Cutting 1719

Chapter 496

Chapter 496

The behavior of Ning Chu's monarch and ministers offering sacrifices to Emperor Chongzhen on Meishan caused a storm in the capital, because this incident essentially revealed one point, that is, there was no room for relaxation in Ning Chu's treatment of the Qing court.

At the same time, this also means that the liquidation of traitors and banner people has not really ended, and the people in the capital are more or less connected with the Eight Banners, especially the relationship between many people and the Han Army Banner is unclear.

After all, there are still quite a lot of minions in "My Great Qing", and their influence in the capital is also quite large. Although there is no way to resist Ning Chu on the surface, they keep making small moves behind the scenes. , They can still hope that one day they will be the slaves of the Qing Dynasty again.

It's good to be a slave of the Qing Dynasty!On weekdays, as long as you please your master, you will become the master of other Han people, especially in places like the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where you can enjoy inexhaustible benefits, but when the Han army comes, all these are gone forever , and even be dragged to dig stones.

Therefore, when Ning Chu moved into the capital, he only became the master of the north on the surface, but before he could truly control Zhili and even the whole north, he still needed to do more things.

After the gunshots on Meishan, these people really panicked. They began to think of various ways to separate their relationship with the Qing court. He has begun to cut off his braids tremblingly, changed his name, and a wave of root-seeking has also arisen.

What is root-seeking?In fact, he was trying to prove that he was a real Han Chinese and had nothing to do with the Tartars in the north.

When the capital was in chaos, Ning Yu also held a meeting targeting outside the customs. A series of cabinet officials and senior officers of the Fuhan Army attended the meeting. The fantasy of the Eight Banners will be completely cut off.

The privy envoy Ning Zhongyi still introduced the current situation to everyone as usual. He pointed to the map hanging on the wall and said softly: "After the Battle of Baliqiao ended, Shanhaiguan was quickly captured with the cooperation of the army. Now the Imperial Guard Division, No.15 Division, No.16 Division, No.20 Third Division and No.20 Fourth Division have already entered Jinzhou, and they can directly attack Shengjing in March."

Ning Yu nodded slightly. These are all military plans that have been drawn up before, and they have been implemented very smoothly, so there is no need to give special instructions. However, relatively speaking, there is still a big difference between inside and outside the customs, especially in the hearts of the people. The perception of Liaodong has always been biased.

In this era, when most people think of Liaodong, they basically think that it is a bitter and cold place in the north, which is not comparable to the fertile soil and pleasant climate in the pass. Therefore, only criminals will be sent to Liaodong. Ordinary good people are absolutely not I will go to that desolate place in Liaodong.

But actually?Anyone who has a little knowledge of Liaodong will know what a fertile land it is, where everything can survive, and there are a lot of reclaimable areas. It can be said that apart from the slightly colder climate, there are no other problems.

Logically speaking, for the Han people who are so good at farming, the land of Liaodong should have been firmly in their hands, but why was it not firmly controlled from the Warring States Period to the Qing Dynasty? ?

The reason is simple. Han people have too many choices. Relatively speaking, the cold climate in Liaodong itself limits the determination of some people to survive in Liaodong.

However, if there are not enough Han people outside the customs as a foundation, it is obviously very difficult for Ning Chu to completely control Liaodong. In other words, the management of Liaodong requires more than just military proficiency.

Ning Yu looked at the crowd and said softly: "Conquering Liaodong is not just about defeating the Eight Banners militarily. If a mature and effective rule cannot be established in Liaodong, then even if one Eight Banners is eliminated, another Eight Banners will appear in the future. So how to control Liaodong? , is the most important thing.”

Cui Wancai nodded slightly. He quickly thought of what Ning Yu said about the emigration to Liaodong, which might be the preparation for today's meeting. But when he thought of the problems in Liaodong, he felt a little headache. The problem that has not been completely solved, how to solve it now?

Ning Yu looked at the bewildered expressions of everyone, and immediately said softly: "The restoration of Liaodong is of great importance. We need to start from many aspects. First of all, in terms of military affairs, we should completely defeat the Eight Banners and occupy the strategic base of Liaodong. There is no need to discuss this." , and the second is to completely destroy the grassroots regime of the Eight Banners in Liaodong, and seize its people and land."

