Cutting 1719

Chapter 489 The Battle of Eight Mile Bridge

Chapter 489: The Battle of Eight Mile Bridge ([-])
Under the winter sun, [-] cavalry charged. The hooves of the horses stepped on the hard frozen soil, bringing up bits and pieces of mud. They swallowed everything like a torrent, and in the middle of the cavalry , a huge yellow regiment dragon flag was erected high, leading everyone's attention.

"Serve the Qing Dynasty! Serve the Emperor!"

The old general Fu Ning'an, who was leading the army at the forefront, was full of anger. Looking at the battlefield in the distance, he kept roaring loudly, and made more Eight Banners disciples roar loudly together.

In the eyes of everyone, how powerful they are, perhaps in this world, no one dares to stand in front of them, even if there are people, they will be trampled into a pulp.

However, in the eyes of the Fuhan army, these cavalry have become a group of cold numbers. By calculating their density and quantity, they can calculate how many rockets are needed to achieve coverage. When the numbers become orders, then It will be the scariest scene in the world.

Under a cloud of thick white smoke, hundreds of rockets hit the charging Qing cavalry with the expectation of everyone in the Fuhan Army, and the continuous explosions almost drowned the Eight Banners cavalry. Iron flakes and stones splashed out, shooting down the Eight Banners cavalry one after another.
Almost at the same time, the artillery behind the Fuhan army also began to roar. Hundreds of cannons continued to roar, and one after another flowering bullets fell into the center of the Qing army's cavalry like raindrops. The explosion almost covered everything. All that remains is death and blood, desolation and sorrow all over the place.
The Eight Banners cavalry who rushed to the front were almost doomed. In such a tragic explosion, they became the first batch of victims. Almost everyone was shot down to the ground like rags. A small river, the pungent smell of blood makes everyone have a way to feel sick in their hearts
Yongzheng's expression was indifferent, and he didn't seem to have the slightest fear. He clenched the bow and arrow in his hand and leaned tightly on the horse. His eyes were full of concentration and firmness. He looked at the flag fluttering in the wind opposite, with a big "Chu" written on it. "Character.

He knew that Ning Yu was right under that flag.

Ning Yu looked at the cavalry charging on the opposite side. Although he couldn't see Yongzheng's figure, he knew in his heart that the opponent must be among the cavalry.

There is a saying that the person who understands you best in the world is probably not your confidant, but your enemy.

The same may be true for Ning Yu. Although he has not met Yongzheng, he also knows that this fourth child is always watching his every move. Once he reveals some flaws, he will rush over and bite him at all costs. a mouthful.

But would I give him such a chance?

The smile on the corner of Ning Yu's mouth gradually became cruel. He would not give Yongzheng half hope. Only letting him die in despair is the greatest respect for him.

"Order Ning Chengzu, tell him to intercept the Qing cavalry!"


A cavalryman received the order very quickly and galloped towards the area where the Fuhan army cavalry was located. He will pass the general order to the deputy division commander Ning Chengzu in the shortest possible time.

Ning Zhongyi looked at the cavalry of the Qing army rushing forward in the distance, and smiled in a low voice, "Your Majesty, it's okay if we kill Yongzheng, but what if we capture him alive?"

Ning Yu smiled slightly, but gradually turned his eyes to the distant battlefield, and shook his head lightly, "If it was someone else, I might believe that I could catch him, but Yongzheng would rather die than be caught by us." caught"

In fact, there is a sentence that Ning Yu did not say in his heart. When Ning Chu raised troops against the Qing Dynasty, everyone felt uncertain about the future, but Ning Yu himself was full of confidence. In fact, in his heart, he was also worried. At that time, he had already decided that if he was defeated, he would rather die than be captured by the Qing court.

Now that his status is different, Ning Yu can't help but sigh in his heart, presumably Yongzheng thinks the same way.
"Kill the thieves and redress the insurgency! Serve the Qing Dynasty!"

Veteran Funing'an, with his braids in his mouth, galloped all the way to the forefront surrounded by cavalry, but fortunately he was safe under the artillery of the Fuhan Army, while the cavalry around him changed after another. The crowd followed him all the way towards Ning Yu's direction.

For the Eight Banners cavalry, they had no other targets. Neither the fighting Fuhan army nor the artillery positions under protection could attract their attention. Everyone was staring at Ning. In their opinion, as long as the banner of Yu is cut down, the Qing Dynasty will still be saved!
The continuous roar sounded, but the more and more dense artillery did not defeat the Eight Banners Horse Army. They almost greeted the incoming bombs with a fearless attitude, and more people followed along. The corpse of Baqi continued to charge forward, and the sound of the ground-shaking horseshoes seemed to never stop.

