Cutting 1719

Chapter 477 The Battle of Ning Jin in the Great Decisive Battle

Chapter 477 The Battle of Ning Jin in the Great Decisive Battle
Everything that Sara Wula proposed, that is, on the basis of the original conditions, made a bit more progress, including the territorial claim for the Heilongjiang area. Originally, this is the land that the Russians have always longed for. In their words, here is called the Amur River.

Zhang Tingyu has no way to raise objections. After all, the Qing Dynasty now needs others. No matter how important it is, it can only make a choice for now.Of course, Zhang Tingyu is not completely without conditions.

"Our court can agree to the conditions proposed by your envoy, except for one thing. The rebel army may attack the capital in this battle. The 500 people from your envoy need to join our army in the battle."

Sara Wula thought for a while, nodded, and said softly: "The empire has always been very friendly to friends. If your country persists in this way, Russian warriors will naturally be happy to join your army. There is only one thing, we are here If there is a situation where your army flees to help the Qing Dynasty, our army will retreat on its own according to the situation."

Strictly speaking, 500 people will not play any role in a big battle of several 10 people. The reason why Zhang Tingyu made such a request is to put a nail in this agreement. If they are dragged into the war, it is up to them whether to withdraw at that time.

Therefore, Zhang Tingyu thought for a while, and said very straightforwardly: "It's a deal, this agreement can be signed immediately."

Earl Sara Wula naturally knew Zhang Tingyu's plan in his heart, but it didn't matter to him, after all, no matter what the circumstances, the Russian Empire would not be afraid.

"It's a word."

From this moment on, the Qing Dynasty and Russia have truly become allies in essence. Although the Qing court paid a very heavy price, it is still within an acceptable range. As for the Russian Empire, it also thought that it had obtained a huge advantage, but Later developments made them exclaim that this was the biggest mistake.

But how the future will develop, for Zhang Tingyu and the Earl of Sara Wula, they are not clear. After Prince Zhuang Yunlu signed the agreement, everyone is looking forward to a bright future.

After Song Kejin surrendered, the situation in Zhili changed a lot, and caused a series of chain problems, just like the Qing army under the command of Yongzheng did not continue to move forward, but chose to return to the capital.

When the Qing army began to turn around, the Qing army in Shengjing had already begun to gather. Although they had not yet received Yongzheng's order, it was their right and responsibility to send troops to destroy the Fuhan army in the direction of Ningjin.

Due to the rush of time, Shengjing has not yet received Yongzheng's order to change generals, and Shengjing General Yi Libu has assembled more than 7000 Manchurian Eight Banners and Han Eight Banners in just a few days. Efficiency, gathered in Shengjing, waiting to go to Jinzhou.

It has to be said that in the face of the crisis of life and death, the Eight Banners are still very united and efficient. They have abandoned their old prejudices and even showed unprecedented determination to bring the old men of the Eight Banners up to 60 or 7000 years old to the next level. By the time of the [-]th Five-Year Plan, all the Eight Banners youths had been incorporated into the army, and this was enough to make up more than [-] people.

Before the expedition, Yilibu wrote letters to Jilin General Batai and Heilongjiang General Nasutu, the purpose of which was naturally to ask them to gather the whole army and rush to Shengjing to garrison. No matter whether this battle is won or lost, it is natural to be prepared in advance There is nothing wrong, but the Qing army in these two aspects will not arrive in Shengjing until the beginning of next spring at the earliest.

Although Prince Heshuobao Hongli was only in his teens, he already understood how serious the situation was, so he personally sent Yilibu to lead the whole army in front of the city gate of Shengjing.

"General Yi Libu, the country is in dire straits now. Fortunately, the general has worked tirelessly to go on an expedition to Ningjin. The journey is far away. I hope the general can win the battle!"

The young Prince He Shuobao had a serious face on his face. In fact, in his heart, he hoped that this battle could be fought by himself. After all, in Hongli's heart, he was still quite dissatisfied with the Nanman emperor who was not much older than himself. Yes, in his opinion, if he had the chance, he could lead the army to victory.

Yi Libu is a rough man, so naturally he doesn't understand Hongli's inner thoughts, he just sighed slightly, and then said solemnly: "Chu Ni is not an ordinary thief, this slave will destroy the enemy no matter what in this battle. Jinzhou, otherwise things are not going well. The prince should be a good student in Shengjing and study with the master. In the future, I will have to ask the prince to come out to support me."

