Cutting 1719

Chapter 500 Your Majesty Wants to Renege

Chapter 500 Your Majesty Wants to Renege

"Your Majesty, can the accident of the Yellow River and the accident of Guanzhong be combined together?" Shang Shumiao of the Ministry of Agriculture asked him in a low voice, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

At the same time, the other ministers seemed to have discovered something when they heard this, but they were not sure, so they could only quietly wait for Ning Yu's explanation.

Ning Yu pondered for a while, but called someone to bring up the map of the Yellow River Basin. Although it is not very accurate and detailed, it is enough for introduction. Dang even pointed to the map and said: "Everyone knows, The Xingxiu Sea is the source of the Yellow River, and it flows out from the Xingxiu Sea, and then passes through the Longdi and Hetao all the way, and under the washing of the water, a large amount of sediment will be taken away, and this is the root cause of the flooding of the Yellow River.”

Everyone seemed to realize something suddenly, but Shang Shumiao of the Ministry of Agriculture frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice: "But your majesty, what does this matter have to do with the incident in Guanzhong?"

"Because the Yellow River carried away a large amount of sediment, the same reason as the land barrenness and desertification in Longdi is due to the same reason, that is, soil erosion, and the reason for soil erosion is that the forests in Longdi have been felled too much, and the land has been reclaimed too much. , it will lead to land shifting and desertification, and a good place will be completely destroyed.”

Ning Yu sighed slightly. The original Loess Plateau would never have so much sediment. As early as the Qin and Han Dynasties, Guanzhong Longdi was the first-class fertile soil in the world, but the people in the court at that time did not know how to maintain water and soil. Large-scale reclamation of the Loess Plateau has resulted in desertification of the land.

The first of these was the reclamation policy of "reclamation" and "immigration to the frontier" carried out during the Qin and Han Dynasties, which led to large-scale destruction of forests in northern Shanxi and northern Shaanxi. The Loess Plateau did not cause much impact.

After the Ming Dynasty, the Ming court once again carried out large-scale "reclamation" in the northern part of the Loess Plateau. inflicted indelible damage.

In fact, in the original history, after Emperor Yongzheng came to power, he launched the third large-scale reclamation of Longdi. In order to cope with the gradually expanding population, he even gave the local governor a direct order to reclaim wasteland. In order to be able to complete the task, the local officials , Like some places that are not suitable for reclamation, all-round reclamation has been carried out.

If it hadn’t been for the rise of the Fu Han Army, in the original history, the area of ​​reclaimed land on the Loess Plateau would have reached [-] million mu. On the surface, it could feed more people, but in fact the land output was meager and the land was consumed too much. As a result, the old scene of "animal husbandry is for the world" in Longdi is completely gone forever, and everywhere has become bare mountains and ravines.

Of course, Ning Yu was also relieved about the time he traveled through. It is still too late to manage the Loess Plateau. At least without the 5000 million reclaimed land, it will be easier to control soil erosion.

Miao Yuzhi understood it completely, and he said in a low voice: "In agronomy, there is a theory of land rotation. If it is cultivated every year, it will indeed lead to the exhaustion of the land's fertility and no more output. In the words of Your Majesty In other words, it is desertification, but as for the Yellow River, I really didn’t expect that the silt was produced in this way.”

At this moment, everyone understood that because of excessive reclamation, the land was exhausted, which in turn led to desertification, so that the Yellow River washed down, but there was no soil for the roots of the grass and trees, and eventually all the mud and sand fell, forming the Yellow River flood.

On the surface, this set of logic can indeed explain the flood in the Yellow River, but Ning Zhongjing, the chief assistant, could no longer understand Ning Yu's thoughts, and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty is indeed very reasonable to worry about this , but right now, if the people want to survive and eat, they have to sacrifice—"

Ning Yu waved his hand, "I naturally understand this truth, but the current barrenness in the Northwest is also inseparable from this. If the land is not so barren, how can the people worry about freezing and starving? If you want to really solve the problems of the people, It is by no means against the way of natural development and fishing in a dry marsh.”

"What does His Majesty mean?"

"Convert farmland to forests, build canals, and emigrate to other places."

