Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 542 Eat and Drink Enough to Watch the Fireworks!New Year's Eve limited supper - fried d

Chapter 542 Eat and Drink Enough to Watch the Fireworks!New Year's Eve limited supper - fried dumplings! 【Subscribe】

"Dad, Mom, I found you a job."

Zeng Xiaoqi came out from the next room, looked at her father who was smoking heavily and said this, then sat next to Qi Siming, picked up chopsticks and ate the delicious dishes on the table.

Just now she wanted to overturn the dining table directly, but thinking that it was the result of Qi Siming's hard work all day, she didn't want to, and dropped a bowl instead.

Qi Siming had already cleaned up the crumbs from the bowl, while Zeng Mu sat aside and sighed.

Originally, I was very happy this year. My daughter brought back a tall and handsome boyfriend who still works in the Yanjing Hotel, which can be described as the only one in the village.

As a result, two days before she was happy, a group of people gathered around like flies, planning to ask Qiqi's boyfriend to help arrange work.

You have to go to work without saying a few words when you just met, don't you think of yourself as an outsider?
Great-father pressed the cigarette butt in the ashtray and asked curiously:

"What job?"

"Working in the capital, in a ginkgo ecological garden, the treatment should be much better than at home."

In order to prevent her parents from refusing to go under the banner of their homeland being hard to leave, she lied again:

"I bought a house in the capital without telling you, and I have to repay more than 1 monthly mortgages. If you go to earn money, it can relieve my pressure..."

If they were under the banner of being for their parents, the old couple might not be willing to leave.

But if you want to say that the mortgage pressure is high and you want your parents to help you, then you don't have to say it. If you are a parent, you will definitely agree to it without saying a word.

Sure enough, when he heard that he had bought a house, his great-grandfather looked a little surprised, and then looked at his great-grandmother.

The couple looked at each other, Zeng Mu got up and went to the bedroom, and soon handed over a deposit:

"Why don't you discuss with us about such a big thing as buying a house? There are 27 here, and the password is the last six digits of your ID card. Take it, don't let the mortgage be overdue. You go on the fifth day of the new year, buy two more Your dad and I will also go for the ticket for the fifth day of the lunar new year, no matter what job we have, as long as we can earn money, we will not come back."

Great father nodded, then gave Qi Siming a dry laugh:

"Xiao Qi, I'm sorry, I let you watch a joke... I, I will try your handicraft, and I will be hungry for a long time when you make it."

Without outsiders, the family is easy to talk to.

Qi Siming served soup for the two old people, and while he was busy, he told about his father's experience.

He said:
"If I have the real ability, I can send him no matter Diaoyutai Yanjing Restaurant or Linji Food, but I really can't agree to it if I want to mess around. My family has already suffered a big loss, and my dad almost went to jail. But I really dare not take this kind of nepotism again."

Great father never thought that nepotism would have such consequences.

Fortunately, he didn't agree. If he had just agreed, it would be the old couple's turn to lose sleep again.

Another reason why Qi Siming didn't agree was that he didn't feel that Xiao Wu had any respect for Zeng Xiaoqi's parents after living in Zeng's house for the past few days.

I come here every day to eat and drink, or to ask for things, and take them if I don't give them. I even want to rummage through Zeng Xiaoqi's bag, but they are stopped.

It was here that it was not suitable for Qi Siming to go to his girlfriend's house for the first time.

In the capital, this rebellious young man with dyed hair and skull earrings two months ago would have swung his chair and smashed it.

What a bitch, my girlfriend's bag is something you can touch?

Zeng Xiaoqi looked at the dishes on the table and said:
"In the past, it was always teased that the leftovers of the New Year's Eve dinner would last until the third day of junior high school. I don't think this table will be finished until the fifth day of junior high school."

On the other side, Shen Jiayue, who was eating, whispered to Lin Xu:
"Xu Bao, Yan Bao just sent a message saying that she wants sister Xiaoqi's parents to work in the ginkgo garden. If you can't arrange it, she will arrange other jobs."

Ginkgo Garden is a good choice, it is not busy, and there is no need to greet and send it off.

It happened to be with Shang Weixing and his wife as companions, so that it would not be boring and lonely, and there was no one to talk to.

In fact, instead of going to the Ginkgo Garden, other places can be arranged, such as working as a cleaner in Joy Media, but this is bound to be with Zeng Xiaoqi all day long.

The big director's parents are working as cleaners in the company. It's not nice to say it, and it's not convenient for the company's management.

So relatively speaking, Ginkgo Garden is more suitable.

Zeng Xiaoqi can go there by bus when she is not busy, and the family can meet at any time, which is much better than most of the migrant workers in the capital.

