Cutting 1719

Chapter 478

Chapter 478

"If you can't win, you can't win this battle."

On the city wall of Shanhaiguan, an old man listened intently to the roar of artillery fire from afar, with an extremely dignified expression on his face. He was Ma Qi, who had just been appointed Governor of Shengjing, and two people stood beside him, They are Marsai, the new director of Shengjing, and Nadu, the director of Shanhaiguan.

Since Shanhaiguan was too close to the Central Frontier City, when the battle broke out in the Central Frontier City, although they couldn't see what was going on, they could still hear the faint sound of artillery fire.

Marsai and Nadu also looked very dignified. They knew that the Qing army in the direction of Shengjing would probably choose to take the risk of attacking the Fuhan army before they had a grasp of the situation, so as to lift the Fuhan army's blockade of the Liaoxi Corridor.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that the move in the direction of Shengjing was too fast this time, and even before the emperor's edict arrived, the war had already started.

Perhaps it was also due to the worry in the heart of Yi Libu, governor of Shengjing. After all, it was not so easy to be an official under Emperor Yongzheng. Now everyone was worried about being caught by the emperor.

Nadu heard what Ma Qi said, but he already had other thoughts in his heart, "If we send out the Shanhaiguan army, we may be able to completely wipe out this Chu rebellion under the attack of front and back."

Although Marsai was the governor of the Mongolian capital of the Xianghuang Banner, he had never fought a war after all, and there were some changes when he heard what Nadu said. It's just that the two of them said nothing about this matter, and the old minister Ma Qi had to come call the shots.

Ma Qi shook his head slightly. He had personally conquered Chu Ni with Kangxi. Of course he knew Chu Ni's virtues. Occupying the central avant-garde city, and building a long line of defense, needless to say, there are at least three trenches before and after the battle, plus barbed wire, even if the emperor came, it would be difficult to penetrate these three lines of defense."

Nadu was a little dissatisfied at first, but he was a little shocked when he heard what Ma Qi said. It turns out that when the spies reported back, they said that the Fuhan Army dug three trenches on the side facing the Shanhaiguan Pass, although they didn't mention the barbed wire The matter, but it is almost the same as what Ma Qi said.

Marcel said curiously: "Even if there are several layers of ditches or barbed wire, we can fill the ditches with soil. As for the barbed wire, only a team of cavalry can pull them apart."

Ma Qi sneered, and said in a low voice: "If it were really that simple, we wouldn't have lost back then. The reason is very simple. The Fuhan Army's firearms are too powerful. When we finish this, I'm afraid the front line will have been blown up." messed up"

Thinking of this, Ma Qi felt a little worried. He murmured, "We have to send someone to go around and tell Yi Libu to lead the troops back first. As for Chu Ni here, let's leave it alone."

"How can this be done? What will happen when the emperor leaves the customs?" Marcel was a little anxious. He was not afraid of Ma Qi, so he directly refuted it.

"Hmph, even if the emperor came here in person in this situation, he would do the same! Assuming that we have all the bones and blood of the Eight Banners right now, let me tell you, how much we can save now will directly determine whether the Eight Banners will exist in the future!"

In fact, what Ma Qi said has been fully fulfilled. Under the command of Yi Libu, the Qing army has suffered heavy casualties, and a large number of corpses of Eight Banners soldiers fell down in front of the entire Fuhan army position.

Bursts of gunshots rang out in front of the Fuhan army's position, and the bullets shot at the Qing army like splashing water, and they all gritted their teeth, pushing the shield cart forward abruptly, without the firepower of the Fuhan army at all. Seriously.


As the distance gradually shortened, the accuracy of the artillery of the Fuhan army became higher and higher, overturning the shield vehicles of the Qing army one by one to the ground, and the soldiers of the Qing army hiding on the ground were blown into a coma Basu.

Seeing that the distance is getting closer, but in the hearts of the Qing army, it seems that they are getting farther and farther away from victory, because the firepower of the Fuhan army has become more and more intensive, and this is no longer what the current Qing army can handle. What's more, there are three trenches ahead, waiting to devour a large number of corpses.

