Cutting 1719

Chapter 486 The Battle of Eight Mile Bridge

Chapter 486: The Battle of the Eight Mile Bridge ([-])
Among the Fuhan army, the cuirassier regiment has almost become a legend, because everyone is curious about what the 500-man cavalry regiment with a budget equal to a main division looks like.
Since the Cuirassier Regiment is a military secret, only the Privy Council and relevant personnel of the Cavalry Regiment know the real detailed information, and for them, the cost of each person in the Cuirassier Regiment is a lot of money number.

For the cavalry of each cuirassier regiment, each of their horses, muskets, sabers, and double guns on the horse, as well as the iron helmets and breastplates on their bodies, cost a lot of money, and these people themselves The training cost is a frightening bottomless pit.

In order to train these two cavalry regiments, the Privy Council had to cancel the formation plan of the two main divisions with great pain, and even made some calculations in the emperor's inner treasury, and then barely completed the establishment of the three thousand cavalry .

Of course, now on the battlefield, all the efforts we have made together have yielded results.

When a large number of Mongolian horses fell, the Fuhan army did not stop their footsteps. They put the muskets back into the holsters very skillfully, then pulled out the two repeating handguns hanging under the saddle, and moved towards The following Mongol cavalry began to shoot.

"Only hit people, not horses!"

Looking at the horses sitting on the horses of the Mongolian cavalry, Ning Chengzu was more or less distressed. He knew the origin of the Arabian horses he was sitting on. They were all bought by the emperor from overseas with a lot of money. That's one less horse!
Although the war horse breeding program has already started, Ning Chengzu didn't think about it in that direction at all. After all, according to horse breeding experts, if you want a truly mature war horse, you need to achieve a real large-scale breeding. There is no time for ten years. Can't get down.

Therefore, from the beginning, Ning Chengzu thought about whether he could capture some good horses from the Mongolian cavalry, so that in the future the battle would go on more, and the two cuirassier regiments of himself would not have no horses to ride.
When the cavalrymen of the Fuhan Army heard the roar of their deputy division commander, they immediately understood. They moved their pistols up a bit, and aimed at the Mongolian cavalry on the horse. , I saw the charging Mongolian cavalry fell down from their horses like dumplings, leaving only some unowned horses continuing to charge forward.

When Dolji saw this scene, he almost exploded in anger. Do these people have any pride in being cavalrymen?First with muskets, then with pistols, and later throwing grenades?Can all real warriors fight duels with spears and sabers?
In fact, Ning Yu really didn't think about Dolji's idea. From the very beginning, he thought about whether cavalry could throw grenades, and use them as scoundrels who ran back after throwing them. But after all, grenades in this era, It was too cumbersome to use, and too inconvenient to operate right away, so I dispelled this sinister idea.

As for fighting one-on-one on the battlefield like a man?I'm sorry, Ning Yu has never had such an aboveboard idea, as long as he can win, he can choose to do whatever he can.

Just after the handguns in the hands of the Fuhan army were finished, the cavalry put the handguns back into the holsters and drew out their bright sabers again. At this time, the Mongolian cavalry was almost defeated by several layers of cavalry. There are almost only more than 5000 desperate cavalry left.

With five thousand against three thousand, it seems that the Qing army has the upper hand, but on the battlefield at this time, no one would make such a calculation, because the morale of the two sides is completely different, and the Fuhan army is in the highest state , and the Mongolian cavalry is only the last straw left to collapse.

Ning Chengzu knew that the opportunity should not be missed, he just raised the saber in his hand and roared loudly: "Come on! Destroy them completely!"

More than [-] cavalrymen of the Fuhan Army drew out their sharp sabers and held them straight forward. The sharp edge of the saber almost gave people a gloomy feeling, with the taste of death, and rushed towards the front. Mongolian cavalry.

Almost in an instant, the two sides collided completely. The confrontation of spears and sabers made each other have no room to retreat. It was only for a moment that a large number of cavalry on both sides fell directly to the horses. The cruelty can be seen .

