Demon King's Life Simulator

Chapter 134 Sea King!

Chapter 134 Sea King!

Iron Man straightened up and looked left and right, then strode towards the armored vehicle, punched it hard into the compartment, and lifted the two safes inside, one on each shoulder.

It was obvious what was in the safe.

It must be a lot of money.

Xu Tian: "???"

Passerby: "???"

This style of painting...why doesn't it feel right!

Iron Man... grab the cash truck?
Tony Stark seems to be the person with the least money in the world, why did he get mixed up like this?
The armed personnel climbed out of the car, took a rifle that looked exactly like the 4 and fired at Iron Man, and the sound of clanging and clanging could be heard for a while, and sparks bloomed on Iron Man's body, but he was unscathed. The iron sheet must be made of high-strength metal. Not to mention dented, not even bullet marks left.

Iron Man was carrying two safes, and two lines of boosting flames spewed out from his feet, and slowly flew into the air.

Seeing that this guy was about to run away after grabbing the money, a burly figure stepped on the ground suddenly, and at the same time a strong wind swept away, he rushed out like a rocket.

Su Qianqian whose hair was blown wildly: "???"

Passerby: "Mist Grass!"

Like a shooting star, Iron Man was hit hard by a red-hot punch. Iron Man flew upside down, and two safes also came out one after another. One fell to the ground, and the other smashed into a car. on the roof.



Passers-by shouted happily.

The burly figure with fluttering long hair landed on the ground while shaking his hands, watching Iron Man slam into a sporting goods store that was being closed for renovation, and the entire wall collapsed.

"This...isn't this...Sea King!"


"Aquaman! Don't let Iron Man get away!"

"Aquaman, come on!"

That burly figure with fluttering long hair is the Aquaman in golden ocean armor!

When everyone's attention was on the two superheroes who ran out of the movie, no one noticed that Xu Tian in the crowd pinched a few spells invisibly with his right hand.

That's right, that Neptune was transformed by his spiritual consciousness—since the other party is a sixth child and doesn't show up, then he also hides behind the scenes to play with the other party.

Iron Man stood up from the messy ruins, brushed off the dust on his body, and walked up step by step. Metal feet stepped on the ground, and there was a rhythmic clang.

Xu Tian looked at this iron man, and he was already half-hearted. Like him, this thing was probably created by a certain master.

Iron Man calmly walked in front of Xu Tian's transfigured Neptune without saying a word, just looking at him like this, while Neptune looked at this cold steel body calmly and fearlessly.

Abruptly, Iron Man punched him in the face. Of course, Aquaman would not stand and let him hit him. He started the ethereal ghost walk, dragged out a group of afterimages and dodged away, and then kicked with a fierce wind. Hit Iron Man hard on the neck.

Then Haiwang stared at Iron Man's joints and beat him violently: "Ah, hit, hit, hit..."

Iron Man's movements seemed to be quite slow, and he was beaten by the extremely agile Neptune without any power to fight back, and he retreated one after another.

At this moment, Iron Man, who got up from the ground, slowly raised his right hand, the right hand with the energy cannon muzzle getting brighter...


After a short sound of charging power, a white light shot out from Iron Man's palm and shot towards Aquaman.


With a sharp shout, Neptune's arms suddenly glowed a khaki-yellow color, revealing a metallic texture, and his arms crossed to protect his head and face.


Sure enough, the white light exploded on his arms, and Aquaman was unscathed.

The sea king with the illusion of spiritual consciousness can't dodge, and the people behind him, including Su Qianqian, can't dodge. They don't have defensive means like him. Once they are hit, they kneel in seconds. It is estimated that there will be no ashes left. Down.

"Still hard."

Neptune struck his arms together, making a clanging sound, and even burst out a little spark.

Of course, these are the effects of Xu Tian's spiritual illusion, not the real status quo.


Another cannon shot out from the palm of Iron Man, Haiwang was not afraid, strode close, calmly waved his right arm, and smashed the cannon, the shock wave exploded in front of him, covering his whole body in the smoke.

He stepped out of the smoke, his arms shining with metallic luster, and before Iron Man's third wave of shock came, he stepped on the sole of his foot suddenly, and under the violent shock wave, the ground around him collapsed.

The moment he jumped up, his fist began to heat up extremely quickly, and it turned red in an instant, and the surrounding space was distorted by the heat.


The muzzle in the palm of Iron Man's palm became brighter and brighter, and the white light seemed to be blazing to the extreme, and was severely punched in the palm by Sea King.


The shock wave exploded directly at the muzzle, and a surprise scene happened. Iron Man's palm exploded, and blood gushed out.

Is there really someone inside?
But there was no scream.

He didn't even hum.

The God Sea King controlled by Xu Tian's arms are like gold and stones, punching Iron Man crazily, and the sound of gold and iron colliding can be heard endlessly.

No matter what, it's right to go forward and be tough, you have to fight if you can't beat it!

Iron Man, who was a little sluggish, was crushed and beaten violently by him again, sparks constantly rubbed off from his body.

Both fists ignited explosive flames, jumped eighteen feet high like a rocket, and landed on Iron Man, who was picking up a safe and was about to fly into the air, and punched him hard in the face.


The crisp metal blunt sound fell.

The yellow mask that had been smashed and dented flew out directly.

As we all know, Iron Man's yellow mask is an independent plate, which can be broken off by breaking it off. At this time, Xu Tian's physical strength has been sublimated, and he has the two-pronged approach of Jinshi Arm and Explosive Fist. This punch easily smashed the mask.

A scene that surprised everyone including Xu Tian appeared.

The face inside the mask, the face of a middle-aged man with a weird hippie beard...

"Mist Grass! Tony Stark!?"

A guy nearby who was taking pictures with his mobile phone subconsciously screamed.

Xu Tian was very angry.

This is so real!
It turned out to be Tony Stark, the Iron Man played by Robert Downey Jr. in the movie!

How bad and wicked this person is, you said that you can have such a powerful cultivation base, how can you be used to rob cash trucks?

Can you be a little civic-minded?

You said how great it would be for you to turn into a group of Nishina Momoka Yui Hatano!At that time, it may also benefit male compatriots.

Do you have to become an Iron Man to grab money?Discredit our childhood idol Tony Stark?
Can't bear it, absolutely can't bear it!

(End of this chapter)

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