Cutting 1719

Chapter 476

Chapter 476
In the imperial prison, the sparse sunlight poured in, adding a bit of warmth to this dark and humid environment. Even so, ordinary people would only feel creepy when they walked in here.

For ordinary people, this place is just a place of despair full of terror, but for history, it is equivalent to a kind of witness.

It has witnessed the loyalty and courage written here by Yu Shaobao, the world-famous Ming Dynasty, and the iron bones scraped here by Yang Jisheng, the driver of the small military department; however, it has also witnessed those treacherous officials In the last years of being here with Quan Huan, he was observing in obscurity.

53-year-old Zhang Tingyu has been thinking silently since entering the prison, thinking about the past, thinking about the future, but thinking more about the present.

He just lay quietly on the weeds, ignoring the filth on his body and the dirt on his face, just thinking about it quietly, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

I don't know how long it took before there was a sound of footsteps in the silent prison. It seemed that a group of people came in from the outside. Their goal was very clear. They ignored the begging prisoners in other cells and ran directly to Zhang Tingyu. The prison cell he was in walked over, but at this time Zhang Tingyu was still immersed in his own world, turning a deaf ear to the outside world.

"Master Zhang, the emperor has a decree."

Prince Zhuang Yunlu walked into the cell, with a little stubble on his face, and his expression was even more tired. It was obvious that he was a little exhausted after running around for a while, and Hu Hu was beside him. Minister Jiang Tingxi.

When Zhang Tingyu heard this, his eyes rolled for a while, and then he looked at Yunlu. Its owner quickly sat up and knelt on the ground respectfully.

"The guilty minister accepts the order."

Before receiving Yongzheng's forgiveness, Zhang Tingyu could not call himself a slave, he could only call himself a "criminal minister".

Afterwards, Yunlu read Yongzheng's will to Zhang Tingyu again, and added after finishing reading: "Congratulations, Mr. Zhang, the emperor named you Fengtian Fuyin—although it is not as bad as before, but this kind of emperor's kindness is extraordinary. Humans are not qualified for this."

Jiang Tingxi also laughed and said: "Heng Chen has really suffered a lot this time, so hurry up and accept the order, and you will still be busy after receiving the order!"

Zhang Tingyu was slightly silent. He didn't expect the situation to change so quickly, but he couldn't digest it, so he said in a low voice: "The emperor's kindness, the guilty minister naturally understands in his heart, but the guilty minister is extremely ashamed in his heart, but he is afraid I have let down the great kindness of the emperor."

Yunlu is still young, and he is still a little confused about human relationships and world affairs. He doesn't quite understand what Zhang Tingyu means, so he can only look at Jiang Tingxi. An old fox like this can only be dealt with by another old fox.

Jiang Tingxi naturally understood what Zhang Tingyu said, and said in a low voice: "Hengchen, you have to understand that letting you out this time will be of great use. Even if the emperor is as kind as heaven, you must also understand that the Qing Dynasty needs loyal ministers, and even more so. A capable minister, and you are such a capable minister!"

Capable minister
Zhang Tingyu couldn't help but smiled wryly, maybe in Yongzheng's opinion, he could solve the problem, but Zhang Tingyu really didn't have much confidence in the current problem.
"Brother Youjun, this official understands it in his heart. It's just that it's difficult for Fengtian Fu Yin to do, and it's even more difficult to negotiate with the Russians!"

Upon hearing what Zhang Tingyu said, Prince Zhuang Yunlu was a little confused. He was the official envoy negotiating with the Russians this time, and although Zhang Tingyu was the deputy envoy, Yongzheng appointed Zhang Tingyu to take the lead - so in this matter On the contrary, he wanted to listen to Zhang Tingyu's opinion, so he asked curiously: "What does Heng Chen mean by this?"

Zhang Tingyu shook his head with a wry smile. The reason why he said these two things are difficult is because they are all tasks to offend people. It is obvious that Fengtian Fuyin wants to make trouble with General Shengjing, but judging from the current situation Therefore, General Shengjing will definitely be the older generation of the Eight Banners Genzheng Miaohong, and he will serve as the emperor's shield to attract the hatred of these traditional Eight Banners.Therefore, Fengtian Fuyin is destined to be an offender.

