Cutting 1719

Chapter 498

Chapter 498
After receiving the emperor's order, the Military Intelligence Department placed the Korean mission directly in a courtyard near the south of the capital city. The place was originally affected by the war and there were no people there, so the Military Intelligence Department directly arranged dozens of people. Strict protection was implemented on that house.

Jin Shijun and the others wanted to see the emperor, but they didn't care where they lived. After Dong Cheng, the deputy director of the military intelligence department, settled them down, he pulled Dong Cheng and asked the emperor in a low voice when he could meet the embassy. After all, Wang Shang Li Yun is still waiting for news in Seoul.

Dong Cheng knew that these North Koreans wanted to do something, but he said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Your Majesty is planning to conquer Liaodong, so I don't have time to meet you for the time being, but Du Qiuyan, the left servant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Great Chu, will Come here, everyone just wait."

In fact, Dong Cheng has no right to disclose what the emperor is doing. This is what Ning Yu deliberately arranged for Dong Cheng to say so, the purpose is to check the reaction of the North Korean envoys, so as to confirm his own thoughts.

Sure enough, Jin Shijun raised his brows slightly, but he couldn't help but said loudly: "In that case, I will wait for Master Du to arrive. Thank you, Master Dong."

With a slight smile on his face, Dong Cheng turned and left. Of course, the eyeliner he had placed near the courtyard was still working, and he would closely observe every move of the North Korean envoy.

After Dong Cheng left, Jin Shijun looked at the others and said with a smile: "Since Da Chu intends to go out of the customs, we will be able to usher in the day of rescue in North Korea. When Master Du comes, I will entrust you to Master Du." , can advise His Majesty to lead an army into North Korea and restore the old vassals."

Liu Zhenglie, a veteran sycophant, naturally refused to let go of this opportunity, and said loudly: "My lord, when this mission is over, I have made a great contribution, and when the time comes, the leader of the council will definitely reward you! "

Park Yunxi frowned slightly. He didn't appreciate the blind optimism of Jin Shijun and others. He pretended to be unwell and asked to go back to rest early, and then left the central hall directly under the eyes of everyone.

After Park Yunxi disappeared into the middle hall, Jin Shijun frowned slightly, and before he could say anything, Liu Zhengyeol said in a strange tone: "Hmph, these villains are dissatisfied when they see the success of the adults. Deliberately making trouble, my lord, do you want it?"


Jin Shijun stretched out his hand, and said in a cold voice: "Now in Dachu, I naturally have to abide by the decree of the Celestial Dynasty. After I return to North Korea, I will report the matter to the minister in charge, and someone will deal with him at that time." .”

In today's Lee Joseon, political struggles are not so fierce, and even cruel to say the least. For example, the current king of North Korea, Lee Yun, has been in power for only four years, and has caused many political battles. It can be said that the court is upright In a period of great instability.

"The birth mother of the current king of North Korea, Li Yun, is the famous Jang Hee-bin. It is not an easy thing to say."

In fact, after Dong Cheng left the courtyard where the North Korean mission was located, he immediately found Du Qiuyan, who was in charge of diplomatic affairs, and explained the details of North Korea first.

Dong Cheng sighed slightly: "Speaking of which, Zhang Xibin's experience is also very legendary. At first, she was just an ordinary court lady of middle-born, but later she was loved by Li Yun because of her appearance, and she gave birth to Li Yun. Later, Queen Inhyun was replaced by Queen Min of the Joseon Dynasty outside the city, and the momentum was the same for a while.”

"That's right, but it's a pity that only five years later, Zhang Xibing stepped into the struggle between the South Korean faction and the Western faction. Of course, she had the support of Min An and other Southern factions, which made her son Li Yun was established as the eldest son, but this also caused dissatisfaction with Li Yun and the Westerners, and finally led to his brother Zhang Xizai being exiled to Jeju Island, which also caused a crisis for today's North Korea."

Du Qiuyan sighed deeply. Speaking of which, in China's thousands of years of history, political turmoil caused by chaos in the harem was not uncommon.

"Later, Zhang Xipin was poisoned and killed by Li Xuan because of witchcraft, and his brother Zhang Xizai was also executed by Ling Chi. The position of Li Yun's son has not been deposed, and now he has become the king of Joseon."

Dong Cheng knew in his heart that the emperor wanted to intervene in North Korea's affairs, not simply to restore the suzerain-vassal relationship, but to have a deeper plot. Therefore, it is necessary to have a deeper understanding of the current party struggle in North Korea.

