Chapter 178 The only one in the world (18)

After watching all the plots, Yaoyao originally thought that the master would sigh with emotion: death deserves more than guilt!

But she suddenly asked: {Shen Qingchen is the villain of this world?I want to attack him? }
Uh... Although Yaoyao doesn't want to admit it, it is indeed true.

{Yes, master, Shen Qingchen is the villain's father, you can only complete the mission if you conquer him. }
{What is the mission of the original owner? }

Speaking of this, Yaoyao immediately straightened up, and said seriously: {Master, the original owner's task is to prevent the Yaodan from being taken away, but you have already failed, so you must complete the task of capturing the villain's father. }
Su Mu was silent for a long time without speaking.

Yaoyao also felt a little uncomfortable, because the original owner's experience was so similar to the owner's, which happened to touch her sensitive nerve.

But it's also the villain's father who is wrong to do such a thing that both people and gods are angry with!

Even if the Nine-Tailed Fox is not the master, it is still unforgivable for him to kill a fox to get pills for a woman with a vicious mind.

Just let him continue to do it, once he lets himself go, he won't even want his wife, right!

Obviously the two of them were so sweet in the last life, but they are destined to become enemies in this life.

Based on what it knew about its master, she would never forgive the villain's father even if she died.

{Yaoyao, after the task is completed, can I leave directly? }

Hearing her words, Yaoyao was not surprised at all.

It knew that the master would not forgive so easily.

{Of course, and even if you want to stay here, master, there is no way, because your body will not be able to hold on, and you only have the last two months left, so it is still based on the premise of taking good care of yourself. }
{Two months?enough. } She closed her eyes and thought about what she had to do in her mind, and found that two months was enough.

{Another thing to remind the master is that I used my own energy to repair the wound on your body, but this is only temporary. Your injury is getting worse now, and you must find a way to heal it as soon as possible. }
{it is good. }
Su Mu nodded, opened his mouth to bite the beads on his neck, and crushed them hard.

Although she can't use spiritual power now, as a monster, her own strength is enough to bite through this bead.

It's just that after exhausting all her strength, she became weaker and weaker, as if she would disappear in the next second.

On the other side, Yan Ling, who was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, was suddenly shocked. He opened his eyes suddenly and looked to the north with an excited expression.

Seeing him like this, Qin Yin and Lu Shaohua were puzzled: "Mozun, what's wrong? Did you sense something?"

Yanling waved his hand to change the destination of the magic circle, then turned his head to look at the two of them, with excitement still on his face.

"Just now I sensed the aura of the soul bead. I only gave this bead to Mumu, so she probably didn't die!"

"Really?" Qin Yin and Lu Shaohua were delighted when they heard the words, "Then let's go find her quickly!"

The three of them changed from the sad and painful atmosphere before, and became excited and excited, but also mixed with anticipation.

Until they saw the dying little fox in the cave, all their emotions turned into distress.

"Mu Mu!" Qin Yin ran to hug her first.

Having been with Mu Mu's prototype for so long, she recognized this little fox as Mu Mu with just one glance.

"Ji..." Su Mu slightly opened his eyes, wanting to respond to Qin Yin as before, but her voice was so low that she could hardly hear her because of her weakness.

Yan Ling strode over, took Su Mu from her arms, and used his spiritual power to help her check her injuries.

Just looking at it, his face instantly became gloomy and ugly, "Shen Qingchen, Yue Xia, Sect Master Ling Tian, ​​I will never let you go!"

Su Mu's viscera were seriously injured, and she might not be able to recover. If this continues, she can only live for two months at most.

"Mozun, how is Mumu? She looks so weak, can you find a way to save her?"

Qin Yin stood on the other side of Yanling, with undisguised worry in his eyes.

Mu Mu's situation seems to be very bad, she should be fine, right?

"She's injured too badly. I can only suspend her injury. If I want to recover, I'm afraid it will take some time to recuperate with some spiritual herbs."

"If you need any spirit herbs, Shaohua and I can find them too."

"Hmm... Timber Fruit, Dragon Clover Grass, Youhuang Grass and Millennium Snow Lotus."

Among these spirit grasses, only Tianmu Guo and Youhuang Grass are the best to collect, both of which are available in the Demon Realm, but the remaining two are somewhat difficult for him.

Lu Shaohua also frowned after hearing this, "I thought that the thousand-year-old snow lotus only existed in legends. I heard that it is very rare and rare, and I have never heard of it being alive. Where should we find it?"

Obviously, Mu Mu's situation cannot be delayed for too long. If only the three of them are looking for it, I don't know how to find it!
The three of them didn't care, they were just worried that Mu Mu wouldn't last until then.

Yan Ling obviously had the same consideration. He pondered for a moment before making a decision, "I think it's better to bring Mu Mu back to the Demon Realm first, and settle her down, and then I'll call my subordinates to help find it together."

Qin Yin and Lu Shaohua both nodded in agreement, "This is the only way to do it now."

Hope to be lucky enough to find dragon clover grass and millennium snow lotus!

By the time the three returned to the Demon Realm, a day had passed.

Yan Ling took Su Mu back to his residence - Nether Palace.

At this time, Su Mu's breathing was already very weak, Yan Ling hurriedly used his spiritual power to help her recover again.

He didn't stop until she was breathing steadily, but his expression was very solemn.

He turned his head to look at Qin Yin and Lu Shaohua at the side, sighed and said, "The effect of using spiritual power to repair is getting weaker and weaker. We'd better act as soon as possible to find those spiritual herbs."

"Then let's go now!"

"Okay, I will immediately order them to help find them together. I will watch Mumu here in case something unexpected happens."

At the end, he suddenly took out two sound transmission symbols and handed them to the two, "This is for you, if you have any trouble, you can contact me at any time, and I will rush there as soon as possible."

The two quickly put the sound transmission talisman into their Qiankun bags, "Thank you Demon Lord."

"It should be me who wants to thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I still don't know the existence of my daughter. Thank you."

Yanling bowed to the two of them, if they hadn't come to look for him, he might never know that there is still a daughter in this world until he dies.

Although he can somewhat think of his wife's plan, she wants her daughter to live in seclusion without being disturbed by the world.

Just because they are nine-tailed foxes that are rarer than the thousand-year-old snow lotus, they are destined to be caught or used.

But he also has his own selfishness, and he wants to fulfill his father's duty no matter what.

Especially when he knew his daughter was in danger, how could he sit idly by!

(End of this chapter)

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