Cutting 1719

Chapter 495 Sacrifice to Chongzhen

Chapter 495 Sacrifice to Chongzhen
In the Privy Council, there are many ways to deal with prisoners of war, among which special execution is one method that will be used against some heinous prisoners of war, that is, to declare their crimes through wartime military courts, and then carry out punishment in the shortest possible time. its execution.

Generally speaking, prisoners of war who are eligible for special execution are not ordinary people. For example, in the Eight Banners, they must be at least a leader or above to be eligible. After the Battle of Baliqiao, the POW camp of the Fuhan Army accumulated such The number of prisoners of war was not large, probably only a little over 400 people.

Obviously, Zhai Li had heard about the special execution, he frowned slightly, but finally shook his head, sighed: "There is really a shortage of people right now, although they are all special execution, but It doesn't matter, I will greet the mine at that time."

The so-called greeting is to use it to death, and it will be over as soon as it is exhausted.

Meng Xiangen nodded, then greeted a group of soldiers, and led Zhai Li to the area where the prisoners were.

Seeing a large group of soldiers from the Fuhan Army approaching, the faces of those Tartars or Ertars showed a bit of nervousness, and then turned into a fierce look. Although they were all very depressed, their mouths But not at all shy.

"You savages, rebels, what will happen to you in the future!"

"Ning thief, your grandfather, I will never surrender!"

"Dog thief, traitor! A soldier can be killed, but not humiliated! Why don't I die for the Qing Dynasty!"

Seeing that the group of captives were still uttering wild words, Meng Xiang'en's face became a little ugly. He pointed to the most yelling number among them, and said coldly: "If you dare to speak wildly when you are about to die, pull them out and behead them!"

A dozen or so soldiers of the Fuhan army rushed into the captives, and after punching and kicking them, they dragged them out like dead dogs, and then dragged them outside the camp to behead them with a single knife. After a while, they hung their heads on the above the flagpole.

After seeing the blood, the captives calmed down. They looked at Meng Xiangen coldly. Although they didn't speak, they probably scolded the sky in their hearts.

Meng Xiang'en didn't care, and said loudly: "You people are all guilty of the most heinous crimes. According to the usual practice, you should be dragged out and killed. However, His Majesty Chu is benevolent and generous, and I am determined to give you another chance. Xiao, go to the mine to ask for a meal, and don't need to stay here anymore."

Hearing Meng Xiangen's words to let them go, a gleam of joy appeared on the faces of most of the captives. Naturally, they didn't want to die, otherwise they wouldn't be captives. There was a trace of fear.

However, when Zhai Li was counting the number of prisoners, there was a sound of horseshoes from outside the camp, and an officer of the Fu Han Army galloped into the camp on horseback. Only then jumped off the horse and walked towards Meng Xiangen.

"Major Meng! According to the special secret order of the Privy Council, 82 prisoners will be selected here, and they will not be transferred for the time being. The standard is to select only those with high official positions and a lot of crimes. The rest can be transferred directly."

The officer's face was a bit dignified, and it was obvious that this order came from the top.

Meng Xiangen didn't think too much, he gave a military salute, signed the secret order, and then said helplessly to Zhai Li: "The special execution is such a troublesome thing, please ask Mr. Zhai later, after we pick out 82 people, the rest Everything will be handed over to you to take away"

The captives also seemed to realize that something was wrong. There was a hint of panic on their faces, and then they were shrouded in deep despair. Even if they could get out, how long could they live?It is nothing more than the difference between early death and late death.
Only some older captives were shocked when they heard 82 people. This number seemed to represent something.
"82 years"

Ning Yu sat in front of the table, he looked at the crowd and sighed softly, "It has been 82 years since the Ming Dynasty died, and I have to pay homage to Emperor Chongzhen in public and private, so naturally I can't go there empty-handed. Just take the heads of 82 Tartars as a meeting gift."

Ning Zhongyi stroked his beard and smiled, "Your Majesty's words are very true, don't say that there are 82 heads of Tartars, even if it is 820, or 8, we are not without it, even if it is [-], we can make it together." I can also make it out." Between the words, there was a bloody atmosphere.

