate and sent troops to patrol. , People are strictly prohibited from leaving Tianjin.

"I'm Zhang Xuanbin, the envoy of the Fuhan Army. I'm here to pay my respects to my old friend Song Junmen. I hope you will report on my behalf."

Zhang Xuanbin rode alone on a horse, holding a knot in his hand, and shouted at the soldiers on the gate of Tianjin. His attire also made the green battalion soldiers see the hope of survival. For most people, if they can avoid fighting, That's naturally excellent, as for the others, they don't do their business at all.

After a while, Song Kejin did not appear on the city wall, but his lieutenant Deng Xue rushed over with several guards, took a few glances at Zhang Xuanbin, hung him up in a basket, and sent him to the admiral's office.

At this time, in the admiral's yamen, Song Kejin was sitting at the head, and there were many generals and guards holding sharp knives standing in the hall. They all looked at Zhang Xuanbin fiercely, wishing to kill each other directly.

Zhang Xuanbin was not afraid at all, as if he didn't see those guys holding sharp knives at all, but looked at Song Kejin seriously, and said coldly: "Song Junmen, is this your way of hospitality? The old man is heartbroken."

Song Kejin smiled indifferently, "In the past, you and I were ministers in the same palace, and you used to eat food in the same pot, but you took refuge in Chu Ni, so naturally Song would not be polite to you. Today Now that you've arrived in Tianjin City, don't even think about going out easily."

It turned out that Zhang Xuanbin and Song Kejin did have a relationship in the past. As early as in the past, Song Kejin's family was in decline, and he grew up very poor. He even lived in Ganzhou as a part-time worker. He got acquainted and gave Song Kejin a lot of funding.

Later, Song Kejin inherited his ancestor's mantle and joined the army, serving as a police officer inside and outside the capital, and a guerrilla in the southern camp was added a level. At that time, Zhang Xuanbin was also a small guerrilla in the capital. The two were like brothers, and they often drank together.

The world is like chess, when Song Kejin developed and became a hero under Nian Gengyao's command, Zhang Xuanbin was defeated and joined the Fuhan Army, and the two became enemies from then on.

Now, when the old man meets again, the relationship is very different. Zhang Xuanbin knows in his heart that it is absolutely impossible to impress the other party by relying on the old relationship. Only by coercion and lure can Song Kejin be persuaded to surrender.

Therefore, facing Song Kejin's threats, Zhang Xuanbin did not have the slightest fear. Instead, he said with a smile: "Now Song Junmen is in a desperate situation, but he doesn't know it yet. Zhang did not come here to recruit General Song. It's to save the general's life and to honor the virtues of the old man."

(End of this chapter)

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