Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 73 I want to open a shop!

Chapter 73 I want to open a shop!
Ji Feiyun pouted aggrievedly and said, "I want to open a shop."

Ji Feixue patted her head. "You get up before dawn and come home after dark. We love you. You can't take it. We can fix it here. Then you can sleep in."

I got fired for sleeping in!The baby is not happy.

When Ji Feixue thought of her sister getting up early to work overtime in order to support the family, she felt ashamed and couldn't bear it.She wants to make it up to her as much as possible. "After the summer vacation, will you still come to the store to help every day?"

This is not what a few people think.Even my parents had already planned it out.No matter how hard or tired the family is, Feiyun will not be tired.

Ji Feiyun knew that what he said was useless.They collaborated to get her tickets out.

On the way, she suddenly asked: "Sister, do you like Yongpeng?"

Ji Feixue fell in love at this age.She knows that there are many kinds of liking, but she doesn't know which kind she likes in her sister's eyes, "What?"

Ji Feiyun thought: "Do you want to marry Yongpeng?"

"Pfft..." Ji Feixue laughed loudly, pulling at her stupid hair, "My little Feiyun, what are you thinking?" What is the relationship between our family and him?You do not know.The second and fourth who can't play with him?Do you think I like him if I approach him? "

Ji Feiyun listened to the gossip of the men and women in the scenic spot, and asked in amazement: "Last time Zhou Xingmin solved the siege for you. Don't you fall in love at first sight?"

"Oh, you know, it's love at first sight." Ji Feixue said in surprise, "Who taught this word?"

Ji Feiyun: "..." My sister doesn't like it.

Ji Feixue sighed under her reminder: "Feiyun, I don't think it's good to get married. What I want to do now is to make a lot of money, and then take you to the outside world." She said, whether it's a provincial capital or an imperial city Either way, the best hospital and the best doctor must cure Feiyun's illness.

Ever since Ji Feixue saw what happened to her eldest sister, she never thought about getting married.I think my sister loved Feiyun very much at first, but when she opened the door, she looked down on her husband's family and broke contact with her back.

She didn't want to be unrecognizable because of a man.

When they get home in the dark, they know their siblings can carry the store.The husband and wife were too happy to keep their mouths shut. "There are half of Feiyun in this store. You three should pay close attention. Make desserts for the guests with your heart."

They naturally felt that Ji Feiyun should enjoy peace and happiness at home on the basis of the suffering of his brothers and sisters.

Gao Lanxiang poked her head out eagerly, "Why hasn't Nan Yongpeng come back yet?"

"During this time, he was busy with his business. He fell behind in his studies. He had to make up as soon as possible before he skipped class."

"If you don't reincarnate as soon as possible, what are you doing?" When her husband was not working, Gao Lanxiang pulled Ji Feixue aside and said to her, "Nan Yongpeng is smart enough. It is not urgent to skip a grade. From now on, you Yongpeng will mention Feiyun more in front of him."

Ji Feixue was shocked and said, "Mom, are you crazy? Now is a new society where love and marriage are free. Don't do this. It's illegal."

Gao Lanxiang didn't like to hear this.

"You just had your wings stiff for two days, how dare you teach your mother a lesson?" Gao Lanxiang froze for a moment, "Feiyun's situation is not special. I have to prepare for her earlier."

Ji Feixue understood her worry, "Don't say that Feiyun is still young." Even if you grow old with your father, I will take care of Feiyun. "

"You take care of the fart!" Gao Lanxiang's temper immediately came, "If you are as blind as the eldest sister, don't take care of it, and you can't throw Feiyun into the river. Besides, we are all touched by Feiyun now It's all gone. Feiyun is raising you. Can you afford her?"

When mentioning eldest sister, Ji Feixue lowered her head and said nothing.

"You are just like your father, you can't turn your head." Gao Lanxiang thought her second daughter was stupid. "I don't know that it's a new society now. It's good for you to talk more about Feiyun in front of Nan Yongpeng. If there are vixen who covet Nan Yongpeng, you must find a way to drive them away and give this pit to your sister. "

Ji Feixue: "..."

However, Ji Feixue could not resist her mother's strength.Ji Feixue can only obey the public or disobey the public, "OK."

Lying on the bed at night, she suddenly remembered what Feiyun asked on Lulu.After Tian Weidong, she won't see Nan Yongpeng again, right?

But how old she is, she is not stupid anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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