Cutting 1719

Chapter 485 The Battle of Eight Mile Bridge

Chapter 485: Battle of Eight Mile Bridge ([-])
Ning Chengzu had a bit of determination on his face. He was riding on a tall Arabian horse. A fiery red banner of the Fuhan Army was fluttering in the wind, like a ball of flames, which was extremely dazzling on the snow-covered ground. .

Behind Ning Chengzu, there were three thousand cuirassiers of the Fuhan Army. They wore solid breastplates and held a cavalry musket in their hands. In addition to the pistol, there is also a sharp cavalry saber slanted on the horse.

In the past era of classical cavalry warfare, the real king was always the Lancers, because the long lances could not only restrain the well-organized enemy infantry phalanx, but also had a good impact on the opponent's cavalry. Like the previous French Lancers, they used spears up to [-] meters long, which could give priority to attacking the soldiers in the phalanx, and the Eight Banners cavalry of the Qing court were also typical cavalry with spears and bows and arrows.

However, the Lancers themselves have many limitations, not only limited by the environment in which they are used, but also more difficult to train. According to a Western cavalry expert who came to Ningchu, if you want to train mature Lancers, you need A total of 55 different training subjects were conducted, of which 22 belonged to cavalry, eighteen belonged to infantry, and [-] basic training.

Therefore, it is neither realistic nor necessary to train a Lancer capable of going to the battlefield in a short period of time, especially in this era of firearms, there is naturally a better choice, that is to use Firearms replaced spears.

Since the cavalry charge has a distance limit, the three thousand cavalry led by Ning Chengzu almost all slowly moved towards the fleeing direction of Seng Bao's remnant cavalry, preparing to intercept the remaining thousand and eight cavalry directly there. Pennant.

"The cavalry of the Qing army is coming!"

A cavalryman came rushing from afar, he shouted loudly, his face was flushed, and his uniform was almost wet with sweat.

Following the call of the cavalry, Ning Chengzu couldn't help but look up. Among the crowds of people in the distance, some dark cavalry appeared. More people have already dropped their spears, leaving only bows and sabers, completely out of formation.

With a sneer on his face, Ning Chengzu drew out his saber and pointed it at the sky.


The formation of the Cuirassier Regiment of the Fuhan Army is different from the usual ones. Each regiment has five cavalry squadrons, and each cavalry squadron has 300 people. It can be used as an independent tactical unit, and each cavalry unit has three to four cavalry companies. composition.

After Ning Chengzu gave the order, the entire [-]-horse team was lined up according to the squadrons in the regiment, and each company in the squadron was changed into four small columns, which were lined up one after the other to form two larger columns. The horizontal team is like a long wave, and the scene is very majestic and spectacular.


Looking at the Fuhan Army cavalry lined up in a neat line in the distance, the fleeing Qing cavalry could not help but shrink their pupils. Those Eight Banners officers and leaders suddenly cried out secretly. The Fuhan Army cavalry on the opposite side was obviously unusual. The strength of the opponent can be seen from this formation.

You know, on the battlefield, the formation is very critical for both sides, especially for the horse army, the essence is not to just rush, but to use a more complete formation to destroy the opponent's formation , so as to completely destroy the opponent's command system, then this battle will be won.

Therefore, in the horse battle, maintaining the formation itself is a very critical factor, and the Qing army was in a state of being surrounded after a hard fight, and the formation was already extremely messy. Something is wrong.

However, it was difficult for the Qing army to rebuild its own command system in this environment. Therefore, the cavalry of the Fuhan army was almost like waves, directly washing away the cavalry of the Qing army, and the sabers in their hands were even more intertwined. Xiongfeng cut the Qing cavalry directly under the horse.

Ning Chengzu held his saber aloft, but he didn't let his cavalry shoot. The reason was simple. There was no need to use precious firearms to deal with the cavalry in front of him that had already collapsed. After all, there was no way to refill the ammunition immediately. You can only dismount and reload, it is better to charge directly with a saber.


