Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 524 The whole family is so happy to eat together!Make rock sugar bird's nest for the el

Chapter 524 The whole family is so happy to eat together!Make rock sugar bird's nest for the elderly! 【Ask monthly ticket】

"Old Gao, you just need to ring the doorbell, why are you shouting?"

Uncle Gao's voice quickly called Qiu Yaozu over. The old man was speechless. He had already made up his mind to pretend he was not at home when Lao Gao came to him.

Who knows that this guy doesn't play cards according to common sense.

Not only did he not call in advance, he didn't even ring the doorbell, he just slammed on the doorknocker so loudly.

If you don't open the door quickly and let him in, maybe the neighbors in the neighborhood think that they owe foreign debts and are being violently collected.

"My apprentice is holding a wedding, and all the old family members have come to the capital. As a master, I have to give you some affordable gifts, so I came to you."

Uncle Gao led Luo Shan inside in a loud manner.

Qiu Yaozu looked helpless:
"You came here to give gifts to your disciples, do you really think of yourself as a bandit?"

"No, I regarded you as a big landlord, and today I came to hunt down local tyrants and divide the land."

Uncle Gao was wearing a black down jacket and woolen cap, and he walked vigorously. He looked only in his fifties, while Qiu Yaozu, who was a few years older, was obviously older.

Visually, the two are at least 20 years apart.

After entering the door, Uncle Gao unzipped the down jacket and pointed to Luo Shan beside him:

"This is my girlfriend, Ms. Luo Shan. We have traveled more than half of China together. We have a more intuitive understanding of the mountains, rivers and rivers that were only in books, the Internet, and movies and TV dramas in the past. We have also seen the customs and customs of many places. .”

He suddenly became serious, which made Qiu Yaozu feel uncomfortable:

"Hello, Ms. Luo, you can tell the nanny what to drink. We have ginger jujube tea, rose tea, and other drinks that are more suitable for women."

Although he felt that he was going to be plucked today, but for some reason, Qiu Yaozu was filled with emotion when he saw his old man bring his girlfriend to visit his house.

When I was young, for the sake of cooking, everyone wanted to beat the dog's brain out.

But now that the age of culinary competition has passed, the only thing that the veteran chefs who have retired at home can compete with is the craftsmanship of the younger generations.

But it's nothing to compete with.

The middle-aged generation is basically crushed to death by Xie Baomin.

And it is said that this dog secretly started practicing white cases this year.

When he catches up, let alone Diaoyutai, even if the chefs of all foreign-related hotels in the entire capital are put together, Xie Baomin can still stand out from the crowd.

As for the younger generation, not to mention, Lin Xu has basically become the benchmark of the younger generation.

Not only is his culinary skills far ahead, but he also has business acumen. When talking about Lin Xu now, he is basically put together with Xie Baomin, Qiu Zhenhua and others.

He has caught up with a whole generation.

In time, he will definitely become a leader like Gao Peisheng.

When I was young, I was suppressed by Lao Gao, and finally survived until I was old, and Lao Gao's two apprentices continued to suppress him. Under such circumstances, who would talk about cooking skills? Guys are like family.

Roseanne smiled and said:
"Master Qiu, you are welcome. I just want brown sugar ginger tea."

The nanny next to me agreed, and then respectfully asked Mr. Gao:
"What does Mr. Gao drink?"

"Just get him a glass of cold water. I'm annoyed just looking at this guy. I give gifts to my apprentice's family, but come to my house to find them. You're a real bandit!"

Qiu Yaozu muttered angrily, and the nanny smiled and went to make tea.

Uncle Gao was not angry, and continued to happily chat about his recent travels.

"People in the northwestern region have a good grasp of hot and sour flavors. In any small restaurant, the fried shredded potatoes and mung bean sprouts are very good, not to mention beef and mutton. The only disadvantage is that they don't look good."

Qiu Yaozu nodded:
"This is the style of Northwest cuisine. The Yin family on the 12th floor has been working hard on this... I heard that there are old people in Xiaoxu's family. I happen to have two century-old ginseng in my collection. You can take them away later. "

"This is so embarrassing, but there are five elderly people in the Lin family, the Chen family, the Shen family, and the Han family. You don't get enough for two plants... If there are any other good things, bring them out to open my eyes."

Qiu Yaozu originally thought that it would be good to give two ginseng plants, but who would have thought that Lao Gao would be so open-minded.