Ning Yu then explained: "Longland is now in this situation, and the people must not continue to let the people reclaim it. Some places that were not suitable for reclaiming also need to return the farmland to forests and grass as soon as possible. As for the water problem of the people, we can build water canals to save the land. The water from the Tao River is diverted to the northwest, and the last problem is to allow other people in Longdi to immigrate to the outside of the pass and other places that the court needs in the future."

Chief Assistant Ning Zhongjing now feels a bit of a headache when he hears about immigrants, he said in a low voice: "But Your Majesty, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were more than 500 million people in Longdi, and now there are as many as tens of millions. If people emigrate, I am afraid that it will be difficult to afford financially."

Ning Yu said with a smile: "This matter is actually simple. We are not removing the people in Longdi at once. In the next 20 years, we only need to control the people in Longdi between 600 million and 800 million. Natural growth will reach 1000 to 300 million people over time, but the people we really want to remove are no more than 600 million at best.”

"These five or six million people are not all removed at once, but they can be apportioned to 600 million per year. Based on the average of 30 silver dollars for each immigrant's travel expenses and resettlement costs, the annual cost is only 400 million silver dollars. 600 million silver dollars, the cabinet should still be able to come up with this money."

Obviously, this economic account has been passed through Ning Yu's mind more than once, and it seems very natural to say it now, but in Ning Zhongjing's view, it is almost nothing to do.

In the eyes of normal people, one who can see the next ten years is already a master among the masters, and one who can see the next 30 years, they are all at the level of Zaifu, but Ning Yu's current consideration is that It is a bit baffling to think about people in a hundred years or even hundreds of years.

However, after all, Ning Yu is the emperor, and Ning Zhongjing can only bow his head and say yes at the moment, but he is already thinking of handing over the problem to the next Cui Wancai.

After discussing the issue of water and soil erosion, Ning Yu immediately raised another issue, that is, organizing the major chambers of commerce in the south to enter Beijing. Things are much more interesting.

The reason is very simple. During this incident, everyone could smell the silver dollar.

Ning Zhonghai, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, quickly raised his hand to speak, and said with a smile: "After receiving the news from His Majesty, I sent a notice to the major chambers of commerce, planning to hold a meeting in Nanjing at the end of February on the "Southern Business North Into' the meeting will bring together the current major chambers of commerce."

Ning Yu laughed dumbly, "'Southern merchants enter the north', you got a good name, but in fact it is different from what you imagined, this time it is not a southerly merchant, but a north-south exchange, not only the products from the south can enter the north In addition, the goods from the north will also enter the market in the south, and all lijin tax cards in the country will be cancelled, so as to promote the development of industry and commerce in an all-round way."

Ning Zhonghai could not help showing a wry smile on his face, "Your Majesty, it is a good thing to cancel the lijin tax card, but for those chambers of commerce, their purpose is not that simple, I am worried."

"What are you worried about? Worried that they haven't eaten enough?"

Ning Yu snorted coldly, "Since the beginning of the Northern Expedition, the Southern Chamber of Commerce has been planning to dominate the northern market and adopt various restrictions on the northern merchants, but you must understand that the world of Dachu is definitely not the world of their Southern Chamber of Commerce Therefore, the development of industry and commerce in Great Chu cannot be limited to chambers of commerce in the south.”

Speaking of this, Ning Yu took a deep breath and sneered: "Is it true that those chambers of commerce are really at a disadvantage? Now that the war in the North has just ended, they will not be rivals of the Southern Chamber of Commerce in terms of competition anyway. Opening up the market at this time is the greatest care for them."

To put it bluntly, in Ning Yu's view, the essence of this problem is still the same as the Northwest problem. If you want to truly achieve peace in the world, you need to try to achieve a level of peace in the world, and you can't continue to let the differences in development widen.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

In Nanjing City, beside the Qinhuai River, in a brightly lit house, the sound of silk and bamboo is flowing, and there are some concubines talking and laughing, but it is quite a breeze.

I saw several dancers dancing in the center under the help of lamps and candles, and several middle-aged men dressed in brocade were talking and laughing. Among them, Cui Yu, the current president of the Royal Chamber of Commerce, was sitting at the main seat. , while the others are the presidents or representatives of their respective chambers of commerce.

