Cutting 1719

Chapter 487 The Battle of Eight Mile Bridge

Chapter 487: The Battle of Eight Mile Bridge ([-])
When the sun gradually rose from the horizon, the Fuhan Army's army of nearly 10 people had already begun to march towards the Bali Bridge. During the march, everyone carried long muskets on their backs. The light was reflected from below, and the fiery red military flag was fluttering in the wind, as if it had dyed the world with a layer of red.

The soldiers of the Fuhan Army walked in a uniform pace, and tightly pursed their lips. For them, after a long period of training, maintaining a neat alignment has almost become something in their blood. , Unconsciously expressing rejection, but these people who reject will also have a whip to teach them to be human.

Ning Yu was wearing a big cloak and riding a red horse. Surrounded by generals, he inspected the marching soldiers. His face was a little tired. After all, he had been staying up all night dealing with government affairs, and he didn't have much Break time.

Of course, for the emperor, he naturally has a chariot in the army, and there is no need to ride a horse all day long, but Ning Yu has always insisted on riding a horse. He has given orders before, regardless of civil and military officials at all levels and clan Nobility are not allowed to travel in sedan chairs, but are only allowed to ride horses or cars, and in times of war, they are only allowed to ride horses.

The reason is very simple. In Ning Yu's view, using human power as a livestock horse not only involves the dignity of ordinary people, but also a great waste of human power. Therefore, only horses or carriages are allowed. It seems too cumbersome and not flexible enough, so only horseback riding is allowed.

With Ning Yu leading by example, so were the senior officials in the Fuhan Army. They all followed Ning Yu on horseback, and even Cui Wancai, the second assistant to the cabinet, did not choose to ride.

As the sun gradually rose, there was a sound of hoofbeats in the distance. It was the sentry of Ning Chu's army. Each of them had two horses, so they could maintain the physical strength of their horses for a long time, which was suitable for spying on the intelligence of the army. .

"Your Majesty, the artillery positions of the Qing army have been detected by our cavalry. They have moved to the direction of Dingfuzhuang. The cavalry of the Qing army is on the side. It seems that there are other actions."

When everyone heard the news, they were not surprised at all. The battle yesterday was vivid in their minds. The Qing army lost more than half of their artillery in the artillery battle between the two sides, so naturally they will not continue the artillery battle today.

Ning Yu smiled slightly. The gap between the two sides is not only reflected in the firearm itself, but also in many invisible places.

Just like the production of firearms on both sides, the Fuhan Army’s daily production is enough for the Qing court to produce for a month or two. Another example is personnel training. The military academies established by Ningchu in various places send a large amount of firearms to the army every year. Professional artillery personnel, and the artillery training of the Qing army is almost the traditional thing.

Therefore, due to the follow-up support and supplies, the Fuhan army has the confidence to bear greater losses on the battlefield, while the Qing army cannot afford the loss at all. After all, the output is so much, and once the capital is lost, Shengjing alone will firearms production, they can't even replenish their existing firearms very well
"Looking at this, Yongzheng probably felt guilty."

Holding up the binoculars, Ning Yu looked at the Qing army's camp on the opposite side, and muttered: "The only thing that can restrict the Qing army's thinking now should be the Eight Banners and a large amount of property that are still in the capital. Maybe we won’t be able to fight until people have almost withdrawn.”

With the support of the powerful intelligence system of the Fuhan army, the current movements of the Qing army are not secret. After all, the people of the Eight Banners who move out of the city every day are not fake. In addition to the population, there are also a lot of food, property and other information. Everything was gathered on Ning Yu's desk in detail.

There was a trace of solemnity on Ning Zhongyi's face, "The Privy Council has already made preparations for this matter. The No.15 Division, No.17 Division, No.18 Division and No.20 Division have already moved to Liaodong. Cooperate with the imperial guards in Liaodong to form the Liaodong Group Army, directly capture Shengjing, and completely cut off the dream of the Qing court."

Everyone couldn't help laughing. If Yongzheng thought that the Fuhan army would choose to stop in the pass, he would be wrong. The previous landing was just to completely cut off the retreat of the Qing army, but this time it was Liting sweeping the hole.
Yongzheng, who didn't know that he was about to be swept away by Liting, summoned the generals of the Eight Banners in this battle to discuss the specific details of this battle.

