Cutting 1719

Chapter 488 The Battle of Eight Mile Bridge

Chapter 488: Battle of Eight Mile Bridge ([-])
Dingfuzhuang, a village that was not very famous in the past, has now become a witness to a great war.

In the continuous sound of gunfire, the thick white smoke enveloped the entire battlefield, coupled with the snow on the ground, it seemed that there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere, except for the red and black on the battlefield, which were intertwined. Only then does it give people a strong sense of visual impact.

The Eight Banners new army was dressed in cotton armor of various colors, so their figures were very eye-catching. A large number of Eight Banners soldiers lined up in a neat horizontal formation, carrying muskets and marching towards the direction of the Han army with difficulty, while the fiery red phalanx in the distance, They are also coming in the direction of the Qing army, and the distance between the two sides is gradually shrinking.

"Two hundred steps"

"One Hundred Steps"

"Eighty Steps"

The Fuhan army formed a neat three-row formation, and the long line almost traversed the entire battlefield. They held their muskets flat, moved their fingers, and their faces looked a little red in the cold weather, full of solemnity.


"Bang bang bang-"

Following the orders of the officers of the Fuhan Army, the soldiers of the Fuhan Army who were squatting in front of the first row immediately pulled the trigger. Accompanied by a burst of violent gunshots, one by one among the soldiers in the front row of the Eight Banners New Army on the opposite side Bloodlines splashed out immediately, and many soldiers fell directly into the snow.


Before the Qing army could react, the soldiers of the Fuhan army in the second row also fired. The thick white smoke made many soldiers cough a few times, but no one paid attention to this at this time. There was silence on the face of the person, only to see that the other party fell down a large number again.

"Bang bang bang-"

When the row of soldiers standing at the end of the Fuhan army opened fire, the Qing army finally reacted and chose to fire one after another. However, compared to the uniform firing of the Fuhan army, the Qing army's shooting was more or less chaotic, but due to The number was large, so the Fuhan army laid down many soldiers.

The officers of the Fuhan Army kept shouting orders, and the ammunition in their hands was obviously loaded very fast. Compared with the slow soldiers of the Qing Army, the Fuhan Army fired much more frequently and accurately. , When the soldiers of the Fuhan Army fired a second salvo, the Eight Banners New Army was still loading ammunition.

But at this moment, almost many people saw that something was wrong. With the current rate of fire and accuracy of the Fuhan army, not to mention that the Qing army was not more numerous than them, even if there were more, it would be useless-you can only fight for two rounds. One round, this is double the difference in firepower, and counting the difference in accuracy, it means that if the fight continues like this, the casualties of the Fuhan army will be far less than that of the Qing army.

"go ahead!"

Apparently, people in the Qing army also saw this problem. Xi Bao coldly issued an order to advance, and with the sound of intensive drumbeats, the soldiers of the Qing army finally stopped this unnecessary consumption. They loaded the projectiles, But he didn't shoot, but walked towards the Fuhan army. .

Ning Zhongyi, who was commanding at the forefront, could naturally see the purpose of the Qing army. He sneered, but continued to order the soldiers of the Fuhan army to start shooting in bursts. After all, the current distance of [-] steps was enough for the Fuhan army to fight for two more rounds or even to Three rounds.

However, the morale of the Eight Banners New Army was high after all. They were not frightened by the heavy casualties, but continued to walk firmly and quickly, almost turning a blind eye to the fired bullets. Once someone fell, there would be follow-up Other soldiers took their place.

"Fifty Steps"

"Forty Steps"

Finally, at thirty paces, the Eight Banners New Army finally stopped. They held their muskets flat and pulled the trigger almost at the same time as the Fuhan Army. But at such a short distance, a large number of people from both sides fell down at the same time. People—just this round of shooting, under the influence of distance, caused even more tragic casualties than the previous round.

Ning Yu, who was watching the battle from a distance, was startled suddenly, with a sneer on his face, the progress of the Eight Banners is fast enough, they have already started to try such a unique skill of shooting at thirty steps, and they really can't underestimate these people
In fact, Ning Yu also misunderstood. Now that the Eight Banners are facing life and death, a group of such elites will naturally emerge, but these people are not really not afraid of death, but the tone in their hearts has not been completely suppressed. .