Facing such a ferocious Eight Banners cavalry, anyone could not help but tremble, but for Ning Chengzu, he did not feel the slightest fear. The previous cavalry battles have proved that the cavalry of the Fuhan Army is stronger than Qing Dynasty. The army horse army is stronger and more advanced!
Ning Chengzu pulled out the bright saber hanging from the saddle, and there was not much nervous expression on his face, it seemed that the upcoming battle was not such a great thing for him.

"Everyone, did you have a good time killing yesterday!"


"Do you want to be happier today!"


The cavalrymen of the Fuhan Army let out roars of excitement. They were not at all afraid of the Qing army cavalry, on the contrary, they felt a little eager to try, especially those cuirassiers who had already fought yesterday, their eyes were even more addictive. The smell of blood.

"Okay, if that's the case." Ning Chengzu looked back at the many cavalry brothers, raised the saber in his hand high, and said coldly: "Brothers, come with me!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Tens of thousands of cavalry held their muskets flat. They formed a complete arrow, among which the cuirassiers formed the first half of the arrow, while the rest of the dragoons formed the second half of the arrow. Amidst the sound of cannons, he resolutely began to charge.

Seeing that the cavalry of the Fuhan Army also began to charge, Funing'an's face was a bit dignified. In his opinion, the battle between cavalry and infantry always had a somewhat condescending feeling, and only the battle between cavalry and cavalry The charge, the collision between the saber and the saber, is the real battle of the strong.


The charging posture of tens of thousands of war horses is always the most spectacular scenery in the world. They are riding on war horses, holding spears or muskets, with extremely excited faces.

"Bang bang bang-"

As the distance got closer and closer, the cavalrymen of the Fuhan Army chose to shoot decisively. A burst of white mist sprayed out, and rows of bullets shot out from the muzzle of the gun in an instant. In an instant, many people and horses fell directly to the ground, as if there was an invisible wall in front of them.

Funing'an's heart tightened, and he saw several bullets hit his horse, and then he was almost uncontrollable, and fell down directly with the horse. At this high-speed movement, no one could save him. He, and Funing'an soon realized the most terrifying thing.

Usually, in the process of charging, it is not uncommon for cavalrymen to fall off their horses, but it is very common, and every time they fall from their horses, it represents the most cruel situation, because a horse moving at high speed is not at all Unable to stop, the cavalry who charged later had no way to stop.

Stampede, endless trampled, Funing'an died here very quickly, and his body continued to be trampled by the horses until it turned into a pile of flesh that no one could tell the difference.

The Eight Banners vests didn't feel the slightest bit of distress, or they knew who the trampled old man in front of them was, but they couldn't stop at all. This was war, and perhaps, this was everyone's ultimate fate.

Amidst the sound of muskets, Ning Chengzu calmly put back his musket and replaced it with the six-shot pistol on both sides of the saddle. Counting people——Scenes like this are not uncommon, as did many soldiers of the Fuhan Army, shooting down the vests of the Qing Army one after another.

A series of flowering bullets, coupled with a series of muskets and pistols, almost made the Qing army vest lose other possibilities before it really came into contact with Ning Yu.

When the Eight Banners cavalry saw the weapons used by the Fuhan Army, almost everyone was yelling at them, but no matter how they yelled, it was difficult to undo the fact that they were shot down. Their eyes gradually became hopeless again.

With a somewhat satisfied smile on Ning Chengzu's face, he decided to give these so-called elite cavalry some more flair, then he put back the pistol and pulled out the saber hanging from the saddle. The cavalry were a little taken aback.


Countless cavalrymen of the Fuhan Army, with their sabers held flat in their hands, and with a bit of fanaticism on their faces, headed towards the vests of the Qing army. Wall advancement, whether it is musket or melee, it is difficult to become an opponent of people like myself.

Roaring all over the sky sounded again, and this time the Eight Banners Cavalry found out that their numbers were decreasing sharply, while the cavalry on the opposite side did not seem to decrease much at all. The neat and dense formation made the Eight Banners Cavalry feel a little chilly , They felt as if they were swept away by the wind and the clouds, and they were completely swept away.

The failure of the Qing army's cavalry was not accidental. It was just like the rise of Xiongqi on the frontal battlefield. The red, yellow, white, and blue soldiers of the new army of each banner were beaten to pieces and could no longer resist.
The last hope of the Qing Dynasty is gone!
(End of this chapter)

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