Strictly speaking, these people do not have much energy, but as representatives of the chamber of commerce, they represent almost the whole of Ningchu's dignitaries and upper-level representatives, especially Cui Yu, who is behind him. His Majesty the Emperor, so his status has always been very detached.

However, most of the presidents of the Chamber of Commerce who can sit with Cui Yu at this time are not simple. There are representatives of the Cheng family, representatives of the Huguang Chamber of Commerce, and representatives of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce. They are the representatives of the Southern Chamber of Commerce today. , His every move has also received the attention of many people.

As a representative of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, Li Dongyang raised his wine glass and said with a low laugh: "President Cui is showing his skills everywhere now. Although it is good to enjoy the shade with his back against a big tree, in just two years, he can Expanding the entire Ning Chamber of Commerce to its current scale is a testament to Chairman Cui's contribution."

Cui Yu cupped his hands humbly, and said with a smile: "Cui is just an errand runner, and it's not easy to be able to do the errands assigned by the superiors. It's really trembling!"

Cheng Dewang, the president of the Cheng Family Chamber of Commerce on the side, stroked his beard lightly, and said with a smile, "President Cui is really polite. We are all merchants. Who is not doing errands for the master behind him? But the talented people in the world are like those who cross the river Crucian carp, there are very few people who really have a chance to leap over the dragon's gate."

Cui Yu remained silent, just took a sip from the wine glass, and then said softly: "You guys invited Cui here today, is it just to say these things?"

Li Dongyang laughed loudly, and his voice was a little soft and waxy from Jiangnan people, "President Cui is really joking, today we sit together with the shopkeepers, I still want to take a sentence from President Cui's mouth, We really have not been able to understand the holy will of His Majesty."

Obviously, the news from the cabinet has already been spread. For those giants of the Southern Chamber of Commerce, isn't it obvious that they should put down their knives and turn their heads to become vegetarians?
Cui Yu shook his head, and said softly: "Everyone should understand that the world of Da Chu is His Majesty's world, and our business is also His Majesty's business. Since His Majesty has ordered it, you should follow it."

The chairman of the Huguang Chamber of Commerce was originally the Ning family who had been doing it all the time, but was later replaced by Wang Ben of the Huguang Wang family. He is a person with a smile on his face all the time. The few of us, even the master behind us, will do it without saying anything. But after all, there are so many ignorant people in the world. They only see our little bit of profit in their eyes. Absolutely, I'm afraid we are not far from a run, and the industrial and commercial stock exchanges in the future will not be able to make up for this lack of trust."

As soon as these words came out, Cui Yu became silent, because the reason Wang Ben gave could not be said to be impeccable, but there was indeed such a thing, which made him feel a little difficult to answer.

Speaking of this, I will talk about the financial restructuring of the Ningchu organization in the previous episode. At that time, under the entrustment of Ningyu, major chambers of commerce were asked to open some banks that absorb deposits and issue loans, including these investment banks. After these, the original stock exchange is also ready to emerge - strictly speaking, the Northern Expedition was a non-governmental investment in the country.

To put it simply, if the Northern Expedition can be regarded as a separate project, then the Dachu official, as the project initiator, needs a lot of funds to make the bottom line, and this money is provided by major private chambers of commerce and other people. Participate in by purchasing national defense bonds, but the money is not paid for nothing, and one of the conditions is that the Southern Chamber of Commerce must participate in and share the fruits of victory.

Only by dividing up the fruits of victory and sharing the real benefits, can the Southern Chamber of Commerce and the common people actively participate in the next war in the future, but unexpectedly, Ning Chu turned his back on this side and refused to accept the original guarantee. Only part of it has been realized, and part of it has not been realized.

Of course, this matter should have been settled by the Southern Chamber of Commerce directly with the emperor and the court, but this group of guys knew that no one could fool the court with hooligans, so they recruited Cui Yu, the president of the Royal Chamber of Commerce, and wanted to get it from him. I know, what does the emperor mean?Is it possible to really renege on it?
When Wang Ben asked questions, Li Dongyang and Cheng Dewang both looked at Cui Yu. They also needed to wait for an answer. At this time, Cui Yu took another sip of wine calmly, because he had already thought about it. reason.

 Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.But Qingkong is a single dog, so this festival is not enough, continue to code, Ollie!
(End of this chapter)

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