Lin Xu asked curiously:
"What's the situation? Are sister Xiaoqi's parents coming to the capital to work?"

Shen Jiayue briefly explained the matter.

Upon hearing this, Lin Xu agreed:

"Okay, no problem. It just happens to be responsible for the maintenance of several small animals. Anyway, the veterinarian goes for regular physical examinations and feeds them regularly and quantitatively. It's not difficult."

Just as she was talking, Chen Meijuan walked in with her eldest aunt and second aunt carrying cooked dumplings.

"I washed the dumplings in hot water and they are not sticky. You can eat them as much as you want. If you don't have enough, cook some more. Anyway, they are wrapped in a freezer. They are definitely enough to eat."

In fact, there are already too many dishes on the table, but the dumplings should be eaten.

Lin Xu poured some persimmon vinegar on the plate in front of him, and poured two spoonfuls of chili oil on it. As soon as it was mixed, Shen Jiayue took a dumpling and dipped it bluntly:
"Wow, the hot and sour taste is so delicious!"

Lin Xu ate a dumpling stuffed with fennel, then ate a piece of hot and sour Guangdu, and then took a sip of the juice on the table. It was really pleasant.

While eating, cousin Lin Bin pointed out the window and said:

"Hey, it's snowing outside!"

Shen Guofu turned his face to look:
"Hey, the fireworks will be more beautiful later, so eat more, so as not to get cold when watching the fireworks."

Shen Jiayue said with a smile:

"I have to take a picture of Qi Qi Yanbao later. She would like to set off a cannon, but the capital city area does not allow it. Under such circumstances, she really can't justify not being angry."

If Chen Yan were here, she would definitely quarrel with this girl.

Not long after, the night fell, and Dundun, who was full of food and drink, jumped onto the window sill, quietly watching the snowflakes falling outside.

When the ground was a little white, it jumped off the window sill, came to the door, squeezed out through the gap of the cotton curtain, and went outside to play in the snow.

The little guy first went to the fish pond to have a look, then jumped onto a raised stone slab in the yard, raised his head and stuck out his tongue, trying to lick the falling snowflakes.

But every time he licked it, the snowflakes melted suddenly, which made him a little annoyed.

In the room, after Shen Guofu and others who were drinking drank the white wine in the cup, they did not continue to drink, but started to eat vegetables and dumplings.

Even though it's New Year's Eve, you can't drink too much.

And I have to watch the fireworks later, what if I stumble?
Shen Jiayue looked at her father with scrutiny:

"Stop drinking so soon, you don't fit your personality...Are you going to drink after watching the fireworks? Great, I will eat some later."

Since grandma said that she wanted to fill the poor hole, I naturally had to overfulfill the task.

Well, this is not greedy, but to contribute to the family.

Lin Hongjun said:
"If you want to drink, you can drink it later, anyway, these dishes are ready-made."

Although hot dishes can't be eaten later, stewed dishes and cold dishes are fine.

Even if you want to eat hot dishes, it's easy, just heat it up a little bit, and if it's not good enough, just ask the eldest nephew to fry two more dishes. With the chef around, you don't have to worry about appetizers.

After everyone ate and drank, they chatted around the charcoal stove for a while.

And Shen Jiayue put on a furry hat, like a reincarnated fox fairy, went out to have a snowball fight with Dundun in the snow.

But this game is boring.

Because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hit Dundun with a snowball. Instead, I slipped on the snow and fell solidly.

"Stinky, can't you let Mommy go?"

After hearing this, Dundun calmed down, pretended not to stand still, slipped, and then was hit firmly on the forehead by a small snowball.

When everyone is almost digested, the fireworks will start.

Everyone put on thick clothes, hats and gloves, and even snow boots to maintain body temperature as much as possible.

When they got to the edge of the reservoir, the three old people sat in the snack restaurant next to the water park. Looking out through the glass, the air conditioner was already turned on for heating, but it was not cold.

The young people are all outside, so the view is better and the effect of the fireworks is more prominent.

Soon, a cluster of fireworks rushed straight into the sky, and then exploded suddenly. The fragments exploded again, and the entire sky was filled with these colorful fireworks.

Unlike residential areas, there is no light pollution in scenic spots, and the surroundings are completely dark. Watching fireworks in this situation will have a much better effect.

"It's so beautiful!"

Shen Jiayue didn't expect to be so explosive at the beginning.

Dundun originally only cared about playing. When the fireworks took off, the little guy subconsciously ran into Lin Xu's arms, but when the fireworks above his head lit up, he couldn't help but raise his round head and watch the fireworks show in the sky seriously.




