Cutting 1719

Chapter 472

Chapter 472
Song Kejin is good at running the army and has outstanding strategies. The key is that he has a very precise control over the political situation. He knows the current situation between Ningchu and Qing Dynasty. Therefore, he does not have the so-called foolish and loyal ideas. This is why he met Zhang Xuanbin. reason.

However, Song Kejin was a little uncertain about Ning Chu's sincerity, so he decided to try again.

"What does the messenger mean? Now that you are in my hands, killing you is only a matter of Song's words. How can you talk about saving my life?"

Zhang Xuanbin laughed out loud when he heard this, "Song Junmen is a great man, even my Majesty Da Chu knows the reputation of Song Junmen, and also has the nickname of 'Song Yak', but now Song Junmen is Let me be a little disappointed, didn't the military gate realize that you are in a dead end?"

"What a joke! How come you are in such a desperate situation?"

Song Kejin waved his sleeves coldly, and then said proudly: "Although our army has suffered setbacks many times, there are still more than [-] troops in Zhili. It is still unknown who will win or lose. How can we call it hopeless?"

Zhang Xuanbin shook his head, "The so-called 20 army, Song Junmen should be more aware of the quality of it. If it can really compete with our army, it will not hit Zhili. Now our army has 50 troops, and they are already approaching the city. , the defeat of your army has already appeared, isn't this something that anyone with a discerning eye can see?"

Song Kejin remained silent. Obviously, the previous battle of Tanggu had already verified this statement. It was difficult for the army of the Qing court to be compared with the army of the Fuhan army in all aspects. Now it does not even have the advantage in numbers. There is no chance of winning.

After a while, Song Kejin said in a low voice: "Even if we are not victorious, our army can still withdraw from the customs. It is not impossible to repeat the story of Emperor Taizong in the future, and to reset the Central Plains."

It has to be said that even though the Eight Banners are already defeated, the vast majority of people still have the intention of retreating out of the customs temporarily, and what Song Kejin said now is more like a test, to see what cards Ning Chu has.

Zhang Xuanbin took a meaningful look at Song Kejin. Of course he could see what the other party was thinking, and said softly: "Song Junmen thinks far enough, but if we guessed correctly, Shanhaiguan may have already fallen into the hands of Da Chu. up"

"You not only landed in Tianjin, but also sent people to Shanhaiguan?" Song Kejin's eyes narrowed. Of course, he knew the meaning behind the news. It can be said that the Qing army can only go in the direction of Juyongguan, and return to Shengjing from that distance. , is not generally difficult.

Zhang Xuanbin smiled slightly, "If you want to catch a turtle in the urn, you must first seal the urn."

In fact, the time mentioned by Zhang Xuanbin was basically the same. Just after the Fuhan army surrounded Tianjin, a large number of Fuhan troops were already landing in Shanhaiguan, Jinzhou.

Since the main task this time was to conquer and take down Shanhaiguan, the Imperial Guard Division had only a few regiments of infantry and no cavalry, and probably had more than 1 men. It is not a small number to attack Shanhaiguan with this force.

As the commander of the imperial guards, Ning Zuyi personally commanded the battle of landing at Shanhaiguan. Fortunately, because he landed from the direction of Jinzhou, he was not blocked by the Qing army during the landing process, and even for the Qing army. In other words, they still don't quite know that the enemy has come from the direction of Jinzhou.

As the early morning mist gradually dissipated, dozens of small boats rowed all the way from the water to the tidal flats, and several Fuhan army officers jumped down from above, all of them were wearing red military uniforms, with hand guns fixed on their waists , still holding a command knife in his hand, a large flag of the Imperial Guard Division of the Fuhan Army was fluttering in the wind.

As the No.1 officer of the Fu-Han Army who landed in Jinzhou, Pang Yun, commander of the [-]rd Company of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]st Regiment of the Imperial Guard Division, had a red face on his face. He knew that this trip was related to whether the Qing army could be completely cut off. Inside and outside the pass, it is of great significance, so the pressure of this battle will also be very great.

Taking Shanhaiguan is not a real problem, but once Shanhaiguan is taken, no matter whether it is the Qing army in the direction of Jinzhou or the Qing army in the pass, they will besiege like crazy, and then they will face the real test.

But what does all this matter?The imperial guards originally existed to fight tough battles, otherwise how could they be worthy of the name of the imperial guards?