Especially Emperor Yongzheng, after yesterday's disastrous defeat, especially after the Ma Jun's disastrous defeat, he has basically lost his fighting spirit. If Ning Chu hadn't only accepted unconditional surrender, he might have wanted to send him The messenger of peace.
Not only Emperor Yongzheng, but the other Eight Banners generals also looked listless. Yesterday's battle made them have a clearer understanding of the combat power of the Fuhan Army, and they couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Xi Bao said in a low voice: "My Majesty, today's battle may involve the Russians, and we cannot give them the land for nothing."

Prince Zhuang Yunlu glanced at Xibao, and felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. What he said seemed to be a big sin in the past, so he could only say in a low voice: "When the treaty was signed, the Russian envoy had already agreed to send troops, but they also said However, on the battlefield, after all, I am the Eight Banners."

Yongzheng nodded slightly. In fact, what he valued was not the [-] Russian soldiers in the capital, but the distant Russian Empire. Therefore, he did not force the Russians to directly join the battlefield. In the battle of the Eight Banners, if we are unable to defeat the enemy, we will send Russians to help us."

"Hey, Your Majesty, the servant obeys the order."

Xi Bao had a wry smile in his heart, if he could win the fight, then of course there would be no need to talk about it, but right now it was obvious that he couldn't beat it.

Yongzheng looked at the crowd for a moment, and finally sighed with a little firmness in his tone.

"The fate of the Qing Dynasty, let's fight here!"

Since the Han army occupied Zhangjiawan of the Qing army in the battle yesterday, the defense line of the Qing army at Baliqiao is not very meaningful. At present, only a part of the troops occupy it. Instead, the main force is placed in Dingfuzhuang, and here It will be the last key fulcrum for the Fuhan army to march into the capital.

However, unlike yesterday, today the Qing army has obviously prepared their formations in advance. The 180 new troops have formed a large horizontal formation according to the towns of the Eight Banners. The soldiers were still carrying eagle-billed guns on their shoulders, and more than [-] artillery pieces of various types were lined up in front of the formation, which was somewhat imposing.

After all, the Eight Banners new army guarding Zhangjiawei yesterday was not large in number, and their scale and momentum could not reach today's state. However, when this scene fell into the eyes of the Fuhan army, not many people put this army on the spot. in the eyes.

Because through yesterday's one-day battle, the Fuhan Army has basically figured out the strength of the new army in front of it-too many people in the Eight Banners New Army have never fought in battle, and their understanding of tactics is basically zero. On the surface, it looks like a strong team, but in fact it can only be regarded as a show at best.

According to the evaluation of the staff department, the Eight Banners New Army of the Qing Army was not because its firearms were not good enough, but because there were problems in its training and command, so that it did not realize its true potential. Simply put, it was responsible for training the entire Eight Banners New Army. The person is just an amateur rookie.
If Emperor Yongzheng heard this comment, he would have mixed feelings, because the original Pingjun King Narsu was in charge of training the entire Eight Banners new army. Later, although many Western missionaries were invited as instructors, they were not real military officers, nor did they have real training power.

Therefore, the Eight Banners New Army claims to be a new army, but in fact the real change is only in the weapons, and the rest are old things that have been changed without changing the medicine, so that they were directly and completely defeated by the Fuhan Army yesterday with the same strength.
Of course, the real rookies on the battlefield are either dead or unconscious, so the overall morale of the New Eight Banners Army has not plummeted, and they still maintain considerable confidence in themselves—as for the newcomer that was wiped out by the entire army yesterday. Army, it is purely improper command.

But self-confidence is self-confidence, everyone is still quite nervous, and many people are holding the guns with sweaty hands. They looked at the boundless Fu-Han army, and they began to approach slowly with neat steps, and suddenly felt a little dry .

"These damn barbarians don't know if they can survive today"

"Hmph, sir, I want to make great achievements on the battlefield. If today's battle is won, the title will also be promoted in the future!"

"I heard that the bayonets of those traitors are very powerful. When we fought yesterday, none of us were opponents alone!"

"Nonsense, the Eight Banners are less than ten thousand, and ten thousand are invincible. We used to be inferior to people with firearms. When have we ever been afraid of fighting with knives?"

