Cutting 1719

Chapter 497 North Korean Interests

Chapter 497 North Korean Interests
In March of the fifth year of the Ming Dynasty, Nurhachi led the Eight Banners Army to sweep across Liaodong. In just ten years, they captured more than [-] cities, including Liaoyang and Shenyang at that time.

Later, the generals of the Eight Banners expressed their intention to return to Fushun, but Nurhachi moved the capital to Liaoyang and then to Shenyang. Since then, it has become the capital of the Qing court, Shengjing, and the imperial palace was built in Shengjing. It became the center of the Qing court outside the pass.

In the Dazheng Hall of the Shengjing Imperial Palace, a large group of civil servants and military generals of the Eight Banners had kneeled at this time. Among them, Prince Zhuang, Ma Qi, Xu Yuanmeng, Marcel, and Zhang Tingyu were kneeling at the front. They looked down at the ground and sat facing each other. The little figure in the center bowed three times and kowtowed nine times.

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

Emperor Qianlong's face turned slightly pale. Strictly speaking, this was his first major government since he ascended the throne, so all the important officials in the court had arrived, waiting for the new emperor to find the future of the Eight Banners in this new first year of Qianlong. Forward direction.

But this matter was really embarrassing for Emperor Qianlong, who was only over ten years old.

After all, in the past three years of Yongzheng, Emperor Yongzheng brought all his own operations and the army that he gathered with all his efforts, was finally completely defeated by the Fuhan army, and he didn't even really hit the opponent hard. The influence of monarchs and ministers is endless despair.

Since the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, it has never experienced such a situation, even when it was facing the San Francisco Rebellion, it had never been in such a situation. Perhaps in this battle of life and death, if Emperor Yongzheng had not used himself His death will leave the Qing Dynasty with the last trace of face, otherwise the current Qing Dynasty will completely collapse due to internal and external troubles
When Emperor Qianlong faced such a situation, he didn't know where to start. If he continued to fight with the flesh and blood of the Eight Banners, it would probably be another battle, and the entire Eight Banners could be completely declared destroyed. If he chose to avoid The front of the Fuhan army, but where should the tens of thousands of people dragging the Eight Banners go?
The current situation of the Qing court is not so bad. The Ningjin area has completely fallen into the hands of the Fuhan army. When the weather improves a little bit, I am afraid that the Shengjing area will welcome heavy troops. At that time, the only choice is to go to Heilongjiang. Or retreat in the direction of Jilin.

But the problem is that those places are uninhabited, there is not enough arable land at all, and they cannot support the more than 40 people of the Banners today, especially among the last [-] people of the Banners, most of them are old people. Young women and children, if they just go north like this, they will only freeze to death or starve to death in the future without the need for the Han army to fight, and the Eight Banners will be finished.

"My ministers and workers, you are the backbone of my Qing Dynasty. Now that the Chu army is stationed in Ningjin, what should I do?"

Emperor Qianlong was silent for a while. After all, he didn't understand military affairs, so he could only ask for help from a few key ministers of the Qing Dynasty, but after scanning everyone's faces, no one took the initiative to stand up.

Just when Qianlong sighed softly, Xu Yuanmeng still came out of the fight, with a dignified look on his face, and said in a low voice: "Now my Daqing can't fight anymore. If there is another battle, I am afraid that there will be a crisis of overturning, and I will think of a way out early."

Ma Qi snorted coldly, and said in an indifferent tone: "The Qing Dynasty retreated from the south to the north, from inside the pass to outside the pass, and where can it retreat again?"

Zhang Tingyu frowned slightly. Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with what Xu Yuanmeng said, and he must retreat, otherwise he would be his own dead end if he persisted. It's just that Ma Qi was neglected by the late emperor before, and it's normal to have some complaints in his heart now. He said softly: "My lords, now that my Qing Dynasty is in danger, it is time to help each other."

A hint of anger appeared on Xu Yuanmeng's face, and he said in a low voice: "Heng Chen is right, but this old man is only telling the truth. If Governor Ma Qi can lead troops to defeat the enemy, why should this old man destroy his own prestige?"

"You..." Ma Qi didn't know how to refute for a while, he flicked his sleeves fiercely, snorted coldly but didn't respond.

Sitting at the top, Qianlong felt the atmosphere of the imperial court for the first time, and his face was a little ugly. In his opinion, these slaves are damned guys, and everyone has selfish intentions!