It's a pity that there is no dog at home, otherwise the dog would have to be let to bite this old thing right now.

He tapped the ground with his stick:
"Everything is in the basement. Take whatever you want, and treat it as a gift from me. Later, if you want to have a wedding, I'll go to the feast empty-handed."

Uncle Gao smiled:

"We don't plan to have a wedding. Even if we get the certificate, we won't be busy with the ceremony. It's tiring and unnecessary. If it wasn't for my little apprentice's wedding, I should be riding an elephant in short sleeves right now."

The cold weather in Beijing is really not suitable for the elderly to live in.

Relatively speaking, the tropical areas in the south are better and more supportive.

When they were chatting, Lin Xu was at the high-speed rail station and finally received a big family.

Four brothers and sisters Lin Hongjun, Lin Hongxin, Lin Hongqi and Lin Hongxia, three brothers and sisters Chen Meide, Chen Meiliang and Chen Meijuan, two elderly people, Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Chen, plus Lin Xu's aunt, uncle and aunt, Shi Moli and Chen Shaokang and other young ones There are 30 people in this generation, like a tourist group.

"Mom, this way!"

Shen Jiayue handed the pier to Lin Xu, and ran to the gate by herself. As soon as Chen Meijuan got out of the high-speed rail ticket, the girl leaned over and chatted enthusiastically like a mother and daughter.

Lin Xu hugged Dundun and led everyone to the parking lot. After everyone got in the car, he drove everyone to Yingchun Street on the North Fourth Ring Road.

"Cousin, this car is so handsome, I like it very much."

"Study hard if you like it, and earn money to buy one yourself when you grow up."

"I will work hard, and I must be admitted to the Central University of Finance and Economics to become a qualified chef."

Chen Shaokang's words made Lin Xu and Shen Jiayue of the Central University of Finance and Economics full of black lines. They were considering whether to take this kid to the school for a tour, and told him with practical actions that Central University of Finance and Economics does not have a cooking major.

However, there are still financial schools that claim to be pig-killing majors, and they are very strong.

On the way, Chen Meijuan hugged Dundun, and felt that the little guy's figure was rounder than when he walked last time, and his naive appearance was really like a child.

Lin Hongqi looked at the scenery outside the car window and said with a smile:

"Originally all the relatives had to come, but we thought it was too much trouble, and since we have to entertain guests when we go back during the Spring Festival, there is no need to let everyone run away. Those who celebrate the New Year are so busy."

Lin's family and Chen's family can be regarded as Lin Xu's immediate relatives, and there are also some cousins ​​and Lin Hongqi's uncles and brothers.

But Lin Hongqi didn't let them come here, not because he was afraid of trouble, but mainly because it was Chinese New Year, and the tickets were not easy to buy, and everyone was very busy, especially those who went to work. never mind.

Lin Xu listened to his father nagging while driving.

Once upon a time, Lin Hongqi didn't like these red tapes very much, but now he babbled about who brought the gifts in advance, who didn't welcome the guests, and so on.

Lin Xu was very moved after hearing these chatter.

When you feel that your parents are nagging, it means that you have grown up, and it also means that your parents are getting old.

In the past, Dad would never say these things, but today he almost said it all.

It is said that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the child wants to support but does not wait for the relatives. I can't wait until this day to realize these things. Anyway, now that I have obtained the qualifications for settlement and the household registration book, I will transfer my parents' household registration later. Forget about settling in the capital.

A few days ago, Lin Xu received the account book, and went to get the marriage certificate with Shen Jiayue.

Now the two are considered a legal couple, but Chinese people pay attention to registration, which is not considered marriage, but worshiping heaven and earth.

Chen Meijuan asked:
"Is it okay where you live?"

Shen Jiayue said:
"No problem, there are so many guest rooms in Building [-], everyone is rich in one room."

"Where is the room where you were married?"

"It's also ready. It's the presidential suite in Building No. [-]. When the time comes, Xu Bao will pick me up in Building No. [-] in a concierge car, and then go to Building No. [-] to worship heaven and earth."

In terms of protocol and etiquette, Diaoyutai is regarded as the place with the highest standards in China.

No matter Western-style carriages, Chinese-style sedan chairs, or various types of courtesy cars, there are all of them here.

When Chen Meijuan heard this, she was completely relieved.

But I still have some regrets in my heart, because when other people's children get married, their parents are busy, but when their own son gets married, parents don't have many opportunities to participate.

