Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 438 The small and refreshing delicacy in the eyes of the old man is actually-fried liver? !

Chapter 438 The small and refreshing delicacy in the eyes of the old man is actually-fried liver? ! 【Subscribe】

The mission of Beijing-style snacks?
Lin Xu almost forgot about this task.

This is the first time I went to Shen Baobao's house and learned how to make fried enemas from Mrs. Shen.

It was late July at that time, and now it will be December soon, and the task will expire in more than a month, no wonder the system will remind it, the time is indeed long enough.

However, the progress of this task is not at all unfinished.

Clicking on the task details, Lin Xu saw that the task had already reached 6/10.

It also records the name of each snack in detail:
Shaqima, almond tofu, fried enema, watermelon cheese, mending meat pie, sugar pancake.

"Tsk tsk tsk, there are so many. It seems that this task is not difficult. I will make stir-fried liver, stewed, aiwowo, yellow rice cold cake and so on later, it will be done."

He grumbled and continued to make sugar pancakes.

Sugar pancakes are superimposed with two kinds of noodles, the leavened noodles are soft and the sugar noodles are crispy.

Mixing two different noodles together will taste different.

It is said that experienced masters will deliberately add a little salt to the noodles when they are fermented, so that the taste is salty, sweet and gelatinous, and the contrast between soft and crispy is more intense.

But what Mrs. Shen did is still unclear.

Because the noodles had already been made when I came, I didn't have time to observe the ingredients.

At this moment, although a sugar pancake has been fried, the side with sugar has also been fried to a caramel color, and the color is ruddy, forming a strong contrast in color with the golden pancake on the other side, which looks very attractive, but Lin Xu finally resisted the idea of ​​taking a sip.

The elders haven't eaten yet, so the younger generation can't taste it first.

Regardless of whether it is sweet or salty, everything will be discussed when grandma comes back.

The firepower of the small family stove is weak, and the oil pan is also small, and only one noodle cake can be fried at a time.

If it were in the store, if you put in a large oil pan, and once the planetary engine was turned on, one pan could fry five or six pancakes. The pancakes on the chopping board would probably have been fried by now.

Lin Xu was busy with work when Shen Guofu and his wife walked in.

"Huh? Why are you frying? Where's grandma?"

"I went with Yueyue to deliver Qiuli ointment to the neighbors in the neighborhood. I made more than [-] bottles today, and I sent [-] bottles to Yinzhou. When the relatives and friends here finish delivering them, the rest will be sold in the store for a try. If it works, sell it in the store."

Now I have figured out the industrial method of Qiuli cream. If I make one thousand catties at a time, I can make exactly one hundred bottles.

One thousand catties is not too difficult for Wang Ziqiang and the others, and it can definitely be sold in the store.

Reminiscent of the fact that moon cakes, Shaqima, horseshoe cakes and other snacks were looted by customers before, Lin Xu felt that the autumn pear paste had to be sold in limited quantities, and those with membership cards had priority to buy.

In addition, you can also do some fan activities to distribute some benefits to fans from other places.

"I'll ask for [-] or [-] bottles later, and give them to friends around me... I just fried a pancake, so I can eat it later."

Today, the old lady's pancakes were originally made for Shen Guofu.

So he got off work early, and went straight to the South Third Ring Road after receiving Han Shuzhen.

Not long after, the second pancake was fried. Lin Xu took it out to control the oil and started to fry the next pancake.

While busy with work, Shen Jiayue walked in from the outside with a big plastic bag, and the old Mrs.

"Hey, I knew Cengfan was coming when I saw the car outside...Mom, do you eat walnuts here? There are also peanuts, persimmons, pine nuts, almonds, macadamia nuts..."

This is the place where Shen Baobao grew up. The neighbors liked her very much. Today, she came to visit with so many delicious food. Everyone took out their own food and started the feeding mode.

Each family gave food, changing from small bags to medium bags, and then changing from medium bags to large bags.

The neighbors' feeding was not limited to Shen Jiayue, even Dundun got a jar of unsalted dried quail.

"Aunt Liu made these dried quails by herself in an air-dried box at home. It is said that eating them is good for cats and cats. At first, they didn't care about them, but when they smelled them, they got a little hot."

Han Shuzhen pinched a piece of almond wood from the bag, peeled it off and put it in her mouth, and asked while eating:

"Aunt Liu has a cat at home?"