Under the call of Ning Chengzu's fiery red banner, the cavalry of the Fuhan Army always maintained a complete formation. Their sharp sabers were like chopping melons and vegetables. There was only a moment of room for resistance, and more than a thousand riders fell down.

The Eight Banners cavalry itself is very good at riding and shooting, but the immediate environment makes them have no space for riding and shooting, and they have no chance to gather together. Whenever the Eight Banners cavalry try to gather together, the cavalry of the Fuhan Army will form a cavalry company. Or the way of the cavalry squadron, completely defeating them.

After several rounds of charging, the cavalry of the Fuhan Army almost cut down a large number of Eight Banners cavalry with very meager casualties, and the opponent had already gone through a very tragic fight. The core participating leaders and assistant leaders either died or fled, so the Eight Banners cavalry team had no hope of making a comeback. They had more than a thousand riders left, struggling hard under the saber of the Fuhan army
When the cavalry of the Fuhan Army chased and exterminated the Sengbao cavalry in the encirclement, the [-] Mongolian cavalry led by Dorji were also present. He watched the cavalry charge of the Fuhan Army almost completely, and couldn't help feeling deeply Taking a deep breath, judging from the current strength of the cavalry of the Fuhan Army, it doesn't look like a cutting-edge division at all.

The combined attack of the Fuhan army cavalry, coupled with the completeness of the formation, undoubtedly does not show that the strength of the Fuhan army cavalry is not inferior to the Mongols at all. Perhaps some of them are not very skilled in riding. He was a man who grew up on the prairie, but they completely concealed this through the cooperation of the group.

Among them, there is another thing that surprised Dolji, that is, the horses of the Fuhan Army seem to be better than he imagined. They all maintained a tight formation and did not show any flaws, which is actually very difficult to do.

Even the Mongolian cavalry are not good at formation, but with super endurance, they bite the enemy tightly and do not let go, just like wolves on the grassland, using time to defeat all powerful enemies.

However, the combined attack of the Fuhan army cavalry, coupled with the completeness of the formation, undoubtedly does not show that the strength of the Fuhan army cavalry is not inferior to the Mongols at all. Perhaps some of them are not very good at riding. They couldn't compare to the guys who grew up on the grassland, but they completely concealed this through the cooperation of the group.

Just as the Fuhan army was carrying out the final encirclement and suppression of the Eight Banners cavalry, the Mongolian cavalry finally completed its assembly, and almost everyone was waiting for Dorji's order to charge.

However, Dorje hesitated at this time. He no longer had the confidence to win. Although he always insisted that the number one cavalry in the world was the Mongolian cavalry, in front of the cavalry of the Fuhan Army, Dorzi believed that even if It is the Mongolian cavalry who can win the final victory, I am afraid that the price will become huge.

"It doesn't matter, you have to give it a try, otherwise you won't be able to deal with the emperor when you go back. If the Chu Ni cavalry is just a show, they have made this achievement. If the opponent is really tough, then they will leave immediately."

Dolji thought to himself, this seemingly simple and honest Mongolian man actually possesses wisdom and cunning that are not inferior to others.


For Dozier, once he made up his mind, he would not hesitate any longer, not to mention that he still had a small thought in his heart, that is, to launch a surprise attack while the Fuhan army's horsepower had not recovered.

As the saber in Dozier's hand slashed down fiercely, the Mongolian cavalry of more than [-] people followed Dozier and attacked in the direction of the Fuhan army. Since they were more than three miles away from the Fuhan army, Therefore, the speed has been pressed in front, and the horsepower will not be released until the last mile.

More than [-] Mongolian horse troops were running on the ground. They seemed to have seen the uniformity of the Fuhan cavalry before, and they were trying their best to keep their horses at the same speed. It is in stark contrast to the wall-like advance of the Fuhan army.

When the Mongolian cavalry began to mobilize, the cavalry regiment of the Fuhan Army also began to arrange their formation, and around them, the corpses of the Eight Banners cavalry were lying everywhere, and the pungent smell of blood almost told everyone that this place had just been There was a life-and-death strangulation battle.