"I will bear the brunt of the three companies in this battle. If I don't break through Shanhaiguan, I will die in Shanhaiguan!"

The soldiers chanted loudly together, this is not just a morale booster, but a choice from the heart of everyone.

Now that you have joined the Imperial Guard Division, you must consider that sooner or later you will choose to sacrifice, otherwise you are not worthy of joining the Imperial Guard Division.

After Pang Yun landed, there were still a large number of soldiers of the Fuhan Army wading knee-deep in sea water, struggling to climb towards the shore. In this November weather, everyone's hands and faces were frozen It's going to turn purple, but anyone who complains, their goal is only the tidal flats that are close at hand.

Deng Yunfang, as the captain of the navy's squadron, has been standing on the deck, quietly watching the soldiers wading through the icy sea water. Finally, after a long time, he said: "The sea water in November will freeze when it goes ashore. dead person's."

What he said was indeed true. The temperature in the sea was actually not high, but after they landed, the icy sea breeze would take away the heat from their bodies. If they were not careful, it would indeed cause people to freeze to death.

Ning Zuyi also stood aside. Although his military rank was much higher than Deng Yunfang, he still patiently explained: "In the past winter training, the imperial guards had a lesson of resisting the cold. There is a problem, but we have to seize the time to win Shanhaiguan.”

Deng Yunfang nodded, but couldn't help but said: "This time the squadron has no other tasks. The main task is to escort the guards to Shanhaiguan, so they will stay here forever."

Ning Zuyi shook his head lightly, "This battle is fast, precise and ruthless. The current supplies carried by the imperial guards are completely enough to take Shanhaiguan. If they can't take it, once the Qing army from Jinzhou surrounds them, I'm afraid they will land here. I can't hold back at all"

There is a sentence that Ning Zuyi didn't say, but Deng Yunfang knew very well in his heart that he was desperate to fight here.

The imperial guards also have the pride and dignity of the imperial guards. If they can't get down Shanhaiguan, how can they see His Majesty, how can they see their colleagues in the army?It is better to simply die in Shanhaiguan.

Deng Yunfang didn't say anything, but solemnly gave a military salute. He understood the choice of the imperial guards from the bottom of his heart.If it was him, he would have made such a decision.

After Ning Zuyi got off the boat, more than 1 soldiers of the Fuhan Army were forming a team on the tidal flat. The distance was extremely quiet, and there was no sign of the Qing army, while the fleet of Fuhan Army on the sea The sails have also been raised, and they are about to leave this sea area.

"Attack Shanhaiguan! Let's go!"

In the first month of the 14th year of Hongwu, the general Xu Da conscripted 100 soldiers from Yanshan Guards to build 32 gates starting from Yongping. Since then, Shanhaiwei was set up here, and the famous "No.

Shanhaiguan is located in a natural danger, and it has inherited the merits of nature. As the saying goes, the mountains stand in the north, the giant sea dips in the south, the Gaoling surrounds the east, and the stone river surrounds the west. It is as solid as gold, so it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "the first pass in the world".

In addition to the strong city gate itself, the Shanhaiguan defense line also has ten gates, three acropolises, thirty enemy towers, and hundreds of artillery pieces. In addition, the Shanhaiguan Town Green Camp guarding Shanhaiguan has a fixed staff of more than 300 people. , stationed at the throat of the narrow Liaoxi Corridor, it can be called the most important pass inside and outside the pass.

It turned out that at the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, since there was no war inside and outside the pass, and it would not be threatened by other forces, the garrison strength of Shanhaiguan Town had been declining. Before the recovery of the Han army, Shanhaiguan had only one general Commanded hundreds of people to garrison, and after Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, he resumed the garrison of the Eight Banners at Shanhaiguan.

Today's Shanhaiguan chief Nadu has two assistant leaders, eight assistant leaders, eight defenders, and eight Xiaoqi schools. He has Eight Banners Manchurian, Mongolian leader, 800 vests, 300 infantry, and one guard in Yongping Prefecture. There are two defensemen and Xiaoqi school, 100 leaders and vests, one Xifengkou defense lieutenant, two defensemen, four Xiaoqi schools, and 200 leaders and vests. Luo Wenyu also garrisoned hundreds of people from the Xiaoqi school, the leader, and the vest.

In addition to the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia, Shanhaiguan also garrisoned the Shanhaiguan Town of Luying, which has more than 3000 soldiers from the Green Battalion, plus more than [-] people from the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia, the total force is almost ten thousand.