Shen Jiayue took out the dried quail in the glass jar and said:

"I raised a golden gradual layer. I wanted to compare its size with Dundun, but when I saw Dundun, I hid under the sofa and couldn't scream... Other children are afraid of strangers, but we Dundun are the most Brave, isn't it little baby?"

However, Dundun didn't want to respond, and stared straight at the can of dried quail.

Obviously, its attention is all attracted by the food.

Shen Jiayue took out a disposable plate from the kitchen, unscrewed the lid and took out a dried quail and put it in. Dundun rushed over immediately and bit off the quail's head.

These dried quails are made from dried quails without long hair. They can be eaten all over the body and have no particularly hard bones. For cats, they can not only fill their stomachs and supplement nutrition, but also have the effect of grinding their teeth.

Seeing that Dundun was eating, Mrs. Shen washed her hands in the yard and walked into the kitchen, took a taste of the fried sugar pancake, and exclaimed:
"My grandson-in-law is really delicious. This sugar pancake is fried just right, so delicious."

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"It's because you made this side well. Without this side, I wouldn't be able to fry such a good pancake... What are you going to make with pancakes tonight? Do you need to buy some more ingredients?"

"No, no, I'm ready."

The old lady pointed to the pressure cooker on the ground and said:

"At noon, your dad told me that he wanted to eat sugar pancakes and fried liver, so I squeezed some pig intestines and bought a piece of fresh pig liver..."

As she was rambling on, Han Shuzhen outside the kitchen pinched Lao Shen lightly, and whispered:

"When will you be able to control your mouth?"

Shen Guofu laughed dryly:
"It's just to satisfy my hunger. After this meal, I will go home tomorrow and eat a fat-reducing meal."

In the kitchen, Lin Xu's eyes lit up when he heard the word fried liver.

Hey, I was thinking about how to make snacks in the Yanjing area, but I didn't expect this to come here.

He asked curiously:

"Grandma, how about I cook the fried liver later?"

"Hey, my grandson-in-law can even make fried liver. Okay, I'll be the shopkeeper today. I don't do anything, just wait to eat."

The old lady came out of the kitchen with some fried pancakes:

"I see that Guofu's halazi is dripping down, eat it... eat less fried food, and eat less fried liver later."

Shen Guofu took a sugar pancake and tore it apart from the middle, handed half to Han Shuzhen, and put the other half into his mouth and took a big bite.

"Hey, it's noisy enough, but also crispy enough, this sugar pancake is really well done."

As a native of Yanjing, I really have feelings for sugar pancakes.

Get up in the morning, go to the breakfast stand to order a tofu nao, a sugar pancake, and if you don’t like it, roll a fried dough stick. If you eat it so deliciously, you won’t be hungry all day.

Sugar pancakes are usually eaten in this way.

The fried liver is served with buns.

But for Lao Shen, who loves meat and dislikes, sugar pancakes with tofu brains are not tasty enough, and they have to be eaten with fried liver to be enjoyable.

Shen Jiayue, who was squatting on the ground watching Dundun eating dried quail, looked up and saw that her parents were eating, but she was not, so she couldn't help but mutter:

"Sure enough, you are true love, and your children are accidents. Don't bring me sugar pancakes. I'm not hungry at all."

Shen Guofu held the basket and handed it over:
"The whole basket is yours, try it quickly, Xiao Xu fried it very well."

Hearing this, Shen smiled happily.

As long as you praise my family, Xu Bao, then I won't care so much about you.

She washed her hands, picked up a sugar pancake, tore off a piece, and immediately put it in her mouth, feeling that it was really soft and crispy.

This sugar pancake is really good.

Xu Bao is doing well!
in the kitchen.

After Lin Xu tasted a piece of sugar pancake, he opened the pressure cooker and took out the fat intestines inside.

Although the name is fried liver, the main ingredient of this national delicacy in Beijing is fat intestines. As for the pork liver, it only accounts for one-third or one-fourth of the fat intestines.

The reason for this collocation is that in the past, pig intestines were something that no one wanted, and the price was low, while the price of pig liver was relatively high, so the pig liver, which is the starting point, was used as the name.

This naming method is related to the habits of people in the capital, who always want to highlight the best.

For example, smoked yellow croaker, another delicacy in Beijing, is actually pork head meat, because when cooking, a relatively rare small yellow croaker is put in each pot, so it is called so.

The fat sausage is hot when it is first fished out, and it is too soft and rotten, so let it dry for a while before cutting.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xu fried all the pancakes.

Then officially started to make fried liver.

