So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 286 The night brings tranquility, making people feel calm, sometimes hungry, plus a little s

Chapter 286 The night brings tranquility, making people feel calm, sometimes hungry, plus a little sadness

"Phew, a great ride, isn't it?"

Hongli closed the book, let out a long breath, and sighed leisurely.

"Great story, superb writing, I may not be able to write words like this in my life.

It's decided, put this book on the red glass selection shelf, and I'll have to read it again and again in a while! "

"Hey, get your hands off the dog, your father has seven pages to go!"

Heiyang patted Hongli's hand away, pulled all the books to his side, and still did not forget to complain: "Besides, why can't you write such words, do you have any other words to create besides those little swear words and journal diaries?" ?

If you think about my diary again, at least I used rhetoric such as foil metaphors, environmental descriptions, psychological descriptions, etc., this is the gap, okay, my big~talent~female~"

"Hmph, it's nothing more than moaning for nothing. The simpler the words, the more resonant they can be. People don't even bother to read the long ones."

Hong Li gnawed on the sesame candy, put one hand under her mouth to prevent the sesame seeds from falling all over the bed, and couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard Hei Yang's words.

"Also, what is "little swearing", who do you look down on!
Sister Ni Hongli remembers those shameless, obscene, and dirty evil words that can make you cry, okay? "

"If you scold me, I'll complain to your parents!"

"Fuck, what a brat, childish, right?"

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched, she raised her head and poured the sesame seeds into her mouth, her mouth was full of fragrance.

"Need a spoiler? Let me tell you, the silver-haired, cold-faced man died. If I were to see it, it was purely a plot kill. I knew that there would be no good end to liking this kind of career heroine.

It's good to be dead, otherwise, the author will not believe in tears before the time comes to the sequel to the conspiracy chapter... Hey, it sounds good too. "

"Shut up woman! Stop your spoilers, you have offended His Highness Heiyang!"

"There's something wrong."

Hongli glanced at Heiyang, looked at the somewhat dim sky outside the window, yawned, and stated the facts softly.

"Hei Yang, we've been lying in bed all day."

"What's this?"

Hei Yang has already read the penultimate page, what Hongli said is right, it is indeed a plot kill, obviously he would not make such low-level mistakes as a "cold-faced man", but he just got the box lunch so easily , feels like a failure.

Hmm, but thinking about it, it seems to express the sudden and unexpected contrast of death?

"Is it unusual for us to lie in bed all day? It's nothing more than normal."

"I know, I know, I just sigh."

Hongli said in a daze: "If it was a year or two ago, we might be staring together in a secluded corner or at the dinner table in a tavern, chatting about irrelevant gossip.

As night fell, we bid farewell to each other and went back to our homes, waiting for the next tomorrow to come.

At that time, I actually occasionally thought, will there be a day when I don’t have to say goodbye to you after dark?
Now, you see, that thought is now a reality. "

"Look, look, is it exposed?"

Hei Yang proudly said: "A certain girl has been in love since then, right?

But it's also understandable, after all, Heiyang is too attractive and a high-quality resource. If I were a girl, I would want to marry myself.

It's a pity that you preempted it, damn it! "

"Oh, I don't want any face."

Hongli stretched out an arm and hooked Heiyang's neck, hooking shoulders and backs with him like a good buddy, pretending to be frivolous.

"Then you haven't thought about tricking that girl into your home with sweet words on a certain evening when you're about to leave... Well, maybe she will forgive you afterwards?"

"Forgive if you say forgive, do you think you are Hongli? What abetting crime!"

"Meow meow meow?"

A bunch of question marks appeared on Hongli's head.

"I'm not Hongli? I'm not Hongli? I'm not Hongli?"

"Then you said I can wait until you forgive me?"

"Uh, before that, you should have been hung from the house by your parents and spanked."

"Then you know and ask!"

Heiyang replied viciously, and then sighed.

"Okay, okay, go to bed, you have to get up early tomorrow."

"What about the curtains? Don't you close them?"

"Leave it on, don't bother getting out of bed."


Heiyang took a deep breath, put the book on the bedside, just about to turn over and hug his girlfriend to sleep, a red glass was automatically sent in his arms, his face was pressed against Heiyang's chest, and he obediently let him touch his head .

"Take off the necklace, it will be uncomfortable to sleep with it on."

"You put it on for me, and I won't take it off unless you take it off for me yourself."

"Okay, look up a little bit."




The stars twinkled outside the window, and the moonlight shone by the bed.

The wind howled in the forest, and the wild wolves howled in the mountain stream.

Hong Li secretly opened her eyes, and looked at the boy's firm chest by the dim moonlight. The hot breath from her breath hit it, and she could clearly hear the steady heartbeat of the boy.


Hongli couldn't help swallowing, opened her mouth subconsciously, hesitated for a while, slipped her little hand in, stretched out her index finger and poked lightly, quickly moved away, held her breath and her heartbeat accelerated.


He didn't find it!


The corner of Hong Li's mouth raised, poke again, safe, poke again, safe, poke poke...

Hong Li's eyes became brighter and brighter, one finger suddenly melted into a palm, and five fingers spread out, hehehehe...