Ning Chengzu wiped the blood from his face, showing a grim smile. He didn't let his soldiers use carbine guns and pistols before, mainly because he was worried that other Qing court horse troops would intervene. Now it really is time to wait. , and it seems that it is no worse than Seng Bao's horse army.

"Close the knife!"

Hearing a shout, all the soldiers of the Fuhan Army raised their sabers in unison, then wiped off the remaining blood on them with a coarse cloth, and then inserted the sharp blades back into the scabbards.

"Raise the gun!"

Seeing that the Mongolian cavalry began to gradually enter within one mile of the charge, there was another loud roar. Ning Chengzu and the other 800 cavalrymen pulled out the cavalry muskets on the horses and faced them from a distance. Follow the Mongolian cavalry that is about to charge.

In the era of muskets, the cuirassiers abandoned their long spears and chose cavalry muskets. Naturally, they would have a new set of tactics. Therefore, the cavalry of the Fuhan Army still maintained a calm posture when facing the opposite Mongolian cavalry charge. The breastplate made of fine steel shone dazzlingly in the sun.

The speed of the Mongolian cavalry is getting faster and faster. They have even started to lean on their horses, holding their spears, like falcons, staring at the cavalry of the Fuhan Army who are in formation on the opposite side, fantasizing about thrusting their spears hard. into the opponent's chest.

Seeing that the speed of the Mongolian cavalry began to increase to the peak, the fiery red flag in Ning Chengzu's hand began to wave. Nearly [-] Fuhan army cavalry kept a neat pace, held the lances in their hands, and began to move slowly. Force charge.

When Dolji saw the cavalry of the Fuhan army starting to exert their strength, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, because in cavalry combat, it is very important to grasp the speed, and with the current distance, it is impossible to wait until the Fuhan army The generals will give them a chance to increase their speed, and then they will use the peak charging speed to pick the cavalry on the opposite side into skewers.

According to the traditional way of cavalry battles, the Mongolian cavalry's thinking is naturally accurate. Only speed can represent everything. Whoever is faster will be able to insert a spear into the opponent's chest, while those who are slower will only have a dead end.

At this time, Dolzi even thought that the cavalry in front of him was not the same army as the cavalry just now, because the former played the art of cavalry to a desperate degree, while the latter seemed to have become A farmer who has never been on a battlefield.

But no matter what the reason was, Dorzi no longer thought about it, because he had already firmly grasped the victory, and even if Changshengtian came, he couldn't keep the cavalry in front of him.

However, when the distance between the two sides was only a short hundred steps away, the cavalry of the Fuhan Army did not panic at all. They seemed to have not paid attention to the charge of the Mongolian cavalry at all, which made Dorji's heart flash Had an ominous premonition.

"Bang bang bang-"

With a roar, the cavalrymen of the Fuhan Army fired in unison. Amidst the huge roar, white mist completely enveloped their figures. Besides, there were more than 2000 black bullets that shot towards the enemy. The Mongolian cavalry rushed fiercely.

The Mongolian cavalry that rushed to the front almost seemed to hit an invisible wall. A large amount of blood splashed from the horses that rushed to the front, and they fell to the ground one after another. Go up, and as if in a chain reaction, the Mongolian cavalry in the second and third rows also fell down one after another.

Although Dolji also rushed to the front, but for some reason, a large number of cavalrymen beside him fell down, but he himself did not fall down, and at this time he also saw the Fuhan army on the opposite side, In their hands was a smoking musket.

"Guan Ning cavalry? How is this possible?"

Different from others, Dorzi has a background after all. He once heard about such a cavalry fighting with muskets from the mouth of the family elders, but the opponent seems to be much stronger than the Guanning Army
There was a trace of bloodthirsty on Ning Chengzu's face. He put the musket in the holster, and then pulled out the two six-shot handguns hanging on the saddle. In this way, the weapons in everyone's hands were replaced by short pistols in an instant, but this scene surprised the surviving Mongolian cavalry on the opposite side.

What the hell is this monster?

(End of this chapter)

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