The ingredients needed for fried liver are not complicated, mainly dry yellow sauce, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, garlic, mushroom soup, fat sausage, pork liver, mung bean starch and other ingredients.

Mrs. Shen has prepared the mushroom soup, and there is a small half pot.

This is a condiment that people in the capital cannot do without. No matter whether it is meat or vegetarian dishes, adding two spoonfuls when cooking will make a big difference in the aroma.

Squeeze the dried yellow sauce into a bowl, add some rice wine, and stir to separate.

Use rice wine to dry the yellow sauce, which can make the sauce more fragrant.

Set aside for later use. Pour the hot oil that has just been fried into the oil tank, leaving a little bottom oil on the bottom of the pan.

Use a slotted spoon to pick up a few star anises that have been boiled with fat intestines from the pressure cooker, wait for the oil in the pot to heat up, throw the star anises in, and fry the aroma.

The reason why boiled star anise is used instead of fresh star anise is because the aroma of boiled star anise is softer and does not have the strong punch of fresh star anise.

The fried liver made in this way is enjoyable and more comfortable to drink.

While frying the star anise, Lin Xu took some garlic, smashed it and threw it into the pot as well.

When the star anise is deep-fried until dark brown and the garlic turns golden, pour the dried yellow sauce into it and fry the sauce for a while, the fried liver will be fragrant enough.

In the past, those stir-fried liver shops used to stir fry a large pot of sauce like this. When you start to make fried liver, you scoop a large spoonful and throw it into the soup, which is quick and convenient.

But if you eat at home, you don’t need so much, just a little less.

Stir-fry the dried yellow sauce until fragrant, add a large bowl of the original soup of the fatty sausage, then pour in a large bowl of mushroom soup, and finally add water until the pot is half full.

Mushroom soup and fat sausage soup should not be less, but not too much, otherwise the taste of the mushrooms will be too strong, which will overwhelm the fragrance of fat sausage and the umami taste of pork liver.

While the soup was cooking, Lin Xu cut the fat sausage into hob pieces.

Then take the pork liver that has been soaking all the time, remove the fascia first, and then cut it into long and thin willow leaves.

Cut it up and marinate it. Put a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of pepper, and a handful of dry starch into the pork liver, mix well and put it aside.

Pork liver is a very easy-to-cook ingredient, so it cannot be left early.

You have to wait until it is about to come out of the pan. At that time, the taste of the pork liver is soft, tender and delicious, full of umami.

If it is overcooked, the pork liver will be dry and bitter, and it will feel like eating sand in the mouth.

The soup in the pot needs to be boiled a little longer to bring out the aroma of the dried yellow sauce and mushroom soup. There is still some time, so Lin Xu pounded a little garlic with a garlic mortar and chopped a little garlic.

Garlic is the soul of fried liver, and more than three times of garlic should be added during the whole production process.

The first time is the whole garlic when frying the dried yellow sauce, the second time is the mashed garlic for flavor, and the third time is the minced garlic sprinkled before it comes out of the pot.

In order to make the taste better, sometimes the garlic is even put twice.

After preparing the garlic, Lin Xu stirred the mung bean starch with water.

Mung bean starch is the first choice for making fried liver, because the paste made from this kind of starch has the smoothest taste, and you can drink it without a spoon, just suck it along the side of the bowl.

It is said that people in the old capital never talk about eating fried liver, but drink fried liver.

You don't need a spoon or chopsticks when eating, just hold the bowl like this, and suck up the fried liver in the bowl one bite at a time along the side of the bowl.

After the starch was ready, Lin Xu took out the cooked garlic and star anise in the pot with a colander, and beat out the dregs.

Then put in the chopped sausage.

After the fat intestines are put into the pot, dark soy sauce should be added to adjust the color, so as to bring out the ruddy color of the fried liver.

As for the salt, there is no need to put it, because the dried yellow sauce itself is very salty, if you think it is not salty enough, just add some light soy sauce.

Boil the fat intestines for a while, and cook them again until they have a slightly rotten taste, then pour a tablespoon of prepared mung bean starch into the pot.

The reason why the form of splashing is to make the starch water disperse more evenly.

It is also important to thicken the stir-fried liver. It is definitely not enough to do it once or twice. It takes more than three times to make the soup in the pot support the fat intestines and pork liver.

After thickening, give the pot a stir with a spoon.

The soup has become viscous, and it feels like noodle soup when stirred.

Lin Xu poured the crushed garlic into it, and quickly stirred it with a spoon, and the aroma of garlic rose immediately.