A series of bright lights rose high into the sky, and then exploded one after another.

Coconut trees bloomed in the sky immediately, followed by a flock of birds and flowers of various shapes, which dazzled people.

For more than an hour, the fireworks in the scenic area did not stop. From the beginning to the end, everyone was in a state of shock.

Shocked by the splendor of the fireworks and the development of technology, at the same time lamented the upgrading and innovation of fireworks technology.

It's not even a technique anymore, it's an art.

"It's really worth the money, it's really enjoyable."

Ever since fireworks and firecrackers were banned in the capital, Shen Guofu hadn't played much, and today he was thoroughly addicted.

In this scenic spot without tourists, the whole family looked at the gorgeous scenery lively and lively, feeling indescribably comfortable and comfortable.

On the other side of the capital, Chen Yan sat between Shu Yun and Dou Wenjing, while watching the short video sent by Shen Jiayue, she gritted her teeth and said:

"Next year's New Year's Eve, I also want to go out to play, and I also want to set off fireworks!"

Shu Yun said with a smile:

"You can drive to the suburbs tomorrow to release the sky monkeys. I heard that the suburbs don't care much."

"That's so boring, if you want to play, you can play the big one, otherwise it's like scratching an itch, it's not fun."

Putting away the phone, Chen Yan looked at Dou Wenjing and asked:
"Are uncles and aunts satisfied with the food here? Just order what you want to eat, the masters are all there, if you can't, just make it, no trouble."

Dou Wenjing said with a smile:

"My parents are a bit restrained. I have never had a reunion dinner with so many people... By the way, let's make two bowls of sour soup dumplings later. My parents like to eat this."

"no problem!"

Shu Yun rushed to Zhu Yong and said:
"Master Zhu, go upstairs and cook two bowls of sour soup dumplings. President Dou's parents like to eat sour soup dumplings."

Zhu Yong, who had just finished the video with Lu Lu, immediately agreed:
"Okay, I'll do it right away."

He pedaled upstairs, and Dou Wenjing's father waved his hands again and again:
"No, no, it's troublesome..."

Zhuang Yizhou smiled:

"No trouble, you two are elders, we juniors should do what we do."

Soon, two bowls of sour soup dumplings came over.

Dou Wenjing's parents held a bowl of dumplings and started eating dumplings, while the others continued to eat and chat. Although they were in a foreign country and couldn't go home for the New Year, they were not so lonely with such a group of people to accompany them.

Yinzhou, Longqi Mountain Scenic Area.

After the fireworks show, the three old people burned the kang and went back to the house to rest.

They work and rest very regularly, even if it's New Year's Eve today, they won't stay too long during the rest time.

Lin Hongjun came to the dining room, turned up the heat of the charcoal stove, and took several mouthfuls of cold tea, then looked at Shen Guofu and asked with a smile:
"The old man has gone to rest, why don't you drink some more?"

Shen Guofu reached out and grilled on the charcoal stove:

"Drink something, stay in the wind and snow for more than an hour, all the food I ate has been digested, I have to drink two more cups to warm up."

After speaking, he brought over the remaining liquor.

The hot dishes on the table have been put away, but the cold dishes and braised dishes are still there.

It was said just now that he would return for the second time, so Lin Xu didn't clean up. Seeing that several elders wanted to order more liquor, Lin Xu asked:
"Do you need to reheat the dishes?"

The elders repeatedly refused:
"No, no, these are enough."

"Yes, drinkers care more about wine than food."

"The stewed meat and cold dishes are suitable for white wine, but the hot dishes are almost meaningless."

"Indeed, hot dishes are suitable for cold beer, not liquor."

Several not only like to drink, but also have a bunch of theories.

Lin Xu saw that he didn't need to do it himself, so he didn't participate any more. Instead, he sat in front of the charcoal stove and touched the sweet potatoes that were placed by the stove while watching the fireworks.

Finding that it was completely baked, he peeled off the outer skin and handed it to Shen Jiayue:

"Baby, try the baked sweet potato."

Shen Jiayue didn't answer, but took a bite, and continued:

"Xu Bao, I'm a little hungry too."

Although this girl ate a lot, after eating, she played with Dundun outside in the snow and watched the fireworks show for more than an hour, and she had already digested most of what she ate.

So seeing Lao Shen and the others drinking now, this girl also plans to eat some.

Lin Xu handed over the sweet potatoes:
"Isn't it okay to eat sweet potatoes?"

"Well... this is not easy to digest, let's forget it."

Lin Xu finished eating the remaining sweet potatoes, got up and said:
"Then I'll go to the kitchen to see if there's anything to eat and make something for you."