During the progress of the cavalry, both sides will form a melee situation. They hope to pass through the opponent's formation staggered, slow down and meet the nearest enemy cavalry, so as to cut the opponent under the horse. At this time, the rider's attack on the horse Control, as well as the use of the saber, will directly determine the key factors of cavalry close combat.

In terms of equestrianism, the Fuhan army is indeed inferior to the Mongols, but their formation is more complete, so the gap in this aspect has not been exposed. In addition to the skills of the two sides, the Fuhan army also has the ability to compete with sabers and spears. They are protected by breastplates and helmets, so at the moment of confrontation, they have an absolute advantage-most of the cavalry who fell off their horses were in Mongolian vests.

After this round of melee confrontation, the morale of the almost crushed Mongolian cavalry collapsed completely. Facing the re-charged Fuhan cavalry, they did not continue to choose to fight, but strangled their horses and began to retreat. In this kind of battle, once someone can't hold on and chooses to evacuate, then the collapse of others will become inevitable.

Dorji was unable to save the current situation. He could only break out of the Qing army camp in the distance under the protection of his guards, and the sabers of the Fuhan army only followed the weather and began to harvest the last remaining Mongolian cavalry. Once there are signs of regrouping on the opposite side, they will immediately charge again like a storm
Bali Bridge, the camp of the Qing Army.

Yongzheng looked at the sun that was gradually turning to the west, and his expression had always been very dignified. The result of today's battle almost made him very frustrated. The new army that worked so hard did not show the desired effect, and the original horse army It seemed that something was not going well, and these results made him a little out of breath.

Perhaps, right now, we can only see if Dolzi's cavalry can bring him hope of victory. If he can win, then maybe he can continue to grit his teeth and fight
After a long time, a ginseng leader of the Eight Banners hurried in from outside the tent. His body was almost stained red with blood. He didn't know whether he knelt down or fell to the ground, but everyone was stunned.

"Report to the emperor, the Sengbao horse team has been wiped out, and the Dorji horse team has been frustrated for a long time, and is now fleeing towards the camp."

There was a bang, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which made Yongzheng feel dizzy. In one day, almost 1 horse troops were sent out, plus more than [-] new army elites fought like this. He, Yongzheng, was the biggest prodigal son of the Qing Dynasty, right? !

"How could this be so? Didn't I ask Dolji to take over the Sengbao horse army? How could the whole army be wiped out?" When he said this, Yongzheng never thought that his original order was to destroy the Fuhan army the cavalry.
Of course, no one dared to refute, even the bloody Eight Banners can only mourn: "Your Majesty, the Chu Ni Cavalry took out muskets and pistols. "

Speaking of it, the leaders of the Eight Banners did not completely tell the truth. The Fuhan cavalry did use muskets and pistols to defeat a large number of Mongolian cavalry, but in the final close combat, the Mongolian cavalry was still beaten by the Fuhan cavalry It's a mess, but these things should not be mentioned to the emperor.
How else?If you can't beat muskets and guns, you can't beat the cavalry?There is no way to say this, so it can only be regarded as a muddled account.

When the ministers heard the news, their expressions changed instantly, and their faces were ashen. They really didn't expect that the battlefield would collapse so quickly. It seemed that the years of hard work before that were like a house made of paper , was poked down lightly.

Among all the people, Xibao looked the most terrified. According to the situation of responsibility, it seems that he is most responsible for the Qing army, and the responsibility cannot be traced to Emperor Yongzheng.
Thinking of this, Xi Bao quickly knelt on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the army is defeated right now, but we can't continue to procrastinate for a long time. Once night falls, I'm afraid Chu Ni will have other moves."

The other ministers of the Military Aircraft Department in the tent nodded one after another. They were really scared. The endless tricks of the Fuhan Army almost made them puzzled. Let alone criticizing the frontline soldiers for their ineffectiveness in fighting, even if they were asked to do it themselves, there was nothing they could do. In the face of so many fancy means to seek benefits.

Therefore, when Xibao claimed to withdraw his troops, Xu Yuanmeng also knelt down in a hurry and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the outcome of this battle may not be determined in a short period of time, and we need to be cautious."