However, Zhang Tingyu sighed, and came out and said: "My lords, from the perspective of slaves, a big battle has just been fought, and the morale of the soldiers is low. If you force them to fight against Chu Ni, I'm afraid that everyone will have something in their hearts." The heart of fear. I only see it as a slave, and now we should avoid its sharpness and regain the morale of the army."

Hearing that Zhang Tingyu's words were biased towards Xu Yuanmeng, Ma Qi was very dissatisfied in his heart, and said coldly: "If you say you are defeated before the battle, how do you get the morale of the army? Even if you regain it, you have to regain it on the battlefield, right?" ?”

Qianlong was a little curious at first, but before he could speak, he was reprimanded by Ma Qi, his face turned ugly, he pursed his lips and said dryly: "What you two adults said makes sense."

There was a smile on Zhang Tingyu's face, and he said softly: "The morale of the army naturally depends on fighting on the battlefield, but although we can't defeat Chu Ni, can't we still defeat North Korea? Since my Eight Banners are short of food and money this year, then Re-conquer South Korea, plunder its people's property, to enrich the Eight Banners, and to strengthen the morale of our army."

Hit North Korea?This suddenly whetted everyone's appetites. They thought about it carefully, but the more they thought about it, the more they felt that it was feasible. After all, they knew exactly what the state of North Korea's military force was.

Not to mention the current Daqing army, even the green battalion in the past, it is showing a crushing trend when fighting against North Korea!

After all, in this era, there is basically no army that is worse than the North Korean army. Although the Qing Dynasty fought repeatedly with the Fuhan army, it has accumulated a lot of experience after all. Fighting North Korea is simply a relaxed and happy trip. Marching trip ah!
Everyone was a little moved at the moment, and Xu Yuanmeng asked directly: "But North Korea is a vassal of our Qing Dynasty after all. If we rush to send troops, I'm afraid it will damage our Qing Dynasty's prestige morally."

"Hmph, when did you still talk about this?"

This time, it was Ma Qi who refuted it. With a bit of excitement in his eyes, he said softly: "This system is also in line with the ancestral system. After Emperor Taizong established the system, he personally led the army to plunder North Korea. The First World War That is to say, the king's capital will not only have a lot of property and children, but also make North Korea a vassal of my Qing Dynasty, which can be described as extremely happy!"

Even Emperor Qianlong became a little excited when he talked about the prosperity of martial arts of his ancestors, and his shrill voice rang out, "When I was studying in the study, the masters also taught me, hehe, I used to be a big How can the prosperity of martial virtue in the Qing Dynasty be compared with today's?"

Zhang Tingyu immediately hit the railroad while it was hot: "Your Majesty, this battle can be conquered by the Emperor himself, so as to emulate the actions of Emperor Taizong back then and rebuild the prestige of our Qing army and the people. This is the foundation of the Emperor's governance."

What?Want to conscript again?

When Emperor Qianlong heard this word now, he felt a little hesitant. Kangxi and Yongzheng both lost their lives because of the personal conquest, and now they want me to go to the personal conquest?If I don't go, whoever wants to go will go!
Just when Qianlong was about to politely resign, Xu Yuanmeng agreed: "If the emperor conquers Korea himself, he will be able to reconquer Korea in the future, and he will also be able to win a respite for the Qing Dynasty."

As soon as Xu Yuanmeng agreed, Qianlong looked at Ma Qi, hoping that he could say a few words for himself, but he didn't expect that Ma Qi didn't even look at the emperor, but said loudly: "This matter can be done, and the emperor can also do it in the future." I am the lord of the revival of the Qing Dynasty!"

This made Qianlong dumbfounded. He didn't expect the ministers to reach a consensus on this matter. Guy is also a thief.
It's just that the emperor is a young master after all, and he dared not speak out to refute. Looking at the expectant eyes of everyone, he had no choice but to say: "Since all the ministers think that I want to conscript myself, then I will listen to you."

Just when the Qing government was thinking about reconquering North Korea, the North Korean envoy Jin Shijun and others rushed to Tianjin by sea, and then under the escort of the Fuhan Army cavalry, they rushed all the way to the capital. Instead of going through the channel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he came to the capital through the channel of the Military Intelligence Department.

At this time, Ning Yu was also busy with the task of attacking outside the customs, but he was negotiating with his assistant Cui Wancai and the cabinet ministers about the follow-up preparations for the Liaodong settlement. material security and security.

