Chapter 177 The only one in the world (17)

After hearing his words, Yanling didn't show any emotion, and even snorted coldly, "What's the use of saying this now! Do you think that if you regret it, my daughter will be able to come back? I still say the same thing, and it is bound to be for my wife. To seek justice with my daughter, you wait for me!"

He didn't care about the personal relationship between them, in short, he would not let go of any of these people present.

Yanling took out the small black flag and used the formation again to lead Qin Yin and Lu Shaohua away.

After leaving Ling Tianzong, Yan Ling suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

Qin Yin was taken aback, and hurriedly asked worriedly, "Mozun, are you alright?"

Yan Ling waved his hand, "Nothing."

"Mozun must have been saddened by the news of Mu Mu's death, suffered a backlash, and then suffered a blow from the Yuexia Fairy, so the internal organs were damaged, but as long as you take good care of yourself, you should recover soon .”

Yanling glanced at him appreciatively, nodded and admitted, "That's right, it was because of my negligence that I got hit by that woman. I thought I would take Mu Mu's demon pill back no matter what, but that woman is now In the heyday, with Shen Qingchen watching from the side, I can only choose to think long-term."

"Now you are the only one who can fight Luoqing Xianzun and Yuexia Fairy. I hope Mozun will not rush for quick success, otherwise the gain will outweigh the loss. This matter needs to be carefully calculated." Lu Shaohua kindly suggested.

"You're right, let's go back to the Demon Realm to get some rest before we come back."

Valley of Ice.

Yaoyao found a cave and put Su Mu in.

Without the demon core, she is now an ordinary fox, and the nine tails have also turned into one tail, and the other eight tails cannot be condensed because of her lack of demon power.

Yaoyao sneaked into her consciousness and woke up people, and at the same time awakened those memories that were sealed up by it because of the system upgrade.

Su Mu opened his eyes, and his eyes were no longer as pure and clear as before, but complicated after the weather.

She looked at her miserable state, and mocked herself to Yaoyao: {How similar she is to me at that time...}
The same nine-tailed fox, also innocently deceived, also ended up in such a miserable end.Also can only lick the wound alone.

Yaoyao didn't know how to comfort her, this time it was indeed the villain's father who did too much, it could only try to find a way to change the subject, {Master, you still don't know the general direction of this world, do you?How about I transmit the original plot to you first? }
{Can. }She also wanted to know what the original plot was like, and whether it failed like her.

Yaoyao hurriedly transmitted the original plot into her mind.

There is not much difference between the development in the original plot and the present, but if you really want to say, the biggest gap probably lies in her.

In the original plot, because Fairy Yuexia blocked the injury for Luoqing Xianzun, she almost lost her soul. For this, Luoqing Xianzun felt guilty all the time, and thought of various ways to ensure that Yuexia Fairy's body would not rot. A suitable Nine-Tailed Fox Demon Pill.

But the Nine-Tailed Fox is rare in the world. Everyone in Lingtianzong has been looking for it for 50 years, but there is no news. Just when they were about to give up, Luoqing Immortal Venerable sent news that he had found it.

It turned out that Luoqing Immortal Venerable met a little fox on the way to participate in the Zongmen Dabi, and the little fox appeared out of guard against him on the spur of the moment. It was the nine-tailed fox he had been looking for for a long time.

Luoqing Immortal Venerable brought the little fox back to Lingtian Sect. The lord and the second elder took out the cage they had prepared and locked her in. They didn't let her out until the night of the full moon one month later, but it was to kill the fox to get the pill. .

In this way, the only nine-tailed fox in the world died, but the heroine was resurrected with the help of the demon pill.

After Luoqing Immortal Venerable repaid the favor he owed her, he chose to go out for training, and the date of return was undecided.

After Fairy Yuexia recovered, she came to Wuchen Peak to report every day, just to see if Immortal Luoqing would come back.But after so many times, she gradually developed a good impression of Lu Shaohua, the disciple of Luoqing Immortal Venerable.

Lu Shaohua is the eldest son of a big family with outstanding talent. He was sent to Ling Tianzong to practice since he was a child. Potential to be tapped.

Fairy Yuexia changed from checking whether the Luoqing Immortal Venerable returned every day to watching Lu Shaohua practice every day, and even personally guided him to practice.

Although Lu Shaohua and Qin Yin said that they were disciples of Luoqing Xianzun, they had never received any guidance from their master since they entered Wuchen Peak.

It was the first time that someone taught him to practice so patiently, which caused ripples in his heart, and the figure of Fairy Yuexia gradually became clear in his mind.

As spring and autumn came, the relationship between the two became closer and even more ambiguous. Even Qin Yin was aware of it. She couldn't help but complain in a low voice: Isn't Fairy Yuexia the master's Taoist companion?Why are you still so close to Shaohua?

She just said that inadvertently, but Fairy Yuexia remembered it in her heart, and took advantage of Qin Yin's opportunity to go out to practice, and completely left her outside.

Without Qin Yin's interruption, Wuchen Peak almost became a place for her tryst with Lu Shaohua, and the relationship between the two has also developed substantially.

But at this moment, Luoqing Immortal Venerable came back.

At the same time, he also brought back a piece of news he just learned: It turns out that Fairy Yuexia is not a half-demon, she is 100% human, just to get more abilities, the suzerain used tricks to trap Yanling's wife, who was the only one at that time, A nine-tailed fox was caught, and the demon pill in its body was put into Fairy Yuexia's body by a secret method, thus making her a half-demon.

Seeing that their biggest secret was discovered, the suzerain and Fairy Yuexia thought about how to kill him to keep him from revealing the matter, otherwise how would the world view them and Ling Tianzong!
So on the second day, the whole spiritual world began to spread a secret, saying that Luoqing Xianzun loved Fairy Yuexia so badly, in order to resurrect her, he did not hesitate to kill the only remaining nine-tailed fox in the world, and took its demon pill to replace Yuexia. The fairy lives on.

This caused an uproar in the spirit world, and everyone did not believe that the Luoqing Immortal Venerable they admired would do such a despicable act.

At this time, Lu Shaohua, the disciple of the Immortal Venerable, stood up and admitted that he saw the Immortal Venerable killing the nine-tailed fox with his own eyes, just to get the demon pill in its body. Therefore, he applied to expel Master from the spirit world.

His remarks were approved by everyone.

Luoqing Immortal Venerable was first stripped of his honorary title, then kicked out of the spirit world, and could only survive in the demon world.

But because he had offended too many demons before, no matter how powerful he was, with many magic weapons, he couldn't resist the continuous pursuit, and finally died.

He probably would never have imagined that most of these people who assassinated him were sent by the Ling Tian Sect that he had been guarding.

(End of this chapter)

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