But the matter of negotiating with the Russians is not simply to offend people, but to offend the whole world, because it is clearly a negotiation for the survival of the country. Once the treaty is signed, not only the Qing court will Will despise him, even Ning Chu will not spare him!
Originally, the two sides were fighting each other based on their own abilities. Now that the Qing Dynasty seemed to be collapsing, it hurriedly hugged the Russian's thigh, and Zhang Tingyu became such a character who had to take the blame. , will be stigmatized for thousands of years.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tingyu can't wait to stay in the prison and not go out. Emperor Yongzheng is really putting him on the fire now, or is it the kind of burning fire? With his physique, isn't it two people? It becomes a roast chicken?

It’s just that Zhang Tingyu has to find a way to refuse right now, he said with a wry smile: “Reporting to the lord, it’s not because of other reasons, it’s really because the sinner’s body is not strong enough, after going through the prison this time, the whole person will collapse. It’s hard to take on the big responsibility.”

Prince Zhuang Yunlu was dumbfounded at the moment. He looked at Zhang Tingyu suspiciously, but everyone was a decent person on the surface, so he couldn't say much, so he looked at Jiang Tingxi to see if he could find a way.

Jiang Tingxi was helpless, of course he could see through the pitfalls behind this matter, and he could understand Zhang Tingyu's choice, so he could only sigh softly, "My lord, Hengchen was in poor health before, I'm afraid there is something wrong this time Otherwise, please return to the mansion first, and then invite a famous doctor to take a good look at Mr. Zhang's problems."

"Famous doctor? Why don't you just invite the imperial doctor!" Yun Lu said directly, impatiently and simply.

Jiang Tingxi couldn't help smiling bitterly, so he could only explain: "My lord doesn't know something, Mr. Zhang's disease can't be cured by an imperial doctor, he needs some folk prescriptions, so don't bother me."

Yun Lu smacked his lower lip, but nodded reluctantly, and then left the prison knowingly.

Zhang Tingyu has been watching with cold eyes. After Yunlu left the prison, he looked at Jiang Tingxi with a wry smile and said, "Brother Youjun, could it be that you have medicine that can cure my heart disease?"

"There is no cure for heart disease, and Hengchen should understand this truth better than me." Jiang Tingxi said slowly, with a somewhat complicated meaning on his face.

Zhang Tingyu was slightly silent, "Since Brother Youjun has a partial prescription, you might as well take it out."

"Hengchen, if you don't agree, the emperor will only think that Hanchen and I have a different heart. You should understand this truth."

"Different intentions? It's all here. It's not normal if we can't afford to disagree. What are we waiting for Hanchen? It's nothing more than the succession of the Taoist lineage, just to rule the country and bring peace to the world, but the Qing Dynasty has no hope."

Zhang Tingyu's face was a bit painful. He is actually a very traditional courtier. He hopes that a good story about a monarch and his ministers will be passed down, just like the predecessors in the history books, even if it is a foreign emperor. Confucian courtier Often very realistic in this regard.

Jiang Tingxi let out a long sigh, and said in a low voice: "Back then, what Fan Wencheng and others thought was nothing more than the same truth. It can be seen that this kind of truth has killed people. Even the wife was humiliated by Prince Yu, so she gritted her teeth and endured it." gone."

Zhang Tingyu knew that this was a famous public case, and the two parties involved were Fan Wencheng and Prince Yu Duoduo. Fan Wencheng, as Huang Taiji's capable general, offended Dorgon and Duoduo brothers in many things, so Duoduo was deeply annoyed by Fan Wencheng and always wanted to take revenge on Fan Wencheng.

At that time, Fan Wencheng belonged to the coat of the Xiangbai Banner, and it happened that Duoduo was the owner of the Xiangbai Banner, so he took Fan Wencheng's wife captive back to the mansion for sex, but Fan Wencheng had nothing to do about it, so according to the system, the Banner It is only natural for the Lord to seize the wife of his subordinates, and even the Great Khan at that time couldn't control it.

But after all, Fan Wencheng is already a minister of the court, and has participated in many major decisions. In order to win over Fan Wencheng, the superiors fined Duoduo ten thousand taels of silver and took away one-third of Niulu to which he belonged.