Cui Wancai shook his head hastily, and hurriedly said: "82 is enough, the rest should be used as labor labor. At present, Nanjing, Hanyang, and Shanghai are short of labor. Drive, build the city, which place does not require labor?"

Ning Yu smiled slightly, "What Cifu said is right, this talent is the most valuable right now, Emperor Chongzhen just expressed his intentions, but our own construction cannot be left behind, but the cabinet does not need to worry about it in the future, we will eventually We are going to fight over there, and we will be able to capture a lot of prisoners and the surrounding population will be large, so we will not be afraid."

Hearing the meaning of Emperor Ning, it seemed that they wanted to bring the population of the surrounding countries of Dachu to build construction, but this surprised Cui Cifu. Seeing that he will be the chief assistant in March, but The emperor's train of thought couldn't keep up.
"What does His Majesty mean? We will continue to fight in the future?"

Ning Yu shook his head and put on a look of compassion, "Wars are too much of a waste of national power. If you can't fight, you don't need to fight. We can find a way to attract people from other countries to be this special laborer through trade. As for those who are disobedient Yes, it is natural to send troops to teach a lesson."

Ning Zhongyi had a smile on his face, as long as he could send troops to fight, the military expenditure of the Privy Council would only increase, and it would be easier for him as a Privy Council envoy.

Jingshan, now renamed as Meishan, Ningchu Junchen stood in front of the locust tree where Chongzhen committed suicide, and saw that the locust tree had been locked with iron chains, and it was also named "Sinhuai" , but these are meaningless, because this is not the original locust tree, but a replanted one later, and there is a stone tablet beside the tree, engraved with several characters such as "Ming Sizong's martyrdom place" .

"Clap clap-"

Rows of soldiers of the Fuhan Army held their muskets slantingly. Under the unified command of the officers, they pulled the triggers in unison. There was a burst of musket fire, but it scared away the flying birds in the forest. crow.

Ning Yu didn't have much to say. For him, offering sacrifices to Emperor Chongzhen was just a political show. He looked down on Chongzhen himself. After all, the biggest weakness of a monarch is incompetence.

Even being a tyrant insulted by everyone is better than being an incompetent fool, because incompetence is the greatest sin.

After a while, prison cars were escorted over, and many people were released from above. Their faces were pale, and their legs were so frightened that their legs were weak in today's desolate and solemn environment. Some even Kneeling on the ground and crying.

However, no one paid attention to them, and there was a naked murderous intent in their eyes, which made these people stop crying involuntarily.

Naturally, these prisoners are not ordinary people. Most of them are the descendants of the traitors of those years. Almost everyone in the list in "Second Ministers" has not missed it, and most of their family members have been sent to special labor. The rest of the men were imprisoned here.

In addition to these traitors, there is another group of people who are the descendants of the Tartars captured before. Relatively speaking, they have much more backbone than the traitors who fell to the ground. Although they did not shout loudly, they did not have much fear He just knelt there frankly.

"I brought you here to sacrifice to Emperor Chongzhen. The second is to tell you that if our children and grandchildren don't want to make progress and become extravagant and lustful, this will be our fate in the future!"

Ning Yu looked at the ministers of the Great Chu and said coldly, then waved his hand, "Let's start."

Sacrifice to the ancestral temple often has a very mature etiquette, but it is rarely seen when worshiping the emperor of the previous dynasty, so the officials of Ningchu just chose the usual sacrificial ceremony, accompanied by the sound of gunfire, the three animals are respected, and all the officials salute.

Then, in a distant place, dozens of soldiers who temporarily acted as soldiers of the military law team firmly fixed the descendants of traitors or Tartars on the stakes. He swung his knife sharply and chopped down.

Ning Yu laughed loudly, and he looked at the bloody places with extremely arrogant eyes, "The lesson from the past is the lesson from the past. Today I am offering sacrifices to Emperor Chongzhen here, and I will go to Shengjing in a few days to pay homage to the soldiers who died in the Ming Dynasty !"

"Long live Your Majesty! Long live! Long live!"

A burst of shouts sounded from the top of the coal mountain. In their eyes, the cowardice and sorrow of the past were completely gone, and what was left was endless glory and respect.

(End of this chapter)

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