Be like a bystander the whole time.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, I was able to put up posters, play balloons and hang garlands in the house where my son lived. It was considered fulfilling the obligation of being a parent and not completely becoming a bystander.

When we arrived at Yingchun Street, the car pulled over and everyone got out of the car.

Although I have seen it many times in the video, seeing the door of Lin Kee Food in real life still makes people feel a sense of pride.

This is the career that my children broke out in the capital.

It is a height that many people cannot reach in their lifetime!

Chen Meiliang took out her mobile phone to take a picture, and then sent it to Moments:

"I didn't expect to come to the capital again many years later to attend my eldest nephew's wedding. My nephew's career has advanced by leaps and bounds. I feel ashamed to be an uncle."

Now because of playing around with the racecourse, he has also become a prominent figure in Yin Zhou.

But unlike the last time when he got rich by raising chickens, Chen Meiliang has always been very modest and low-key. He will push back banquets if he can, and hide from banquets if he can.

If he couldn't hide it, he said in a low profile that he was just running errands for the big boss.

But the more he behaved like this, the more polite people in Yinzhou's circle would be to him, because this kind of performance that made people unable to figure out the depth was the most dreadful.

And this is exactly what Chen Meiliang wanted.

The biggest trouble for the racecourse is the period before opening.

When the real famous horses settle in and the whole racecourse is on the right track, you don't have to worry anymore, because as long as you become a big taxpayer, the government will provide you with all protection.

Even if those evil little people want to make trouble, they have to weigh it carefully.

Lin Hongqi said to Lin Xu:

"After Mr. Yan invested, the racecourse has become a key support project in Yinzhou City. Your second uncle accepts interviews all day long and participates in the preparatory meeting for investment promotion in the city. He is very busy."

Chen Meiliang smiled:

"I am a fox pretending to be a tiger. Without the support of Mr. Shen and Mr. Yan, I will be torn to pieces in minutes."

Just as he was talking, Shen Guofu drove his Bentley and brought Mrs. Shen to join in the fun.

As soon as he got out of the car, he greeted Chen Meide and Chen Meiliang brothers:
"Big brother and second brother, welcome to the capital."

After speaking, he greeted Lin Hongjun, took a few boxes of imported cigars by the way, and stuffed a box for everyone.

Mrs. Shen came to Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Lin familiarly, and greeted them warmly.

Among the three old people, Mrs. Lin is the oldest, and she has been the principal all her life, and she came to the capital as a representative back then, so she naturally has the style of the eldest sister.

"Ever since I heard from Yueyue that I grew up with my grandma, I've always wanted to meet the eldest sister. Thank you for raising such a good girl. Our old Lin's family really burnt the incense."

"The old sister-in-law's words are wrong. If our family Yueyue can meet Xiaoxu, it will be a high incense."

Mrs. Shen was very happy. Both her granddaughter and granddaughter had found Mr. Ruyi. Every time she went to eat at home, the neighbors from the whole alley came to see him.

One is a good-looking chef, and the other is a good-looking criminal policeman.

Who would have thought that the family that used to be the poorest in the entire hutong would not only be prosperous in wealth, but even the next generation would be so perfect and excellent, which is really enviable and enviable.

"Stop talking outside, let's go in, lunch has been arranged upstairs."

Han Shuzhen and Chen Yan came out from the store and called everyone to go in.

When Chen Yan saw Chen Meijuan, she came up to her, shouting at Aunt Chen one by one, making Chen Meijuan very happy, and she unconsciously gained a beautiful niece.

When we came to the store, we first took a tour on the first floor, then went upstairs to the reserved private room where the whole family sat together.

When Chen Yuanyuan came back from her shift, there were already a lot of appetizers on the table.

"Sister, my cousin's shop is here, why do you insist on selling buns?"

Chen Shaokang looked puzzled.

In his opinion, since he is his own family, he must find the most leisurely job.

Chen Yuanyuan tapped him on the head:
"Don't think about it in the future. The more you are on your own, the more effort you will make. Otherwise, you will become a moth. Eat well. I will take you to Tsinghua University some time in the afternoon, so that you can feel the learning atmosphere there."

"I don't want to go to Tsinghua University, I want to go to the Central University of Finance and Economics!"

Chen Yuanyuan was overjoyed:

"Do you really want to be a chef?"