In the eyes of everyone at the time, it was very good that this matter could be handled in this way, because according to the original regulations, Duoduo would not have any losses, and now one-third of Niu Lu is missing, even in the eyes of many people. It's all over.

But for Fan Wencheng, this could not wash away the shame, but with his ability and status at that time, he could only choose to give up, because this is Han Chen, and it is not much better than Bao Yi.

Now Jiang Tingxi mentioned this matter to warn Zhang Tingyu, don't look at the emperor's politeness now, if you dare to make a move, all Hanchen's family will die by then.

Hearing this, Zhang Tingyu finally stood up, and he sighed, "Sometimes I really don't know whether what my ancestors did was worth it or not."

Regarding the negotiation, Zhang Tingyu no longer has the so-called entanglements. After all, when he knew that the scapegoat would definitely be held on his head, he would naturally not care how heavy the scapegoat was, but the real problem right now is , are the Russians really that reliable?
"My friend, I thought that since the last time we met, the next meeting would have to wait until next year, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. It seems that the empire has suffered a very serious blow."

Earl Savaula held a cup of coffee in his hand, with a relaxed smile on his face. He was very clear about the situation of the Qing court, so he teased on purpose.

Zhang Tingyu didn't have the time to talk to Sara Ula, he said slowly: "The main force of my army towards His Majesty has not been damaged, and will soon defeat the rebels on the battlefield, so I don't need to worry about it."

Earl Sara Ula shrugged his shoulders. He has been in China for more than half a year, and he has a certain understanding of the behavior of the Chinese people, and he doesn't care about it: "Since His Majesty the Emperor wants to win a long-lost victory, then I I'm here to celebrate ahead of time, but I don't know why Master Zhang is looking for me today?"

Zhang Tingyu's face was very serious, and he said coldly: "Of course it is about the demarcation of the border of the Ergun River. I have sent back the news to His Majesty. Everything can be determined by the previous request of your envoy."

If it was half a year ago, Earl Sara Ula might still think it was a good sincerity, but now this foreign devil has fully understood the situation of the Qing court, so he shrugged and said: "There is a famous saying in your country called' This moment, that moment', if we still want to talk about something useful, then Mr. Zhang can no longer pretend to be himself, or come to fool me."

Zhang Tingyu sighed softly, and said in a low voice, "I don't know, what does your country mean?"

"If Mr. Zhang hasn't figured out your country's situation, I can help your country analyze it."

Earl Sara Wula sneered, and then took a sip of coffee, "Given the current situation of the Qing Dynasty, I am afraid that there are only two weeks or less left before its demise."

Zhang Tingyu knew what Zhou Zhou meant in the west, and he was not in a hurry to refute his statement, but quietly looked at Earl Saraula, motioning for him to continue.

"Not far from your capital city, at a very short distance, rebels have already appeared, and on your retreat to the northeast, there are also traces of rebels, which means that although your country still has a The main force, but they are about to perish in the battle against the rebels."

Earl Sara Wula talked eloquently, and he said softly: "Now you can no longer defeat the rebels, you can only rely on external forces, and the Russian Empire will be your best choice."

It has to be said that Sara Wula has not been idle for more than half a year in China. Zhang Tingyu can conclude that he has already developed a high-level insider inside the Qing court, otherwise such news would not have been known so quickly. This thought made Zhang Tingyu's heart sink.

Zhang Tingyu decided to test it in reverse. He looked at Earl Sarawula and whispered: "You know us very well, but we don't know you well enough. How can you say you can help us?"

"The [-] brave Russian warriors who are now in the capital, and the [-] Russian warriors who are on the way - just after the last meeting, I have written to Her Majesty, and I believe they will soon arrive."

Sara Wula's face was full of confidence, as if he could determine when the Qing court compromised last time, he already knew enough about the Qing Dynasty.

"If there are only more than 1 people, I'm afraid this number is not enough. They can at least pull out 50 people." Zhang Tingyu shook his head. He didn't know whether there was a Fuhan army, but it's okay to exaggerate.

"Sometimes, the number doesn't explain anything. It's like your country's army, no matter how many there are, it's useless at all—but the Russian Empire is different. We not only have an elite army, but also a large enough number."

Sara Ula did not boast, but described this fact in the most plain language.

"So, what exactly do you want?" Zhang Tingyu finally asked the last key question.


(End of this chapter)

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