Taking advantage of this time, bring over the marinated pork liver, instead of pouring it directly, first scoop a large spoonful of soup from the pot and pour it into the basin containing the pork liver.

Stir with a spoon to make the pork liver turn slightly pink, then pour all the pork liver and soup into the pot, and stir with a spoon.

Wait for the soup in the pot to boil again, then scoop a spoonful of starch water into it.

When thickening the soup, you must wait until the soup in the pot boils, otherwise the starch water will form a lump in the pot.

After thickening, sprinkle in the chopped garlic.

At this moment, the color in the pot is not enough, so add some dark soy sauce. If the color and taste are okay, then thicken it again and prepare to be out of the pot.

Pork liver cannot be cooked for a long time in the pot. It must be cooked as soon as possible, so as to maintain the soft and tender taste.

Thicken the soup three times to make the soup in the pot thicker and ruddy in color, but the fresh fragrance is still quite pleasant. When Lin Xu put the spoon into the bowl, a system prompt sounded in his mind:

"Beijing-style snacks +1, the task progress is 7/10."

According to this progress, it is still very easy to complete the task.

Lin Xu took out the fried liver and sent it to the restaurant on a tray, only to find that Chen Yan and Ren Jie had also come, and the young couple were eating freshly fried pancakes.

"Brother-in-law's fried liver is well done, it smells delicious."

Ren Jie swallowed and said:
"It's really not easy to drink serious fried liver in Beijing now. The fat intestines are cut like fingernails, and they are so broken that they can't be found. There are very few pig livers, and they are all supported by starch."

Shen Guofu nodded:

"Yes, it's not easy to find a delicious fried liver, so I made it at home today. Xiaoxu's cooking skills are definitely a blow to those snack bars."

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"That's not necessarily the case. After all, some fried liver restaurants have been open for hundreds of years."

Shen Guofu held a bowl, took a sip along the side of the bowl, and then gave a thumbs up:

"My son-in-law's biggest problem is that he is too modest. This fried liver is made, not to mention those restaurants that have been around for a hundred years, even if it is a thousand years old, it is useless...Mom, hurry up and try it, it tastes really good."

Lin Xu went to the kitchen to serve two more bowls, served them with small kimchi and pickles at home, and ate them with sugar pancakes.

Take a sip of fried liver and a bite of oil cake.

Although I thought it was quite heavy at first, but after eating it, you will find that it is really good to eat like this. The fried liver garlic is full of fragrance, except for the fragrance, it is fresh, and there is no peculiar smell as imagined.

And because it is thickened with mung bean starch, it tastes extremely smooth, and it feels like drinking jelly.

Shen Guofu said while eating:
"From childhood to adulthood, I have to eat fried liver every once in a while. If I don't eat it, I feel uncomfortable all over my body. For me, eating fried liver has become a kind of feeling and habit."

Shen Jiayue clicked her tongue:
"Fortunately, I'm eating. If I just listened to you, I thought you were missing your first love."

Shen Guofu smiled:

"Don't tell me, in my heart, fried liver has always been small and fresh. People say that it has a heavy taste, but I don't think so... As for eating offal, there is pork offal porridge in the south, which is another form of fried liver Son."

Seeing what her father said, Shen Jiayue quickly turned on her mother:

"It turns out that Chao Gan'er has such a high status in my dad's heart, almost catching up with my mother...Director Han, may I ask how it feels to be side by side with the ugly Chao Gan'er?"

Hmph, if you didn't bring me sugar pancakes just now, then I can't go too far, right?

Han Shuzhen gouged out her husband, and then said to Shen Baobao:

"Hurry up and eat your meal, such delicious fried liver still can't occupy your mouth?"

Seeing the bickering scene of the family of three, Ren Jie couldn't help showing envy. His parents are both old scholars, and he never dared to speak like that since he was a child.

In order to complete the task as soon as possible.

Lin Xu took a sip of fried liver and said:

"Recently, I suddenly became interested in the snacks in the capital. I want to try a few more. Is there anything you want to eat?"

want to eat?
Everyone looked at each other and reported the food they wanted to eat one by one.

"Boiled and grilled!"

"Rotten garlic sausage!"

"Sheep cream sausage!"

"Smoked fish!"

"Soy milk!"


Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Why are they all heavy flavors?
Can't you have a little refreshing dessert?

To be honest, I like to eat stewed liver, but I haven’t eaten fried liver a few times in Beijing. It’s a pity. I’ll try it next time.This chapter is 5200 words, ask for a monthly pass, brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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