"Is there any difference between these two points?" Everyone was a little confused, so they had to look to Emperor Ning to clarify their doubts.

Ning Yu explained: "The governance of Liaodong is completely different from the governance of the Guanzhong. On the contrary, it is somewhat similar to the governance of Qinghai-Tibet and Mongolia in the future. It is not enough to just destroy the opponent's army. It is also necessary to completely eliminate their grassroots regimes, including the original The Eight Banners system and the implementation of the Han family's kingly way can completely control Liaodong."

"So wars have to be fought, land has to be taken, and the population has to be exchanged. In simple terms, all the original people in Liaodong have to be moved to the interior, especially those banner people who have to move into the pass, and attack and eliminate wild animals outside the pass. The Jurchen and other ministries cut off the Eight Banners' path to regeneration from the foundation."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little shuddering. Such a method is simply an act of rooting out.

Ning Yu took a sip of tea, and said softly: "Just doing this is not enough. If there is always a vacancy in Liaodong, it will be invaded by outsiders sooner or later. Therefore, we still need to recruit landless people in the pass and divide them outside the pass. Then implement the strategy of garrisoning the fields outside the customs, combining soldiers and farmers, combining soldiers and farmers, and building camps with the strategy of war farming, so as to realize the complete occupation of Liaodong."

Cui Wancai hesitated, "There is no problem in dividing the land, but the re-establishment of the guard system, I am afraid that it will be completely corrupted in a short time."

That's right, according to Ning Yu's previous introduction, it has indeed become Daming's Weisuo farming system, so it can't help but arouse others' doubts.

But Ning Yu naturally knew the shortcomings of the guard system, and immediately laughed softly: "The world thinks that the guard system is a bad system, but it depends on how to use it. The logistics and food transportation in Liaodong is difficult, and the establishment of the guard system can maximize the benefits It is its own inherent advantage to achieve self-supply and thus ensure survival in the land of Liaodong.”

"Of course, the guard system also has its shortcomings that cannot be concealed."

Ning Yu turned the subject and said softly: "Everyone understands that the guards are bound to the guards due to their status and occupation, and their combat power declines very quickly, and they tend to be more active in daily farming than in combat. It is easy to disintegrate in the face of external threats, so I will not copy it as it is."

Ning Zhongyi nodded, and he said softly: "The decline of the former Mingwei system is also related to its rigidity."

Ning Yu smiled, "The privy envoy's words are on point. In fact, whether you look at the military system or the guard system, the essential difference is not that big. They both played a very important role in the early days of the dynasty. The role of the land began to decline in the middle and late stages because of the inherent contradiction between population and land.”

"In the early days of the system, there was a large amount of land that could be granted land, but after a few generations, the population will multiply and the land will not be enough. If there is no land, let the government soldiers or guard soldiers bear the responsibility. Responsibility for military service itself is not reasonable enough, so in my plan, the system of soldiers, farmers and farmers will not exist as a long-term policy."

"Your Majesty, what does your Majesty mean to mean that our land system for soldiers, farmers and farmland will be canceled after a certain number of years?" Cui Wancai seemed to have grasped something, with excitement in his eyes.

"That's right!"

Ning Yu said with a smile: "The core of the system of soldiers, farmers and farmland is not that we need such an elite army, but that it should be used as a supplement to the current Han army - this is always the key, so our regular army is only A system of recruiting soldiers will be adopted, and soldiers will be raised with high salaries, while soldiers and peasants will control the land."

"At present, the land in Liaodong is fertile, and there are many fields that can be granted. It is also possible for the people in the pass to go to Liao to open up wasteland. In the first three years, no tax will be collected, and after three years, taxes will be collected, and the local governments will organize poor people to go to Liao. You can pay travel expenses or organize a centralized trip, which must at least attract millions of people in the customs to go to Liaodong. This is one thing.”

"After attracting the people to Liao, all the people can be temporarily formed into an army, and firearms and weapons will be issued, and the officers of the Fuhan Army will be arranged to enter the organization for training. Five hundred households will form a battalion, and each household can send out one strong man to form an armed militia. The battalion was included under the Liaodong Governor's Mansion, and was under the dual jurisdiction of the Liaodong Governor and the Privy Council. This is the second."

