Demon King's Life Simulator

Chapter 135 The White Face Under the Police Uniform

Chapter 135 The White Face Under the Police Uniform

Iron Man "Tony Stark" has no expression on his face, that blank face seems to be colder and lifeless than his steel shell, he doesn't make a sound when his hands are blown up, he doesn't know the pain at all, and he doesn't know how to blink his eyes. Neptune knocked off the mask and at the same time reflexively raised his metal left hand and punched Neptune.

Aquaman subconsciously blocked with his left arm, and at the same time punched with his right hand, hitting the "heart" in the center of Iron Man's chest, which is the small ark reactor used by Tony Stark to maintain life.


A crisp sound resembling glass shattering resounded in the field.

Sea King's red-hot fist directly pierced into the round hole in his chest...

When Neptune took his hand out of the round hole, there was already a small white ark reactor in his palm...

"Ka Ka Ka... Pa Zi..."

Neptune didn't say a word, and directly squeezed and exploded the small ark reactor with five fingers.

The next moment, Iron Man, who had lost his source of power, knelt down and fell face-to-face with a clang.

[Negative emotion value from Chen Yiming, +666! 】

Regarding the black hand behind the scenes, Xu Tian can basically confirm that it is Chen Yiming, because during the fight just now, to be precise, when he beat Iron Man violently, negative emotions about this Chen Yiming kept popping up in his mind...

Let this kind of magic fall into the hands of the bad guys, God is really short-sighted, but thinking about it, Chen Yiming, the imaginary manifester, should not be a big deal, otherwise he must not just send an Iron Man to grab the cash truck, but send A group, one iron man can take two boxes of money, a group of iron men can take a group times two boxes of money, the strength of the more people...

For now, this is a good thing, otherwise, waiting for that guy to grow would be a disaster if you think about it.


"The hero is awesome!"

"So handsome!"

"Sea King, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!!!"


"It was so dangerous just now, why did you suddenly disappear?"

At this time, Su Qianqian, who was dispersed by the crowd, finally found Xu Tian again.

Xu Tian smiled: "I'm fine."

Su Qianqian said, "I mean it was so dangerous just now, you actually left me."

Xu Tian: "???"

Hehe, women's brain circuits are really powerful.

Others make the world revolve around the sun, while women make the world revolve around her.

Su Qianqian snorted coquettishly: "Anyway, I'm very angry now, please invite me to dinner."

Xu Tian quickly comforted: "Don't be angry, I'll teach you how to bark like a dog."

Su Qianqian's eyes widened when she heard the words, and she was happy.

No, with this style of painting, Xu Tian actually offered to learn how to bark like a dog?This is a new discovery of the century, which is rare in a hundred years. Immediately, the woman with shining eyes said with great interest:
"Really, you can learn how to bark like a dog? Come and try."

Xu Tian smiled but said, "Really, you know how to bark like a dog? Come and try."

Su Qianqian: "???"

Why are you like a dog calling you to repeat what I say!

Negative emotion value from Su Qianxi, +358!

It took Su Qianqian a full three seconds to react. She was so angry that she gritted her teeth and squeezed the soft flesh on Xu Tian's waist.

Xu Tian put on a serious face: "Okay, what are you doing in public, how decent is it to flirt, believe it or not, I will cast a spell to make you forget that you are a dog."

Su Qianqian: "You are the dog!"

Xu Tian: "Look, you have forgotten."

Negative emotion value from Su Qianxi, +93!

At this moment, two policemen squeezed out from the crowd of onlookers and walked towards them. While scanning the dilapidated surroundings, the leading middle-aged policeman showed Xu Tian the police officer's ID card that the latter would never take seriously. :

"Hi, may I ask if you subdued the criminal?"

Yo, is this the rhythm of awarding yourself a certificate?
Xu Tian was taken aback, how did this person know?

Hiding in the crowd and casting spells, how could this ordinary policeman see it?
Just listen to the police officer laughing and saying:
"You are so young and promising! On behalf of the people and the police, I announce that you are suspected of destroying public property and disrupting public order. Please come with us."

Xu Tian: "???"

Su Qianqian: "???"

In a daze, the tall policeman at least 1.8 meters behind walked forward with his head down, and while walking, he took out two shiny one-piece silver bracelets—handcuffs.

Xu Tian was handcuffed inexplicably, and the moment the lock was buckled, he just lowered his eyes and saw the policeman's face buried under the brim of his hat.

The next moment, Xu Tian frowned.

Almost instinctively—he kicked the policeman hard.

And the policeman reacted so quickly, first he punched out step by step!
But this punch was not aimed at Xu Tian, ​​but at Su Qianqian who was caught off guard next to him!
Blood flowers bloom like coquettish petals.

Su Qianqian's pretty face was frozen in surprise.

The policeman had already flown out after bursting into a cloud of blood mist, and had no time to hit Su Qianqian—how could he have a chance to attack Su Qianqian in front of Xu Tian who was in the void.

Along the way, the police cap fell off, revealing a head of bright short blonde hair.

Then it slammed into the jewelry store across the street, and there was a series of crisp sounds of glass shattering, the screams of shop assistants, and the harsh siren that was triggered after the glass shattered.

this cop...

No, it was the blond man in police uniform who stood up from the broken glass counter, straightened his majestic back, and at the same time picked up a large handful of jewelry and stuffed them into his pocket.

The blond man brushed off the glass shards from his body, and looked at Xu Tian opposite him expressionlessly. He was tall, muscular, with square eyebrows, deep-set eye sockets, a high nose bridge, and thin lips like sharp edges.

It turned out to be a foreigner.

With a rather handsome and handsome appearance, the men and women beside him screamed.

Facing Xu Tian's horrified gaze, this tall and handsome Western-style man grabbed the hem on the left chest, pulled hard, and easily tore apart his police uniform, revealing the tight dark blue uniform and ...a big silver five-pointed star on the chest.

At this moment, everyone was shocked, and the scene was in an uproar.

"Fog grass!"

"Captain America!?"

"Are you kidding me!"

"That's ridiculous! It was Iron Man just now, and now there is another American team!?"

"Yaoshou! The Avengers are forming a team to do something!!"

Captain America, Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans, is expressionless. Like the previous Tony Stark, he is as cold and devoid of emotion and thought.

He stretched out his right hand to the side, and the next moment, he heard the crisp sound of glass shattering, Captain America's iconic round red and white shield flew towards him at a high speed, pierced through the window, and was pressed by him on the left wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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