Then she felt a sudden tightness in the back of her neck.


The sudden attack made Hongli scream subconsciously, and the big hand that was supposed to be on her head slipped down at some point!

"Black... black... black sun?!"

Hongli's voice trembled a little.

"You, you didn't sleep!"


With a calm voice, Heiyang continued to wrap his arms around the back of the opponent's neck, and said in a voice, "Very disappointed?"

"Ah, ha, ha ha..."

Hongli laughed twice, just about to admit cowardice, but felt embarrassed, so she just buried her head in Heiyang's arms, snorted softly, and remained silent.


Hei Yang: "..."

"Can't sleep?"

Heiyang laughed helplessly, and let go of his palm and pressed it on Hongli's head again. Although the latter didn't make a sound, he moved his head up quietly, which made Heiyang touch his head more conveniently.

"Generally, as long as you are quiet for more than ten minutes, you should be fast asleep. What's going on today?"

"Huh? How do you know when I'm fast asleep, obviously... Well, well, I understand, so I don't need to answer."

Hong Li curled her lips, raised her head slightly to look at Hei Yang, revealing half-moon eyes.

"Don't just talk about me, what about you, haven't you fallen asleep?"


Although no one would be disturbed by them, Heiyang was used to whispering in the silent night.

"As soon as I thought about discussing important matters tomorrow and needing to get up early, I told myself to go to bed early. As a result, the more I emphasized, the more I couldn't fall asleep. The more I couldn't sleep, the more irritable I became.

"is it possible……"

Hongli looked serious, and said solemnly: "You are about to die, this is a flashback..."



"Is it still returning to the light and not returning to the light?"

"Tch, just kidding..."

Hongli curled her lips: "I feel that my poor back must have been slapped by you!"

"Come on, can't you feel whether I'm working hard?"

Heiyang rolled his eyes and threatened: "If you slander me again, I will cup you on your back, and you will pull out the fire of Nirvana."

"God, cupping..."

Hongli suddenly thought of something, couldn't help but laughed and said: "I remember one time before, my dad pulled out two cupping pots on his head, and two big bumps bulged out symmetrically on his forehead.

Just like that who, the dragon that I met before, seems to be turning into a dragon, hehe. "

"Ah this..."

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched, imagining that scene, and then quickly emptied his mind.

"I just remembered when you said this. Mom told us to have three meals a day, but we didn't eat anything during the day."

"What's the use of thinking about it now?"

Hongli rolled her eyes.

"Why, I got up in the middle of the night to cook a pot of rice for you?"

"It's not impossible."

"It's okay with you, I'll chop you up and cook it!"

"What Hannibal..."

"Who is Hannibal? I don't know him, I don't know him well, I don't know."

Hong Li curled her lips and made a suggestion.

"To be honest, you can go to a restaurant in the city and buy a ready-made package for us to eat. It's just a blink of an eye, isn't it?"

"Oh, why don't you blink?"

"But now that you've said it, I'm really hungry, I want to eat! Heiyang, go get me something to eat!"

"Climb up."

Hei Yang sighed, and said faintly: "That's the problem with people, when they go out and leave home, they are greedy for everything.

Back home, there are a bunch of things to eat, pick and choose. "

"Don't say that there is something..."

Hongli rolled over Heiyang uneasily, she was originally on his right side, but now she ran to his left side, clung to Heiyang's back like a backpack.

She felt that she had found the safest place—behind Heiyang.

As everyone knows, this stimulated someone even more.

"I remember you said before that in your previous world, there were outsiders, outsiders?"

"Takeaway, in fact, we also have them in the travel industry. I have seen people running around with lunch boxes in the capital."

"Oh, yes, it's takeaway."

Hongli reacted, and said with some expectation: "You said they can deliver meals to your door, which is convenient and fast!"

"Ah, indeed, it's just that you can't see what the cooking kitchen looks like, so it's hygienic. Hehehe, I don't want to comment much."

Heiyang laughed lightly, and sighed: "Perhaps we also have the kind of dark-hearted people in the roaming world, but it won't last two days if we dare to do that in the city of five colors."

"Ah, the manager in charge of the food safety team, I remember, is an old man from the Bai family..."

Hongli nodded.

"That guy is not easy to fool. He just cleaned up people with a smile all day long. Everyone said that he used to be the chief catcher of the previous city lord's mansion."

"I have to avoid rumors for others."

Hei Yang whispered: "I heard from my father that the former head of the City Lord's Mansion is his apprentice, and he has already taken office."

"Uh, Kazakhs..."

"But even that's useless."

Heiyang discussed seriously: "Let's not talk about money, you have to tell what to eat, how much to eat, and where to send it. There are no mobile phones here."

"Message spirit stone, put it there, are you afraid that it will be lost?"

Hongli snorted softly.

"Say hello in advance, I want to see who will come to cause damage!"

"Elder Huo looked at it and said it was outrageous. Didn't he study this for us to order takeaway..."

Hei Yang said speechlessly: "To put it bluntly, the spirit stone of communication can buy that restaurant and there is still some left."

"If you can't do it, isn't it just for people to use?"