"Go on the bayonet!"

After the two sides fired at thirty paces, the officers of the Fuhan army roared loudly. They hung up the bayonets on their waists, locked the buckles, and then put the bayonet-mounted muskets on the ground. Amidst the endless rumble of artillery fire, they rushed towards the Eight Banners New Army.

The Eight Banners New Army had long planned to fight hand-to-hand, and tens of thousands of people rushed up at the same time. The two sides almost collided with each other, and a fierce melee fight was launched. It made people shudder to hear it.


Everyone's eyes were blood red, looking at the enemy in front of them, they used their innate courage to fight fiercely. Bayonets, spears, waist knives and even teeth became their weapons, and blood splattered everywhere. Soldiers killing each other can be seen everywhere.

Of course, not all the troops have been strangled. For example, the Qing army still has 5000 cavalry, while the Fuhan army has bomb-throwing battalions for each division. There are about [-] people, and there are also guards Of the [-] cavalry of the division, nearly [-] were cuirassiers.

On paper, the remaining armies on both sides are about the same, but the front line is not evenly matched. There are at least [-] Fuhan troops, and they are already pressing down on the [-] new Eight Banners. Judging from the comparison of combat power, the collapse of the Eight Banners of the New Army has basically become a foregone conclusion
Shouts of killing everywhere enveloped the battlefield, but the situation on the battlefield became more and more unfavorable for the Qing army. The tens of thousands of Eight Banners new troops in the front were almost suppressed and beaten from the beginning to the end, and there was no way to launch a half-point counterattack.

But Emperor Yongzheng, who was watching the battle at this time, became more and more gloomy. The infantry and infantry were unable to defeat the infantry, the artillery and artillery were unable to defeat them, and now even the horse army could not defeat them.
"Your Majesty, looking at this style of play, we need to think about it earlier."

Xu Yuanmeng appeared here at an inopportune time. He knelt on the ground with a look of despair on his face. This battle might be even worse than yesterday's loss.

Yongzheng remained silent, slowly closed his eyes, his voice was as hard as iron stone.

"I haven't lost yet, the front line is still fighting, Xibao and the others are still not defeated. What's more, my soldiers have all gone up, and Ning's soldiers have also gone up. As long as we persist until the end, how can there be no chance of victory?"

Having said that, all the ministers of the Military Aircraft Department present couldn't help but sighed in unison, looking at the frontal battlefield that could no longer withstand it. really useful?
Xu Yuanmeng didn't dare to say anything more, so he could only observe the situation on the battlefield hard. Once it was irreversible, he would persuade the emperor to leave the battlefield even if he tried his best to remonstrate.

After all, once the army was defeated like a mountain, Yongzheng would be in danger. It would be fine if he died on the battlefield, but what if he was captured?What should the fourth elder brother who is far away in Shengjing do?
While everyone was silent, the hand-to-hand combat on the battlefield became more and more fierce. The formation of the Eight Banners new army gradually began to deform, and a large number of Eight Banners new troops began to retreat steadily. Some people even ran towards the rear. What do you think? They are all signs of impending collapse.

Of course, the generals in the Eight Banners also took their personal guards to kill the deserters and stabilize the crumbling formation. However, the front line could not withstand the fierce attack of the Fuhan army after all, and it was only a matter of time before it collapsed again.
In this cruel and heinous close combat, the fronts of both sides are almost full of soldiers. Once someone flees, it means that the opponent can pass through these gaps to outflank in turn, and the defense line will also be closed. It will then completely collapse.

Therefore, judging from the current situation, the collapse of the Qing army is almost inevitable, it is only a matter of time, and more importantly, Yongzheng no longer has the strength to continue to invest in the front, he is now facing two choices, One is to choose to withdraw the troops and lead the remaining more than 1 cavalry directly to Xifengkou, regardless of the life and death of the Eight Banners on the battlefield. The other is to choose a desperate fight and go straight to Huanglong.

Amid the anxious expressions of the courtiers in the Qing court, Yongzheng finally let out a sigh of relief. He had already figured it out, or in other words, there were no two answers from the beginning, and he had no choice but to fight.

The reason is very simple, once Yongzheng abandons the tens of thousands of Eight Banners New Army, the Eight Banners group that already had cracks will also completely disintegrate. Each of them involves the core part of the Eight Banners, so to speak, is the heart.

