Cutting 1719

Chapter 499 Huang Heqing, the sage comes out

Chapter 499 Huang Heqing, the sage comes out

The divine right of kings, for the kings in the past, whenever there is such a big victory, it will usually evolve into the recognition of the emperor's identity, that is, he is the son of heaven, so he can win the battle, strengthen the people's recognition of the king's power, so as to prevent the people from opposing The emperor is essentially a fool.

But in today's era, Ning Yu will naturally not go back to the old way. Deliberately fooling the people is just a way of self-weakness that is cruel on the inside and on the outside. Once faced with a strong external threat, he will be beaten directly like an egg. into waste.

Just like the Great Song Dynasty, who developed the way of internal cruelty and external cruelty to the peak, and defeated the peasant uprisings internally, but suffered the humiliation of Jingkang externally, and even destroyed himself and killed Yue Wumu in order to survive. The Storm Pavilion is only for the chance of survival bestowed by Jin Ting.

Like this lingering imperial dynasty, Ning Yu will only feel the shame from the heart. If one day Ningchu evolves into this situation, it is better to be destroyed vigorously, even if it dies due to the uprising of the internal people, it is better than Being humiliated by others made the descendants of China ashamed.

If you want to change this future of cruelty at the inside and cruelty at the outside, you need to break the lie of the divine right of the king. Ning Yu must not allow himself to become a god on the stage. He must really step down and send the fundamental constitution of Great Chu to the top. Send the people up as an imagined community.

In this process, Ning Yu needs to lead by example, take the lead in recognizing the achievements of the people in the Northern Expedition, recognize their status, and link the rise and fall of the Great Chu with the personal fate of the people, so as to realize the realization of "the country knows everything". The people, the people know that there is a country' state.

Of course, in order to practice this point, in the propaganda of the Northern Expedition this time, the newspapers under the control of the Ningchu Propaganda Department will report Xiaomin’s touching deeds during the Northern Expedition, subtly to highlight Xiaomin’s status.

For example, in the "Qingliu Bao" under the official control of Ningchu, there is a special issue related to the narrative of the Northern Expedition. Ten eloquent ordinary soldiers are selected for a long length, starting from each of their families and deeds, and using the most simple words Text, to record their bits and pieces.

There is also a long-form report on the logistics of the Northern Expedition in the "Da Chu Daily", like a beggar who donated silver and three yuan to the Northern Expedition Fund after years of begging, and other ordinary people who are behind the scenes of the Northern Expedition. Contributions are described in detail.

In these real and textured stories, there is no exaggeration of the heroic epics in the past, and it also makes the common people deeply feel that although they are engaged in various low-level jobs, they are also powerful. , They also know honor and disgrace, they are not half a point worse than those gentlemen in the scholastic community.

At the same time, taking advantage of this opportunity, Ning Yu also intends to develop the civic title system that has not been developed so far, and reward those common people who contributed money and efforts to the Northern Expedition in the future, and this time the reward will be combined with the war reward. Thereby enhancing its influence and encouraging more people to participate in state affairs.

In a word, Ning Yu must never let those who have dedicated themselves to the country suffer. Honor, land, and even privileges will be prepared accordingly. In the entire industry, for example, businessmen donating to the Northern Expedition Fund, and scholars writing articles advocating the Northern Expedition can all be considered contributions.

Of course, Ning Yu has only made a preliminary plan, and this whole set needs to be improved by the cabinet to ensure that the people will develop a spontaneous awareness of national unity.

After returning to Nanjing, the top and bottom of the cabinet and the ministers greeted the emperor's return and praised him for a long time. For a time, the whole city of Nanjing was covered with red and colorful colors, and everyone welcomed the victory with joy.

Afterwards, Ning Yu went to Nanjing Tiandi Altar to offer sacrifices in person, in order to thank God for blessing the Fuhan Army to go smoothly and achieve a great victory in the Northern Expedition, which was considered to have brought the whole process to an end.

After returning to Fengtian Temple, Ning Yu quickly summoned Ning Zhongjing, the chief minister of the cabinet, and ministers of various ministries of the Executive Yuan to hold the first cabinet meeting after the Northern Expedition.

Ning Yu glanced at the other slightly haggard ministers, and understood in his heart that after such a year of hard work, everyone is almost tense, let alone '996', I am afraid that many people have not had a real rest , as the emperor, why not?Even during the march, a lot of official documents have to be processed every day.