Hongli retorted: "I don't know if there is a teleportation array, maybe you can send the takeaway directly?"

"I think Xuan, the consumption is probably a waste."

Heiyang shook his head in denial.

"Let them put the lazy dog ​​sculpture outside the door and notify us to get it.

Get a teleportation array directly to our house, don't you panic?

In case some big villain suddenly sends a big bomb, the two of us will be ashamed if we haven't eaten. "


Hongli realized that before eating, the priority of safety was obviously higher. Otherwise, why would they make the house look like a city defense fortress?
You know, the Mountain Protecting Formation of the Five Elements Sect is only a little bit stronger than the one here, not the fingertip universe, it is really just a little bit stronger.

"But this is also a necessary trade-off."

Hei Yang chuckled lightly: "In this way, no one can open the door of our house except the two of us!"

"Makes sense!"

Hongli nodded affirmatively.

"About this..."


Hongli: "?"

Hei Yang: "?"

"That sounds like the door opening, right?"

"Be confident and remove the look."

Heiyang and Hongli's eyes were instantly sharp, and they locked on the direction of the sound. With the blessing of supernatural powers, they saw that the living room door was pushed open, and a certain sloth walked slowly towards the courtyard door.

"is her?"

Hongli raised her brows, and immediately she opened her mouth to see the otter in her eyes, "Oh, Hei Yang, what you said is really good, that girl finally showed her otter's feet, she is a little villain!
Sure enough, strong fortresses are often broken from the inside. I think the spiritual power recognition system in our courtyard should be upgraded! "

"It's really your little glass, the black hat is buttoned twice, I don't remember when I said anything bad about someone."

Heiyang stared at the slow-moving sloth with dead fish eyes.

"Besides, she might just go out for a walk in the middle of the night or something. You just say bad things about her, and you see that she closed the door casually. What a terrible moral quality!"

"Is it possible? It's not that her moral quality is too high, but we are too low..."

"It's absolutely impossible, everyone knows that Hei Yang is a good boy! At least I act as a good boy in front of people I don't know!"

"What do you think will happen to her if she uses that trick before we use it again in Five Color City?"


Heiyang Hongli raised her head at the same time, imagining that scene.

Lan Yuying: Ah, Xiaoyang Xiaoli, you woke up so early, uh, mom, sleep a little longer...

Red Laughing Dust: Zzzzzzzzz
Qing Yiyi: Huh?Wedding preparations?Forget it, just mess around and forget it.

Well, or just leave it alone, you two are together anyway.

Hei Muguang: Zzzzzzzzz
Heiyang Hongli jumped up instantly, grabbed the clothes and put them on.

"Don't do that kind of thing! Stop that guy!"

"Hongli, is there something wrong with you? Put on the shoes first and then the socks. You put the socks on the shoes?"

"Heiyang, you're the only one who is sick. Why are you holding my skirt and pushing it in, and you can show me wearing one?"

"Little salted fish sculpture, lock the door first!"

"Oh, good!"


Laziness walked slowly, approaching the gate, couldn't help but yawned, and fell headlong to the ground.

After about ten seconds, I climbed up again, walked to the gate, put my head on the gate, and rested for another ten seconds.

Seemingly realizing that the gate couldn't be opened, the sloth jumped lightly to the edge of the wall, and was about to go out when a red light hit her body, sending her flying far away with a "bang".

Heiyang ran out hopping on one leg, put on the shoe covers in a hurry, looked at Hongli who was fooling around, a well popped out on her forehead, and tore off the pillow covering her head.

"Huh! What a powerful blinding spell!"

Hong Li's eyes widened suddenly, she turned her head to look at Hei Yang beside her, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, you are here, Heiyang, otherwise I would have fallen for that guy!"

"You put the pillow cover up yourself, don't put it on other people for everything!"

"Stop talking nonsense, where is she, where did she go?"

"I was blown away by the magic circle in the yard..."

"Oh, that's it, the crisis is over, let's go back and sleep!"


"You curse again!"

Two beams of light shot up into the sky, rushing towards the direction where the sloth was sent flying.


Lazy slowly pulled his head out of the soil, turned his head to look in the direction of Wuse City, nodded slightly, and lay down on his back.

Laziness opened her eyes, she opened them all for the first time, her goose yellow pupils seemed to be only indifferent.

She looked up at the moon, the eighteenth moon was quite round.


It was as if the sound of the broken cloth sounded, and a series of dark space cracks opened around the laziness, and it was another kind of beauty against the starlight.


Laziness didn't care, and let the cracks in the space tear her body apart. It was difficult for her in the Nascent Soul Stage to tear it apart all at once. Those dense cracks were like knives, tearing out wounds and letting blood flow out...

Laziness knows that if this continues, she will undoubtedly die, but at this time she is more concerned about the stars and moon in the sky, and if she takes another look, she can close her eyes and go to sleep.

Thinking lazily, the stars and the moon are indeed beautiful, but if you keep your eyes open for too long, you will be tired...

"Where did you run to?"


"Oh ho, I saw it!"

The sloth turned its head slightly, its cheeks pressed against the dirt, its eyeballs moved up, the pupils flickered slightly, smiled, and closed their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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