"Nonsense, I want to be like my cousin, study hard, earn money, and as long as you perform well in the future, brother, I will give you a sports car!"

Chen Yuanyuan took a piece of roasted chicken wing and put it into her mouth:

"I wanted to take you to buy a laptop. Since my younger brother is so generous, forget it. It just saved me a lot of money."

"Sister, I was wrong, I will buy you two sports cars when I have money!"

"The one with Nanfu batteries? Hurry up and eat. Remember, brother, a man's ambition is not spoken, but made. Keep talking about it, it will make people think you are superficial."

"oh I got it."

In the kitchen, Lin Xu was picking out bird feathers from the bird's nest that had been soaked for three hours with tweezers.

Bird's nest is a famous nourishing product since ancient times. It is rich in colloid. The most common way is to make bird's nest with rock sugar.

When making it, soak the bird's nest in pure water for three to four hours, and change the water once in the middle to soak the dry and hard bird's nest.

Then use small tweezers to pick out all the feathers and impurities mixed inside.

This not only makes the bird's nest look more pure and white, but also effectively removes the peculiar smell, making the bird's nest taste better and more delicious.

The bird's nest is silky, and it is somewhat similar to shark's fin after soaking.

After Lin Xu sorted out the impurities inside, he tore the bird's nest into strips according to the texture, washed them again, and then put them in a stew pot, put two red dates with pits removed, and added purified water.

Then put the stewing pots into the steamer one by one, and start to stew in water.

The bird's nest cannot be boiled directly, otherwise it will easily stick to the pan, so it must be stewed in a water-proof method, and the bird's nest gelatin will melt into the water through indirect heating.

This kind of soup is more friendly to women, and drinking it can beautify the skin.

While stewing, Lin Xu took a large piece of old rock sugar and smashed it with the back of a knife. The so-called rock sugar bird's nest is to add some rock sugar.

It is best to use yellow rock sugar, which has a moderate sweetness and has the fresh taste of sugarcane.

The rock sugar should not be put in too early, otherwise the sweetness will be too strong. Generally, it is added 5 minutes before the pot is out of the pot, so that the soup retains the fresh sweetness of the rock sugar that has just melted.

After stewing in water for half an hour, Lin Xu lifted the lid of the pot and put the crushed rock sugar into small stewing pots.

At this moment Wei Gan came over and asked:

"Lin Xu, the roasted whole lamb is ready, shall I serve it to your family now?"

"Go ahead, and serve two more servings of roast goose. There are so many people today, don't have enough to eat."

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Wei Qian left in a hurry, Lin Xu put the rock sugar in, put the lid on the pot, looked at the electronic clock hanging on the wall, and silently recorded the time in his heart.

5 minutes passed quickly.

He lifted the lid of the pot and took out all the stewing pots inside, and Che Zai and the two helpers hurried to serve the dishes.

At the door of the private room, Shu Yun looked at the stew pot and asked curiously:
"What is this?"

"The bird's nest with red dates and rock sugar made by the boss...I specially left a copy for you, let's go to the second floor to eat later."

The bird's nest is a good thing, Shu Yun thanked the waiter, took the tray, and delivered it in person.

"Come here, try the bird's nest with red dates and rock sugar made by the boss himself. The bird's nest was prepared this morning, specially to surprise the elders."

The men here are basically not interested in bird's nest.

But women are different. No matter the younger Shen Jiayue and Chen Yan, the middle-aged Han Shuzhen and Chen Meijuan, or the elderly such as Mrs. Shen, they all showed surprise expressions.

"Bring it here quickly, I will taste the saltiness for everyone."

"Tch, it's said to be bird's nest with rock sugar, what kind of salty taste do you have?"

Shen Jiayue habitually argued with Chen Yan, then looked at Shu Yun and asked:

"Do you have yours? Why don't you take a copy, and you can try it too."

"There is a copy downstairs, you can eat first, just let me know which dish you want to add, and I will let someone arrange it."

Downstairs, Lin Xu made Shen Guofu's flaming drunken goose, thinking that his grandma used to like to eat three non-stick, and this delicacy is indeed a specialty of Yinzhou.

So I brought some eggs and prepared to make this legendary dessert dish for my family to try.


2022 has passed. I originally planned to write 40 words this month, but due to illness and other reasons, I have not been able to make an update. However, I have written 31.6 words. About 30 people.

I wish you all the best for the new year!This chapter is 5100 words, ask for a monthly ticket, brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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