At the back of the trench, there was also a barbed wire fence, which was wrapped around the wooden piles and deeply inserted into the ground, but it was difficult to shake.

"Damn it, hurry up, don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead!"

Gao Changde, the leader of the Han army's Xianghuang banner, with a livid face, kicked the Han army banner soldiers lying on the ground, and yelled at them to get up and push the shield cart to climb forward. Behind them, there were hundreds of Han army banner soldiers. The soldiers were feebly pushing the shield chariot towards that far away direction.

Among the Eight Banners army brought by Yi Libu this time, quite a few of them are soldiers under the banner of the Han Army. It is natural for them to take the lead.

Just behind the soldiers of the Han Army Banner, there was a voice. Sometimes the voice was extremely loud, and sometimes it was inaudible, but it became everyone's hope.

"You are all warriors of our Eight Banners, you can be killed but not humiliated!"

"The one who fills up the trench first will be promoted two levels in a row, and will be rewarded with 20 taels of silver!"

"Anyone who fears the enemy like a tiger and does not retreat will be sentenced to death, and the whole family will be exiled to Ninggu Tower!"

Gao Changde took a deep breath, and actively pushed towards the shield chariot beside him. He could already see clearly that even though they also had a so-called Han army flag on their heads, it was actually the lowest level of the Eight Banners. slave!
For example, in the establishment of the Eight Banners, armor is often elite, so there are restrictions on the proportion of armor in each banner. For example, in the 21st year of Kangxi, it was clearly stipulated that "every leader of the Han army still has four armored pairs, Manchurian and Mongolian assistant leaders should not exceed forty pairs. In addition, the highest paid forwards, guards, and leaders, or there is no shortage of Han troops like forwards and guards, even if there are The number of queuing reminders is also less than that of Manchuria.

Of course, if it was placed in the time of Gao Changde's ancestors, the situation would be different. Although the Han army flag belongs to the subordinate slaves in the Eight Banners, for other Han people, it is the complete master. It's not a big deal to oppress good and good women, so even if you want to enter the Han Eight Banners at that time, there is no such way!
But now the Eight Banners are on the brink of life and death, and the Han army bannermen naturally belong to the first group of unlucky ones. For such drudgery as filling trenches, the Han army bannermen have to come first.

Just looking at the trench in the distance and the barbed wire fence, Gao Changde couldn't help laughing at himself. If it could be filled, how many of these people could survive with all their tails?
Regardless of what everyone in the Qing army thought, the artillery from the Fuhan army fired at a steady pace, and the casualties in the Qing army camp began to increase. Many shield vehicles were directly hit, and even The soldiers of the Eight Banners of the Han Army fell down together and couldn't get up at all.

Li Rulin pushed the shield cart with a pale face. His shoulders were already bleeding, but he couldn't relax at all, because there was an old man in his 60s behind him, that was his father Li Rulin. Quan, the two were originally members of the Han army, so this battle was naturally indispensable.

"Son, how far ahead is there?"

Compared with the young Li Rulin, Li Quanke, who is in his 60s, is different. His whole face has turned blue, he is breathing heavily, and he is almost lying on the cart.

Although Li Rulin was also very tired, when his father asked him, he could only say repeatedly: "Father, hurry up, hurry up, we are here today, and we must die here."

Li Quan responded with difficulty, and then began to push again, but after pushing for a while, he continued to ask: "When will we enter the customs? Good days are coming."

Li Rulin didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, and said in a low voice, "Father, we have already entered the Qing Dynasty, and we have been here for decades!"

"Hey, look at my memory."

Li Quan's eyes began to turn white, and his body was almost completely leaning on the shield car. He no longer had the slightest strength to push, but said tremblingly: "Your grandfather, and grandpa. At that time, it was still like this. Let's have a good time."

It's just that before this sentence was finished, Li Quan breathed his last and slid off the shield cart. Li Rulin, who was pushing the shield cart, let go of his hand and rushed over, with hot tears dripping from his eyes. down.

"Damn thing, if you dare to let go, the uncle will cut you off!"

Man Baqi Zuoling, who was behind the shield car, saw this scene. He shouted angrily, while pulling out his waist knife, walked up to Li Quan, and raised the knife in his hand high.