After hearing about the food, Chen Yuanyuan, who was grabbing red envelopes in the group, also got up and followed.

When he came to the kitchen, Lin Xu saw that there were unfinished dumplings cooked today in the cold dish cabinet, and there were still many hot dishes, but they were all cold now.

"What to eat? Heat up the dishes or eat dumplings?"

Shen Jiayue took a look and finally chose the dumplings:
"Let's eat dumplings, sister Yuanyuan, what do you want to eat?"

"Dumplings, I just dealt with two mouthfuls and went to sleep. After watching the fireworks for more than an hour, I missed countless red envelopes, and I have to climb the stairs to order them one by one later."

Seeing that both of them chose dumplings, Lin Xu brought out the leftover dumplings, put the pan on the stove, and added a little cooked peanut oil to the bottom of the pan.

Then use chopsticks to place the cooled dumplings one by one.

No matter boiled or steamed, the taste of the leftover dumplings will be much worse, and they may even become mushy. The only option is to fry them.

Heat the dumplings by frying, and at the same time, fry the soft and rotten dumpling skin on the outside until it is golden in color and crispy in taste.

Only such dumplings can be reborn.

"Ha, I want to go with you, I just want to eat fried dumplings."

Shen Jiayue leaned over, listened to the sound of sizzling in the pot, watched the dumplings gradually change from white to brown, and her appetite was also mobilized.

I just watched my dad and the others eat, and I was a little greedy.

But now, he was really hungry.

Don't worry about frying the dumplings. Use a low heat to fry the dumplings, slowly fry one side of the dumplings to yellow, then turn over and start frying the other side.

Fry the entire dumpling skin until it turns golden, and the delicious fried dumplings are ready to be cooked.

Lin Xu put the pot of dumplings on a plate, handed them to Shen Jiayue and Chen Yuanyuan, and then started frying the next pot.

While busy, Han Shuzhen walked in, smelling the aroma of dumplings, her appetite was also whetted, she picked up a pair of clean chopsticks, picked up a dumpling from Shen Jiayue's plate, and tasted it:

"Well, it's fragrant and crispy. These dumplings are really delicious after being fried."

Shen Jiayue said:
"It's really delicious, but it's a bit greasy if you eat too much, Xu Bao, what do you think is better to eat with it?"

Lin Xu replied while busy:
"Just dip it in vinegar. If you want something spicy, put some mashed garlic in the vinegar. If you think of fried dumplings as fried sausages, you'll know what to dip them in."

Shen Jiayue's eyes lit up, and she immediately put down the plate.

She brought a clean mineral water bottle, and took out some unused garlic from the refrigerator, rinsed it, stuffed it into the mineral water bottle, added a little salt, tightened the lid, and "clang, bang, bang" on the chopping board. fall up.

The garlic grains in the bottle were quickly smashed to pieces in the collision. In less than 2 minutes, the garlic grains turned into garlic paste.

Pour some persimmon vinegar into it, shake it a few times, then pour it into a bowl, and a simple garlic vinegar is ready.

Han Shuzhen looked at her daughter in surprise:

"That's okay too? Who did you learn the trick from?"

"I read it online, but I didn't expect it to be really useful. Sister Yuanyuan, come and taste the garlic vinegar I made to see if it tastes good."

Chen Yuanyuan originally planned to eat a few dumplings and then go back to grab the red envelopes, but when she picked up the fried dumplings and dipped them in vinegar full of garlic, she immediately fell in love with the taste.

"It's delicious, it just relieves the greasy fried dumplings."

Lin Xu fried all the dumplings and brought them to the restaurant on a tray. Chen Meijuan and others who were chatting around the charcoal stove were also attracted to them, and they all picked up their chopsticks and began to taste.

Shen Jiayue sat down next to Lin Xu, and asked in a low voice:

"Xubao, tomorrow is the first day of the new year, what are we going to do?"

Lin Xu thought for a while and said:
"Climb the mountain tomorrow morning, go to the temple on the top of the mountain to burn incense, and pray that everything goes well for our family next year."

The burning of incense was originally handled by Mrs. Lin, but when it snowed, the elderly could not climb the mountain, so young people could only do it for them.

When Shen Jiayue heard about climbing the mountain, she immediately raised her hands in approval:
"Okay, okay, it's just a matter of exercising, and eat more after going down the mountain."

When Dundun, who was sharpening his claws, heard this, his bronze eyes suddenly brightened.

climb mountains?

That meow is going too!

I have always thought that it is a good thing to fry a dumpling in the middle of the night.This chapter is 5200 words, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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