Strictly speaking, these words are very taboo, but Yi Libu knew in his heart that it would be difficult for him to have a good result for the things ahead, so he ignored so many taboos and revealed Hongli's identity as the crown prince. He naturally hopes that Hongli will rise again with the Eight Banners no matter what in the future.

Hongli nodded seriously, and said softly: "Ama is struggling in the pass. As a minister, I should have shared the burden for my mother. Now that the war is in crisis, Hongli wishes he could wear armor and fight for my Qing Dynasty. .”

Hearing Hongli's words, there was a faint desire to go to the battlefield. Of course Yilibu understood the other party's thoughts, but of course this would not be allowed. It is already quite difficult to think of sharing the burden for the emperor, but the prince has a valuable status and is related to the Qing Dynasty, but he should not act rashly."

Hongli pursed his lips, and finally didn't say anything. He just stood on the city wall of Shengjing and watched the Eight Banners army marching towards Jinzhou.

Remember in the past, in the first year of Tiancong, Dajin Great Khan Huang Taiji was like this. He led an army of [-] to besiege Jinzhou and Ningyuan. The First World War was fought extremely fiercely, and as a result, the soldiers of Dajin suffered countless injuries, and Jinzhou was finally invincible.

Hongli shook his head. He didn't know why he thought of this past event, and it cast a shadow over his heart. At that time, it was not called Daqing, but Dajin. When the country was on the rise, it was exactly the same as the current situation. Quite the opposite. Hongli tried his best not to think about it, but the worry in his heart became more and more serious.

In late November, General Yi Libu of Shengjing of the Qing Army, Fude of Shengjing, Deputy Governor of Shengjing, Yurui of Deputy Governor of Xiongyue, Delin of Deputy Governor of Xingjing, and Ruilin of Deputy Governor of Jinzhou, etc. , led more than [-] troops to the Zhongqianwei City, facing the Imperial Guards of the Fuhan Army who were waiting in full battle.

Even though Da Qing and Ning Jin are in conflict, Yi Libu can't take care of that much right now. Although he doesn't know that the edict to deal with him is coming soon, he already has a premonition in his heart that he wants to change everything. If he has achieved high enough military exploits here—such as driving the entire Fuhan army into the sea, then he can continue to be his Shengjing general in peace, otherwise he will just wait to be sent to prison.

It has to be said that the Eight Banners outside the Guanwai largely retained the demeanor of their ancestors back then. They quickly organized an offensive formation. The cavalry of nearly 3000 people was staring at the distance, and the remaining Eight Banners. Bird guns and waist knives, and some people held long guns, and pulled out seventy or eighty cannons and Weiyuan cannons before the formation, and they were spread out in a flash, which looked quite aggressive.

However, in the eyes of the Fuhan army on the opposite side, the arrival of the Qing army was nothing short of a surprise.The reason is very simple. If the Qing army does not come again, they will go to fight Ning Jin, and they can't keep entrenched in the central avant-garde city. After all, the food they really carry is limited, and logistics is always a big problem.

Relatively speaking, the Fuhan army now has the advantage in terrain, and there is no need to worry about what the Shanhaiguan defenders behind them will do. If the Qing army in Shanhaiguan really dares to come out, then the Fuhan army will also dare to seize the pass.

"The current battle looks a bit like Ning Jin's war. It seems that Qing Da is going to fight desperately."

Ning Zuyi smiled slightly. From the vision of his binoculars, he could see that the soldiers of the Qing army were preparing for the battle, and their morale seemed to be relatively vigorous. Knowing the power of Fuhan's weapons, he didn't dare to go too far.

Yan Zhiyi nodded lightly. It was expected that the Qing army would come from the direction of Shengjing for reinforcements, but just like what Ning Zuyi said, this battle is probably no less critical to the Qing court than it was back then The Battle of Ning Jin.

It's just that the current Qing army is not the Qing army of the past, and the current Fuhan army is not the Ming army of the past.

"Looking at the current situation, I'm afraid that the Qing army from the direction of Shengjing has arrived. As for Heilongjiang and Jilin, there should be some Qing troops, but due to time constraints, I'm afraid they won't be able to arrive in time."

"As long as we fight this battle well, the Eight Banners in the pass will be completely caged. When the Qing army in the pass is completely wiped out in the future, then we will be able to leave the pass to sweep the holes and completely eliminate future troubles."