Speaking of it, as a member of the Chinese suzerainty system, North Korea has only learned a little bit of other things, but it has learned ten percent of party politics. As early as the end of the fifteenth century, the Li Dynasty was established for about a hundred years, and the meritorious officials who ruled at that time The old bureaucratic group was called "Xunjiu School", while the Confucian scholars and two groups of children in North Korea were called "Scholar School", similar to the Donglin Shi Party in the late Ming Dynasty, and there was also an outbreak between the two schools. A life-and-death struggle.

As early as the beginning, Joseon King Seongjong mostly used the Shihlin faction to suppress the old Hoon faction. For a while, the power of the Shihlin faction swelled. In order to resolve the conflict, he turned to rely on the old school of Xun to cleanse the Shilin faction, which eventually led to the "Wuwu Shihlin disaster", which led to the execution of the core of the Shilin faction, Kim Il-sun, Quan Wufu, Quan Jingyu, Li Mu, Xu Pan, etc. , Jin Zongzhi was exhumed and beheaded, and the rest of the scholars were exiled or expelled, and all were wiped out.

Not long afterward, Mr. Yanshan began to investigate the fact that his biological mother, Yin Shi, was bestowed to death, and ordered the Spring and Autumn Hall to play the detailed process of Yin's death and the list of relevant personnel. After the list was obtained, Yanshan Jun found 26 officials of the Shilin School. , Killed them one by one, and even dissected the corpses of eight of them, which was called "Jiazi's calamity".

Strictly speaking, at this stage of development, Mr. Yanshan and the Shilin faction at that time have reached the point of life and death. Therefore, he feared that there were still missing Shilin factions in the previous episode, so he started to search and deal with it again, causing a "Bingyin Shilin Disaster". And this time, the Shilin faction finally realized clearly that the enemy was in Changdeok Palace (Yan Shanjun lives in Changdeok Palace), so they decided to initiate an incident.

At that time, the official Cao Sanshu Liu Shunting, Pu Yuanzong, the official of the central government, and the deputy Si Yongcheng Xiyan launched a coup in September. They organized the army to kill Shen Shouqin and Ren Shihong. Jun abdicated, and then Jincheng Dajun Li Yi succeeded to the throne, which led to the overall establishment of the Shilin faction.

Despite such a series of brutal political struggles, North Korea did not stabilize. On the contrary, the Shihlin faction gradually divided into the Westerners and the Easterners, and then evolved into the Southerners and the Northerners. Hundreds of years of partisan struggle.

Then in the period of Emperor Suzong Li Yun, he was good at using power and tactics, and he was a monarch similar to Jiajing, which also led to the peak of crony politics. Strong methods to strengthen the royal power, but also led to the peak period of North Korea's political struggle, wasting a lot of national power in vain.

In particular, the matter of Zhang Xibing was the focus of the political confrontation between the Westerners faction and the Southerners faction. Therefore, after Zhang Xibin was bestowed dead, the Southerners faction was completely suppressed and disappeared, while the Westerners faction also took power. However, after the Westerners School became big, it also evolved into a dispute between the Old Theory School and the Young Theory School.

After the current Li Yun succeeded to the throne, since he had no heirs, a minister at that time asked Lord Yanfeng to be the crown prince. On the other hand, there was also a fierce dispute between the old theory school and the young theory school.

At that time, the old theory school favored the establishment of Lord Yanfeng as Wang Shidi, while the Shaolun school advocated waiting for Li Yun to give birth to a son before establishing a heir. , but Li Yun was upset after all, so two days after the decree was issued, Liu Fenghui Shangshu, a sect of young scholars, strongly opposed the establishment of Lord Yanfeng as the crown prince, thinking that the princess could still bear children and should not act rashly.

The Old Theory faction was naturally unhappy, so they went to the Shu and asked Wang Shidi Li Wei to listen to the government on his behalf. Li Yun was annoyed at once. He would not be polite in the slightest, so he dismissed many of the old theory faction and made the young theory faction come to power.

After the Shaolun faction came to power, they naturally couldn't look down on Li Chong, the brother of Lao Shizi's Wang Shidi. After all, if Li Yun had no son, then when he died, Li Chong would be in power. It means that the Shaolun faction will face a brutal and comprehensive blow.