"That's right, our current eagle-billed guns are much stronger than the bird guns of the past!"

Seeing the people below start to mutter, Xi Bao couldn't help but take a deep breath, it seems that the big guy is still quite relaxed in his heart, this is good, this is how we can fight!
Just looking at the soldiers of the Fuhan Army who were slowly advancing across the street, Xibao still felt a little unwilling. If they had artillery like that of the Fuhan Army, they would be able to fire at this distance.
"Report to Your Majesty, the Artillery Command has assembled the artillery from all divisions of the army, a total of more than [-] artillery pieces, divided into three positions, and they are all in place, ready to fire at any time!"

A major general of the Fuhan Army stepped forward. He was the commander in charge of the artillery group, Huang Deyang. He was a scholar general from the Fuhan Army Lecture Hall.

In the current Fu-Han military system, the role of artillery is becoming more and more important. Coupled with the improvement of the military training system, the artillery has also moved from the Ning Tieshan era to a more professional new era, and Huang Deyang is a typical example. The scholar sent the general to be in charge of the professional command of the entire artillery group.

Ning Yu nodded slightly. At present, the Fuhan Army has nine divisions with more than 8 people concentrated on the frontal battlefield. Strictly according to the full number of calculations, the artillery of the entire army should be around 300 pieces. Only the large-caliber artillery of the division was assembled, so there were only more than [-] pieces, and there were hundreds of small-caliber artillery and mortars, which were used as the infantry regiment and battalion level.

"let's start!"

Following Ning Yu's order, a major officer of the Artillery Headquarters, with a slightly dignified expression, raised the red flag in his hand in parallel, and then swung it down violently.


Hundreds of artillery roared under the command, and thick white smoke rose instantly, covering the artillery positions of the Fuhan Army, while hundreds of black flowering bullets drew beautiful arcs, smashing To the Qing army's position.

A large number of flowering bombs smashed into the formation of the Eight Banners New Army, and the continuous explosions set off huge waves on the Qing army's position. Countless pieces of iron were almost like a shower, sweeping away the soldiers of the Eight Banners New Army. A large piece fell, and the blood almost flowed like a river, mixed with the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, giving off a pungent smell
Amidst the rumbling of cannons, the Eight Banners new army naturally would not continue to be beaten. Under the command of the new army generals, they began to move towards the direction of the Fuhan army, but many people had turned pale, and they were even more worried about their own safety. With some despair.

Finally, the artillery of the Qing army began to roar. There were only more than 180 small and medium-caliber artillery. , the casualties caused were almost superficial.
The distance between the Fuhan army and the Qing army began to gradually decrease, and the artillery battles between the two sides began to become more intense. The Fuhan army approached two hundred artillery pieces and had already set their targets on the Qing army artillery positions, and a large number of them bloomed. The bullets directly covered it, but it destroyed dozens of Qing army artillery pieces, forcing the remaining Qing army artillery pieces to find ways to move their positions.
"Your Majesty, our artillery can't reach it. If we continue to fight, the whole army will be wiped out. Let the new army speed up!"

The Eight Banners New Army Artillery Association Commander Rong Li's face was blue and white. This feeling of being crushed and beaten is really useless. The key is that there is no way to resist.

Yongzheng had a panoramic view of the battle from the beginning to the end, his face was a little dark, he waved his hand, and said in a low voice: "Let the new army hurry up to fight, and tell Funing'an to make preparations in advance!"

Hearing Yongzheng's arrangement, Xu Yuanmeng quickly knelt down, "Your Majesty, the new army can fight, and the [-] Manchurian cavalry led by Funing'an must not move. Otherwise, how will we cover the emperor's withdrawal to Shengjing in the future?"

The ministers also knelt on the ground in agreement. The Qing court had [-] cavalry before the war, but [-] of them were at Xifengkou, and they lost almost [-] cavalry yesterday. The cavalry has been unified, led by Fu Ning'an, and will be used as capital for Yongzheng and the ministers to run away in the future, so they must not move.

Yongzheng's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "Since we want to fight this battle, we must do our best, otherwise why bother with Chu Ni here?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was speechless. After all, Yongzheng still had a gambling mentality. He would never step down and admit defeat if he didn't lose until the end. Who can persuade gamblers to stop?
(End of this chapter)

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