"Gentlemen, now that the Northern Expedition is basically over, whether it is the conquest of Liaodong, Mongolia, or Qinghai-Tibet, it will be a battle on one side. If there is no need for such a large scale, everyone can relax a little bit. "

When the ministers heard this, most of them showed a little smile. If you want to come to Dachu, you can also enter a period of happy days of 'Wen Tian Wu Xi'!
That's right!The emperor treats the big guy like a donkey every day. Although he gives more money, he doesn't allow corruption. It's really hard to describe the officials of this big Chu.

Only the Chief Assistant Ning Zhongjing had a wry smile on his face. He knew his elder nephew quite well, so he wanted to only take money and not work?Don't even think about what year it is now?

"Your Majesty, the business tax has now been collected, and all the business licenses have been issued, and the collection will probably be completed before May."

When Ning Zhongjing said this, he mused: "It's just that silver money is fully collected now, I'm afraid the circulation of new coins in the northwest, southwest and other places is not enough."

The so-called upper busy actually refers to the summer tax. Before the implementation of the one-whip method, it was directly collected in kind. For example, the summer harvest was mainly for wheat, and the autumn harvest was mainly for rice. Later, it was changed to direct collection of silver money, which has continued until now.

There is a problem with expropriation in kind, but there is also a problem with the collection of money, especially at the end of the Ming Dynasty. The existence of the phenomenon of using iron money also caused the problem that money is expensive and goods are cheap. Therefore, they could survive by expropriating in kind, but once they collected silver money, the big guys couldn't survive at all, so they went to start a business with brother Li Zicheng.

Today’s Ningchu also has this problem. Although the production of new currency has been accelerated, the whole China’s plate is too big. The southeastern provinces alone account for more than half of the cost. Therefore, like the silver coins on the market in other provinces Circulation is not convenient enough.

In addition, the commerce and trade in the northwest is not developed enough, and the trade deficit with other provinces is relatively large, so the money can only be supplied by itself for a long time, which also leads to the situation that money is expensive and goods are cheap.

Ning Yu had his own considerations about this matter, and then said softly: "As for this year's two taxes, I am still clear in my heart. On the surface, this is a currency issue, but in fact it belongs to the It is a problem of unbalanced development, we have to solve it fundamentally."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but suddenly felt a little embarrassed. The problems on the surface were already difficult to solve. As for solving the Northwest problem at a deeper level, how difficult is it?

To put it simply, the root of the problem in the Northwest lies in the poverty of the people, but it is not just poverty, it is also mixed with problems such as lack of money, gentry seizure of land, and religious threats. The combination of these problems is the background of the Northwest.

Ning Yu was slightly silent. He knew that some problems could not be solved even in future generations, but this was not a reason not to do it. He said softly: "Do you know why the water in the Yellow River turns yellow?"

Chief Assistant Ning Zhongjing said softly: "The cement and sand in the Yellow River will naturally turn yellow, but this is the way of heaven, but it is difficult for people to violate." He was a little confused, why Ning Yu suddenly changed the topic to the Yellow River .

Since ancient times, the flooding of the Yellow River has always been a very serious problem, such as "During the time of Yao, the flood flowed horizontally and flooded the world", "Yu dredged the nine rivers, and the Ji and Luo poured into the seas; Huai, Si, and pour into the river, and then China can get it and eat it." They all reflected this question.

However, the Yellow River floods are difficult to solve completely. Even the mythical Dayu's water control can only reduce the degree of floods. According to Ning Yu's knowledge, since there are historical records, the lower reaches of the Yellow River have overflowed as many as a thousand times. More than [-] times, and even more than [-] times of diversions.

Because the problem of the Yellow River has always been difficult to solve, river governance has become a difficult problem in all dynasties, and even a special river governor's office was set up to take charge of the dredging of important rivers such as the Yellow River, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and the Yongding River. Work, and there is even a folk proverb: the Yellow River is clear, and the saints come out.

The reason why Ningyu raised the issue of the Yellow River is that these two issues are inseparable. Whether it is the issue of the development of the Northwest or the issue of the flooding of the Yellow River, both reflect one point, that is, it is difficult for the Northwest to carry so many people. It is necessary to vacate the population in the Northwest to relieve the ecological pressure and reduce the economic burden.

"I think that whether it is good to control the river or develop the Northwest, we need to understand the nature of the problem. Everyone knows that thousands of years ago, Guanzhong was a land with lush water and grass, and Qin and Han were able to suppress the world. But now that so many years have passed, why is Guanzhong Northwest Getting poorer?"

This sentence stumped the ministers, but Shang Shumiao of the Ministry of Agriculture was slightly taken aback. He seemed to have discovered something from Ning Yu's words.

(End of this chapter)

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