Therefore, under this kind of life-and-death struggle, Chengzhi Jin Yijing and the eunuch Park Sang-geum conspired to kill Wang Shidi Li Tong, but for some reason, this matter was leaked before it even started. This time, the Shaolun faction simply did not do anything, and directly pinned dirty water on the old theory faction, and falsely accused the four ministers of the old theory faction, Jin Changji, Li Yiming, Li Jianming, and Zhao Taicai, of attempting to kill rebellion, so that they were all arrested. After death, dozens of other ministers of the old school, including Bai Wang and Zheng Linzhong, were dodged and matched, which was called "Xin Renshi's misfortune".

But this matter does not represent the overall victory of the Shaolun faction, because the root of the problem is still unresolved-the great king Li Yun has no son until now, and Wang Shidi Li Chong is still acting as Wang Shidi honestly, so the Shaolun faction Then he thought of another breaking point, let North Korea return to the vassal system of Dachu, so as to restrict Li Zhang from the outside.

After revealing the secret, Du Qiuyan whispered to Dong Cheng with a bit of ruthlessness on his face: "Nowadays North Korea may undergo major changes, the Shaolun faction is an excellent partner for us to cooperate with."

"If we really want to cooperate, the Laolun School seems to be more suitable. Park Yunxi in the mission seems to be a member of the Laolun School." Dong Cheng shook his head slightly.

"Hehe, that's just the thinking of ordinary people. The Old Theory School seems to be at a disadvantage on the surface, but they just need to lie dormant and wait. I don't have anything to ask for, but the Shaolun School is different. They Right now they seem to have the upper hand, but once Li Yun dies, they will immediately have a chance to overthrow."

Du Qiuyan smiled, and then added: "Your Majesty has something to say, for this kind of people, they are the best partners for me to cooperate with. They will do whatever it takes to save their lives."

"For example?" Dong Cheng was a little excited, as if he had already guessed something.

Du Qiuyan said meaningfully: "Don't they lack a monarch? Then let's give them one."

In mid-February, under the escort of a regiment of Imperial Guards, Ning Yu went to Tianjin to take a naval warship and went south. He will land in Shanghai and then return to Nanjing. For this return to Nanjing, on the one hand, he will make a preliminary summary of the Northern Expedition , Relevant reward work should also be carried out, and the other hand is to divide the fruits of victory.

That's right, the Northern Expedition was successful, but the situation in the North has not stabilized, and the results of the battle need to be digested further. In this process, relying on the Ningchu court alone is undoubtedly too slow and too weak. Capital consortiums like those newly born in the south can completely Become a good booster and lubricant, thereby easing the confrontation between the North and the South.

In addition, this is also a dividend from Ning Yu to the capital consortium, so that they can continue to support Emperor Ning and continue to ignite the flames of war. At the same time, it is also to show the gentry that following Emperor Ning can eat meat. Meat.

After several days of sailing, Ning Yu resisted the Shanghai pier. At this time, the officials and people of the Shanghai government gathered at the pier, cheering and welcoming Shengjia, their faces were full of joy.

The winner will always be cheered by the world, even if he wages an unjust war, victory can still silence everyone's mouths, and the loser, no matter how righteous he is, is still a loser.

Ning Chu's Northern Expedition is also such a big battle that only needs to be won but not lost. Only if he wins, the pain caused by the implementation of the New Deal will be healed, but once he loses, all counterattacks will come. It is a good thing to be able to maintain a north-south situation.

Therefore, the success of the Northern Expedition means not only dominating the world, but also uniting the hearts of the people, thus truly laying the foundation of a country. This is the point, not only does Ning Yu die, he has a deep foundation that can be consumed .

Ning Yu was very clear about all this in his heart. While waving to the people, he looked at the people and said loudly: "The success of the Northern Expedition is definitely not due to me alone. Credit to the hard work in the rear!"

"Without your support, there would not be so much money, food, weapons, and so many children who are eager to fight. Our Great Chu is not the Great Chu of the Ning clan, but the Great Chu of the world!"

This remark caused a wave of cheers in the audience, everyone chanted Long Live His Majesty, but the officials accompanying him had strange expressions.

Strictly speaking, Ning Yu's performance is more like a political show. In later generations, it would be a bloody plot, but in this era, it tastes somewhat deviant.

Because in the past, the emperor was supreme, all the credit was collected by the emperor, and all the faults were the fault of the courtiers, but now in Ning Yu's words, the credit is placed on the people. It was unimaginable, so it aroused the cheers of all people.

(End of this chapter)

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