"The distribution of land by the common people in Liaodong and the early stage of land reclamation belong to the scope of military land. Taxes are levied on them according to the standard of military land, and private trading is prohibited. This can prevent some common people from selling the land and fleeing back to the customs. This is the third."

"The guard system will disintegrate in the later stage, and the soldiers, farmers and land system cannot avoid this threat. Therefore, after the 20-year period, the armed militia battalion will be declared retired, and the land obtained by the people will be directly owned by the people. Mintian, when the time comes, all the places where people gather will be under the jurisdiction of the local government, this is the fourth."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but sigh. You must know that the tuntian system is no different than others. It has a very long history in China. It can be said that anyone can say one, two, three, four, but it is carried out on the basis of the original tuntian system. Improvement is not an easy task.

"20 years of service is enough"

Cui Wancai nodded. He thought of more than that. Just like what the emperor said, these strategies can be considered and tried in Mongolia, Qinghai-Tibet and other places in the future. Once they are rolled out in these places, they can be Guarantee the control of Da Chu in these remote areas.

Seeing that no one else had any objections, Ning Yu smiled and said: "The cabinet needs to hurry up and arrange for landless people from all over the country to sign up. After the land in Liaodong is initially pacified, they can go to Liaodong to open up wasteland. The imperial court can provide money. A support plan is coming.”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Cui Wancai was convinced, he had already thought up a whole set of implementation plans.

"As for the war, the Privy Council has to hurry up. I don't think the battle of Liaodong will end so easily. At that time, the forces of the Russians may have to be mixed in."

Ning Yu couldn't help sighing, in terms of ability to kill, the new Emperor Qianlong might not be worse than other people
At the beginning of February, when the Fuhan Army was still organizing the Battle of Liao Dynasty, Shengjing ushered in a happy reunion. It turned out that the army of Prince Zhuang and Xu Yuanmeng finally arrived in Shengjing, and staged a grand battle with the newly appointed Emperor Qianlong. A touching picture of a meeting between the monarch and his ministers.

"Your Majesty! This servant is finally able to come back alive to see you! This servant really deserves to die!"

Xu Yuanmeng was quite old, but he held the hand of the young Emperor Qianlong, crying with snot and tears flying, and kept wiping these pickled things on the little emperor, but Qianlong was so disgusted that he stepped back. .

"It's really not easy for all the ministers. Now that I can reach Shengjing, I feel much more at ease."

Qianlong was relatively young, so he glanced at Xu Yuanmeng with a troubled look, and then at Sixteenth Uncle Yunlu who was beside him, but he made the other party understand immediately, and quickly helped Xu Yuanmeng up.

Seeing Xu Yuanmeng stopped crying, Emperor Qianlong withdrew his hand without leaving a trace, and looked at the teams of Qing soldiers in the distance. He saw those soldiers wearing uniform military uniforms, with muskets on their shoulders, They had to hang bayonets and looked energetic, but they were much more imposing than the Eight Banners soldiers in the past, and there were also artillery pieces when the team was marching.

This made Emperor Qianlong a little strange. It seems that the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty are not weak. Why do they always lose in battles?If such a strong Qing army lost, what would the Fuhan army look like?
"The soldiers have worked hard, and now that they have arrived in Shengjing, they are returning home!"

Although a little puzzled, Emperor Qianlong still tried his best to put on a mature appearance. He waved his hand and said, "Ma Qi, now that our soldiers from the Qing Dynasty have returned, we must arrange them properly. In the future, if Chu Ni dares to fight Come here and give them some color!"

"The slave obeys the order!"

Although Ma Qi's face was also very excited, but he was not as happy as the surface, because the arrival of the old guy Xu Yuanmeng made him feel a deep crisis.

You know, when Emperor Yongzheng promulgated the last edict, Xu Yuanmeng was arranged as the head of the Minister of Gu Ming. However, when Xu Yuanmeng was away with the army, he, Ma Qi, took the lead in embracing Qianlong to ascend the throne, and even made a Gu Ming The title of prime minister, isn't it clear that Xu Yuanmeng is under attack?

Of course, Xu Yuanmeng didn't express anything now, but it didn't mean he didn't hold grudges against the old man Ma Qi in his heart. Although both sides had smiles on their faces, they were already thinking about how to kill each other.

(End of this chapter)

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