Of course, the strength of these ten thousand troops is basically decided by Nadu, the general manager of Shanhaiguan. Nadu has to be polite in front of him, let alone a small green battalion general.

"Chu Ni, Chu Ni, Chu Ni is here!"

The march of the Fuhan army was finally discovered by the sentry of the Qing army. The news quickly reached the ears of Sun Keji, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan Town, who was training soldiers in the barracks. After getting the news, he rushed to Shanhaiguan General Manager's Mansion without stopping.

"Director Na, Manager Na! Chu Ni is calling!"

Under the crisis, Sun Keji had already rushed into the governor's mansion regardless of the official understanding, but saw the governor Nadu listening to the opera, so he couldn't care about Nadu's face any more, and directly yelled loudly.

Nadu glanced at the rough guy in front of him in disgust, with displeasure on his face, "Hmph, Mr. Sun is not awake yet? If there are enemies in Shanhaiguan, wouldn't the capital be gone long ago?"

Sun Keji also looked down on this immediate boss, but the situation is critical now, so he had to say anxiously: "My lord, the final general is very clear. I can be sure that Chu Ni has arrived outside Shanhaiguan, and they are not coming from the direction of the capital. Yes, they came from Jinzhou!"

"What? Jinzhou? Are you sure?" Nadu finally panicked.

However, after hearing Nadu's rhetorical question, Sun Keji calmed down, and Qiqi Ai said: "The last general. The last general also heard from the spies."

Nadu breathed a sigh of relief, and soon realized that he had really lost his composure just now, and was somewhat dissatisfied with Sun Keji. He snorted coldly and said, "General Sun is also a member of the imperial court, how can he be so flustered? It's really disgraceful."

But before Sun Keji could review, suddenly a man rushed in from the door, his face was covered with sweat, "My lord, my lord, something is wrong, there are a lot of soldiers from outside the city!"

Nadu's heart sank when he heard this. This person is Changtu, a co-leader under his command, and definitely not those men who see the wind as the rain. He couldn't help but ignore it. He didn't care about Sun Keji at the moment, and went directly towards the city wall .

After the Qing court took control of the Central Plains, Shanhaiguan underwent a certain transformation, because the main direction of defense was still inside the pass, so a lot of artillery fire was added on the city wall facing the pass, while the city wall facing outside the pass was much less. , there were only a few dozen cannons and a few general cannons, and the dark muzzle looked a little cold.

After a few people climbed up the city wall, they saw that the garrisoned Qing army was already fully armed, with trembling expressions on their faces. When Nadu's heart sank, he raised his eyes and looked out of the city. The scene in front of him surprised him. His legs felt a little limp.

I saw smoke and dust billowing several miles outside the city, and countless soldiers of the Fuhan Army in red were lining up. As the saying goes, there are 1 people, boundless. The imperial guards of the Han army gave people the feeling of a whole army of thousands of horses. Hundreds of red Han army flags rendered a bright red in the sky and the earth.

Nadu took a deep breath, turned his head to look at the Eight Banners generals, and shouted loudly: "Quickly send the order, gather all the soldiers, go to the city to prepare for battle, and those vests."

Then, Nadu looked at Sun Keyan who was at the side again, and sighed in a low voice: "General Sun reminded that the current military situation is only unclear, so please ask the general to gather brothers from the Green Camp in Shanhaiguan Town, which will also help in city defense."

"Yes, the order of the last general."

Since the soldiers of the Qing army were stationed in various places, they needed to be assembled before dispatching. Therefore, the number of troops in Shanhaiguan at this time was only 4000, and the remaining [-] soldiers were almost scattered in Yongping Mansion and Xifengkou. It is not easy to gather together in places such as Lengkou and Luowenyu.

The main reason is that Ning Chu's surprise attack this time was too sudden, and the route was coming from Jinzhou. On the contrary, the Qing army did not notice it in advance, so that they were not ready at present.

After arranging the assembly of all the troops, Nadu did not forget to ask for reinforcements. He quickly sent someone to send a messenger to the direction of the capital. As for the direction of Jinzhou, it was obviously impossible. Can't send it.

Thinking of this, Nadu can only ask for blessings from the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty. If the Eight Banners Army in the direction of Jinzhou can find out in time, at least they can form a two-sided attack.
(End of this chapter)

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