Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 74 Do You Like Nan Yongpeng?

Chapter 74 Do You Like Nan Yongpeng?
"Feiyun, do you like Nan Yongpeng?" she asked.

Ji Feiyun said seriously, "I don't like it!"

"Why?" I often see her pestering Nam Yongpeng.

"He crossed the river, tore down the bridge, and killed the donkey."

Ji Feixue: "..." Who taught this?At what age do children know the meaning of this sentence?

She asked another way: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"I want to make a lot of money."

"and then?"

"Let it be."

Ji Feixue thought this was just dawdling, "We live with our dreams."

Ji Feiyun wanted to say that her dream was to become a human being, and now she has come true.

It's strange to say that when I was building a tree, I often fell asleep and was woken up by the bells in the temple, but now I have something to do.

Just after dawn, Ji Feixue got up and left.Ji Feiyun woke up, but pretended to be sound asleep.

When Ji Feiyun woke up in the morning, he didn't even see Laifu.Bored, Ji Feiyun had no choice but to play with chickens and ducks in the yard.

Fortunately, Laifu came back soon, but I don't know who hit it, and Laifu's front foot was limped.

Laifu filed a complaint barking, asking Ji Feiyun to find a place for it.

Just as Ji Feiyun was about to take action, the gate of the yard was kicked open with a bang.

The black-headed and black-faced Ji Xiangling walked in and shouted angrily: "Ji Feiyun, call out your little wild species!"

"Mom, who are you scolding?" Ji Shuxing suddenly became angry, "Come here every day to scold the bastard. I gave you two catties of pork, and you won't recognize anyone after wiping your mouth?"

"I have to scold her for being too wild today." Ji Xiangling yelled: "The black-hearted little bastard dares to kill people. If Xiaohong Xiaotian has something good or bad, see if I don't kill her."

"You might as well kill me first. I just gave you my life back. In this life, my wife and I won't owe you any more." Since the last pork delivery, Ji Shuxing has completely lost confidence in his mother.Now he just wants to protect his family, "You made it very clear today that Feiyun didn't even come out. Why did you hurt Feitian and Erhong?"

On Saturday, I saw Laifu grinning in the corner, so I picked up a broom and chased him, cursing non-stop.

Ji Feiyun remained silent, but after Ji Xiangling's reprimand, she finally figured out what happened.

Laifu picked up a fish from somewhere in the morning.On the way back, Ji Erhong and Ji Feitian saw it and immediately became greedy.

They stoned dogs and plundered fish to roast.Unexpectedly, they soon had a stomachache.Ji Xiangling suspects that Ji Feiyun deliberately harms others, and asks Laifu to use dead fish and rotten shrimps to hurt the second family.

This is a human mouth with two skins.You can say that anyway.

Ji Feiyun refused to admit that he had the ability to confuse black and white, so he followed the old woman's orders.

Gao Lanxiang was still working in the fields.On the way back, she heard Ji Xiangling cursing, and was so angry that she ran back with a hoe.

Knowing that Ji Xiangling was shameless, she immediately scolded: "Dogs are animals, and it's normal to pick up dead fish and shrimp from the river. What you catch from a dog's mouth is not even as good as an animal. Why don't you eat yourself? You And ran to the door with the cheek.”

"Woooooo..." Laifu limped forward and complained to Gao Lanxiang with tears that it was Ji Erhong who hit her with a stone.

Gao Lanxiang was even more furious.She picked up the broom and greeted Ji Xiangling.Her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law soon got into a fight, blaming each other.

"There are more than two catties of grass carp in the river. It is your family who lost their conscience and intentionally hurt the second family."

Ever since Tian Weidong and Xu Qingqing were caught in the north, the village has been preaching that Laifu has become an elite dog.It was specially trained by the Ji family to catch traitors.The legend is getting more and more magical.

When the children came back from picking up the fish, Ji Xiangling praised them for their strength.The fish in the river can be distinguished from the domestic fish at a glance.She is still complacent.Finally, she found evidence that the boss' dog had stolen the fish, and she wanted to catch the current one.However, the child had an accident first.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quarreled.Ji Shuxing tried his best to stop him.Before pulling them away, the gate of the yard was kicked open again.

(End of this chapter)

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