It's just that Li Rulin didn't feel the slightest fear after watching this scene. A wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he closed his eyes.

"Retribution, this is all retribution."

A development bomb fired from the direction of the Fuhan Army just hit it, with a violent roar accompanied by flying fragments, and directly engulfed Zuo Ling and Li Rulin.
Yi Libu stared at the battle ahead, his face became pale, and a large number of soldiers of the Eight Banners fell down, as if a piece of flesh was torn from his heart. If one less bone and blood force died here, Yi Libu would be the biggest criminal.

"My lord, let Ma Jun move!"

Shengjing's deputy governor, Fude, had a resolute face on his face, and his hands were trembling slightly. Perhaps the scene in front of him made him unable to bear it anymore.

"No, you can only die now."

Yi Libu is not a fool, he has experience in leading troops. In fact, his plan is exactly the same as Ma Qi predicted. He uses the shield cart to fill the trench with soil, and then dispatches the horse army to drag the barbed wire away. Time to show off!
But the problem is that only one trench has been filled now, and two more are waiting for the corpses of the Qing army to lay them down. Therefore, no matter how tragic the casualties are right now, Yi Libu can only grit his teeth and stick to it.

Fu De let out a long sigh, he was only the deputy commander in chief, it was impossible to disobey General Sheng Jing's order, so he could only stand aside at the moment.

Yi Libu looked at the camp of the Fu Han army on the opposite side, and a feeling of regret began to rise in his heart. Maybe he should withdraw his troops now. However, it is somewhat difficult to explain when it comes to retreating at this juncture.
"Rush one more time, tell Ruilin to lead the charge himself, as long as the trench can be filled, he won't be needed for the next battle!"

Yi Libu finally made up his mind, but this decision was tantamount to death for the Jinzhou Eight Banners soldiers.

After Ruilin accepted the order, he threw his helmet on the ground, wrapped his braid around his neck, drew his waist knife, and stood in front of the remaining Jinzhou Eight Banners soldiers.

"Brothers, I, Ruilin, don't talk nonsense, as long as you can survive this battle, you are all my Ruilin's brothers!"

"Let's rush together and fill up this son of a bitch's trench. As long as the brothers can survive, let's go to Bada Hutong together, and you can order any girl there!"

Under Ruilin's very vulgar encouragement, the Jinzhou Eight Banners soldiers also knew their current situation. Some of them might be afraid of death, but these people who were afraid of death had already been directly chopped down by Ruilin and his Goshhas. , the rest of the people had no choice but to charge.

Gao Changde's face was a bit crazy. The shield car he was in just now had been broken up, and everyone else died in the splashing wood chips. Only his arm was injured, but he hadn't waited for him. Take a breath, and throw yourself into the next round of attack
And there are too many Eight Banners of the Han Army like Gao Changde. They may have died in the front unfortunately, or they may have survived until now, but no matter whether they are lucky or not, they will be treated as cannon fodder and sent to the battlefield endlessly fill trench
"Rush, rush up and live!"

Under the leadership of Ruilin, thousands of soldiers of the Qing army began to attack the formation of the Fuhan army regardless of life and death, and the artillery of the Fuhan army also began to fire at the same time, dozens of flowering bullets fell into the camp of the Qing army. There was a lot of death, and these Eight Banners soldiers who put their lives aside finally threw the earth bags on their backs into the pit, and many people directly threw their bodies into the pit.

Under such an attack regardless of casualties, the trench was finally filled, and the only thing left to face was a layer of barbed wire.

The soldiers of the Fuhan Army had already lined up, they didn't panic at all, they just leveled the muskets in their hands, and pulled the trigger in their hands under the unified order of the company commander.

As a puff of thick white smoke gushed out, rows of projectiles rushed towards the Qing army like a torrential rain, creating bright blood flowers on the Qing army soldiers, and the Qing army soldiers at the front A large area of ​​them almost fell down, and many people did not die on the spot, but lay on the ground and wailed in pain.

However, for Yi Libu, all of this was worth it. Because the cavalry of the Qing army that he had valued for a long time finally had a place to use.

(End of this chapter)

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