Seeing that the commanding generals and military ministers beside him wanted to strike first, Yongzheng seemed to find some brilliance in his bewildered expression.

"That's right. Withdraw the troops and let the army withdraw from Zhangjiawan one by one and station at Baliqiao"

Yongzheng swallowed a lot of pills before issuing the order to withdraw the troops in a panic. His face that was originally red turned pale now.
At the end of the whole day of fighting, the Fuhan army won an unimaginable victory. They wiped out the two ten-thousand-man horse teams of the Qing army, and completely wiped out the Eight Banners New Army and one town in Zhangjiatang. During that time, a full 3 people were lost, while the casualties of the Fuhan Army were only more than [-].

In the minds of all the soldiers of the Fuhan Army, this is an acceptable number of casualties. After all, as long as the fight continues like this, the Qing Dynasty will be finished, and the Fuhan Army will be able to truly take over the world. They will all become big A meritorious official, he was appointed an official and a nobleman by Emperor Ning.

In the camp of the Fuhan Army, the lights were brightly lit at this time, and teams of soldiers of the Fuhan Army were patrolling the camp. There were also a few divisions on the periphery that were also strictly guarding the line of defense to prevent the Qing army from using night raids, even though they had already He was completely beaten to the ground, but he still couldn't relax his vigilance a little bit.

In the commander's tent in the center of the camp, it was full of people at this time. Except for a few generals on patrol and on duty, all other senior generals had already arrived in the commander's tent, waiting for the emperor to give them instructions.

Now that the war has come to this day, no one has any doubts about the victory, but when everyone thinks that they can truly become the masters of the world, they are a little rejoiced.

Ning Yu was wearing a big cloak, and he stood in the center of the handsome tent, looking at the generals who followed his birth and death, his face was slightly dignified.

"Today's battle is a great victory for our army, and it is inseparable from the sacrifices of all of you. We must properly collect the remains of all the soldiers who died in this battle. In the future, we will need to bury them in the Loyal Soul Temple in Nanjing. Enjoy the endless incense in future generations."

In the city of Nanjing, beside the imperial mausoleum is the Zhonghun Temple, where tens of thousands of gods are placed, all of which are soldiers of the Fu-Han Army who died in battle over the years. incense.

In Ning Yu's view, although these are a bit formalistic, they are not as good as the real rewards of farmland and money, but he also understands the need to establish a hope for everyone. That hope does not belong to those brothers who are still alive, but to those who fought Dead brothers, let them find the meaning of their own existence.

Now that the Northern Expedition has come and gone, even though the Fuhan Army has lost very little, they still have to erect more than [-] gods in the Loyal Soul Temple. Ning Yu can't keep everyone alive, but in these matters, he doesn't want Regrets.

Everyone's emotions seemed to be infected by Ning Yu. They stabilized the water bowls in their hands, lowered their heads slightly, and the atmosphere of the handsome tent suddenly became a little sad.

Ning Yu wiped the corners of his eyes, picked up the water bowl in his hand again, and said with a moved expression, "The army is out on an expedition, and it is not suitable to drink alcohol. Today, I will use water instead of wine to see them off."

All the generals in the commander's tent stood up, holding a bowl of water in their hands, and everyone looked solemn.

"I respect the heroic spirits who died in battle!"

"Respect the charcoal creatures!"

Ning Yu splashed some water on the ground, and then said loudly: "The respect in the middle, the conscience in the world!"

Everyone picked up the water bowls in their hands and drank it in one gulp. Although it is not wine, for some reason, it can have a truly intoxicating effect.

After several years of fighting and fighting, not everyone can get a result, but what they need is not just the result in the future history books, they also need something with flesh and blood.

Ning Yu's eyes were a little red, he looked around the crowd, and smashed the empty bowl in his hand to the ground.

"Let's go to battle tomorrow, and follow Lao Tzu into the capital!"

"Break into the capital and capture Yongzheng alive!"

"Break into the capital and capture Yongzheng alive!"

The crowd cheered and chanted this slogan in unison, but it gradually spread from the handsome tent to the surrounding camps. All the soldiers were shouting this sentence, perhaps only this sentence can stretch them. Inner pride and ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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