In this matter, since the imperial court took the initiative to arrange for the civilians to go north, the cost of the response will naturally be borne by the imperial court. For example, travel expenses and board and lodging issues in Liaodong need to make relevant preparations, otherwise the common people will wait Come on, when even food and clothing are a problem at the beginning, it is impossible to attract other people in the follow-up.

In addition, the security issue of Liaodong itself also needs to be taken seriously by the Ningchu court. The threat is not only the Eight Banners soldiers, but also those scattered bandits and rogues. They will also become a major threat to immigrant groups, so After the conquest of Liaodong, a massive bandit suppression work must also be prepared.

For this reason, Ning Yu specially ordered the Second Army to go out of the customs to fight at that time, and cooperated with the Central Army to dispatch a total of more than [-] people to clean up the banditry outside the customs without leaving any hidden dangers.

While everyone was honestly listening to Ning Yu's arrangement of work, it was Shi Tai, the deputy director of the attendant's office, who quietly walked in and passed a secret report to Ning Yu, which contained information about the North Korean envoy.

Ning Yuzai read the secret report carefully, and then ordered in a low voice: "This matter should not be made public. The Military Intelligence Department did the right thing. Tell Dong Cheng to put them up first, and no one else is allowed to touch them."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Shi Tai, the deputy director of the attendant room, did not show the slightest expression on his face, and left the meeting room with a slight bend, while the other ministers saw this scene, and they were also a little muttered in their hearts.

Ning Yu didn't hide anything, and said softly: "The North Korean envoys have arrived in the capital, which is earlier than I thought. Du Qiuyan, the left servant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will be responsible for contacting them first."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

A very gentle-looking official from Ningchu stood up. Now the minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Song Enming, was still receiving Zhu Yigui's envoy in Nanjing, and he came to the capital as the left servant to deal with these matters.

Second assistant Cui Wancai said: "Your Majesty, now that North Korea has sent envoys, they must hope that our Great Chu can send troops to North Korea as soon as possible to solve its predicament."

"That's right, it's just that they think this matter is simple."

Ning Yu shook his head slightly and said: "Although the Qing court has become a prodigal dog, it doesn't mean that there is no way to take North Korea. If someone inside the Qing court knows about this, I'm afraid they will repeat the battle of Bingzi."

Du Qiuyan was a little surprised: "They still have such courage now?"

Everyone was also very puzzled. In their view, it was too late for the Qing court to protect itself. How dare it continue to expand the front line?Are you really not afraid of the disaster of subjugation of the country?
But even if there are lunatics in the Qing court, there should be rational people. Whether it is Xu Yuanmeng, Zhang Tingyu, Ma Qi, etc., they are all seasoned and state-run people, and they should not let this happen.

Ning Yu shook his head, sighed and said: "What I said was just the worst case scenario, but you really can't underestimate the emperors and ministers of the Qing court. In order to get a chance, they will find a way to catch it no matter what the opportunity is. live."

In fact, only Ning Yu knew in his heart that at the end of the Qing Dynasty in the previous life, after Yuan Shikai led his troops into North Korea, the treaty signed with North Korea was actually a replica of the peace treaty signed between the Qing court and the big powers at that time. In front of the interests, it is completely worth mentioning.

Cui Wancai caressed his beard and said, "If it's true what your Majesty said, then my Fuhan army should send troops to North Korea as soon as possible to completely rescue it from the Tartars."


Before Cui Wancai finished speaking, Ning Yu shook his head and said meaningfully: "It is not in the interests of our Great Chu to send troops directly. In fact, I will order the Central Army to continue to threaten Shengjing and let them go south to North Korea as soon as possible. As for the rescue The North Korea issue is not yet ready."

"What does your majesty mean? I don't understand." Not only Cui Wancai, but other ministers were also a little surprised. Wouldn't it be a good thing to take this opportunity to let North Korea return to the rank of vassals?

Ning Yu smiled slightly, "North Korea right now is a pool of real stagnant and stinky water. If Da Chu gets involved rashly, not only will there be no benefit at all, but it will also be stained with sewage. We should clean it up after the Eight Banners go south." Come on, let’s enter with the attitude of the kingdom of heaven, and we can steadily obtain the greatest benefits!”

Hearing this, the expressions of the ministers are different. Some of them still have the old-fashioned Confucian scholar-bureaucrat thinking, and are not used to such a naked national interest relationship, while others have excited expressions on their faces. Obviously, if the Eight Banners went south to North Korea, Ning Chu would also gain unimaginable benefits from it in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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