Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 84 I Can Borrow Money!

Chapter 84 I Can Borrow Money!
Nan Yongpeng did not speak.Ji Feiyun watched closely.She changed the lock on the villa door.In this way, Uncle Gao will find her when he takes people to see the house, and then he can inquire about the situation of the enemy.

Seeing Ji Feiyun's strange appearance, Nan Yongpeng was speechless for a moment.

At noon the next day, Uncle Gao brought someone to look at the house.Nan Yongpeng thought that the guests were not interested in the wasteland, only in the villa, and they were willing to pay 15 yuan.

In the next few days, it happened several times in succession, and the situation was almost the same.Uncle Gao gradually became worried.Before leaving, he asked Ji Feiyun: "Have you found a good house yet?"

"I'm almost done. I'm still talking about the price." Ji Feiyun said calmly, "Don't worry, Uncle Gao, we'll move in a few days."

Uncle Gao didn't say anything, but he was obviously more anxious.

In the evening, he came again: "Xiao Nan, my son is in a hurry. Do you really only have 2000 yuan?"

Nan Yongpeng looked confused, "To tell you the truth, Uncle Gao, I only have 1000 yuan in my hand. Even if you agree to 2000 yuan, I have to find a way to borrow it again. I can borrow money!"

"Such a beautiful house." Uncle Gao was distressed, "If you want it, you can borrow another 1000 yuan, and I can't make you lose money."

Nan Yongpeng said he was not sure if he could borrow it.Ji Feiyun sat down and said: "Uncle Gao, this is our limit. This house is indeed very good, but if we can rent it out, we will not bargain. This house was built by you, and you Hope to find a good owner for it, don't you?"

Uncle Gao thought over and over again, gritted his teeth, and retreated to two thousand two.

Nan Yongpeng looked at Ji Feiyun, agreed to go out to borrow money and asked him to wait.

They have discussed it.Except for Li Pingan, they didn't know other rich people, so they went directly to Li Pingan's house.

Li Pingan was surprised to learn that he wanted to borrow 1000 yuan.

Ji Feiyun knew his worries. "Don't worry, uncle. The store's monthly income of five or six hundred yuan can be paid off in two or three months."

Ji Feiyun was afraid that he would disapprove, so he said: "I will find rare goods for you in the future. I will find what you want."

Li Pingan teased her: "I want elixir?"

"Then I'll dig Qin Shihuang's tomb and get you his elixir."

Li Pingan smiled, "As long as you are there, movies will make me happy."

Estimating the income of the Lvyuan store, Li Pingan happily took out 1000 yuan.

Nan Yongpeng was also unequivocal and gave him an IOU.

The deposit and income of the two companies are both 400 yuan.With the help of loans and sponsorships, after deducting this deal, there is 200 yuan left.

Knowing the existence of minefields, Ji Feiyun figured out the clauses to avoid in advance, and asked Nan Yongpeng to write all these clauses in the contract, sign it in black and white, and then go to the relevant department for notarization.

I don't know that Ji Feiyun is a big shot, but he holds the contract like a child.When she succeeds, she exposes her adultery, "The kid is going to get rich!"

Nan Yongpeng: "..."

Ji Feiyun was very happy, but the three brothers and sisters almost peed their pants in fright.They finally paid off their debts.Who knows they owe more now.

Feiyun was too brave to discuss it with his family.Buying a house and land is like buying vegetables.

Nan Yongpeng also indulged her and let her fool around.Alas... If I say too much, I will cry.

Ji Feixue is burdened with heavy debts and is under a lot of pressure.Feiyun is not here these days.I didn't know that store had a drop in business.

Fried noodles and pork skin jelly are simple snacks.Practice makes perfect.The level of other stores has caught up.

During the school holidays on Sunday, few people come to the market early.Occasionally, one or two customers come and are attracted by the surrounding restaurants.It is not those old customers who rush to the market.They don't know who is delicious.Naturally, they're looking for something cheaper than here.

(End of this chapter)

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