Ning Zuyi held the binoculars in his hand, with a slight smile on his face, he didn't believe that the Eight Banners outside the Guanwai could gather such an elite team
Chief of Staff Yan Zhiyi shook his head, and said softly: "According to the intelligence of the Military Intelligence Department, the Qing government's previous order to leave the customs and reclamation land was implemented for too short a time, and there were not enough people to support outside the customs, and the main cultivated land was concentrated in the The Liaoxi Corridor and the Shengjing area, our control here is equivalent to controlling their lifeline."

This is a big truth. In fact, the Qing army had to come and fight the Fuhan army, because there was really no other way. Right now, the hundreds of thousands of Eight Banners women, children, old and children outside the pass would all have their mouths to eat. And the food in the Ningjin area will starve a lot of people to death if they are hungry.

Except for some of the birth girls who can still hunt in the old forests outside the pass, the other Eight Banners have long stopped relying on fishing and hunting for a living, especially in winter like now, many people are living on the little food left.

It can be said that for the current Qing army, this is a battle they have to fight.

Yan Zhiyi looked at the cavalry in the distance again, especially the horses under their command were all good horses outside the pass, and could only sigh softly: "It's a pity that our only one, the baby lump, didn't follow, otherwise we could have followed If they fight head-on, our horses are much better than these."

Ning Zuyi glanced at Yan Zhiyi, and said angrily: "We only have less than [-] cavalry here, but what His Majesty is facing is the elite [-] full Mongolian cavalry. Besides, when the stock of horses in the racecourse increases in the future Naturally, there is no need to worry about horses.”

"As for now, the two or three thousand cavalry of the Qing army can't make a big difference."

As far as the Qing army was concerned, they would not think that the cavalry would not be successful. In fact, in this battle, General Yilibu of Shengjing valued the cavalry of more than two thousand and 700 people the most, and even considered it the real trump card of this battle. .

As in the past, the Qing army began to tentatively attack the defense line of the central front city. Due to the relatively short range of their artillery, they could only follow the large troops and start to move towards the defense line a little bit.


On the contrary, on the artillery position of the Fuhan army, nearly a hundred artillery pieces began to shell, and a large number of flowering shells were fired, falling into the crowd of the Qing army, creating patches of blood mist.

But the Qing army has also learned to be smart now. Since the current formation is still far away, there is no need to concentrate their forces to attack, so they spread out the formations. Many casualties.

As far as the Qing army is concerned, their plan is to wait until they are close to the assault distance before forming a tight formation and then launching an attack. Therefore, the current skirmisher front will not affect the combat power.

At the same time, the cavalry of the Qing army also began to move. They began to detour from both ends of the defense line, like a lone wolf on the grassland, intending to find the weak points and loopholes of the Han army. It will pounce on it fiercely, biting the opponent's throat.


The artillery of the Qing army also rang out. The number of their artillery was about the same as that of the imperial guards, but the quality was much worse. Therefore, when they were fired, the sound was very dull and weak. Most of them were solid bullets, which really hit Fuhan There were not many soldiers on the military positions, and the casualties caused were even more pitiful.

According to previous battles, the artillery battle between the two sides will continue for a while. Only when the Qing army enters a position suitable for charging will they choose to stop the shelling and proceed to the next tactic.

Therefore, when the artillery of both sides continued to bombard, the commanders of each other were also observing the movement on the battlefield, but for the commander of the Qing army Yi Libu, his brows were constantly frowning, because he found that the Fuhan army was more powerful than he imagined. It's even harder to deal with, and it's even more terrifying.
The reason is not the result of the artillery battle, but the performance of the soldiers on both sides. Strictly speaking, the Qing army is the Eight Banners army outside the customs this time. Frightened by some casualties, but even so, they were still a little scattered in front of the bombardment of the Fuhan army.

As for the Fuhan army, it was different. They didn't seem to know what fear was. They just set up a thin line of defense around the small city of the central avant-garde city, and they didn't have the slightest fear of the horse army behind them. Some people don't quite understand it.

Why are they not afraid?Or what is it that supports them not to be afraid?
Yi Libu frowned tightly, and the hands holding the binoculars turned a little pale because of too much force.

 I would like to recommend a new book, "My Sister Dotes on Me Too Much", which is quite interesting, you can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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