Therefore, let's fight, only if we fight, will there be a way for all of them to survive.

"The bandit Ning is just like me now, only my personal guards are left to protect me. I think that since I want to fight, I will completely strangle the enemy chieftain and wipe out the future troubles for me!"

Yongzheng's face was very calm, he didn't hesitate at all, let alone worried, on the contrary, he seemed to have figured it out completely, and his tone was a bit decisive.

The rest of the Qing court ministers fell silent. Of course they did not fail to understand Yongzheng's meaning, but the madness represented behind it also made them feel palpitations from the bottom of their hearts.

Funing'an knelt down on the ground, with a few strands of gray in his hair, and said in a deep voice: "My Majesty, this servant is willing to lead the cavalry straight to the enemy chieftain, and cut off the dog's head of the bandit Ning!"

Yongzheng laughed loudly, his eyes no longer concealed himself as in the past, but revealed a bit of arrogance that rarely appeared on weekdays, and said coldly: "I know what Ning thief thinks, just like Ning thief also understands me. .I will never die with Da Qing, and I will never die with Ning thief."

"He is waiting on the opposite side, waiting for me to flee, waiting for me to flee here with the remnant army in despair, and then continue to escape to the outside of the pass!"

Yongzheng had a look of madness on his face, "But I won't be like this. Daqing has escaped enough and hid enough. I just want to lead people to rush in front of him. Even if I die, Shoot him yourself, too!"

All the people fell into silence, and then Xu Yuanmeng, the Minister of the Military Aircraft Department, knelt on the ground and saluted solemnly.

"Long live my emperor!"

The ministers shouted loudly that they all understood Yongzheng's thoughts. Under the current situation, it is not wrong to live, but it is never a bad choice to die in battle.

Yongzheng looked down upon the crowd, and drew out the long sword at his waist, which reflected a cold light.

"All ministers, follow me into battle!"

The horse troops in the Qing army's camp were dispatched with great momentum, and they did not hide the truth from the people on the battlefield, especially those new Eight Banners soldiers who were in the midst of fighting, and suddenly their momentum was lifted, because all of them knew that the emperor did not abandon them , you can continue to fight!

For a while, the soldiers of the Fuhan Army suddenly felt the fighting spirit of the Eight Banners. Although the opponent did not really get a bargain, the original momentum that was about to collapse was gradually reversed, which had to make the Fuhan Army feel a little tricky.

Through the binoculars, Ning Yu looked at the cavalry of the Qing army that had been reorganized and set off from the camp. At one point, the real key winner of today's battle is actually the Ma Jun along the way.

"It seems that Yongzheng is determined to eat me."

Ning Yu's voice was a little cold. Originally, in his plan, he only wanted to eat the tens of thousands of Eight Banners new troops on the battlefield right now. He had no real thoughts about the remaining horse troops on the other side, but Yongzheng's actions, But it made him a little interested.

Ning Zhongyi nodded slightly, held the binoculars with both hands and looked at it for a few times, and then said softly: "If according to the original estimate, our army won the Eight Banners new army today, even if the remaining 1 horse troops from Yongzheng came to attack us , There will only be back and forth." There was a lot of confidence in the tone.

The reason is also very simple. For today's Fuhan army, there are too many cards that can be used in their hands. Let alone the [-] bomb-gripping battalion, let's talk about the [-] cavalry that Ning Chu himself has. , would not worry about Yongzheng's horse army at all, let alone those rocket troops that were ready.

That's right, there are still 1 rockets in the camp right now. These rockets were originally prepared for Yongzheng's horse army. At least half of the people will die. By that time, in front of the Fuhan cavalry and grenadier battalion, what threat will the Qing cavalry still have?

When both sides were ready for the strongest blow, Gao Chengjie, standing on the frontier battlefield, was already covered in blood. The bayonet in his hand had been thrown away, and he replaced it with a saber. Hacking and killing wantonly, and there were seven or eight wounds on his body, all of which were extremely hideous, but on the battlefield at this time, it was nothing at all.

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Gao Chengjie was leaning on a long knife, with a bit of excitement on his face, because a very shocking scene appeared in front of him, it was hundreds of rockets, which were slowly rising into the sky.
(End of this chapter)

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